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(Everyone) Good afternoon, everyone we are the “Jazzers”!

(Adriel) for today we are going to report about North America and Oceania

(Josh) its music, History, geography, language, religion and many more

(Kent) so get your pens and notebooks and get ready to learn about,

(everyone) North America and Oceania

(Adriel) The North American map illustrates the continent's vast expanse, bordered by the Arctic,
Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans, as well as South America. It features diverse landscapes including plains,
mountains, forests, and deserts. Countries like the United States, Canada, and Mexico, along with
smaller nations, populate the region. Notable features include the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains,
Mississippi River, and Great Lakes. Culturally rich and economically diverse, North America reflects a
blend of indigenous heritage, European colonization, and global immigration.

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