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Abuse (Overcoming Abuse)

I am loved
» I have a positive outlook on life
» I am free from blame
» I forgive myself and others
» I see the good in life
» I see the good in other people
» I release anger and hate
» I live in harmony
» I am worthy of love
» I believe in myself
» Forgiving allows me to be free
» I am emotionally and mentally strong
» I have sky high self esteem
» I let go of all hate, bitterness and anger
» I am a beautiful person inside and out
» I am free of fear
» I am free of guilt

Addiction Free
» I decide to change my life
» I am stronger than any habit
» I release my addiction now
» Divine light heals me now
» I am addiction free
» I am in control
» My thoughts are clear
» My faith heals me now
» my willpower is strong
» I have the power to quit
» Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better
» I am the master of my mind and body
» My faith releases me from my addiction
» I succeed in my effort to quit
» I am grateful that I am now free
» I hold The Power

Alcohol Free
» I am thankful for my sobriety
» My mornings are free and beautiful
» I joyfully say no
» I choose to be healthy
» I let my body heal
» I am clean and sober
» I am in control
» I surrender to my higher power
» I have the willpower to quit
» I honor my body
» I succeed in my effort to quit
» My faith heals me now
» I am stronger than any habit
» I am alcohol free
» My will is powerful
» My thoughts are clear
» I take one successful day at a time
» I control my destiny
» I have a positive mindset

Allergy Free
» I enjoy being free of allergies
» I breathe clearly
» My head is clear
» My nose is free
» I breathe easily
» I am healthy
» My immune system is strong
» My body energies are balanced
» I sleep well
» My eyes are clear
» A healthy body is my birth right
» My eyes are healthy
» every day, in every way, I'm getting better
and better

Arthritis Relief
» My bones are strong and healthy
» My joints are pain free
» Inflammation is leaving my body
» I ask God to help me heal
» I visualize strong and healthy joints
» My body moves with fluidity
» I am thankful for my healthy joints
» My body regenerates efficiently
» My spine is strong and limber
» My fingers and joints move freely and easily
» My body now adapts well in all weather
» I have a strong immune system
» I eat a healthy and balanced diet
» I do proper exercise that helps my joints
» Healing energy flows through my body
» My immune system is strong and healthy
» My body is pain free
» I am grateful for my healing
» Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and

Assertiveness (Developing Assertiveness)
» I am assertive
» I am self-confident
» I am sure of myself
» I state my opinion
» I am a leader
» I am mentally strong
» I have courage
» I take action
» I take control
» Each day I become more assertive
» I speak the truth with sincerity
» I mean what I say
» I stand up for my rights
» I ask questions and make statements

Business Success -- Manifesting Money
» Unlimited income flows in my life
» I give thanks for all the money I have
» I enjoy the overflowing abundance in my life
» I am grateful for all the good in my life
» I am grateful for all my paid vacations
» I am a money magnet
» Everything I touch turns to gold
» I make more and more money each year
» Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
» I earn great money doing what I enjoy
» I give and receive money with joy
» I prosper with everyone I touch
» I am open to giving to others

Business Success---Creating a
Multi-Millionaire Mindset
» I am a leader
» I think and dream BIG
» I see opportunities in life
» I am dedicated to creating wealth
» I know what I want
» I take calculated risks
» I am a multi-millionaire
» I make millions easily
» I play to win
» My mind is strong and powerful
» I admire abilities in others
» I am bigger than any problems
» I think like a multi-millionaire
» I am generous
» I achieve my goals
» I am success orientated
» I have the power to succeed
» I am focused
» I invest well
» I celebrate my success
» I accept and expect wealth

Business Success---Creating Luck
» I am always in the right place at the right
» I expect the best and I get it NOW!
» At every turn, opportunity appears before me
» I celebrate my continuing good fortune
» I always get everything that is for my highest
» Everything good is coming to me effortlessly
» You are divinely guided in all you do
» Life gives me what is best for me
» I deserve the best and it comes to me NOW!
» This is a rich universe and there is plenty for
» I expect good fortune every moment of my life
» I am open to receive the abundance of life
» I envision only that which is for my highest
» My highest good is manifesting in my life

Business Success---Creating Your Destiny
» I am happy, successful, and fulfilled
» I deserve to be prosperous and successful
» Success is my birthright and I accept it now
» I am successful in all areas of my life
» I am successful
» I am the creator of my experience
» I was born to be successful in life
» I create my destiny
» I give thanks and am grateful for my success
» Success comes to me in unexpected ways
» I am open to success
» I expect success
» My economy depends on me
» My will creates my future
» I create my life with my vision
» I am the master of my destiny
» I set my intention and life responds
» I accept and deserve success
» I achieve my goals and live my dreams
» I know what I want; I ask for it and receive it
» Only I hold the key to my destiny
» My goals come to fruition
» I create markets

Cancer Free
» My cells are cancer free
» I release all sickness in my body
» My cells absorb healing energy and love
» Forgiveness sets me free and allows me to
» I let the power of love heal me
» I am blessed with strength and wholeness
» My cells absorb light and love
» I am the source of my health
» I continue to receive healing power
» Healing energy courses through my body
» I release my fear of letting go
» I acknowledge my letting go
» My cells absorb nourishment
» The light is always with me
» I forgive myself
» I put total trust in the healing power of love
» I see love all around me
» Divine Light heals me now
» I deserve to be healthy
» I now reclaim my life
» I am blessed with health
» I give my body full permission to heal
» I am a magnificent, radiant being
» Each day, in every way, I am getting better
and better
» My spirit can never be taken from me
» I no longer have to struggle
» I live a life style that is healthy
» I am whole and well
» I am the healing force
» I am in charge of my body and my mind
» You continue to receive healing energy
» I let go of all negative ideas about my body
» I am deeply loved and cherished always
» My treatment is effective
» I am the healing power of love
» I receive perfect health into my physical body
» The root cause of my pain heals now
» Good health and I are one
» My immune system is strong and healthy
» My healthy cells produce a healthy body
» My body is cancer free
» My cells are vibrant and healthy

Change (Adapting to Change)
» I flow with life easily and effortlessly
» I am flexible and flowing
» Change is exciting
» I am open to infinite possibilities
» I accept life as dynamic and fun
» Every moment presents a wonderful new
» I am to the new and changing
» I love living my life
» I am happy and stress free
» I master the changes in my life
» I adapt well to changes in my life
» Change is growth
» Change allows me to experience my true
» Change is a wonderful learning experience
» Change helps me grow
» Life is an adventure

Charisma (Developing Charisma)
» People like me
» I am charming
» I get along well with others
» I have personal magnetism
» My personality is appealing
» I have a pleasing personality
» I am fun
» People find me fascinating
» Others are attracted to me
» I am likeable
» I am charismatic
» I am upbeat
» I am passionate
» I connect with others easily
» My charming personality draws others to me
» I have value driven visions

Clear Skin
» My skin is clear
» My skin is radiant
» My skin is healthy
» I have vibrant skin
» You have blemish free skin
» My skin is smooth and soft
» My skin is elastic
» Each day my skin becomes more clear
» I am blessed with healthy skin
» My skin is becoming clearer and clearer each
» I have clean, clear, healthy skin
» I drink water often

Communication Skills
» I am a great communicator
» I am clear and concise in my
» I communicate well
» my communication skills improve everyday
» I am comfortable speaking to others
» I interact well with others
» I say what I mean
» I am assertive
» I am sincere in my communication with
» I am a good listener
» I am articulate
» I have good pronunciation
» I am quick to respond
» My body language matches my words

» I am loving and compassionate to myself and
» I am giving and compassionate
» I am sensitive to the needs of others
» I care about others
» I am giving and compassionate
» I have a loving heart
» I am compassionate and understanding
» I am always compassionate and loving with
» I am gentle with myself and others
» I treat myself with care and compassion
» I am sensitive to others
» I am respectful of others
» I exude kindness and compassion
» I am joyful, peaceful, and loving
» I am considerate of others

» I am confident and charming
» I radiate confidence and relaxation
» I start great conversations effortlessly
» I approve of myself and feel great about
» I have unshakeable confidence in myself
» I believe in myself
» I have complete confidence in myself
» You look people in the eyes
» I am totally confident in everything I do
» I can accomplish anything I set my mind to
» I achieve success in whatever I do
» I am a winner
» I have a positive outlook on life
» I am totally confident
» I live life with passion

Confidence---Self-Esteem and Self-love
» I have sky-high self-esteem
» I believe in myself
» You have a positive outlook on life
» I am self-confident
» I am a high achiever
» I can do anything I set my mind to
» I am worthy
» I love myself
» I live each day with passion
» You are Awesome
» I can achieve anything
» I approve of myself and feel great
» What I believe in I achieve
» I value myself
» I deserve to be happy
» I look people in the eyes
» I am a worthwhile person
» I am worth all my hearts desires

Consciousness Expansion
» My mind is open and expansive
» I am connected to infinite intelligence
» I perceive more
» I am in touch with my intuition
» My consciousness is flexible and ever
» I remember my dreams
» I am connected to my inner being
» I hear the whispers of my soul
» I am intuitive
» My inner being guides me perfectly
» I see reality in new ways
» I am one with the Universal Mind
» I meditate often
» My mind is open to new possibilities
» I am mindful


» I am courageous
» I am strong, bold and confident
» I am fearless
» I am a winner
» I am self confident
» I am powerful
» I take decisive action
» I allow myself courage and strength to move
» I profess courage and I act accordingly
» I have courage to do the right things
» have the courage to build my own path
» I am strong and bold enough to face any
» I have the faith and courage to pursue my
» Each day I become more courageous
» I take action in the face of fear
» I am loving

» I remember my dreams easily
» My dreams guide me in the right direction
» my dreams give you guidance
» My dreams heal me
» I keep a dream journal
» My dreams have deep spiritual meaning and
» I use my dreams to manifest my desires
» Infinite intelligence speaks to me through my
» Angels visit me in my dreams and guide me
» I benefit from the guidance of my dreams
» My dreams give me inspiration and guidance
» My sleep is filled with positive guidance
» My dreams are uplifting, spiritual and
» Dreams answer many of my questions
» I remember dreams upon awakening

Dreams (Lucid)
» I am awaken within my dreams
» My waking consciousness goes with me into
my dreams
» I am consciously aware of my dreams
» Lucid dreaming is easy for me
» When I dream, I am aware I am dreaming
» I remember my lucid dreams
» I have lucid dreams often
» I have the power to control my dreams
» I do reality checks while dreaming
» I notice the dream signs that help me
become lucid
» I become consciously aware of odd
occurrences in dreams
» I am determined but detached while
» My dream intention is strong
» I remember your dreams easily
» I visualize becoming lucid in my dreams
» Tonight I will recognize that I am dreaming
» Tonight I will have a lucid dream
» I have a greater awareness of reality
» I recognize I am dreaming while dreaming
» My dream triggers help me become lucid
» I remain emotionally calm when dreaming
» I check to see if I am really awake often
» I know the difference between reality and
» I do reality checks often
» I keep a dream journal
» You have the ability to lucid dream at will
» I am the master of my dreams
» I am persistent with my dreaming skills
» I am a master at the art of lucid dreams

Emotional Control (Master Emotions)
» I am the master of my emotions
» I can relax under stress
» I take time out to think when angry
» I relax and think when my emotions build-up
» There is nothing I cannot handle well
» I deserve to take it easy
» I release negative emotions now
» I think wisely
» I am more in control each day
» You have peace of mind
» I have a strong mind
» I create thoughts that bring me peace
» Negative words no longer affect me
» I have a high state of tolerance
» I am in control
» I am a positive person
» I fill my mind with beautiful thoughts
» I think positive
» I am the creator of my experience
» I am in control of my mind
» I handle whatever comes well
» I focus on peaceful thoughts

» I am full of energy
» I have stamina
» I am energetic and vibrant
» Powerful energy surges through my body
» My body is full of prana
» I eat heathly foods
» I am ready for anything
» I feel energized and healthy
» My mind and body are healthy
» I feel 10 years younger
» My life force is strong

» You love to exercise
» I exercise more and more each week
» Exercise makes me feel great
» I find time to exercise
» Exercise gives me lots of energy
» I am a perfect example of health
» my fitness routine is enjoyable
» I feel healthier and healthier each day
» My body is strong and toned
» My exercise routine yields excellent results
» I exercise and it shows
» I exercise regularly
» Exercise makes me healthy
» Exercise revitalizes me

» I AM devoted to God
» God is the source of all my good
» I see love of God in all things
» I AM Blessed
» The "I AM" presence within me is God's love
» My Faith moves mountains
» God has Faith in me, and I in Him
» My Faith is the foundation of my Life
» I live my Life according to my Faith
» I AM faithful to myself and others
» I have faith in God
» God is my friend
» I let faith lead, clarity is my guide
» Faith is the cornerstone of my Life
» My Faith guides me
» I am grateful for my relationship with God
» God watches over me and protects me

Fear (Overcoming Fear)
» I am courageous
» I am the master of my emotions
» I have faith in myself and my abilities
» Infinite intelligence protects me always
» I release fear and affirm trust
» I conquer my fears
» I am safe within myself
» I am free of fear
» I am in control and relaxed
» I have peace of mind
» I live in harmony
» I have high self esteem
» I am confident
» I am safe and secure
» There is nothing to fear
» I can do anything
» I turn worry and fear into knowing trust
» I realize and overcome the root cause of my
» Everything is OK

Feeling Great
» My life is blissful and full of energy
» I feel fantastic
» My belief in me is creating miracles in my life
» I now feel happy and blissful just being alive
» Don't worry, be happy :)
» I welcome joy into my life
» I feel good about myself
» I follow my bliss
» I look forward to everyday
» I am open to feeling great
» I am a miracle
» I am positive
» I am happy
» I love to laugh
» living is wonderful
» I love life
» I have fun
» I have a wonderful smile

Firm and Tone Body
» My body is firm and tone
» I exercise regularly
» I eat healthy foods that are good for my body
» My body metabolizes fat quickly
» I acheive my exercise goals
» Cellulite vanishes from my body
» Excess fat disappears and melts from my
» My metabolism burns excess fat
» I am fit and trim
» It feels good to have a firm body
» I enjoy being fit and toned
» I love being an inspiration to others
» I love how I feel after exercise
» I notice positive changes in my body
» I am fit in body and mind
» I have a positive self image

» As I forgive, I am forgiven
» I forgive myself totally and completely
» I forgive freely
» I forgive everything and everyone
» As I forgive, I see the truth
» I let go of all hate, bitterness and anger
» I forgive myself for past errors
» I forgive and am forgiven
» The past has no power over me
» Forgiving allows me to be free
» I now release my past from my mind
» I release all others and am now free
» I forgive myself and others
» Forgiveness sets me free

Friendships (Creating Friendships)
» I create lasting friendships
» I am blessed with many friends
» I meet people easily
» I get along with others
» Good people come into my life
» I have many best friends
» I am a loyal friend
» I treat others the way I want to be treated
» I keep in touch with all my friends
»I have a network of friends
» I love to socialize
» I attract fun people
» I am friendly

Gambling Free
» I am in control
» I am the master of my mind
» I am grateful to be free of gambling
» I control your impulses
» I make wise decisions
» I am addiction free
» I now take control of my life
» I am stronger than any habit
» I have the power to quit
» My will power is strong
» My faith releases me from my addiction
» I succeed in my effort to quit
» I release my addiction now
» My faith heals me now
» I think things over and exercise discretion
» I believe in and accept counseling
» I control my emotions

» I achieve my goals
» I am goal orientated
» I achieve my goals
» I am goal orientated
» I manifest my desires
» My goals and I are one
» I achieve what I set out to accomplish
» I am goal orientated
» I associate with positive people
» What I imagine I can do I can do.
» I visualize what I want
» Your goals come to fruition
» I set definite goals and achieve results
» I am guided by infinite wisdom

» I am grateful for all the good in my life
» I am grateful for being alive
» You see the good in life
» I give thanks for all I have
» Good things come to me because I am
» My daily attitude is one of gratitude
» I feel grateful each morning
» You have a grateful heart
» I am sincerely thankful for all that is good
» I appreciate what I have
» Each day I am more grateful
» I give thanks for all good things
» I give thanks often
» I am grateful for my wonderful life
» I accept the gifts at hand
» I find the gift in every experience

» my cells vibrate with health and energy
» Divine Light heals me now
» I am a healing force
» Thank you God for my healing
» I am blessed with strength and wholeness
» I have instant access to Gods Healing Power
» I am blessed with health
» Gods love flows through me and heals me
» I am healed
» I grow stronger and healthier each day
» I let the power of love heal me
» My body feels better and better
» I deserve to be healed
» I deserve to be perfect and well
» The light is always with me
» I receive health
» I will heal now
» I release my struggle and receive healing
» Health and Happiness are my birthright
» By the Hand of God I am healed
» I am well
» My mind expects and accepts health

Health--Mind and Body
» I am healthy whole and complete
» my body and mind are healthy and perfect
» I am grateful for perfect health
» I am strong, happy and healthy
» My health improves every day in every way
» I have a healthy lifestyle
» I am a healthy person
» I heal in my sleep
» I choose health
» My body heals quickly and easily
» I give thanks for abundant health
» I visualize myself as healthy
» I was born to be healthy
» I am whole and healthy
» Every day, in every way, I’m getting better
and better

Health--Release Physical Pain
» I am strong, healthy and pain free
» Each day I become more and more pain free
» My body heals while I sleep
» I release any pain in my life NOW
» My wonderful mind heals my body
» I can feel my body becoming stronger
» I am grateful for my healing
» Divine light heals me now
» I am strong: physically, emotionally and
» The root cause of my pain heals now
» I am healthy, healed and whole
» Every cell in my body vibrates with health
» This too will pass
» I know that my healing is already in process
» my body heals quickly and easily
» I am pain free

Health--Releasing the Past
» I move forward in life happily
» I move forward towards greater good
» I let go of the past
» I am thankful for my wonderful future
» I forgive and forget
» I find closure and move on with my life
» I look to a better future
» My future is brighter than ever
» I AM the master of my destiny
» The past has no power over me
» I now release old hurt
» I now release anger and resentment
» I forgive myself and others
» I gracefully release my past

Healthy Back
» my back is strong
» My back is healthy
» My back is pain free
» I wake up with a strong and healthy back
» Divine Light heals my back now
» My back heals now
» my back feels wonderful
» My back is flexible
» I give thanks for my healthy back
» My back feels great
» I have great posture
» You are pain free
» My Back is strong and healthy
» My back gets better and better each day
» A healthy body and back is my birth right
» I have good posture habits
» I release stress and tension
» my back muscles are healed
» I love how wonderful and strong my back

Healthy Heart
» my heart has a strong and steady beat
» My heart is steadfast and strong
» I have a healthy heart
» I honor my body
» I have a healthy lifestyle
» I bless my heart and give thanks for its life
sustaining beat
» I let my heart fill with love
» I eat nutritional and balanced foods
» Year after year, my heart continues its vital
» I maintain a healthy weight
» I eat a heart-healthy diet
» I eat foods low in fat, cholesterol, and salt

» I am truthful
» I am living life with honesty
» I express myself clearly and honestly
» My actions and thoughts are sincere
» I am honest and caring
» I am sincere
» Honesty is the best policy
» I am honorable
» I have integrity
» I am forthright
» I am open and honest with others
» People are open and honest with me

» I make others laugh easily
» I am a delightful happy person
» I love to make people laugh
» I am the life of the party
» My sense of humor is contagious
» I tell jokes easily
» I deliver a great punch-line
» I am surrounded by happiness and laughter
» People find me amusing and funny
» I am a comedian
» I have a razor sharp wit
» I see the humor in life
» Life is fun
» I can laugh at myself

Immune System (Strong and Healthy Immune System)

» My immune system is strong and healthy

» My cells produce a healthy body
» I recover and heal quickly
» I enjoy optimal health
» All disease is leaving my body
» I exercise regularly
» I have a healthy well balanced diet
» Toxins are leaving my body
» I get plenty of rest
» Your body effectively creates needed
» I take good care of myself
» I very rarely get sick and recover quickly

Influence People/Win Friends
» I respect other people’s opinions
» I am a good listener
» I am sincere and honest
» I can see the other person’s point of view
» I avoid arguments
» I am sympathetic to other points of view
» I am genuinely interested in other people
» I make others feel important
» I respect others
» I give positive reinforcement
» I admit my mistakes quickly
» I am tolerant
» I give sincere compliments
» I am friendly
» I am honest
» I praise improvement
» I smile often
» I use encouragement
» I begin in a friendly way
» I use names whenever possible

Intuition Development
» I am intuitive
» I follow my intuition
» I connect with my inner self easily
» My dreams give me guidance
» I remember my dreams
» I am in touch with your inner self
» My intuition grows stronger each day
» My hunches turn out to be correct
» I listen to my intuition
» I trust my intuition
» I am guided by my intuition
» My intuition serves me well
» I here the whispers of my soul
» I access my intuition easily
» My intuition signals are strong and clear
» My inner being guides me perfectly
» Infinite intelligence guides me

Jealousy (Overcoming Jealousy)
» I have high self esteem
» I own my feelings
» I am the master of my emotions
» I am self confident
» I am secure about myself and my self-worth
» I now release jealous behavior
» I release past hurts and Insecurity
» I am secure about myself
» I have trust in others
» I attract trustworhty people into my life
» I release and remove my envious thoughts
» I have faith and am free of fear
» My happiness is dependent upon me
» I have peace of mind
» I realize and overcome the root cause of my

Law of Attraction
» My thoughts vibrate with positive energy
» I see myself living in abundance and attract
» I choose positive thoughts
» My thoughts become things
» My thoughts and feelings create my life
» I have a positive mindset
» I have powerful thoughts of love
» Ask and you shall receive
» my wish is my command
» I can have what I want
» What you can conceive and believe you will
» Feel good now
» Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing,
ye shall receive
» I have faith
» I take the first step
» The law of attraction grants my every
» My daily attitude is one of gratitude
» I enjoy giving
» I visualize success
» I treat myself with love and respect
» I am healthy
» My laughter and joy heals my body and mind
» My life is meant to be abundant
» I align myself with the highest frequency of
» I am one with the universal mind
» I am an unlimited Being
» I am a spiritual Being
» We are all connected, and we are all One
» My power is in my thoughts

Leadership Skills
» I take action
» I am a born leader
» I lead by example
» I make definite decisions
» I take responsibility for my actions
» I respect my peers
» I am a great listener
» I have courage
» I come up with practical ideas
» I am mentally strong
» I have self control
» I am a master at details
» I delegate tasks effectively
» I get along great with others
» I go the extra mile
» I have empathy and understanding for others
» I take calculated risks
» I recognize talents in others
» I am intuitive

Life is Great
» I welcome the diversity and joy life
» I am joyful
» Life is an amazing ride
» I accept the way I am
» Life is wonderful
» I love living joyfully
» I love my life
» I am full of life
» Today I am open to miracles
» I welcome love and friendship
» I welcome change
» I am open to new situations
» I welcome friendship
» My life is a beautiful andf enriching
» I am filled with wonder
» Today I am open to have miracles happen
» I am free to love and be loved
» Everything in my life is perfect for my growth

Life Purpose
» Divine wisdom guides me
» My path enfolds before me
» I now call on infinite intelligence to guide me
» I am now free to do the things I love
» I am a fulfilled person
» Divine guidance is always with me
» I now accept my life purpose
» My life is filled with wonder and miracles
» I am living my truth
» I am open to intuition
» I am open to receive
» I allow all good into my life
» Knowledge and truth are revealed to me
» I hear the whispers of my soul
» I know my life has purpose
» I am the creator of your destiny
» Life supports me to be myself
» I am true to my own path
» I am aligned with my purpose

Loss of a Loved One
» I release myself from blame
» My loved one is with God
» My loved ones forgive me
» My loved ones are always with me
» I am at peace with myself
» Life is an eternal gift
» I accept and let go
» We shall see each other again
» I forgive and am forgiven
» I am blessed to have known the one I love
» We are eternal

» I love and approve of myself
» I give and receive love openly
» I always deserve love
» I express love freely
» I commit to loving and feeling loved
» I live in expanding waves of love and
» Others love me easily and joyfully
» Divine love is working through me now
» Love comes to me easily and effortlessly
» I love and accept myself exactly as I am
» I am surrounded by love
» The love I give out returns to me multiplied
» I am worthy of love
» I radiate love and happiness
» I deserve love, success and happiness
» All the love I need is within me
» I am love
» Love comes from the inside - out
» I accept & love me for who I am
» I love me
» I love being me

Lower Blood Pressure
» I am relaxed
» I eat healthy foods that are good for my body
» my blood pressure is healthy and normal
» I am the master of my emotions
» I am in control
» My body and health are perfect
» I release all stress now
» I forgive myself and others
» Don't worry, be happy :)
» I know when to take time out to relax
» I am my ideal weight
» I reduce my alcohol consumption
» I say no to smoking and excessive drinking
» I deserve good health
» My heart is healthy
» Good health and I are one
» I reduce my salt intake and avoid salty foods
» Every day, in every way, I am getting better
and better

Magnetic Personality
» I have personal magnetism
» People love being around me
» I am positive and sincere
» My charming personality draws others to me
» I am fun and humorous
» I have a charming personality
» I connect with and understand others
» I am charismatic
» I love life
» I am easy going and fun
» I am charming
» I have inner power
» I have a wonderful smile

» My mind is peaceful
» I follow my breathing
» I Exhale nervousness, inhale tranquility
» my breathing is in harmony with the pulse of
the universe
» I Exhale cold-heartedness, inhale
» I turn negative emotions into acceptance and
» I Exhale ignorance, inhale wisdom
» I breathe deeply
» my mind is clear
» I Exhale hate and inhale love
» I am one with my source energy
» I flow in the now
» I turn worry and fear into knowing trust
» My heart is steadfast and strong
» I center my thoughts
» I am an eternal being
» I see the good in all life
» I learn without resistance

Mind Booster--Creativity
» I live in the creative flow of life
» I am creative and productive
» I tap into infinite intelligence easily
» I allow creativity to flow through me
» I honor my creative abilities
» I easily connect with my infinite creative
» I give thanks for the creative ideas that come
to me
» I have wonderful and creative ideas
» It is a joy for me to create
» Creative ideas come to me all the time
» I love being creative
» I open up to the flow of creativity
» I have an endless supply of creativity

Mind Booster--Exam Skills
» I am relaxed when I take exams
» I am an A student
» I get excellent scores on my exams
» I remember what I have learn
» I know how to apply what I have learned
» I am confident when taking exams
» I am focused when taking exams
» I solve problems with ease
» I master my exams
» I have excellent recall
» I am great at taking exams
» I am stress free when taking exams
» The correct information pops into my mind

Mind Booster--Focus
» I am focused and relaxed
» My mind focuses like a laser
» I concentrate easily
» I control my thoughts
» I am grateful for my ability to focus
» My will is powerful and focused
» I focus on whatever subject I want
» I AM the master of my mind
» My mind is focused
» I am a good listener
» I am now focused
» my mind focuses easily
» My mind is clear and focused

Mind Booster--Memory
» my memory serves me well
» I remember more each day
» I am a memory champion
» I remember what I read
» My mind is focused
» My memory improves each day
» I remember the names of people I meet
» I remember facts easily
» I am a memory master
» I remember the things I see
» I have a great memory
» I remember easily and effortlessly
» I remember what I learn
» My memory is perfect
» I soak up what I see
» I am thankful for my excellent memory
» I have a photographic memory
» I absorb all I see and hear
» I have excellent recall

Mind Booster--Unleash The Genius Within
» I am a genius
» I easily learn any subject
» I am smart and intelligent
» I learn things quickly
» I learn effortlessly
» I solve problems easily
» My intelligence is infinite
» I apply my vast knowledge effortlessly
» I tune into infinite intelligence
» I am creative and wise
» I am a quick study
» I give thanks for the infinite ability of my
» My mind is focused
» I love learning

» I believe in miracles
» I see the miracles of life all around me
» Miracles happen
» I am open to receiving miracles
» God’s love flows through me
» My life is a miracle
» I expect miracles in my life
» I am a miracle
» I am part of every miracle
» I see God in all
» God works miracles through me
» I am blessed with miracles
» God creates miracles for me
» My prayers for a miracle come to fruition
» My prayers are answered

Money Management
» I manage my money wisely
» I make great investments
» My wealth increases monthly
» You create your successful future
» I make great financial decisions
» I make wise decisions
» I achieve my savings goals
» I am responsible
» I budget well
» I am successful
» I set and achieve my financial goals
» I use my money in good ways
» I have self control

Musician Skills
» I love music
» My performance skills improve daily
» I love performing
» My practice improves my music skills
» My music skills get better each day
» I am creative
» I love what practice does for me
» My practice improves my performance
» Creative ideas come to me frequently
» I surround myself with music and learn
» I am imaginative, creative and intuitive
» My mind is a magnet for inspiration and

Organized and Efficient
» My mind is alert and efficient
» I am disciplined
» I am organized
» I complete my to do lists
» I am fast and thorough
» My work space is free of clutter
» I keep my goal in mind
» I sub-divide and complete tasks on time
» I accomplish tasks efficiently
» My mind is focused
» I use a calander and planner
» I combine similar activities
» I delagate responsibilities and tasks
» I effectively manage my time
» I let go of clutter
» My thinking is clear and I get things done

Parenting Skills
» I respect my children
» I listen to my children
» I give my children positive encouragement
» I cultivate a sense of family honor
» I teach my children courtesy
» I teach by example
» I show my children unconditional love
» I allow my children to dream BIG
» I am a supportive parent
» I love my children
» I keep all my promises to my children
» I know when to let go
» I praise my children frequently
» I am proud of my children and tell them
» I have fun with my children
» I am always there when my children need me
» I discuss things openly and honestly
» I support my children always
» I allow my children freedom
» I find the gift in every experience

Patience (Developing Patience)
» I am the master of my emotions
» I am a patient person
» Each day I become more patient
» I take things easy
» I am always in control
» I can relax when under stress
» I take time to enjoy life
» No hurry, no worry
» I handle situations easily
» I release negative emotions
» I am relaxed
» I am patient
» Patience is a virtue I have

Peace of Mind
» I have peace of mind
» I am calm and relaxed
» Everything is fine and well
» Life is moving along the way that it should
» I visualize peaceful circumstances
» My calmness influences my inner being
» I release all tension
» My mind is quiet and peaceful
» My mind is peaceful throughout the whole
» I radiate peace
» I take time to relax daily
» A new sense of serenity is coming over me
each and every day
» I am calm and centered
» I am in touch with my inner being
» My world is a peaceful
» My thoughts are loving and happy
» I have inner peace and serenity
» The peace you feel within is deep and sweet
» The love of God quells my thoughts and
instills peace
» My thoughts are positive
» My mind is at peace

Peak Peformance
» I love the work that I do
» I skilfully take action in performing each
» I find it easy to act on my goals
» I am unstoppable
» I perform all tasks with energy and
» I see the purpose in each action I perform
» I easily move forward from one task to the
» I have all the energy I require to accomplish
any task
» I am productive in everything I do
» I see the bigger picture
» I look for and find easier ways of doing
» I easily visualize my peak performance levels

Positive Mindset
» I focus on the positive
» I am a positive person
» I let momentary setbacks go
» My will creates my future
» I see the good in things
» I release negative emotions
» I am the Master Mind of my emotions
» I surround myself with positive people
» I believe in myself
» I have confidence
» I have a positive mindset
» I am a winner
» I am passionate about life
» I overcome obstacles
» I achieve my goals
» I am focused on success
» I become more positive each day

Posture (Perfect Posture)
» My bones are strong an healthy
» I sit up straight with my shoulders back
» I am proud of my body
» I am agile and flexible
» I have good posture
» I move gracefully
» I walk with my head up and shoulders back
» I maintain a healthy weight
» I exercise regularly
» I keep my body in alignment while sitting
» I am conscious of my posture
» My spinal column is aligned
» I have a strong and healthy back
» I do yoga regularly
» My hips are aligned

Procrastination Eliminator
» I complete tasks on time
» I get started on time
» I celebrate the completion of tasks
» I am organized
» I break jobs down into smaller tasks
» I get started
» I set priorities
» I set and meet deadlines
» I make a to do list and do it on time
» I get things done
» I work on schedule
» I do the significant tasks first
» I work in an organized manner
» I subdivide tasks
» I delegate tasks
» I can get things done
» I confront and conquer fears
» I set realistic expectations
» I meet my daily goals

Public Speaking Power
» I am confident when speaking
» I speak from my heart
» I am an excellent speaker
» I have valuable information
» My audience likes me
» I am passionate about speaking
» I am an engaging speaker
» My audience appreciates me
» I give excellent presentations
» I handle questions easily
» I am well prepared when speaking
» I make eye contact with my audience
» My presentations are clear
» I say the right things
» I interact well with groups

Relationships--Attracting a Soul-Mate
» I am ready to attract my soul-mate
» I am being guided by higher powers
» I am creating space for my soul mate
» I honor my feelings
» I now attract my soul-mate
» I love to appreciate the people in my life
» I am a great soul mate
» I am noticing changes in my life
» I believe in the law of attraction
» I am a powerful creator
» I love being with my soul mate
» My life is full of miracles
» My dreams are coming true
» My soul-mate loves me
» My soulmate and I are one

Relationships--Attracting Men
» I am confident around men
» I meet great men easily
» I am confident with myself
» I enjoy meeting men
» I have a great sense of humor
» I make eye contact with men easily
» I am a loving, caring and attractive
» I am comfortable around men
» I am a powerful seductress
» Men find me pleasing to talk with
» Meeting men becomes easier for me
» I attract the right kind of men
» I am relaxed around men
» Successful men approach me often

Relationships--Attracting Women
» I make small talk with women easily
» I am confident around women
» Women find me irresistible
» I am relaxed around women
» I am a master seducer
» I look women in the eyes with confidence
» I can walk up to any woman and start
talking to her
» Meeting women becomes easier for me
» I make women laugh easily
» Rejection has no effect on me
» I meet successful women

» Intimacy is fun
» I am intimate with my partner
» I am open
» I enjoy sex
» I am romantic
» I enjoy my partner
» I am loving
» I am attracted to my partner
» My uniqueness is appreciated
» I enjoy being loved
» I release my fear of intimacy
» I am committed to my partner
» I am happy being me
» I trust my partner
» I enjoy romance
» I enjoy my sexuality
» I am secure about my body
» I am wonderful the way I am

» My relationships are loving and harmonious
» I now attract the perfect partner into my life
» I deserve love and happiness
» I attract loving and uplifting people into my
» My friends are loving and supportive
» I make friends easily wherever I go
» I attract healthy and loving relationships
» I contribute to the healthy growth of my
» I connect with everyone I meet
» I am open to loving relationships
» I have many loving relationships
» My relationships are fun, friendly and
» My relationships are honest, loyal and
» My relationship blossoms into Love and
» I AM in a fulfilling relationship
» I share and receive love and happiness
» I radiate love and respect to all beings

Rewarding Career
» My career is rewarding
» I take pride in my career
» I get along with people I work with
» My career is successful
» I advance quickly
» My career rewards me
» I am an expert in my field
» I love what I do
» I have excellent opportunities for
» I pursue my career goals successfully
» I am passionate about my work
» I find creativity in my work
» I get along with my peers
» My career brings happiness into my life

Rules For A Great Life
» I pursue and achievable my goals
» I have a genuine mmile
» I share with others
» I help others
» I maintain a youthful Spirit
» I get along with the rich, the poor, the
beautiful, & the ugly
» I keep cool under pressure
» I forgive the annoyance of others
» I lighten the atmosphere with humor
» I have many pals
» I cooperate and reap great rewards
» I treasure every moment with my loved ones
» I have high confidence in myself
» I respect the disadvantaged
» I indulge myself occasionally
» I take calculated risks
» I understand "Money Isn't Everything"

» Guardian angels watch over me
» I am safe
» My actions keep me safe
» Infinite intelligence protects me
» I am safe and secure
» I attract safe circumstances
» I am safe at all times
» God watches over me
» My safety comes first
» I feel safe
» I am safe and at ease
» Life takes care of me in miraculous ways

Sales Success
» My enthusiasm is contagious
» I am a master salesperson
» I am honest with my clients
» I am a master closer
» Sales skills come natural to me
» I build great relationships
» Each month my sales volume increases
» My customers refer me more and more
» I believe in what I sell
» My customers are at ease with me
» I honor those I work with
» I sell easily
» I am confident
» I am the number one top sales person
» I am knowledgeable about the product I sell
» I keep excellence and service first
» I look my customers in the eye
» My integrity attracts success

Self Image
» I am wonderful just the way I am
» My body is a beautiful temple that houses
my spirit
» I will treat my body with love and respect
» I am a unique child of God
» I possess beauty and strength
» My figure is a gift from God
» I am secure
» I am at one with my body
» I treat myself with respect
» I shower my body with positive messages
» I accept and embrace myself
» I am blessed with many talents
» I look at the beauty life has to offer
» My body has its’ own strength and grace
» I am full of joy and happiness
» I am worthy and deserving of care and
» I am a caring person and loved by many
» My body is beautiful, and I love and nurture
» My smile accentuates my beauty
» I deserve the love of others
» I see the wonderful person I am

Shyness (Overcoming Shyness)

» I am comfortable being myself

» I am confident
» I am an extrovert
» I talk to people easily
» I look others in the eyes
» I have high self-esteem
» I make friends easily
» I can make small talk easily
» I am comfortable around others
» I am courageous
» I am outgoing
» I believe in myself
» I am genuinely interested in others
» I have high self esteem
» I approach others with confidence

Singing Skills
» I am a great singer
» I have wonderful vocals
» People love my singing voice
» I get better and better each time I sing
» I love to sing and sing well
» My emotion shows in my singing
» I charm my audience
» I improve with practice
» My emotions flows freely
» I am creative
» I am a natural born singer with a wonderful

Sixth Sense
» I am sensitive to energy
» My intuition guides me
» I see through time and space
» Past, present , and future are all one
» I understand the meaning of my dreams
» I remember my dreams
» I listen to my inner self
» My sixth sense grows stronger each day
» My hunches turn out to be correct
» I listen to my inner self
» My consciousness expands
» I listen to my inner guide
» I meditate frequently
» I open my mind to possibilities
» I sense things before they happen
» I am an enlightened being

Sleep (Restful Sleep)
» I wake up refreshed and rested
» When it’s time to sleep, I fall asleep easily
» My mind is peaceful
» I am relaxed when I go to bed
» I awake full of energy
» While asleep all my worries drift away
» When I go to bed my mind relaxes
» I now release all feelings of stress
» my sleep is soothing
» My dreams are peaceful and calming
» When I go to bed I fall asleep easily
» Peace is power
» I am calming myself
» I sleep deeply
» Sleep is easy
» Sleep restores my mind and body

Sports Performance
» Each day I get better and better
» I have a positive mindset
» I am focused on my success
» I perform at my optimum level
» I am a peak performer
» I am full of energy and confidence
» I visualize my peak performance levels
» I am a master at my sport
» I compete and win
» I am at my best when performing
» I sense the power to achieve within me
» I am a high achiever
» I am healthy and fit
» I am the best I have ever been
» I am strong and healthy

Stop Smoking
» I succeed in my effort to quit
» I save money by being a non-smoker
» I take back control of my life
» You now release the need for cigarettes
» I am a non-smoker
» I like keeping myself fit and feeling good
» My health improves since I AM smoke free
» I deserve to be and now enjoy being
» I enjoy my smoke free environment
» I enjoy breathing clean, fresh air
» I have a positive mindset
» I have control of my body and my mind
» Each day my will power becomes stronger
» My lungs are strong and healthy
» I am able to breathe fully and deeply
» I am the master of my will
» My will is strong and powerful
» You are stronger than any habit

Stress Free--Be Happy and Release
» My happiness is reflected in my smile
» I love life and myself
» My pleasing personality is contagious
» I AM always kind and helpful to others
» You release depression now
» Life is good
» I spring out of bed with joy and excitement
» I AM joyful about the new day
» I choose to be happy at the start of each day
» I laugh at myself with childish joy
» My sense of humor touches everyone around
» My happiness continually brings me more
» My joy draws blessings into my Life
» My Happiness Comes From Within
» You attract joy into your life
» Smile, be happy!
» I live life with passion
» I choose health and happiness
» Life is fun

Stress Free--Relaxed
» I am relaxed and stress free
» I take time out to relax
» I am the master of my emotions
» Stress is leaving my body
» Today I choose joy
» I am the creator of my experience
» I handle whatever comes
» I choose a positive frame of mind
» I create inner peace
» Today my intention is for peace
» I can stay calm under pressure
» Peace is power

Stroke Prevention/Recovery
» My speech is clear
» I reduce my alcohol consupmtion
» My brain heals perfectly
» My brain is healthy and my thoughts are clear
» My balance is good
» I have a healthy diet
» I manage my weight effectively
»I cut down and eliminate smoking
» I try new ways of doing tasks
» I am hopeful for a succesful recovery
» I take one day at a time
» I keep my blood sugar level under control

Stuttering (Overcome Stuttering)
» I stay calm and speak clearly
» Stopping stuttering is easy
» I can beat stuttering
» I am a confident speaker
» I speak clearly
» I have overcome my stutter
» I can speak freely and easily
» I am confident when talking to people
» I can conquer stuttering
» I enjoy speaking to others
» Every day my speech is clearer
» My speech is clear

Subconscious Power
» I use 100% of my mind's power
» subconscious information is being revealed
to me now
» What I conceive and believe I can achieve
» I am intuitive
» My subconscious mind communicates
» my inner voice guides me
» My dreams are revealing
» I am guided by infinite intelligence
» My inner mind communicates with me
» I am connect with my inner being
» I easily access the power of my subconscious

Success--Abundant Supply
» I am now open to receive
» I have an abundance of whatever I need
» I now have surplus, all my needs are being
» I now give and receive freely
» I have unlimited abundance
» I move forward with an expectancy of my
greatest good
» I look for and receive a bountiful supply
» This is a rich universe and there is plenty for
» I AM a magnet for divine abundance
» I accept the abundance that is my birthright
» I live in a rich and loving universe
» My greatest good is coming to me now
» I am always supplied with whatever I need
» Abundance and I are one
» Abundance in all areas of my life my
» I am open to the gifts of the universe

Think Clearly
» I think clearly
» My mind is sharp
» My mind is focused
» I can think clearly now
» I write down my goals
» My mind is free from clutter
» My thoughts are logical
» My thoughts are ordered
» I breathe deeply and take time to meditate
» I am organized
» I make correct decisions quickly
» My mind is worry free
» I take timeout when under stress
» I make wise decisions

Think Outside The Box
» I am open minded
» I am capable of thinking differently
» I come up with new ideas
» I think outside the box
» I am creative
» I act on new ideas
» I am open to infinite intelligence
» I use both sides of my brain
» I take new perspectives to day-to-day work
» I am a visionary
» I have great problem solving abilities
» I am willing to create
» I have rich creative talents
» I have a constant flow of new and interesting
» I see beyond logic
» I create value in new ways

Trading Skills and Futures Trading

» I am a trader with a plan!
» I understand that DISCIPLINE separates
WINNERS from Losers.
» DISCIPLINE means I follow my system.
» I place Stop Loss orders where they should
be, first
» My trading strategy is perfect for me and
matches my personality.
» I enjoy tracking my trades
» I am relaxed in front of my computer
» My Timing is Perfect and Profitable
» My subconscious mind does all that is
» I am centered,….. Focused, and prepared to
» I am a consistently successful trader.
» I predefine the risk of every trade
» I act on my edges without reservation or
» My gut feelings about the market are correct
» My skills improve daily

» I am trusting and loving
» I trust the people in my life
» I am a trusted and loyal friend
» I trust the people in my life to tell me the
» I release past hurts
» I trust the men and women in my life
» My trusting attitude reflects in my behavior
» I am trusting nature helps others have trust
in me
» I sharing your inner feelings and thoughts
with others
» I turn worry and fear into knowing trust
» I have patient faith
» I attract trustworthy people into my life
» I can count on my friends and ones I love
» I release fear and affirm trust
» I trust my inner knowing in all situations
» I will trust, honor, and respect others

Vision (Eyesight Related)
» My eyes are well focused
» My eyes are rested
» I appreciate my eyesight
» my eyes are healthy
» I have good vision
» I see things with clarity
» I care for my eyes
» Each day my eyes become more heathy
» My eye muscles are strong and healthy
» My eyes are rested and healed
» I have keen vision

» I see myself as wealthy
» I enjoy my prosperity and share it
» My income is growing higher and higher
» I AM passionate about building wealth
» I believe anyone can be wealthy
» Abundance and I are one
» I deserve to have financial abundance in my
life now
» All resistance to prosperity dissolves now
» I create wealth easily and effortlessly
» Great wealth is flowing to me NOW
» I dissolve all false messages around creating

» I define success my way and I create it
» I am wealthy and wise
» I accept and deserve wealth
» Being wealthy is my birthright
» I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams
» I create wealth with honesty and integrity

Weight Loss
» I am slim and trim
» I am losing weight now
» I look and feel lighter today
» I am enjoying how I'm feeling now
» Losing weight is effortless
» I fit into the next size smaller
» My body is getting slimmer and healthier
» You are on the road to fitness
» I only eat when hungry
» I exercise regularly
» I have a fast metabolism
» I eat healthy foods
» You enjoy being healthy
» I love food that makes me thin
» I feel thin inside and out
» I am fit
» I enjoy my healthy lifestyle
» I love the feeling of making progress
» I am feeling thinner today
» I watch what I eat
» I lose weight in healthy ways
» My body rapidly metabolizes fat

» I am wise beyond my years
» I am intuitive
» my wisdom is a gift from God
» The Buddha and I are one
» I am connected to my inner being
» My thoughts are clear
» I am mindful
» I am enlightened
» I am insightful
» I understand the deeper meanings of life
» I apply what I know

Youthful Appearance
» My skin is elastic and youthful
» I exercise regularly
» I drink lots of water
» I have a healthy diet
» I take care of my body
» My skin is smooth and soft
» My cells remember youth
» I age well
» I feel young
» My cells are young
» I visualize myself as youthful
» My body is tone and firm
» My skin is radiant and healthy
» I am fit and healthy
» my body remembers youth
» My skin is clear
» I look young and beautiful
» My mind is young
» I am beautiful. I am joy


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