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ERICL. BOYD, St E Le ore Laas i relay io eI TS OR EET ee SIRGAL Cloak & Dagger By Eric L. Boyd, Sean K Reynolds, and Steven E. Schend ASIA, PACIFIC Wi Format of Group Entries A Final Note Year of the Banner ~ 1368 DR. Hammer Nightal Mireal. Eleasias. farpenoth, sar of the Gauntlet ~ 1369 DR. Hammer Aerial Che. Tarsikh, Mirtul Kythorn Flamenule Eleasias. Eleint Higharvestide Marpenoth Uke. Rise ofthe Tyrant Nightal Year of the Tankard ~ 1370 DR Hammer, Midwinter. Aleuriak hes. Tarsakh The Manshoon Wars. Greensx Mireul Kythorn Flamerule. Midsuonmer. Eleasas Eleine Higharvestide The Possible Reconstiuion ‘Ann Marpenoth Uke. Feast of the Moon Night Future Expectations The Harper Schism. Chapter Three: Secret Societies Revi Chronicler’s Note Areas of Influence map. Tel Teuklira.. Goals History and Motivation Or Chain of Command Rank and File Raw Recruits Methods and Activities ‘Tel Teuklira Abilities Resources Aceas of Operation. Allies and Enemies Status Quo ‘The Zhentarim Goals History and Motivation Organi Chain of Command Frou Chembryl, Tyrant of Xvim. The Scepter of the Tyrant’s Eye The Mark of Xeim Rank and File Raw Recruits. Methods and Activities, Zhentarim Abilities Resources tus Quo, henuarim Power Sirucnae Diagrams Chapter Four The Assassins CChironiclers Note The Night Masks. Goals History and Motivation Table of Contents 2 26 46 46 4 48 Organization (Orla IL, The Night King of Westgate (Chain of Command Rank and File Raw Recrui Methods and Activities Night Masks Abilities Spirtquench Resources Areas of Operation. Allies and Enemies Status Quo. The Fldreth Veluuthea G History and Motivation One al Methods and Activities Eldreth Veluuthra Abilities. Resources Areas of Operation, The Fite Knives The Flames of the Dark Sun Chapter Five: The Information Brokers & Spies Chroniclers Note Knights of the Shield Goals History and Motivation, One Chain of C Rank and File Insel Hhune, Fast Lord ofthe Shield Councit Shield ofthe Hidden Lord Raw Recruits Methoxs andl Activities The Knights’ Abilities Resources Areas of Operation, Allies and Enemies Status Quo. The Kraken Society Goals History and Motivation nmand ” 9 53 54 56 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 0 61 6 62 62 3 63 64 Organ Methods and Activities .n Krakenar Abilities 85 Resources 85 ‘Areas of Operation 85 The Cloak Societies 86 The Harpe 87 The Heralds 87 Chapter Sixt The Monsters Cheonicler’s Note. 9 House Dlardrageth BD Goals 0 History and Motivation % (Organization soi Chain of Command B Rank and File 4 Raw Recruits e108 Methods and Activities. 96 Diardragethan Abilities. 96 Resources, oreo? ‘Areas of Operation. 7 Allies and Enemies orem 9T Status Quo, 98 The Night Parade 98 ‘The Unseen. ven Chapter Seven: The Thieves «. Chroniclers Note. Shadow Thieves Goals History and Motivation 103 104 (Chain of Command 104 (Cloakmaster. 105 Rank and File 107 Raw Recruits 108 Methods and Activities. 109 Shadow Thief Abilities .councL10 Resources ML Areas of Operation. aM Allies and Eneuies, 11 atus Quo, M2 Shadownmasters of Telflamm on... 112 Goals 12 History and Motivations snow 113 Organization us Chain of Command us Rank and File Methods and Activities, Shadowmaster Abilities Resources Areas of Operation. Allies and Enemies, Status Quo. Chapter Eight: The Mercantile Powers Chronicler's Note The Iron Throne Goals History and Motivation Organization Chain of Command Rank and File Raw Rectuts Methods and Activities, Employee Abilities. Resources. Areas of Operation. Allie atus Quo Rundeen, Goals History and Motivation Organic Chain of Command Rank and File Methods and Activities, Rundeen Abilities Resources. ind Enemies, ‘Areas of Operation, Allies and Enemies Status Quo. Auroras Emporium Goals History and Motivation Ongunization Methods anc Activities Emnporium Staff Abilities Resources ‘Areas of Operation. Men of the Basilisk 128 128 129 130 BI 132 13 13 133 133 133 135 135 135 135 136 6 136 137 B7 Chronicler's Note ae The Xanathaes Thieves’ Guild...138 Goals 9 History and Motivations ou..139 Organisation M40 (Chain of Command 40 Rank and File 143 Raw Recruits M44 Methods and Activities, 145 Guild Member Abilities .onon 145 Resources 145 Areas of Operation. 146 Allies and Enemies. 146 Status Quo. ‘The Iron Ring 147 Goals 147 History and Motivation onman147 Organization 147 Methods and Activities. 148 Iron Ring Abilities 149 Resources 149 Areas of Operation. 149 Appendi Westgate Important C 154 Westgate Key 156 Westgate Map vl5T Notable Mages. 158 Notable Clergy and Churches..158 Notable Thieves! Guilds sen 158 ‘ While nor actually separate parts of the book, various sidebars add information both to the group breakdowns and to timeline alike. These sidebars’ topics (such asa bref look at the Cult of Xvim or magic items used by various power players) may not always adhere to the theme of secret soci eties. However, they are often simply extensions of informa tion kept brief in a group breakdown (such as full NPC details on Feoul Chembryl, the Grand Tyrant of the Ban son). Adventure hooks also appear in sidebars allowing DMs easy means to inset these groups, their members, and thele activities into their campaigns. Format of Group Entries foe we ok ath vena sti ofthe op TB reg i tendons, eee explo wher enc poop vy (or may not) reveal in this book. This standard format {is used throughout Cloak and Dagger, hut the entries vary in length and detail. Thus, while some finer points and cate- sgories may vanish from ome entry to another, each group still gets developed in accordance with the size and importance of the group in the Realms at large. More details are given nly for those groups of primary importance to the Realms campaign at large, while other groups get the same informa- tion briefly noted (if noted at all) under the standard cate- gories. The complete format displayed below provides notes fon how information on all groups can be organized. Depending on the prominence of a group, entries can range fiom one page to eight or more pages in length Group Name AKA. Any active aliases or subtitles for the group are noted here Former aliases, historical titles, or inactive names for the group are noted after a semicolon. Ifan alias s noted in quotes, it comes from a reference in a band’s tale orsong rather than being a com- monly used alias. Group Mark: is i the symbol, badge, or ling cand” of the group in question. The description gener- ally provides the minimal repre sentative depiction, though notes fon the more elaborate marks are sometimes provided (such as the colors of a noble house seal), as are the forms on which the mark can be found (such asa ring badge. Group Colors/Livery: ¢ colors and clothing styles commonly worn by members of the group. Common clothing colors most often see use only in unifo though conventions such as the ted robes of a Thayan wizard are also noted. ‘The opening paragraph of the entry defines always che Ibroalest, most common characteristics of the group. This is always public information—whar one might overhear in tavern talk about the group. In other words, when people spread rumors about this group, this paragraph provides the most commonly held beliefs and rumors heard. This para graph also notes additional titles, names, and details com: monly known in the areas where the group operates. Goals The most important details of any group are their goals. This paragraph sketches out the wishes, ideals, and dreams of the group as a whole. In other words, this provides the primary focus toward which the group acts and moves, Leaders’ Goals: The second paragraph details the wishes and ideals of the group's individual NPC leader of leaders While often congruent with the group goals, leaders can have goals for themselves and for the group, which may or ‘may not be synonymous. Individual Goals: Just like the leaders’ goals above, these are the individual goals of lieutenants and other notable NPCs, which ean shed light on how the group's power struc ture approaches its goals and its work. Again, like the lead- crs individual NPC goals do not always have to match the group's broad goals or those of their superiors. Objectives and Objections: The fourth paragraph looks at the network of goals within the group, and records where some may disrupt others. If individual goals interfere with the groups goals or another NPC's goals, they are noted here as potential Achilles’ heels or adventure ideas. History and Motivation This section provides a chronological overview ofthe group, its origins, changes, demise, andjor rebirth (where applica be). In all it gives abroad sweep of activites both publicly graph. also provides knowledge on what motivates the group to act sit does and known and secretly executed. This pa what drove its members and the group to the status quo. If group is given additional space and prion tion adds paragraphs on seminal events within the group's history either in sidebars or in the full timeline. Additional paragraphs may catalog events tying major NPCs with the ' history, whether they are members and leaders > this sec organizatio rallies or enemies. More inform: maxims or codes of conduct established by the group. n that may be placed here inclu Minimally, readers learn how the group handles local laws (and if i ignores the law, which ones it breaks and how it bypasses them). Unspoken rules of the group ean be drawn cout ro add to roleplaying. (For example, ifthe Golden Lions of Nathlekh capeure the PCs, will they simply ob them, hold them for ransom, or kill them outright?) Lastly final touch otivations could include a few intergroup uds and parables, which could have been adopted histor- ically w ensure group unity or merely to establish a behav ioral pattern by which the group could become famous or notorious. While not given a high priority, these sors of roleplaying notes help define the roleplaying mystique of cach group, rather than having every group's members imply twirl their mustaches menacingly white robbing and killing from the shadows. of roleplaying leg Onganization This section analyzes an! lays out the groups structure, over- all onganisaion, and how its members contol ancl coment nicate with each other. This paragraph also provides titles for the leaders and members at varios levels of power from cither the bottom up or the top down. In one cae, a8 or char shows the direct lines of influence among a stoup's membership. Most groups have a simple power struc tute that does not require such a graph. The next three categories appear with various levels of detail, chough they are all tied to the organization of the soup. Asa minor ent asa secondary paragraph with only their statistics given for the DM’ we. As the importance of the group increases, these separate sections and each NPC described receive more detail. At the highest evel of detail, some of the NPCS fin sidebars or other entries of their own to provide the liscof the primary leaders appears most use for a DM in her game. Chain of Command ‘These are the leaders of the roup andl any affliated NPCS of rajor status (levely/Hit Dice greater than 10). If part of an egalitarian group of leaders, they are listed alphabetically Often they are liste from the highest-ranking leader to the lowest. At least, a character's name, titles, and statistics appear as normally abbreviated in FOROOTTEN REALMS® produets: (AL gender race C+) providing alignment, gender, race, character class, andl level, with exceptional statis and abilities noted after a semicolon. Successive layers of {information add flly leshed-out statistics, personal weapons and equipment, spell lists, and even personality details, per- sonal histories, and allies and enemies both within and out side the group. Rank and File With details similar to the Chain of Command NPCs above, this section provides midlevel leaders, lieutenants and personal aides, and moderate-level NPCs from the group (levely/tit Dice between 5 and 10). As above, equals are listed alphabetically while stratified NPCs are listed from highest influence to lowest. Raw Recruits sentative NPCs are the bulk of a group's mem- i descriptions can expand and contract in levels of detail jus asin the two preceding sections. Often, when using a group in a campaign, these are the fist NPCs the player characters encounter and either vanquish or meet repeatedly. (The DM may allow these NPCS to advance in levels just asthe PCs do.) ‘When fully detailed with all three categories this section provides a lengthy list of campaign personalities for the DM to pit against the heroes, regardless of level or advancement Methods and Activities ‘This section delineates what the group does to meet its goals and those of its leaders. The activities described begin with the smallest of group activities up through those ofthe hig ‘est-ranking un the leadershi ‘of their underlings, though some traits and actions can be lings. The activities and methodology of may be given briefly o reinforce the methods exclusive to the upper echelons of the group's power struc re Indeed, leaders rarely hold themselves to the same stic tures as their troops [Member Title] Abilities Often, groups either hire people of specific abilities (such as thiew nd assassins’ guilds) or train them to have a mi mal expectation of abilities. These abilities can be anything from nonweapon proficiencies and character skills to spells ‘of special powers granted to the charact This section denotes skills assumed to be widespread among its members, either as prerequisites for joining or what a DM can assume is known by every member of the group. If necessary for the group, separate paragraphs can delineate any abilities limited only to the NPCs in the rank and file, or NPCs in the chain of commana Resources and Power General group resources fall under this section, and DMs always know at least che standard equipment and resources available co all members of this group. Additional details e notes on expected treasure or riches (pay standards, for example) for ranking members and lists of sources through which the group funds itself or gains their standard resources. If different or independent from the standard sources, the leaders’ resources can also he reported here, as well as any special equipment or magic items held by group members. Areas of Operation Starting fom the broadest reaches ofthe group’ influence this section tells the DM where in Toril (or beyond) mem- all levels, anor its hers of the group can be commo ly found. While this broad defines the bs independent cells of activity (auch Cult of the Dragon). Minimally, the group’ ce hase which co center group activities, Allies/Enemies ‘The information pre in this book provides the tem plates (detailed abo and plenty of examples for DMs to Ws Finally, several of the groups (such as the multifaceted product. This pat group resources, at plans and ob his chapter describes events and actions related to the power groups listed in this book. While player characters would not discover what's truly going on behind the scenes without experiencing numerous ayers of clues and events, you should read the events on this timeline and lear all of what has occurred in secret and in shadow over the past three years of continuity. Even if you are well-versed Realms fan, a number of su hidden among the folds of time b Unlike our usual timelines, there are many secrets within this chapter that are only known to those directly involveds the focus in this product om secret societies involves the control and manipulation of secret facts (or what are perceived to be the facts). Bear in mind that many details on the timeline, while not as secret as others, are not always common knowledge. While shared among many, the inner workings of the Master Harpers are not privy to public dissem: ination, no matter how well known that group i a ong the Harpers at large. AM readers are encouraged to remember the nature of much of the information divulged inthis product. Sep ame world from character knowledge of the s vial for the information presented herein, i isto remain useful in ADS&D? REALMS® campaigns. Additional information that focuses on some major plotlines is given in sidebar, allowing DMs to discern what the major players of the Realms are up to, and how to work their acto into their campaigns. These sidebars differ from the main timeline in revealing the intent are not revealed or obvious to the Realis at ge. They also look at the plans and the intents of the NPCs involved, not just the actual activites, so DMs know what these villains and heroes hope to accomplish and build such plans into theie campaigns. ‘Some of the material and events within this timeline comes from various FR sources (hath game products and some novels) from 1994 through the present. However, in keeping with ds closing numerous secrets about long: arating player knowledge of the ci especially and FORGOTTEN tablished groups, more oceurred among the Zhents and the Harpers in particular chan has been previously mentioned. In general, heretofore unknown, within 1369 DR all are tied to Khelben, F rous changes in the current year [DMs should note that if they choose not to make the events herein part oftheir campaign, so be it. Those campaigns continue with nary a ripple. In fact, even if every event described in this book were incorporated into campaigns immediately, che fact that many occur among only very select groups of NPCs allows for change in the Realms while the PCs continue their exist- ing storylines without notice. Granted, in the end, the changes and events presented in this ul, and their activities leading up to the book will have great impact on the Realms. With the progressive plots laid out here and within the sidebars, DMs can prepare easily for upcoming plot twists within their campaigns, adjust: the stories to ft them best into their own games Finally readers should note that only some of the: rents below lst specific dates. Storylines critical to the future development of the Realms as a whole dictate this approach. For other ‘more regional story lines, no dates their game campaigns Year of the Banner, 1368 DR his year is important, as it marks the Cyrinishad Debacle with the ensuing destruction at nong the secret societies with the ons among the Zhentilarat year's end. Through the end of this year and the existence of many wandering bands of highly tring provided, allowing DMs to fit said events freely into Hammer Second Banedeath: The Church of Cyric launches inquisi- tions in Yolash, Darkhold, Teshwave, Zhentil Keep, ancl the Citadel of the Raven to cleanse ail Zhent holdings of non-Cyricist priests; only in Datkhold does this prove wholly effective since pockets of Xvimlar survive through- ‘out other Zhentish strongholds. The events of the novel Prince of Lies begin this month and continue through year’s end, Hammer yric's inquistors kill Kurth Dracomore of Bane and his followers in Darkhold, sending his head back to Froul Chembryl as a warming to those who do not fully embrace the Dark Sun. Nightal In the last three days ofthe year, Foul Chembeyl reads aloud from the True Life of Cyric, revealing the dark god's betrayal of his faithful at Zhentil Keep. Fzoul subsequently slays the Cyricist priest, Xeno Mirrormane, and flees the falling city to Teshwave as Cyricsummoned giants, dragons, and other monsters sack much of Zhentil Keep, Mireul ‘The alchemist Rhetsim of Skullport locks her door and refuses all customers for two weeks. When she opens for busi ness again, the place is filled with an overpowering smell of ing customers dizy and suggestible (as the sugges tin spell, but with a +4 bonus on the saving throw) for 1d hours afterward. She does not speak of what occurred during that time, and the smell fades after afew weeks, Master Ran. dulaith calls upon the alchemist more frequently during the time her shop was closed, Alias of Westgate and the saurial paladin, Dragonboit, unmask the Faceless, guildmaster of the Night Masks, and reveal him to, be Vietor Dhestar, Interim Croamarkh of ‘Westgate. Several hundred Night Mask members are slain ot imprisoned as a result, and the guild falls into disarray Tacs, le Fleasias Fang, Cloakmaster of Esmeltaran for the Shadow Thieves, is seen repeatedly in the company of a mysterious human ian with long black hair and dusky skin, She gives the Jimpression that she isa powerful wizard, bur she has not been seen casting spells. After a month, the woman is seen no ‘more and Fang isin foul spirits for the rest of the season. Marpenoth A. smal band of adventurers enters Skullpore and attacks @ group of slavers working forthe Iron Ring. The slavers hold their own long enough for the Skulls to intervene and kill or charm the adventurers, leading the survivors away for unknown purposes Year of the Gauntlet, 136 9 DR he firs four months ofthis year still se remnants of the Cyrinishad Debacle; the armies set upon the Keep by Gyric remain entrenched around the besieged city. This year hhokds many surprises as old allies upset the status quo and groups thought long dead rise from slumber to again manip. ulate the Realms from the shadows. Hammer Zhentil Keep requests aid from the Citadel of the Raven, only to find its decimated relief forces of little aid to the besieged Keep. Lord Orgauth rallies the troops that remain and assumes control of the Keep with no opposition Altariak The Citadel of the R. fen informs Zhentil Keep that itis on with no aid forthcoming from any quarter. The Keeps people begin starving. The Night of Crystal and fron ‘ccurs in this month. Ches Iyachtu Xvim, the demipower and son of Bane, frees himself from his prison beneath Zhentil Keep, his acolytes raising his attempts to cross the frozen ‘Tesh end as fie from the heavens melts the ice beneath them, drowning many instantly. Dragons abandon the siege of the Keep and fly away north and east. Xwim first possesses Fooul in Teshwave a few and sets him on the path to rule Xvi status toa lesser god. The giant J later "s church. Xvim gives Froul numerous spells. Xvim also orders him to begin a mis- sion to take control and become the Tyrant of the Moonsea AA fire stars in the festhall run by the Shade of Baldur's Gate, Kerindra Lynnrenno of the Shadow Thieves, killing two people and injuring several. Arson is suspected but ruled ut after a priest divines the source to be an old stove, Within one tenday, the place is operational again, although the faint smell of smoke lingers for months, Ches 30: Watenleep, the City of Splendors, beats back: an attack by a host of sea creatures under the leadership of Takhovas. For almost a year, trade between Waterdeep and Maztiea halts. Tarsakh Frost giants abandon the siege of Zhentil Keep as spring arrives in northern Moonsea. Piracy at record levels and ‘Mulmaster’s ships prevent travel to and from the Keep. Fooul, allied temporarily with Manxam the beholder, infileares Mulmaster to root out the High Imperceptor of Bane, They uncover hisalliance with Orox the beholder and assault each others forces without resolution, Fooul and Manxam retreat to Teshwave Mireal, speed their retreat north. The thawing ground releases mary undead to plague the ravaged city at night Kythorn The thirteenth day of Kythom is Victory Day: the new Zhent holiday to celebrate the end ofthe siege. The resident beholders of Skullport are surprised by the aval of Fh, an illdhidl trader with chee charmed young beholder slaves, which have had their central eyes bummed out. The Xanathar directs Ahmaergo to send some assasins and slversto eliminate the mi layer an take the behold- ers (which the Xanathar would tur ino death tyrants), but the attackers are slain and theilthid and its slaves escape to an unknown destination, Kythorn 4: The armies of lakhovas attack Baklu’s Gate, sinking many ships, destroying several piers and warehouses, and causing the deaths of afew hundred people. For the rest of the year, ship traffic between the Sword Coase and Maztica comes toa viel sands and it does not retuen to former levels until the middle of the following year. Flamerule Lord Orgauth refuses to admit envoys from the Citadel due to their indifference during the siege. Many refugees return to the Keep, but only after swearing oaths of loyalty to COngiuth. A Red Wizard visits the Tower of Art Flamerule 6-17: Fzoul Chembryl infiltrates Mulmaster and sets up an alliance with the High Blade Selfaril in exchange for the whereabouts of the two Imperceptors of Bane in his city. Fzoul also takes the fist steps in bringing Selfaril and Mulmaster into the Zhentarim. Eleasias Plague engulfs Zhentil Keep during this month of hot weather, chanks to the many unburied dead in the northern ruins. The Force Bridge river gate reopens. ‘The Iron Throne issues a public warn bout the use of inon taken from the atea around Baldr ate, stating that a sudden increase in the number of weapons being made and transported without its approval would have dire conse quences Heine ‘The arrival of Xvim is announced by his priests in Zhentil Keep (and presumably elsewhere across the Realms). They