Aakash Oym PT - 02

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® = Aakash *TEES Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, &, Pusa Road, Mi PH.GN-a7673956 w Delhv-13.0006, PracheeTest 020. _CH+OvNMP2)-2024 Time : 60 Min. Topics Coveret Physies: Elecustane Potential and Capaciance ormonal contol, sucture of mature sperm, Cogenesis ard stiucturl of ovute & Ovary, Mensisnal cycle: Various evers and its hormonal contl. General Instructions : Instruction: (Use blucsblack ballpoint pen only to darker we app (0) Mark should be datk and should corrpletely fil te eile. (u) Dark only one citcle tor each entry (iv) Bark the earele in the space provicicd only (¥} Rough work must not be sare ov the AN sheet. (vi) Each question canies 4 marks. For evry rate care anu! lo nut use wilstece or any other rubbing material on Answer song te-ponse 1 mark shall he deducted tram tatal score. | 2. hn elec sipole of mament F placed an a 3 The | equivalent capacitance ol the Uniform electric felt has minimum _ — potential energy when tie angle between — Pond Bis (1) Zero nd y ae u er c ” ac 2) 2c (2) zero 2. Two parallel plates ave afea A and ae separaion d, They ave given charges y and 2 ag. The force betseen each others (ay se ‘me capacuance ofa pall plate enpacitor tlnes nat depend upon (2) Area of plate (2) Medium benween the plates (3) Distance between the plates (2) Charge on plates, @ @ me (ay dae PracticeTest-02¢_CF+OYM(P2)-2024 ~ ro short dipoles of dipole momen, ,, 10. Two eax! Chives 7 5. An alpha particle of mass m is accelerated eo te and xa respecte, =, 7 from rest through a potential difference V. lis Pe avo cenwes are separated by eas final speed will be [charge of electron is €] tale ens taal nt a branother dipole is [Where Ey and £, ay, OS tlectic field due to dipole 1 and 2} fz () -pi Ez ote eee @ eae 7 (a) =m: 2 6. als A and Bis Capacitance across the te c (Q) 2c @ac @c (4) The dielectric constant ot a conductor in electrostatics is (2 (2) 10 3) 3 (4) © Two spherical bodies respective radii 30 cm charge of -7 C and 27, and the separated, smaller sphere is () toc (2) 6c (@) 4c (a) 13, nergy stored inside and iniformly charged sphere of int charges of equal Lat (S, 0, 0) m and he work done in rge of 5 UC from Positive and negative uit, the ratio of energy stored in SUF and C2 = 4 pF, at steady 8 identical droplets are char ‘ged to potenti V each. If they coalesce to form single crop, then its potential will be 7 ay @ av @) av we tyceTest-02C CF+OYM(P2}-2024 44. A proton is placed in an electric Held at a point having elecitic potential as 100 V. The electric potential energy of panicle is (a) 200ev (2) s0ev (3) 150ev (a) 1000 15, The equivalent capaciince of an infinite Gicut Ae0ss he pots A and Bs any 7 ce a vse (2) Iniowy co (@) hn 26. Vanvt Hott factor tor At ionlses is a2 es @1 ys SOx)3 fF 106% 17. Which has maximum osmotic preset? (2) 200 mL 010.2 M NaC! solution (2) 200 mL of 0.1 M glucose solution (3) 200 mt of 0.2 M sucrose solution (4) 200 mL of 8.2 M urea solution 18. The colligative property which is most frequently used for the delermination of molar masses of proteins, polymers and other macromolecules is Q) Relative lowering of vapour pressure (2) Elevation in bailing point (3) Depression in freeziny point (4) Osmouc pressure 218. A solution which will show postive Jevianon from Raoult law is (2) Ethanol-acetone (2) Wateramie acia @) Chloroforn -acaiorie (4) Benzene-toluene CHEMISTRY 20. 2. 22. \lucle ofthe tnltoxm docs nor change with ange in empetaiute? 2) Votume pesecutye: (2) Normaticy (3) Nolariy (2) ole kaction Assertion : The composition of the components in vapour phase is same as that of in the hiquid phase of an azeouapic mixiwe, Reason : Azcovopic mixture strictly follows, Raoul law, Q) Both assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the comect explanation of the assertion (2) Both Assertion & Reason are true but Wie reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion (3) Assenion 1s ue suxtement but Reson istalse (4) Both Assetion aud Reason ave false statements Osinotic pressure of an aqueous solution of OAM Of NaySO, at 27°C is (consider complete tonisaticn) @) 12am 2) 24aim 2) 3.6aIm (@) 7.4aun PracticeTest-02¢ CF+OYM(P2)-2024 7 23, 24, 25. 26. 3. A solution of aniline in phenol (2) Behaves lke an ideal solution (2) Shows a positve deviation from Raoul's law (3) Obeys Raoult’s law (4) Shows a negative deviation from Raoul’s law Hf mole fraction of urea in water is 0.2 then the molality of the solution will be Q) 139m 2) 85m (3) 77m (4) 108m Which of the following gases has highest solubility in water at 298 K? (Kj, = Henry's, Jaw constant) (1) A(Ky= 40.3 kbar) (2) 8 (ky,= 1.67 kbar) (3) © (Ky 1.8 *10°9 kbar) (4) D (Ky) = 145.2 kbar) ‘Two volatile liquids A and B are mixed in the molar ratio of 2:3. vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B is 300 mm Hg and 400 in Hg respectively then the vapour pressure of the solution in mm Hg will be (a) 360 (2) 380 (3) 340 (4) 390 Which of the following layer of anther wall Usually have cells with dense cytoplasm and ‘more than one nucleus? (2) Middle layers (2) Tapetum (3) Endotheeium (4) Epidermis 27. 28, 29. 30. 32, molality of CH30H 1" v9 -20°C? [Molva will freeze at ~20°C? | 1.86) What 1s the tion which : ST Hon = 32, Ky fr wale! @) 10.75m (2) 372m @) 107m (4) 53m \ non when 15 g of a non-volatile an electrolyte solute is dissolved in 100 g of benzene then the boiling point is raised by 1°C. The molecular mass of the solute is (Ki, tor benzene = 2.53 Km") (2) 2855 (2) 1255 (3) 4852 (4) 379.5 A: Abnormal molecular mass of benzoic acid is greater than its normal molecular mass in benzene, Benzoic acid dissociate is Benzene. (2) Both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion (2) Both Assertion & Reason are ue but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion (3) Assertion is tue statement but Reason istalse (4) Bot Asserion and Reason are false statements Unitot Ebullioscopic constant is, (2) k motkgn! (2) kgmor ) kgmor (4) kg mot g™ Transter of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of the flower of different plant of the same species is called (2) Geitonogamy (2) Xenogamy (3) Autogamy (@) Cleistogamy 34, 35, 36. a7. a fg the anther matures and dehydrates, the microspores dissociate fiom each ther ane sdovelep nt (1) Pollen sai (2) Ovules 2) Pollen grains (a) Male gametes strueture of pollen grains help 1 their fossilization? 41) Invine (2) Germ pores (a) Exine (@) Cytoplasm Chose the odd one war reward for insects in entomopnily. (2) Nectar (2) Sate place for egg laying @) Pollen grains (@) Fragrance ently the egsentiat wtuoits fthe flower (a) Gynueciun (h) Cay (6) Androecium (a) Coralia RO} @) (ete) @) (EC) 4 (RIC ‘The junction beween ovule sans Sialkot she ovale is called (2) Funicle (2) Chataza (3) totegument (2) Hilo The mature female gametophyte of & typical dicot plantbetore terization is, (2) B:cetted (2) 6-celled (3) Teelled (a) Acelted 39, a0, au, 42, 43, 4a, 4s. Which of ine fot embryo sac? sang 1s largest cell ol the 4) Cental cell ) Syneraied (3) Antipedal (4) Egacelt Anther connected with flower through (2) Style 2) Filament (2 Connective (4) Bxothecium Cells of which layer of anther are ephemeral and degenerates at maturity? (2) Epidermis (2) Endothecium @ -$) Tapetum ate tayer The exuie nt an angiosperm is technically ‘equivalent io asporangian 3) Megaspoie: mother cell (es shogerspore Transfer of puller gta tam anther to the stignya i called @y Syagamy (2) Festivzation (3) Potinration (4) Acstivation Both, autogamy prevented in (2) Papaya (2) Cucumber (3) Castor (2) Maize and geitonogamy are Tne proteive envelope whieh s Bebodyotewule seaes (a) Funile (2) Miu 62) tequinent (8) Chalaza wounds 200L0Gy a sperms during coitus 44s. How many primary folices are left in each * gvary at puberty? (1) 60-80 (2) 6000-8000 (3) 600-800 (4) 60,000 80,000 47. Ovarian folictes are presentin (2) Ovarian capsule (2) Stroma of cortex (3) Medulla ofovarian stoma (4) Ovatian igament 48. Part closer to ovary : infundibulum :: Part closer to uterus Complete the analogy in context of oviduct ina human female Q) Fimbriae (2) Amputta (3) Isthmus, (4) tntunaibulum 52. 49. Trace the correct pathway of synthesis and flow of milk in a tunctional mammary gland (2) Mammary alveoli . mammary ampulla ~ mammary duct ~ lactiterous duct (2) Mammary alveoli. mammary duct ‘mammary ampulla ~ lactierous duct (3) Mammary alveoli. mammary duct mammary lobe ~ mammary ampulla + lactierous duct (4) Mammary lobe mammary duct mammary ampulla mammary alveoli ~ lactiterous duct, 50. Which hormone from the hypothalamic Pituitary axis activity regulates Sertoli and “help inthe process oF spermatogenesis? (1) FSH (2) Prolactin (3) LH (4) GH 55. x TF percent must have normal shape ang YP size. Select the option correctly. x (2) 100-300 billion 60 which fils the blanks Y (2) 200-300 million 60 (3) 200-300 million 40 (4) 60,000-80,000 60 @ @) @ @ @) @) @) @ follicle induced by Rupture of Graat (2) Progesterone (2) Prota § Secondary Jocyte forms a non-cellular brangay Corona radiata Which of incorrect? (2) Primary spermatocytes are diploid (2) Secondary spermatocytes are diploid (3) Spermatids are haploig (4) Spermatogonia are diploid the following statements is Oviductal tunnel that possesses finger like projections is (2) tntundibutum (2) Fimbriae @) Isthmus (4) Ampulla ‘The middle thick layer of smooth muscles of the uterusis (2) Myometrium (2) Perimetrium (2) Endometium (4) Mesovarium y 58. efost-02C_CF+ OYM(P2)-2024 Hormone secreted by corpus luteum in Iuteal phase is (a) GnRH (2) Luteinising hormone (3) Estrogen (2) FSH ‘A cushion of fatty tissue covered by skin and pubic hair in female extemal genitalia is known as (2) Mons pubis (2) Hymen (3) Labia minora (4) Clitoris 59, Choose the odd one with respect to paited structures in female reproductive system of humans. (1) Fallopian tube (2) Ovary (8) Labia minora (4) Vagina ‘Spermiogenesis is (2) Transformation of spermatids to sperm (2) Transformation of_ secondary spermatocytes to spermatids (3) Release of sperm from lumen of seminiferous tubules (4) Maturation of sperms in female genital tract

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