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Chwong X QUAN HE GIUA Wi TRI VA cHUC NANG NEON NEO CA MGT sé chu TRdc cl PHAP 1. With + noun + participial phrase A. G vi tri dau cau Vd a. With my father gone, I was responsible for helping my mother with her chores and for helping to relieve her lone- liness. b. With the trees gone, the land became barren and lost its fertility. c. With science and techonology developing so fast, some people have begun questioning the usefulness of a four- year course, fearing that what is learnt can quickly be- come absolute. d. With spending rising faster than incomes, no consump- tion boom is in store. Ro rang ¢ vi tri ddu cau, loai prepositional phrase dac bidt nay chi mt yéu té hay mét tinh hinh tac dong nhu la nguyén nhén cia sy viéc duge néi téi trong phan chinh cia cau. Dé dich sang tiéng Viét, ching ta c6 thé sit dung cdc tit hay cum ti sau day: vi, véi, trong tinh hinh, trong béi canh. Nhiing cau trén vi vay c6 thé dich ra tiéng Viét nhu sau: a. Vi ba téi khong con nita/da mat, téi cd tréch nhiém gitip me : _t6i.lam_viée_nhé t6i_bé6t.c6.don. b. Vi cdy céi khong con nia, ving nay da tré-nén kh can ve hét mau mo. 147 5 e ‘Seema ° cong righ? tién b6 nhanh nh vdy, vai ngudi bdt déu chdt vdn sy hitu ich ela mét chuong —— trink: :0-dai4-ntim-vi-sg- -réng-whitng-gi-hoc-duge 88-06 hha nding tré nén 1éi théi.mét céch nhanh chéng. d. Trong tink hinh- chi tiéu gia tang nhanh hon thu nhép, truéc mdt sé khong cé hoat dong mua sdm i xeo. —— NHAN-xET-— - Sa a Cau tric “With + noun + participial phrase’ co thé ddi thanh mGt ménh dé bat dau véi Becalise hay Wow that .. Vd - Now that spending is rising faster than incomes, no consumption ... ~ Abe einen ochonlonyare leveling SOT Some people B. 6 vi tri cudi cau or Xét cdc vi dy sau day: Vd a. The labour market is clearly healthier than it was a year ago, with total employement up by 2 million jobs. b. Feriility rates have been declining mda the globe since 1970s, with birthrates falling from 2.6 to 1.8 in developed countries and from a range of 5 - 7 to a range of 3 - 6 in developing ones. c. There are fields of wawing green maize, with beans grow- ing in among the cornstalks. d. The standoff caused a complete traffic|jam, with drivers) “leaving their cars afid-booing and jeering at police. Cac vi du trén cho thay 6 vi tri cudi cdu, cfu tréce with + mann 1 norticinial nhrace die dime dé on thé héa (substanti- ate) nhitng gi dé néi hay cung cdép mot chi tiét lien hé dén n6. Dé dich sang tng viet, co tne aung tu vor noac cac aau \:) nay \-) 46 gidi thich, hoc dau (.) hay cd d&u (,) d8 tach’ hai cau. Cac cau trén cé thé dich: & 148 a. Thi truéng lao déng ndm nay.ré rang lanh manh hon ndm ngodi vdi tong sé céng dn vibe lam gia tang thém hai triéu. b. Tle sinh sén dé gidm sut khdp thé gidi tit nhiing ndm 1970. O cde nuée phat trién, ty 12 sinh sén rét tit 2.6 xuéng 1.8, 6 cde nuéc dang phat trién tit khung 5-7 xudng khung 3-6. _-¢. C6 nhitng cdnh dong. bdp rung rinh trong gid, 6 xen giita cdc cdy bdp ngubi ta tréng dau. d. Cuée phdn déi lam cho giao théng ach tdc hodn toan, tai x€ ra khdi xe, la hét va ché nhao cdnh sat. Bai tap Dich ra tiéng Viét There is an old saying about the unequal distribution of work: “Men work from dawn till sunset, but a woman's work is never done." With more and more women working outside the home full time, the old division of chores doesn't seem to make much sence anymore. As'a result, in many homes men and women both do housework and share child care. 2. Cum phan tif (participial phrases) A. 6 vi tri ddu cau Hay xét cdc participial phrases sau day: a. Knowing nothing to do, we left. bi Trapped in the burning factory, thirty workers. cried- for help. c. Walking in the street, he ran into an old friend of his. d. Arriving at the station, he found his train gone. 149 3" e. Taking his bag from the luggage rack, he rushed out of the bus. f: Reaching the top of the staircase, he began to-shout-— —~ g. - Coldly assessed, this trail of evidence leads compellingly to Mr. Simpson. h. Laughing and shrieking, the girls rushed out of the room. * Cau trée phan tit & ede céu (a) va (b) cho thay nguyén nhan cia diéu duge n6i téi trong phdn chinh cia’t4u. Vi vay c6 thé dich: a. (Vi) chdng biét lam gi, ching tdi bd vé. b. (Vi) bi mac ket trong nha mdy dang chdy, 30 ngubi thy kéu citu. Nhiing edu trée nay c6 thé thay thé bing cdc clauses of reason. a. Because we knew nothing to do, we ... pb. Because they were trapped ..., thirty workers ... * Cau tric phan tit 6 cdc c4u (c) chi mét béi cdnh thdi gian (time context) khi hanh dng duge néi dén (ran into an old friend) xay ra, ce. Khi di trén dung phé, anh dy tinh cé gdp mét ngudi ban ca. Cau trac nay c6é thé thay thé bing mt reduced clause: - While walking in the street, he ...~ Hoac bang mét full clause of time: - While he was walking in the street, he ... BOO. bate ah Ae AN 2 FAY fn) ok 1 Aetna Aine AR ht mit hanh dong dang xdy ra ngay truée mot hanh dng khac. d. (Khi) dén ga, anh dy thdy chuyén tau cia minh da chay. e. Léy cdi tui trén gid xudng, anh dy voi va xudng xe. f. (Khi) leo dén dinh céu thang, anh dy bdt ddu tri hé. @& 150 6 Tat cd céu trac trén déu 6 thé dién dat bing c4ch khéc. d. When he arrived ..., he found ... Hodge On arrival ..., he found ... e. After he took his bag ..., he rushed ... Hode He reached ... and began te shout. Hode Reaching the top ..., he began to shout. pé nhén manh mot cong viée hoan toan xong truéc khi mot viée khdc bat dau, va dae biét nhdén manh méi quan hé nhan qua gitta ching, ngudi ta cé thé ding having + past participle. Vd Having finished his quota of work, he closed the door and went bed. Sau khi lam xong phdn viée cia minh, anh dy dong cia va di ndm. : Having married very late, my father was only a year short of fifty when I was born. Vi lap gia dinh rét tré, ba toi chi thiéu mét nam ddéy ndm chuc khi sinh ra toi. Cau trie phan ti 6 (g), c6 thé tuong duong 7 When coldly assessed (reduced clause) - “If coldly assessed (reduced , clause) Hoae - When/if it is coldly assessed (full clause) Va cau (g) c6 thé dich: Néu | khi chuédi bang chitng nay duge xét mét cdch trdm tinh, thi nd ENG EN TSR ESOT * Cau tric phan tif 6 (h) chi hanh dong xdy ra cing mét lic voi hanh dong duge dién ta-trong phan chinh cia c4u-V6i~chtic nang nay participial phrase cing c6 thé ding 6 ding sau cau; nhu trong tiéng Viét. 2 1516 Cuéi ndi cht chée, bon con gdi véi va di ra khdi phong. Hoge Bon con gdi di ra khdi phong cudi_noi chi choi The girls rushed out of the room, laughing ani B. G vi tri cuédi cau Ching ta thit nghién cdéu mét sé cAu sau day: a. _-The_company- trades_with.Africans, buying their_ivory—and selling them the goods they need. b. They imposed strict limits on women, forbidding them to work, telling them to stay home and insisting that their bodies be completely covered if they did venture out. c. He lay meditating on the problem. d. Don't stand there arguing. e. ‘The gunmen ambushed a bus north’ of the capital, killing the driver and two passengers. rh have Girl's schools have been closed down, worsening the record of a nation in which only 4% of all girls receive any educa- _tion at all. g. The United States has been firmly against lifting sanc- tions, arguing that Iraq has not dismantled its programmes to develop weapons of mass destruction. h, Many lawmakers approved the anti-crime bill, believing that it was necessary to restore peace and order. i, The editor sent him a wire, asking him about the situation. j. They mailed four Petitions 7 ad Party Congress, demand- * Cau tric participial phrase 6 c&c céu (a) va (b) c6 chifc nang 1a cu thé héa (substantiate) hay gidi thich m6t c4ch chi tiét nhiing gi duge néi trong phan chinh cia cau: & 152% din ta bing m6t infinitive va rang present participle chi duge ding dé chi muc dich sau mét sé it ddng tiv c6 y nghia cin ban "send a message" nhu la WRITE, SEND A WRITE, TELEPHONE, FAX, E-MAIL. i. Vi chit butegiti cho anh dy mét bie dién tin (dé) héi tham vé tinh hinh. j. Ho giti bén kién nghi lén Dai héi Dang, doi héi phdi cb hanh d6ng tice khde dé bai tri tham nhiing trong chinh quyén. Bai tap Dich ra tiéng Anh a. Téi gli cho cé Ay mét bic thu hdi xem tinh hinh 6 nha. b. Anh ay tit chéi gti tac phdm dy thi, ndi rang anh khéng tin tudng su céng bang cilia cdc vj gidm khao. 3. The i ive A. © vi tri cudi cau Infinitive & cudi cAu 1a phan lén dé chi muc dich. - He went to France to study medicine. N6 qua Phdp hoc y khoa. -. He got up to ask a question. ~-No6-diing lén- dé -héi-mét-cdu-héi: B. & vj tri ddu cau G vi tri ddu cAu, infinitive cé mét sé chtte nang ngon ngit dae bit. 1546 a... Céng ty giao dich vdi ngudi chau Phi,.mua ngé voi cia ho va ban cho ho nhiing | that hang héa mé& ho can. doi voi phy ni,-ngdn-cém ho lam viée, bdo ho phdi 6 nha va doi héi rang than thé cia ho phdi duoc che kin néu ho di ra ngodi. * 6 (co) va @, cdc cau tate > participial phrase chi ‘hank dong “xay ra cimg mot Tic, Peer eect ce. Anh dy ném ngdm nghi vé vén dé 6, d. Dung cé ding dé ma cai ly. * 6 (e) va (f, cdc cau trac participial phrase chi két qua cia su viéc dugc néi téi trong phan truéc cia cau. e. Cée tén eudp co sting dé phuc kich mét chiéc xe buyt & phia Bée thit dé giét chét tai xé va hai hanh khdch. f. . Cac truéng nit bi déng cita, lam téi t2 hon nia thanh tich cilia mt quée gia ma 6 dé chi cé 4% con gdi- la duge di hoe. * 6 @) va (h) cau tric participial phrase cung cap mot li gidi thich ly do cia su viéc duge dé cAp 6 phan chinh cia cau. g. Hoa Ky kién quyét chéng Iai vide go bd cdc bién phdp tring phat, ldp ludn rang I-rde dé khéng chdém dit cde chuong trinh phdt trién vit khi giét nguti hdng logt ctia ho. h. Nhiéu nha lam ludt (dgi biéu quée héi) phé chudn du luét chéng téi pham vi tin rang dy ludt do la cin thiét dé tae lap i trét ty tri an. saa caaeeearty access a eae eua Wit ty) Pee Naey EA VA 1a mét trong nhiing déng ti¥ sau day: SAY, EXPLAIN, NOTE, BELIEVE, CITE, FEAR, ARGUE, CONTEND, ATTRIBUTE. 6 G va @ c&u trie present participle md td muc dich cia mét hanh déng . Dé y ring chtic nang nay théng thudng duge @ 153 6 a. Dé chi muc dich G6 dau cau, infinitive c6 thé dimg 46 chi muc dich, nhung 6 vi tri nay, né thudng bdéo hiéu mt diéu kién dé dat duge mue dich 46, trong khi & cudi cau, n6 chi don thudn chi mue dich cia hanh déng n6i téi trong ph4n chinh cia céu. Vd a. I went to the library to borrow some books. b. To borrow books from this section of the library, you must have a special card. Cau (b) nhén manh mét diéu kién trong khi cAu (a) khong ni t6i diéu kién nao. NHAN xeET Y muc dich + diéu kién con duge dién té bing a. if ..+ want + to... - if + be + to - infinitive - If you want to enter college, you must make preparation right now. Néu anh muén vio dai hoc, anh phdi chudn bi ngay bay gid. Néu phan chinh cia cau va cdu trde chi mue dich néi téi hai di tugng khde nhau, ching ta cé thé ding cdu tréc trén hay cau trde sau day ma chi 4p dung cho hai déi tugng khde nhau. b. For + noun + infinitive Vd For production to soar (= if production is to soar,) indi- viduals must have some incentive to work harder. Dé san xudit gia ting manh/Muén sdn xudt gia tang manh, thi cde e& nhén phdi cé déng co dé lam viée nhiéu hon. Lé di nhién cau tric nay cing c6 thé di sau cau, nhung khéc 6 ché khéng bao ham ¥ nghia diéu kién. 155 3 Vd He rang for the table to be cleared. Ong dy bém chuong dé ngudi ta don ban cho sgch. ‘Va cing co mot cdu trie khac lun luon di sau edu dé cing dién dat chtfe nang mue dich. He rang so that the table would/could be cleared. _b. Dé bdo hiéu mot két lugn, mot nhan dinh 6 tinh céch phé phdn vé mét sy viée hay tinh hinh sau mdt hi thdo luan hay ban bac. O trong van viét, né xudt hién 6 cudi doan van (para- graph). vd1 vd2 The question then arises, what kind of practice is most useful to one who is making his first attempts to write an essay? I hold that unreasonable to expect a beginner to produce all at once both the matter and the language. The matter should be supplied to him in the first year. Afterwards, when he has acquired sufficient facility of ex- pression, he may be expected to finish the matter also. To attempt both at once is to succeed in neither. Nestfield Vi vdy cau héi duge dat ra la: Logi the hanh nao cé ich nhét cho nguoi méi tap viét ludn van lén ddu? Toi cho rang trong dgi nguvi mdi hoc dua ra ngay tue khde cd néi dung lén ngén ngit la khong hop ly. Ching ta nén eung edp noi dung cho nguvi méi hoc trong ndm ddu. Sau déy, khi hoc vien da dat ddy dit kha nang dién dat thi ching ta c6 thé bdt hoe vién cung cdp luén cd ni dung. C6 gang gidi auvét cd hai viée cing mét lic t#é la chang thanh cong trong viée nao. Men and women alike, we recent years tended to act hurriedly, to speak without reflection, to accept new notions without consideration, to allow our minds to react almost mechanically. In this way we are allowing the best part of our mental powers to go waste. Te act and to & 156 speak without reflection is to behave like animals on im- pulse or like machines by the driving force of routine. Kleizer Vao nhiing ndm sau ndy, ching ta dan.éng cing nhu phy nit, thuong cé khuynh huéng hanh dong mét cach vdi va, noi ma khong suy nghi, chdp nhén nhitng ¥ tuéng méi ma khéng xem xét, dé cho ddu 6c cia ching ta phdn ung gan nhu mdy méc. Bang cdch nay, chiing ta da dé phén tét dep nhét ciia tri ndng cilia ching ta bi mai mét. Hanh déng va néi ma khéng suy nghi la cu xit giéng nhu thi vat theo suv thie déy cia ban nang hay giéng nhu mdy méc theo luc déy ctia théi quen. ce. Ngoai ra cdc infinitive trong cdc fixed phrases (cum tit co dinh) luén luén di truéc cde cdu_néi dé dic két, nhan manh, déi huéng dam ludn, gidi thich v.v... To sum up + T6m lai To put it briefly + N6i gon lai To be frank : Thanh that ma ndi To be honest > Thanh that ma néi To put it in another way : Céng bang ma ndi ... nhung To begin with Trude hét To get back to the point : pe td lal van dé... Bai tap 1. Dich ra tiéng Anh. a. Dé vao dai hoc, anh phai chuan bj ngay bay gid. b. Muén vao dai hoc, anh phai chun bi ngay bay gid. @ 157 —. -¢, Dé-con.anh vao dude dai hoc,-anh phai.chuan-bi cho ching ngay bay gid. d. Néu Viét Nam muén tré thanh/Bé Viét Nam tré thanh mét con réng kinh té, chT cé mét con dudng la day manh céng cuéc déi --._-mi-(have_no.alternative / choice-but-to ...). = 2 SGGP 2. Dich va néi sy khac biét gitta hai cu nay. a. He paid his friend 300 dollars for faking the immigration stamp on his passport. b. He paid 300 dollars for his friend to fake an immigration stamp on his passport. 8. Dich va néi chite nang cdéc cum t& duge gach 6 bén duéi. a. The teacher denied any wrongdoing, saying thathe had crossed out the student's name from the list because he found that he did not qualify for the task. & 158 wrong" is to endow the dog with a moral sence. The explanation is much simpler, namely that last time he stole meat he got a beating, and the chain of reflexes is now reproduced and his fear revived. @& 160 5 --b; The police chief said economic. crime, a recent terminology, ———advanced-techniques. has become more sophisticated w with perpetrators employing c. The disease has spread quickly, with 250 admissions to the provincial hospital reported during the past 5 days. d. Hundreds of money-losing state enterprises would go bank- tupt without continued government subsidies, throwing sev- eral million workers out of their jobs. e. With the war over, their victory was complete. i. With their incomes dropping and hi had to tighten their belts further. ices coing up, they Dich doan van sau day va néi chife ning ctia c4u: "To say that ... with a moral sense.” One pitfall of direct observation is that we are too apt to read our own interpretation into the child's behaviour. That is to commit the "psychologist's fallacy", wh jich means bias we ascribe to a child ul UWn Hor pieimee ot eee psychologist's fallacy wngte seeing a dog slink away when found stealing a joint of meat, we say, "You seel He knows he Is doing wrong!" We are here ascribing to the dog our own interpretation of its behaviour, and what we should féel if we were caught in similar circumstances. To say that "he knows that he is doing 159 So sdnh: Nhiing bai hoe dao‘dite c6 thé duge doi day tét hon la théy day. Moral lessons: can be better taught by life than by teachers. So sdnh: Con nit bay gid duge nguoi ta cho an nhiéu hon la duge day dé. Children are now better fed than taught. So sénh: Céch cu xt t6t c6 thé duge day bang cde hanh déng lam guong cu thé hon la bang loi ndi suéng. Good conduct/behaviour can be better fostered by true ex- amples than by mere words. NHAN XET a. Hai déi tugng dude so sdnh cé thé la hai hoat déng duge dién ta bang hai déng tu 6 thé gerund hay infinitive. * Hoc thi dé hon day. - Vdi gerund: Learning is easier than teaching. - Vi infinitive: It is easier to learn than to teach. Cau tric trén thong thuéng hon [a cau tric: To learn is easier than to teach. « Truéc day vao dai hoc khé hon bay gid ie Itwas far more difficult to enter a college in the past than itis now. Trong cau trén, phai ding "itis" & vé sau vi khac v6i thi 3 vé truéc (was b. So sanh cling mét déi tugng qua hai thdi ky khac nhau, qua hai nai chén khac nhau cé thé dua dén nhiing céch dién dat khac nhau, tuy theo nghia ching ta nham dén. * Sinh vién ngay nay nang d6éng hon truéc. Students are now more dynamic than they \ were in the. past. / ‘than they used to be i Nhung cting cé thé hiéu dé 1a hai tap thé khdc nhau: Today's students are more dynamic than those of the past. Nhung cau sau day thi phai quan niém hai tap thé riéng biét. ee 167 + Néi chung hoc sinh trong cdc truéng céng thi thudng gidi van héa hon la cac hoc sinh trong trudng tu. === == Generally speaking;-pupils in-public- schools are-better-at- academic subjects than those in private schools. Hoaic Public school pupils are better at academic subjects than their private school counterparts. l..So.sdnh ty4é———_---- So sdnh ty 16 1A so sdnh véi cdc ty CANG ... CANG. + TOi cang nghién citu dé nghi cia anh ky chitng nao toi Iai cang khong thich chitng dy. The more closely I consider your proposal, the less I like it. * Cé dy cang lén len cang dep. The older she has grown, the more beautiful she has become. Ciing c6 thé néi cach khac. She has become more beautiful as she has grown older. * Ching ta khéi céng sém ching ndo thi tét ching dé. . The sooner we start, the better. Ngoai ra chiing ta cing cin dé ¥ mot 16i so sdénh ty 1é gitta hai d6i twong vé hai phdém chat tréi nguge nhau. * Vo anh dy e lé bao nhiéu thi anh dy cang ty tin bay nhiéu. He is as confident as his wife is shy. Van dé ching ta cin chi ¥ & day 1A vé mat ci phdp, c6 sy khée biét gitta tiéng Anh va tiéng Viét. Trong khi ¥ chinh nim trong vé dau cia cau tiéng Anh, thi khi dich ra tiéng Viét, né nim 4 vi hoi Ag & ab nay trona hei Anon dich sav déy: Vidi Karger was as fastidious about his clothes as Marilyn was about her face and body. : Marilyn cang cham chit nhan sdc va than thé ctta nang ching nao thi Karger cing chim chit y phuc ctia éng chiing dé. & 168 a. More than 100 people signed up for he course, most of them academics and professionals. C6 trén mét tram ngudi dang ky xin hoc, trong dé phén lon la ede nha khoa bang va chuyén mén. b. The banks, most of them state-run, are out of cash. Cée ngan hang, phdn lén la cia nha nude, déu thiéu tién mat. Absolute phrase 6 (a) tuong duong véi relative clause: many of whom are academics and professional va absolute 6 (b) tifong duong véi relative clause:, most of which are out of cash. Bai tap Dich ra tiéng Viét a. The wedding over and the bride - people gone, her father and herself were left together, with no prospect of a third to cheer along evening. - Jane Ausren b. A certain amount of general elementary knowledge must be imparted, the most useful being some history, geography, and literature, and a little mathematics. -.H. Martin c. Lucky vistors may visit in time to hear the monks chanting their —_.___.._... evening _liturgy, their.clear_voices_ringing.out from_the_dim temple interior. & 1646 £ “streaming (nude mdt chdy rong rong). Moment later, she staggered ~into the street, her lungs _ Seared (ngue nang néng nhu thiéu dét) and ‘her eyes. Out of the total exports worth about 416 million dollars annually, farm produce accounts for more than 90%, the chief items being wool, meat and dairy produce. ‘The majority. of farms-are rated-as small, three-quarters of them being less than 100 acres. There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Cac cau (a), (b), (c), (d) thu6e loai vin mé tA ké chuyén, cdc absolute phrase cung c&p mot chi tiét nhé x4y ra cing mét lic véi nhiing gi néi dén trong phan chinh cia cau. Trong loai cau nay, participle BEING cia "BE" bi loai bé. trong cdc absolute phrases. Clauses Absolute phrases His face was pale - his face pale His eyes were on his napkin - his eyes on his napkin Her eyes were clasped - her eyes clasped behind her behind her head head. Her lungs were seared - her“lungs seared Céc cdu (e), (f) thudc loai vin trinh bay gidng gidi (exposi- tory writting) va cdc absolute phrases trong cdc cau nay duge ding dé gidi thich (f) hay cho thém m6t chi tiét (e). Hay dé ¥ su cé mat cia "being" trong loai.absolute phrase nay. Cau (g) thudc loai vin ké truyén, nhung absolute phrase duge ding dé chi ly do, cht khéng phai dé m6 ta mét chi tiét di kem: Tuy vay, cing nén gni nhan trong van tinh bay gidi tnich, dae biét trén bdo chi, cé mOt loai absolute phrase tuong duong véi mt relative clause, lai khong ding BEING. Xét cde cau sau day: & 163-5 V6i cdc vi du trén, ching ta c6 thé chia cdc absolute phrases ra lam hai loai. 1. Loai absolute pkrase chi chi tiét x4y ra cimg m6t hic hay chi tiét di kém (a) va (b): Cau tréc nay luén luén di sau cau, vA chi ngif cia cfu tric (S) chi c6 mot bd phan, mét thanh phan hay cdi gi d6 thudec vé chi ngif cia cau. She turned ..., her eyes blazing s s “her eyes" 1a bé phan cia chi ngif She. She read ..., her hands trembling and tears rolling. s s, 8, "her hands" 1a bd phan cia She va “tears” thudc vé She. 2, Loai absolute phrase tudng dudng véi mgt ménh dé trang tw chi thdi gian (c), nguyén nhan (d), (e). Loai abso- lute phrase nay thudng ding dau cau. - The authorities having arrived and taken the seats = When the authorities had arrived and (had) taken the seats. - None of those present having any further remarks to make = As none of those present had any further re- marks to make. - Human nature being what it is: Because human nature is what it is. . SU cé va vang "BEING" frong Absolute * phrases a. The boy nodded, his face pale. bs - He was waiting, his eyes on his napkin. c. Lara lay on her back, her hands clasped behind her head. 162 «6

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