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3 Plants and animals adapted to different environments

New words
Adaptations Features
Conditions Burrows
Glands Gills
Thaw Resin
Answer the following
1. Define adaptation.
Ans. Adaptations are features that help plants and animals to live in their
2. How a cactus plant is adapted to live in hot, dry environment?
Ans. They have:
-Deep roots to find water
-Fat stem to store water
-Thorn instead of leaves to prevent loss of water
-Waxy coating stops water from escaping
3. How a camel is adapted to live in hot, dry environment?
Ans. They have:
-Long eyelashes to keep sand out of eyes
-Thick lips to eat thorny desert plant
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-Humps to store fat for energy
-Wide, tough feet to walk on hot sand more easily
4. Complete the following table of information. (Homework: Use Tb. Pg. 153
and complete the answer).
Name of plant/animal Adaptation

Water lily/Lotus




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