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Prepare 2-3 page report on 9-pillars of Digital India.

Digital India is a bold initiative initiated by the Indian government with the goal of
converting the country into a digitally enabled society and knowledge economy. The
programme includes a number of programmes and policies aimed at using the potential
of digital technology and connections to close the digital gap, empower individuals, and
improve government. At its heart, Digital India is founded on nine pillars that serve as the
backbone of this revolutionary journey. This paper delves into each of these pillars and
their role in developing India's digital ecosystem.

1. Broadband Highways: The first pillar of Digital India is to build a strong broadband
infrastructure throughout the country. It aspires to give high-speed internet access to
all individuals, particularly those living in rural and distant locations. This includes the
installation of optical fibre networks, the expansion of mobile network coverage, and
the promotion of satellite technologies. Broadband Highways offer access to digital
services, e-governance, and e-commerce by enabling last-mile connectivity.

2. Universal Mobile Connectivity: The goal of this pillar is to extend mobile network
coverage to every part of India, including isolated villages and hilly regions. It entails
the installation of mobile towers as well as the extension of network infrastructure to
provide continuous connectivity. Universal access to mobile connection not only
improves communication but also provides the public with access to digital services,
information, and skill development possibilities.

3. The Public Internet Access Programme intends to create Common Service Centres
(CSCs) in rural and urban regions to provide access to digital services, the internet,
and e-government. These centres serve as go-betweens, providing digital literacy
classes, facilitating online transactions, and providing access to government services.
The programme provides residents with digital skills while also encouraging a culture
of digital inclusion and involvement.

4. e-Governance: The e-Government pillar seeks to revolutionise government operations

via the use of digital technology. It entails the creation and deployment of digital
platforms and portals in order to simplify government processes, increase
transparency, and improve service delivery. Initiatives like Digital Locker, e-Sign, and e-
Hospital show how e-government can reduce bureaucracy, improve efficiency, and
enable citizen-centric government.
5. e-Kranti: Electronic Service Delivery:The e-Kranti pillar is concerned with providing
electronic services in areas like as education, health, planning, farming, security,
financial inclusion, and justice. It encourages record digitalization, online service
delivery platforms, and the integration of technology to increase efficiency and
accessibility. Initiatives like as e-Basta, e-Hospital, and e-Courts demonstrate e-Kranti's
revolutionary potential in improving service delivery and public empowerment.

6. Information for All: This pillar emphasises the necessity of digital access to
information and knowledge. It entails digitising government papers, books, and other
materials and making them available online. Initiatives like as the National Digital
Library, archive digitization, and Open Educational Resources (OER) offer broad access
to educational information and resources. The Information for All pillar attempts to
bridge the digital divide in terms of knowledge and information, while also
encouraging a culture of lifelong learning.

7. Electronics Manufacturing: The Electronics Manufacturing pillar promotes home

production of electronic gear, such as mobile phones, computers, and other electronic
gadgets. It attempts to minimise reliance on imports, provide job opportunities, and
boost economic growth. The construction of electronics manufacturing clusters,
investment incentives, and legislative changes all contribute to the development of a
thriving electronics manufacturing ecosystem in India.

8. IT for Jobs: This pillar recognises the ability of information technology to provide job
possibilities. It focuses on IT skill development, training, and capacity building.
Initiatives like the National Skill Development Mission, the Digital Saksharta Abhiyan
(DISHA), and Start-up India encourage entrepreneurship and improve employability.
The IT for Jobs pillar seeks to provide youngsters with the skills they need to
participate in the developing digital economy.

9. Early Harvest Programme: The Early Harvest Programme attempts to accelerate the
execution of selected projects in order to demonstrate real outcomes and advantages
of Digital India. These initiatives are prioritised based on their ability to have an
immediate impact and demonstrate the revolutionary power of digital technology. This
pillar guarantees that the advantages of digitization reach citizens as soon as possible.

The nine Digital India pillars provide a comprehensive framework for the country's
digital development. The programme intends to bridge the digital gap, empower
individuals, and improve government through efforts encompassing broadband
infrastructure, e-governance, universal connection, digital literacy, and electronic
service delivery. The Digital India journey has enormous promise in terms of
establishing a digitally inclusive and empowered society, allowing India to emerge
as a worldwide leader in the digital era.

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