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Jean Metelus

Grand Canyon University

Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders

Dr. James Russo

Case Analysis: Elementary School Scenario

Part 1: Analyze the Case

Responsibility of the Team Lead/Department Chair: The team lead, Ms. Juarez, plays a

crucial role in supporting the outlier teacher, Ms. Monroe. She should provide mentorship,

guidance, and resources to help Ms. Monroe improve her instructional practices and alignment

with the team's collaborative efforts.

Stakeholders and Conversation: The conversation about next steps should involve Ms. Juarez,

the outlier teacher (Ms. Monroe), and the school principal. Additionally, the district's assessment

coordinator and instructional coach may be included to provide insights and support. Initially,

individual conversations with Ms. Monroe and Ms. Juarez may be necessary to gather

information and understand perspectives. Subsequently, a group discussion involving all

stakeholders can facilitate a collaborative approach to addressing the issues.

Determining Next Steps: Questions to consider include:

 What specific areas of instruction or planning are Ms. Monroe struggling with?

 What support mechanisms are currently available to assist Ms. Monroe?

 Are there underlying factors contributing to Ms. Monroe's challenges, such as workload

or personal circumstances?

 How can the team leverage existing resources and expertise to support Ms. Monroe's


Part 2: Identify the Larger Issues

School or District Policies: Policies related to teacher evaluation, professional development,

and collaboration may impact decisions. For example, district policies on teacher support and

intervention procedures may guide the process of assisting Ms. Monroe.

Additional Information Needed: Further information on Ms. Monroe's instructional practices,

classroom environment, and professional development history would be valuable. Understanding

any external factors affecting her performance, such as workload or personal challenges, is also


Outcomes of Doing Nothing: Neglecting to address Ms. Monroe's challenges may lead to

continued student underperformance, potential disengagement from her colleagues, and erosion

of trust within the team.

Outcomes of Taking Action: Taking action to support Ms. Monroe could lead to improved

instructional practices, increased collaboration among the team, and enhanced student

achievement. However, it may also require additional resources and time investment.

Part 3: Create an Action Plan

Plan Moving Forward:

 Schedule individual meetings with Ms. Monroe and Ms. Juarez to discuss observations

and concerns.

 Collaboratively identify areas for improvement and develop a personalized professional

development plan for Ms. Monroe.

 Provide ongoing support and coaching to Ms. Monroe, including modeling effective

instructional practices and sharing resources.

 Monitor progress through regular check-ins and adjust support strategies as needed.

Sustaining a Culture of Collaboration, Trust, Learning, and High Expectations:

 Emphasize the importance of collaboration and shared goals within the team.

 Foster an environment of trust and open communication where teachers feel comfortable

seeking support and feedback.

 Set high expectations for both instructional quality and professional growth, encouraging

continuous improvement.

Critical Stakeholders Involvement:

 Include Ms. Juarez, Ms. Monroe, the school principal, district assessment coordinator,

and instructional coach in decision-making discussions.

 Encourage input from other team members who may offer valuable perspectives and

Anticipated Challenges:

 Resistance or defensiveness from Ms. Monroe may pose a challenge to the intervention


 Limited resources or time constraints may impact the level of support that can be

provided to Ms. Monroe.

Ongoing Support to the Team Lead/Department Chair:

 Provide training and professional development opportunities for Ms. Juarez to enhance

her leadership skills in supporting struggling teachers.

 Offer mentorship and guidance from the school principal and instructional coach to assist

Ms. Juarez in her role.

Evaluation of Results:

 Regularly assess Ms. Monroe's progress against established goals and benchmarks.

 Solicit feedback from Ms. Juarez, colleagues, and students to gauge the effectiveness of

support efforts.

 Adjust the action plan as needed based on outcomes and feedback.


 Begin individual meetings and goal-setting with Ms. Monroe and Ms. Juarez

 Implement ongoing support and professional development over the course of the school


 Conduct regular progress reviews and evaluations to track improvement.

Scholarly Resources:

Reeves, D. B. (2017). Assessment and Accountability in Continuous Improvement. Solution Tree


Hallinger, P., & Murphy, J. F. (2013). Educational Leadership and School Improvement.


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