Design Project AE 472 F202021

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King Abdul Aziz University Aircraft Propulsion I AE371 Aero. Eng. Dept
Faculty of Engineering Aircraft Design Project

Question 1
There is a need for a low-cost turbojet with take-off thrust of (20+ last digit of team leader)
kN. Preliminary studies suggest a single spool all-axial flow arrangement. You need to
design a multi-stage axial flow compressor considering the following data at TAKE-OFF
 Inlet conditions: 1.01 bar and 288 K; No IGV
 Axial mass flow rate (20+last digit of team leader) kg/s
 π c =5+last digit of teamleader
Design constraints:

 ()
r t I stage

 U t ,max 350 m/s

 M 1 R 1.2
 Constant mean diameter
 Diffusion factor = 0.6
 σ =1.0
 θ=5° for all rotors and stators
 Max number of blades 100 in all stages

The design should include:

• Selection of rotational speed and annulus dimensions (Assume u = 150 m/s and no loss
in diffuser)
• Determination of number of stages using compressor efficiency of 0.85, work-done
factor 0.87, and equal work in all stages
• Calculations of airflow angles of each stage at the mean radius
• Calculations of stage parameters at mean
• Calculations of airflow angle variation from hub to tip for each stage using free vortex
and exponential method
• Drawings of the velocity triangles at different locations (hub, tip and mean) for first,
middle and last stages with scale on graph papers
• Selection of rotor and stator blades
• Calculation of number of blades
Question 2
It is required to design an axial flow turbine to drive the compressor (designed earlier) of the
turbojet engine. The following are the data fixed by the design of the other engine
Gas mass flow rate from compressor design
f 0.025
Pressure loss in combustion chamber 3%
Turbine inlet stagnation pressure from compressor design
Shaft rotational speed from compressor design
Mean diameter from compressor design
Flow co-efficient at mean 0.8
Assume zero exit swirl and free vortex design for the blades.
The design should include:
• Calculations of airflow angles of each stage at the mean
• Calculations of stage parameters at the mean
• Calculations of airflow angle variation from hub to tip for each stage using free vortex
• Drawings of the velocity triangles at different locations (hub, tip and mean) for first,
middle and last stages with scale using drawing software such as solidworks, AutoCAD
It is required to extensive analysis of performance parameters. Analyse the data and obtain
an optimum range of performance parameters and compare with constraints. You need to:
a) Define the problem to be solved using relevant information omitting any extraneous
data, recognize missing information, and estimate them as needed using sound
principles of math, physics and engineering principals.
b) Apply principals of engineering, science and mathematics to develop a model for the
real-life problem taking into account all essential features and an efficient solution
c) Correctly apply identified solution procedure, obtain meaningful solution(s), and
discuss obtained solution(s) from an engineering point of view.

Your work will be assessed using the following rubric

Student Outcome #1: Student work samples demonstrate the student's ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems
by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. For each of the following key performance indicators (KPIs), the student’s
work is assessed as Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory according to the following performance levels’ descriptions:
Performance Levels
# KPI Essential Elements of the KPI Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Excellent (3) Good (2)
(1) (0)
1.1 Problem a) Define the problem to be solved using All essential All essential The following All essential
Identification relevant information omitting any elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
extraneous data. KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
b) Recognize missing information. demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in
c) Correctly estimate missing information deeply discussed, discussed but with addressed in a a wrong way.
using sound principles of math, physics and correctly variable depth and wrong way.
and engineering principals. presented. breadth.
1.2 Problem 1. Apply principals of engineering, All essential All essential The following All essential
Formulation science and mathematics to develop a elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
model for the real-life problem taking KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
into account all essential features. demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in
2. Efficiently apply engineering deeply discussed, discussed but with addressed in a a wrong way.
principles, with no conceptual or and correctly variable depth and wrong way.
presented. breadth.
procedural errors.
3. Identify an efficient solution
1.3 Solution and 1. Correctly apply identified solution All essential All essential The following All essential
Interpretation procedure. elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
2. Obtain meaningful solution(s). KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
3. Discuss obtained solution(s) from an demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in
engineering point of view. deeply discussed, discussed but with addressed in a a wrong way.
and correctly variable depth and wrong way.
presented. breadth.

Student Outcome #2: Student work samples demonstrate the student's ability to apply the engineering design to produce solutions that
meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and
economic factors. For each of the following key performance indicators (KPIs), the student’s work is assessed as Excellent, Good, Needs
Improvement, or Unsatisfactory according to the following performance levels’ descriptions:
# KPI Essential Elements of the KPI Excellent (3) Good (2) Improvemen
t (1)
1. Clearly state the problem to be All essential All essential One or more All essential
solved. elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
2. Identify potential customers and KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
stakeholders. demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in a
3. Identify customer needs and deeply discussed but with addressed in a wrong way.
constraints. discussed, and variable depth and wrong way.
4. Identify applicable realistic correctly breadth. The elements
constraints such as: accessibility, presented. that need
aesthetics, codes, constructability, cost, improvement
ergonomics, extensibility, are:
2. Problem
functionality, interoperability, legal
1 Definition
considerations, maintainability,
manufacturability, marketability,
policy, regulations, schedule,
standards, sustainability, or usability
5. Convert the needs and constraints
into clear and measurable design
objectives and specifications.
6. Identify expected global, cultural,
social, environmental, and economic
impact of the design.
Develop a workable design strategy All essential All essential One or more All essential
including: elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
a. Decomposition of work into KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
subtasks. demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in a
2. Design b. Defining team members’ deeply discussed but with addressed in a wrong way.
2 Strategy responsibilities. discussed, and variable depth and wrong way.
c. Development of a time plan or correctly breadth. The elements
schedule. presented. that need
d. Develop initial budget and cost improvement
estimation. are:
All essential All essential One or more All essential
1. Identify design functions, elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
2. Identify means to carry out each KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
function to meet customer needs with demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in a
consideration of public health, safety, deeply discussed but with addressed in a wrong way.
and welfare, as well as global, cultural, discussed, and variable depth and wrong way.
social, environmental, and economic correctly breadth. The elements
factors. presented. that need
2. Conceptual 3. Develop a selection criteria based on improvement
3 Design design objectives, constraints, and are:
applicable codes and standards.
4. Develop several potential solutions
such that each one meets the minimum
requirements of the selection criteria.
5. Use a decision analysis technique to
select the best baseline design
1. Carry out modelling and All essential All essential One or more All essential
discipline specific analysis of the elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
selected baseline design to ensure KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
desired engineering requirements. demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in a
2. Determine shapes, assemblies, and deeply discussed but with addressed in a wrong way.
interfaces whenever applicable. discussed, and variable depth and wrong way.
3. Select appropriate material and correctly breadth. The elements
standard equipment presented. that need
Preliminary 4. Carry out proof of concept using improvement
and Detailed scale down models, prototypes and/or are:
Design computer simulations (if applicable).
5. 5. Evaluate final design versus client
and customer requirements.
6. Perform iterative analysis to achieve
potential improvements.
7. Carry out impact analysis of the
solution including global, cultural,
social, environmental, and economic
1. Communicate final design and All essential All essential One or more All essential
design procedure orally.2. elements of the elements of the KPI essential elements are
Communicate final design and design KPI are are demonstrated, elements are missed or
procedure in writing.3. Present demonstrated, presented and missed or addressed in a
2. professionally prepared documentation deeply discussed but with addressed in a wrong way.
5 and supporting material including discussed, and variable depth and wrong way.
engineering drawings, technical correctly breadth. The elements
specifications, and user manuals (if presented. that need
applicable).4. Update the project improvement
schedule and budget. are:

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