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1. Analyse the poetic devices that the poet adopts in the poem.

The poet has incorporated the use of repetition in the line “ Let’s not
speak, and let’s stop for one second” to create a poetic effect and to
show the importance of silence. The use of the phrases, ‘count to
twelve’ and ‘count up to twelve’ are symbolic as the poet repeats his
request to keep quite for a second time.
The word 'twelve' symbolises a measure of time representing our clock
time of real life, capturing a moment from our present time. The
phrases ‘hurt hands’, ‘clean clothes’ are examples of Alliteration. Man
will clean his soul, heart and mind in this process. The word ‘brothers’,
here, implies brotherhood and it is an example of Synecdoche where
concrete objects are used instead of abstract objects.
There is use of metaphor in ‘put on clean clothes’ as the poet warns the
warmongers to shed their blood-stained clothes and put on fresh
clothes. Actually he requested everybody to follow universal

2. According to the poet what is that human beings can learn from
Life under apparent stillness is the message that the human beings can
learn from the nature. The Earth is never in a state of total inactivity.
Nature continues to breath and work even when there is stillness all
So, we must silent for sometime to prepare ourselves to gain

3. What does the title of the poem suggest to you?

The title of the poem suggests the importance of silence. The poem is
about the importance of self introspection. Our speech and activities
often bring about trouble and suffering. So, they need to be controlled.

4. What is the sadness that the poet refers to in the poem?

The poet refers to the sadness that arises from the failure to
understand ourselves. Today, we are so engrossed in achieving
materialistic success that we have no time to introspect about our
actions and their consequences. Hence, we often end up hurting
ourselves and this results in sadness of not understanding ourselves.
The poet says that perhaps a huge silence can remove this sadness.

5. What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem?

The poet writes about the wars against humanity and nature. Green
wars, wars with poisonous gases and wars with fire are mentioned in
the poem. The poet does not accept war. He feels that such wars may
bring victory but there will be no survivors to celebrate the victory.

6. What is the exotic moment that the poet refers to?

The poet refers to the moment of stillness and quietness as an exotic
moment because it will initiate peace and brotherhood. There would be
no movement, talks or activities and consequently no violence.

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