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Taiwanese movies

After having met the international film award winner, director Yang Shouyi, I have understood
the power of making a film and also making a documentary. Yang Shouyi taught us how
each film he makes is important to him and how he does everything with passion and love. I
was really surprised when he explained to us how each documentary is linked to a specific
story like some family problems or some love problems. His films hide a big story, they
represent the life of some real people and how they could solve their difficulties. He also
explained to us his relationship with the nature of Taiwan. He showed us how many
mountains there are on this Island and why we should visit them. Another thing I have
appreciated is the fact that before starting making this film, he trained himself a lot climbing
mountains in order to get the trust of all the main characters he had to stay with. Yang
Shouyi showed us how to use an instrument to shoot a film. I really liked the clip he showed
us where he was alone on an island with this flying instrument which allows people to watch
the beauty of the island from a high point of view and which was also able to pass through
the mountains in this small piece of land. In conclusion I can say I really appreciated this
kind of event, the director explained everything in a detailed way, and he could transmit his
love for shooting films. I am so happy because I won the lucky draw and now I will have a
souvenir with me of this big and important day. I hope to see one of his films in order to
discover better and appreciate the Taiwanese culture and nature which is one of the most
beautiful in the world.

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