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Q. State the different methods available for solving continuum structure advantages of F.E.M.

the other methods.
When you first learn about these methods they look very different. However, they are more closely related
than they appear at first. The Finite Difference (FD) method shares with the most common Finite Element
(FE) method (nodal FEs) the property of using local approximations to the differential operator and the
boundary conditions; both methods generate “stencils” of nodal values that couples neigboring nodal
values. In this, these methods differ from, for instance, Spectral or Boundary Element Methods, which do
not generate local stencils.
The big difference between FD and FE methods are how these stencils are constructed. FD stencils are
typically explicitly created by the designer of the scheme, whereas the FE stencil normally is generated by
the computer and not explicitly visible. One way of thinking of the difference is that the design of a FD
method is like assembly programming, whereas construction a FE scheme is like programming in a high
level language. Everything you do with a (nodal) FE method you could in principle formulate as a FD
scheme, but it would be as clumsy as writing a complicated computer program in assembly code. For
instance, FE stencils are typically different at each nodal point in the domain, a property that would be very
unwieldy to manage with a FD method.
The FE method generate the stencils indirectly through a so-called variational form (also called “weak
form”) defined on spaces of piecewise-defined functions on a partitioning (“triangulation”) of the domain.
This approach has several advantages: (i) complicated geometries are supported through the use of
unstructured meshes; (ii) the variational form supports straightforward and stable implementations of many
of the standard boundary conditions; (iii) it is often possible to rigorously analyze properties such as stability
and accuracy.
I think it is fair to say that FD methods generally, because of the reasons above, have lost grounds to FE
methods, both in software and as a research subject, similarly as the use of high level languages have
become the norm in programming. However, FD methods are still important for certain applications; the
hand-tuning of stencils can give very efficient methods (Compare again with assembly programming!) For
instance, the Finite Difference Time Domain method (the “Yee scheme”) is very efficient and with a low
memory footprint as a numerical solver of the Maxwell equations in the time domain. It can also be
interesting to know that some modern research in FD methods have adopded similar approaches as used
by FE researchers. For instance, so-called summation-by-parts operators have been introduced to put
more structure on the construction of FD stencils in order to make it possible to guarantee stability with
respect to boundary conditions and interfaces.

Q. State the advantages of the FEM over other method of analysis

1. Modeling. FEM allows for easier modeling of complex geometrical and irregular shapes. Because
the designer is able to model both the interior and exterior, he or she can determine how critical
factors might affect the entire structure and why failures might occur.
2. Adaptability. FEM can be adapted to meet certain specifications for accuracy in order to decrease
the need for physical prototypes in the design process. Creating multiple iterations of initial
prototypes is usually a costly and timely process. Instead of spending weeks on hard prototyping,
the designer can model different designs and materials in hours via software.
3. Accuracy. While modeling a complex physical deformity by hand can be impractical, a computer
using FEM can solve the problem with a high degree of accuracy.
4. Time-dependent simulation. FEM is highly useful for certain time-dependent simulations, such as
crash simulations, in which deformations in one area depending on deformation in another area.
5. Boundaries. With FEM, designers can use boundary conditions to define to which conditions the
model needs to respond. Boundary conditions can include point forces, distributed forces, thermal
effects (such as temperature changes or applied heat energy), and positional constraints.
6. Modeling of complex geometries and irregular shapes are easier as varieties of finite elements are
available for discretization of domain.
7. Boundary conditions can be easily incorporated in FEM.
8. Different types of material properties can be easily accommodated in modeling from element to
element or even within an element.
9. Higher order elements may be implemented.
10. FEM is simple, compact and result-oriented and hence widely popular among engineering
11. Availability of large number of computer software packages and literature makes FEM a versatile
and powerful numerical method.
Q. Shape function, its properties

Shape Function / Approximation / Interpolation / Basic Function :

The function which relates the field Variable at element to the Field Variable of nodal point is called Shape
Interpolation Function can be liner, quadrantic Function Can be cubic & quartic. depending upon the
desired accuracy and anticipated Variation fueld variations of the primary field Variable
As polynomials are easy to manipulate, they are used most widely as the interpolation Function.
Properties of Shape Function:
1) Shape function has always unit Value at its own node & Zero at the other node.
2 ) Summation of all shape function at any location or point within the element is Unit.

Q. Q. Exaplain in short Basic steps insolved in Analysis od Continuum structure using FEM.

General steps for finite Element Method :

Step 1) Discretizeion and select element types : This step Involves subdividing body into an Equivalent
System of small bedies, called Finite elements.
Step 2) : Select approximation functions.
(This steps Involves choosing a pattern on shape for the distribution of the unknown quantity within
element.) Unknown Qty. can be displacement for stress analysis problem. temperature in heat flow
problem, fluid pressure or velocity for fluid flow problem.
Approximation function is defined within the element using nodal value of the element. Liner, quadratic,
cubic, polynomial are frequently used functions because they are simple to work within finite element
Step 3) : Define the gradients of the unknown quantity and constitutive relationship.
(This relabanship are necessary for deriving the Equation of a each finite element.
Step 4) : Drive element equations :
( In this step, equations governing the behaviour of a generic finite element are obtain by invoking available
laws and principal full stop this equation describe the relationship between the nodal degree of freedom
and nodal forcing parameter.
Step5) Assemble element equations to obtined the global on total equations and introdure boundary
Steps 6) Solve for unknown degree of freedom (Primary unknown )
Step 7 ) Solve for Secondany quantities.
Step 8 ) Intenprate the Results.

Merits of FEM Advantages ot FEM

Compared to other numerical methods some of the merits of FEM are as follows.
(1) Modelling of complex geometries and irregular shapes are easier as varieties of finite element are
available for discretization of domain,
(ii) Boundary conditions can be easily incorporated in FEM.
(i) Different types of material properties can be easily accommodated in modelling from eleme to element or
even within an element.
(iv) Problems with heterogeneity, anisotropy, nonlinearity and time-dependency can be easily dealt with
(1) The systematic generality of FEM procedure makes it a powerful and versatile tool for a wide range of
(vi) FEM is simple, compact and result-oriented and hence widely popular among engineering
(vi) FEM can be easily coupled with computer-aided design (CAD) programs in various streams of
(vii) An FEM model can be developed at different levels and it is possible to interpret the method in physical
terms (is) In FEM, it is relatively easy to control the accuracy by refining the mesh or using higher order
(A) Availability of large number of computer software packages and literature makes FEM a verna tile and
powerful numerical method.

Demerits of FEM
Some demerits of FEM are as follows.(i) Closed-form expressions in terms of problem parameters are not
available in FEM. Numerical solution is obtained at one time for a specific problem case only. Hence, unlike
analytical solu- tions, there is no advantage of flexibility and generalization.
Vii)Large amount of data is required as input for the mesh used in terms of nodal connectivity and other
parameters depending on the problem.
4) Generally, voluminous output data must be analysed and interpreted.
(iv) Experience, good engineering judgment and understanding of the physical problems are required in
FEM modelling. Poor selection of element type or discretization may lead to faulty results.

Q. Set the different methods available for solving continuous structure and advantages of FM Over
The Other method

There are various methods for solving continuous structures, such as:
Matrix Methods: These include the stiffness method and flexibility method, which are widely used for
solving structures with complex geometries and loads.
Finite Element Method (FEM): FEM is a numerical technique that divides the structure into small elements,
making it suitable for solving large and complex structures with irregular geometries.
Direct Stiffness Method (DSM): DSM is a matrix method that directly relates the forces at the joints to the
displacements, making it particularly useful for solving truss and frame structures.
Method of Virtual Work: This method involves equating the virtual work done by external loads to the virtual
work done by internal forces to find the unknown displacements.

Advantages of the Finite Element Method (FEM) over other methods include:
Versatility: FEM can handle complex geometries and material properties, making it suitable for analyzing a
wide range of structures.
Accuracy: FEM provides accurate results for both linear and nonlinear analyses, including large
deformations, material nonlinearities, and contact problems.
Adaptability: FEM allows for adaptive mesh refinement, where the mesh density can be increased in areas
of interest, improving accuracy while reducing computational cost.
Post-processing Capabilities: FEM software typically offers powerful post-processing tools for visualizing
results, such as stress contours, displacement plots, and animations, aiding in interpretation and design
Efficiency: Although FEM requires computational resources, advancements in computing technology have
made it increasingly efficient for solving large-scale problems.
Overall, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is often preferred for its ability to handle complex structures
accurately and efficiently, making it a versatile tool in structural analysis and design.

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