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The Save

Story by: Joseph Bruchac

Presentation by: Avery Stare
Story ● The Save takes place in Onondaga County, New

● Oren is the protagonist and is a goalie for his

lacrosse team.

● Oren’s grandfather is the antagonist and wasn’t

at the game where he made a good save and he
normally attended everyone.

● A majority of the story takes place at the

lacrosse game and Oren’s grandfather's cabin
Theme Throughout ● In “The Save”, Joseph Bruchac presents the idea that

the Story
success doesn’t only come from luck and it requires
skill. When Oren realizes that his lacrosse skills
aren’t only from luck and he is talented he feels
better about his heritage.

● Oren looks down on his lacrosse skills and believes

he doesn’t live up to the expectations his community
has for him.

● Oren’s grandfather was a legend at lacrosse along

with his other ancestors.

● Prior to his conversation with his grandfather he

wasn’t confident in his lacrosse skills, although, his
grandfather advises him that he has true skill.
● The culture present in “The Save” is from the Onondaga Nation
Cultural which is in New York.

Background + ● Oren’s team is from the Iroquois tribe and the opposing team

Author Background ●
comes from the city.

The significance of culture present in this story is lacrosse

because the sport originated from Native American culture.

● Orens culture is religious and gives thanks to the creator praised

in the Iroquois tribe.

● The Iroquois culture had a strong sense of community

throughout their practice

● Lacrosse brought together the people of the Iroquois tribe

considering they are the people who invented the sport

● The occupation present in “The Save” is Oren’s place on the

lacrosse team
● What is the role of historical trauma and the
Essential Question legacy of colonization in shaping the themes and
perspectives presented in contemporary Native
American literature?
While Oren struggles to be confident in his lacrosse

skills and live up to the legacy the Iroquois Tribe left

behind through its culture, the legacy of colonization

influences the theme and perspectives presented

throughout this Native American literature. The Iroquois

Tribe invented lacrosse which is significant considering

the hardships they faced during colonization, making

the importance of living up to the legacy greater.

● “I really am a bum was all he could think“ (Bruchac, pg.
Oren ●
This quote pulled from the text is indirect
characterization and demonstrates Oren’s insecurities
of his lacrosse skills.
● “Oren took a deep breath. Then he explained it all, how
it had been nothing more than a happy accident. How
he felt like a fraud. How he didn’t deserve any praise at
all” (Bruchac, pg. 7).
● This quote is a second example of indirect
characterization demonstrating Oren’s relationship
with his grandfather
● Oren didn’t want to take credit for the goal he saved
because he didn’t believe he would ever be as good at
lacrosse as his grandfather.
Oren’s Grandfather
● “My door is always open. That was what his
grandfather always said to Oren” (Bruchac,
● This quote is an example of indirect
characterization of the close knit relationship
Oren had with his grandfather. Oren’s
grandfather made Oren feel welcome to come
to him when needed.
● “His grandfather shook his head. ’I think it was
more than that. I’ve watched you practice. You
have good reflexes”(Bruchac, pg.8).
● This is another example of indirect
characterization from the story, Oren’s
grandfather supports Oren and wants to boost
his confidence in lacrosse since it is an
important aspect of their heritage.
● Man v. Man- Oren, number 7 and number 10 on
the other team were targeting Oren in goal
attempting to score on him and he saved the
● Man v. Society- Oren felt pressures from his
community (or society) because he felt as
though he was being held at a high standard in
lacrosse and didn’t believe he was skilled
● Man v. Self- Oren doubted his skills in lacrosse
which impacted his mentality in lacrosse
making him feel overwhelmed during his game.
During his conversation with his grandfather it
was obvious he was self conscious about his
lacrosse skill.
Significant ● A significant symbol from “The Save” is lacrosse.

● Lacrosse demonstrates heritage throughout the story
because it is the sport that Oren’s tribe, the Iroquois,
● Lacrosse is an important symbol through the story
because Oren doubts his skill and is upset about it
because he feels he doesn’t live up to his ancestors
● Oren’s grandfather is a symbol of success and legacy
in the Iroquois tribe and through the story.
● Oren’s grandfather was known as a legend at lacrosse
in the Iroquois tribe and he set the standard for Oren’s
standard for his skill.
● Throughout the story Oren looked down on his skill
because he believed he would never be as successful
in lacrosse as his grandfather.
Final Thoughts
Throughout “The Save” Bruchac presents the pressures the

main character Oren struggles with becauses of the

standards the legacy of tribe, the Iroquois tribe, places on

him. Lacrosse is important in the tribes culture and Oren

has trouble believing he is good enough. He makes a save

during his game and doubts himself expressing to his

grandfather, who is a legend at lacrosse, that his save was

purely just luck. Oren’s grandfather explains to Oren that

his skill during that game isn’t luck but Oren has true skill

and he is successful in his sport. By the end of the story

Oren‘s grandfather is able to shift Oren’s mindset and

boost his overall confidence.

Works Cited!
Camara, Lena. “A History of Iroquois Nationals
Lacrosse.” Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse, 4 July 2014,

Bruchac, Joseph. “CommonLit | The Save.”

CommonLit, 2019,

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