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ADVANCED SHIP STABILITY FOR MARINE OFFICERS By: Capt. C.L. Dubey, B. Sc., Extra Master Principal and Owner Mumbai Maritime Training Institute And Trustee, MMTI’s Education and Research Trust CONTENTS List TOPICS PAGE NO. Formulae 1-6 Basic Problems 7-9 | Simpson's Rules 10-37 Righting Lever and Moments 38-29 50 - 66 Trim Combined List and Trim Problems Change in trim due to change in density Bilging of a mid ship side compartment Inclining Experiment (Test) 67-92 Thrust and Centre of pressure The determination of shear forces and bending moments | 979-315 in ships _ Miscellaneous Problems - Phase I 316-324 Directional Stability 355 7306 Heel While Turning ‘Heel due to Wind Loading 330-335 | [a Byramicalstabiity——SCSSCS*C~*r:C«i XXIV _|Tncrease in Draft Due to Heel 34-36 | | XXV | Squat Calculation 347-351 | XXVI” | Unresisted Rolling In Still Water as XXVII_—_| Stability of a vessel when GM=0 358 - 359 XXVIII | Code of Intact Stability Criteria For All Ships 360 - 381 XXIX | Questions For Extra Masters 382 - 390 CHAPTER O FORMULAE (A) Areas Of Common Figures: (B) D = M17) 7 _Mass , Circle = x? v = Volume = RD = Density of Substance . Rectanae 7 * Density of Fresh Water a a. We eed Volume of eylinder = 37 7h Trapezoid = + " a a Pressure = Load (Force) (“t~] Or KN Triangle = bh Sorel (| OS 2 : Ltm? = 981 KN m? ~ sbXsind 1 Bar = 102 tm? = Vs@-a 6-6) 6-0) List Tan List = _dXw_ = GG) = -FLM Angle Of Lol : 26M , GM = 2X initial GM Tan loll = By Cos loll Trim / Dry Docking Trim caused = 9XW. = Trimming moment ¢¢, rmemsed= Nero Merc. ™ tXMCTC = PX LCF (AF) Or patxMCTC LCF Tt = Trimming Moment = PX LCF (during critical period) MCTC MCTC : ° aE a Py AF ioe mor’ Chore AT Ta = TtX AF LBP Tt = TUX FF ot Tr-Ta LBP P after critical period = Drop of water level after critical period X TPC Patany time = W,~ ‘Where W, = displacement while entering W) = at any time rsc=-i Mean Rise / Sinkage (in cm) = —— TPC Areas Of Water Planes 3 By Simpson's First Rule Area = W/3 (a+4b+2c+4d+2e+4f+g) By Simpson’s Second Rule Atea = 3h/8(a+3b+3c+2d+3e+3f+g) By Simpson's Third Rule or Five-Eight Rule Area = b/12(Sa+8b-c) By Trapezoidal Rule (For very small h)area=h [Sum of Intermediate ordinates fe % sum of end on Moment of area by third rule = (3a + 10b ~c) Why Shift Of COB ' BB, = vX gg, age Bilging Mean sinkage d¢e to bilging of empty compartment = = Volume of lost buoyancy + Initial area ~ Lost area Mean sinkage due to compartment with cargo of permeability "p! = > p= 2d BM, for all shapes BML = I, 7 Pp For box shaped vessels BML = 733 Loading To Keep Aft Draft Constant, d = MCTCXL TPCX € Dynamical Stability At Some Angle Of Heel : = WX Area under the statical stability curve up to that angle of heel. =W ae - BG X “eee | v GM By Inclining Experiment = dX w X of (length of pendulum) Ww FL (Deflection) GZ At Small Angles Of Heel GZ = GM Sin@ By ATWOOD’s Formula GZ =_v X GG; ~ BG X Sin@ ae By Wall Sided formula GZ = Sin [GM+%BM Tan’ 0] Free Surface Of Liquids psc ati. idi_ FSM Vdo W W FSC total with slack tanks = W/n? (FSC Undivided tank) (Provided watertight divisions are identical) MCTC = WXGM, ~ WX BML TOOL O0L Shift of G GG, = dXw Ww. b — ae Moment Of Inertia ‘Transversely for rectangular water plans Iyy = fb” te m ‘g Longitudinally for rectangular water plans Ixx =bé? , [ ] 2 x x Ixy x “Ge x = BD36 lp © = mD“64 = m4 TPC = 1.025 A in sea water 100 = 8A in water of density 8 100 FWA = _W (inmm) 4 TPC DWA = FWA X (1.025 - 5) 0.025 Statical Stability At small angle of heel, moment of statical stability = WX GM Sin 6 stability = WX GZ Atany angle, moment oi By Aiwood’s F For large angles of heel, moment of statical stability = WSin6(GM +¥2BM Tan) Form - Coefficients Cw = Area of water plane LXB , Cm = Area of A mid ship BXd Gb = Volume of displacement LXBXd Cb = Cm XCp New Draft = Old density Old Draft ~— New density New Displacement = New desnsity Old displacement Old density Hydrostatic Draft = Draft measured at C.O.F. Trim Correction to mean Draft = HF x = LBP (+ve for stern trim) Trim Correction to Aft draft = AFx——— LBP (-ve for stern Trim) Increase In Draft Duc To List New dreft + % b Sin® +d Cosd New drafi = % bsin@ + (d—1) Cos Where r is vise of floor is the list tis beam dis draft vt of statical stability = WY X gg, ~BG X Sin a] 24. 25. 27. 30. ‘Thrust = A5 Head coPw. = _ Iw AXhead Ship's Squat Blockage factor = bXT B XH Squatimmy = Ca X sot X yz ee 20 Heel Due To Turning Tan heel = YX BG ga. GM Rolling Period T=2x K = 2k _ (approx) Yom GM Zero GM Tan list = {Theorem of parallel axes Ico = lor- Ay” Ina * Tex Ay? OR Reserve buoyancy — Total volume —whw volume, Reserve buoyancy % = Above water volume Above water Youn x 100 Total volume CHAPTER I BASIC PROBLEMS Q.1. A box shaped vessel floats at a draft of 4m in SW with her keel just clear of the Sea bed which is of soft mud of RD 2.8. The tide then falls by 90ems. Calculate her draft. 7 1 f 3. M lx Gravitation force = ‘Buoyancy force LXBX4X1025 = LXBX3.1X1.025+LXBXxX28 LB (4 X 1.025) = LB (3.1 X 1.025) + LB (2.8x) an = —3QG.1775 +2.8x) 4] = 3.1775 + 2.8x 4.1-3.1775 = 2.8x x = 9.9705 28 x = 0.329m, Depth of water after the fall of tide by 0.9m = 4-0.9 =-3.1 mt. the vsl with sink in the soft mud i.e. x = 0.329 , New draft = 3.140.329 = 3.429m. Q.2. A vessel arrived at the river mouth int water of RD 1.027 with a free board of 2.50m. She proceeded up river consuming S6t of fuel & FW and is again at a free board of 2.50m. in water of RD 1.020. Calculate her displacement in salt water. Ataf ‘board of 2.50m let her ww vol = V Then displacement in’S 1.027= 1.027V & displacement in RD 1.020 = 1.020 ‘As per given conditions : L027 ~56 = 1.020V V = 56/007 = 8000m° Since her underwater volume in 8 1.027 = 000m? Displacement in 5 1.027 = 8000 X 1.027 = 8216t <. Displacement in $.W. = $216 X 1,025 1,027 = 8200 Q.3. A uniform log of wood of square cross section of density 800 kg / m* floats in salt water. Show by calculation whether the fog will float with one side of the square parallel to the water line of not? If not, what will be angle of loll. Weight of barge = Displacement of barge when sunk in salt water wtofbg = bXbX1X08 b =O X1X08t w Ls BXAXOB = bXAXLX 1.025 b lb (Where dis the draft in S.W.) ¥ cd = 0.8b/ 1.025 = 0.78b KB = draft = 4X 0.78b = 0.39b b . BM =V/V = _[b/12 Breadth = Depth LXbXd Length = ‘lm = b/12d = b/12X0.78b Draft = ‘d’ m BM = 0.107b -.KM = KB+BM = 0.39b+0.107b = 0.497b GM = KM-KG = 0.497-0.5b (KG) = - 0,003 b Since she has negative GM, she will not oat with one side parallel to water line. a Tan loll= te _ [2700036 0107 (0.006 0.107 LG + Angle of loll = 133° Exercise} |. What should be the R.D of a homogenous log of square cross section so that it just floats in fresh water with one face parallel to the water line. (Hint : The solution of a quadratic equation ax? + bx +¢ = 0 will be b+V hae 2a x= Answer : Less than 0.2113 or more than 0.7887, CHAPTER I ——ee— SIMPSON’S RULES Simpson's Rulles are used to find areas / volumes and centroids of ship shaped bodies. ‘There are three rules which are used as follows : 1ST RULE: ‘Area = (h /3) X {Sum of Products) & Simpson's multiplies are 1, 4, 1, Tt holds good for odd number of ordinates like 3, 5, 7,9 etc, whose general expression is (3 + 2n). Ordinate «=X «SM. = Prodyet for Area a 1 la b 4 ab c 2 2c d 4 4d e 1 le ‘Sum of Products = lat 4b+2c+4d+ le ‘Area = (h/ 3) (la + 4b + 2c + 4d + le) * Same holds good for volumes also. 2ND RULE : ‘Asea = (3h/ 8) X (Sum of Products) & Simpson’s Multipliers are 1,3, 3, 1. It can be used: for (4+ 3n ordinates / areas) where nis the number of ordinate or multiples of 4+ 3n eg. 4,7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22,25....-#4e- Ordinates -X ©, SM. = Product for Area : a 1 la - b 3 3b c 3 3c d 2 2d e 3 3e f 3 3f 8 1 lg Sum of Products = 1a+ 3b + 3c +2d + 3e+3f+1g 10 = GW8) (lat+3b+30+2d+3e+3f +1g) Same holds good for volumes. 3RD RULE : [5,8,-1 Rule] a) ® ‘| ® c <—h—- Area X= (h/12) (5a + 8b-c) Area Y = (h/12) (Sc + 8b - a) * General) : * Where both rules are applicable always use the 1% rule and not the 2™ tule because it is more accurate. * When not fitting any rule use 1* and 2™ rule together. * When semi or half ordinates are given Multiply’the area obtained by 2 to ger full area. * —— For the 3 rule, always note carefully from which end the area is required, * When working with two different rules, always work fully'and separately and then add the two areas / volumes, EXAMPLES: Q.1. A DB Tank 1.5m deep has the following equally spaced horizontal areas. Commencing from the tank top ; 165, 145, 105 m? respectively. The tank contains oil of RD 0.90 to a sounding of 0.75 m. Calculate the weight of the oil? 165 Ordinate X SM. = Product for vol 10s 5 525 145 8 1160 165 a 2165” Sum of product vol. 1520 vol = — bX (SumofProducts of vol.) 2 vol “= 0.75 X 1520 * h=0.75m draft 12 : =. 95m* 95 X 0.90 = 85.5 t of oil Q.2. The Semi ordinates of a ship’s water plane area, 126m in length are 0.9, 2.5. 4.8, 6.0, 5.5, 3.5 & 2.0m at equal intervals, Calculate her TPC & FWA if her displacement at that draft is 6800t. h = 126 = 2 = h . 6 . 4.8, her Ordinates X SM = — Product for Area 09 1 09 25 4 10.0 Half Area = h/3 X Sum of Product 48 2 96 =21BX 715 6.0 4 24.0 55 2 1L0 Half Area = 500.5m? 3.5 4 14.0 Full Area = 1001.0m? 2.0 1 2.0 Sum of Products 71.5 NowTPC = __ 1.025 X Area = 1.025 X 1001.0 100 100 TPC = 10,26 t/em FWA =__W_ = __6800, = = —s16.57em. 40 TPC 40X 10.26 Q.3, The fore Sail of the yacht has a luff 14m, the width of the sail at equal intervals commencing from foot are 5.5, 5.0, 4.8, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, and 2.0 mt. Calculate the area of the sail when stretched? 2.0 Luff 14m. 3.5, 4.0 SAIL Foot 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.5 Note : Since the number of ordinates are 8, this problem will be solved by 1* and 2" tule together Here h=2m For Area X the ordinates are : 1S" RULE Ordinate x SM = Products for Area 5.5 1 5.5 20.0 5.0 48 +45 4.0 RN Sum = Area =. ‘W/3X Sum of Products 2X S7.1 = 38.067m? Area X For Area Y the ordinates are 28 RULE Ordinate =X SM = Products for Area 4.0 1 40° 35 3 10.5 3.0 3 9.0 2.0 tt 2.0 Sum. = 25.5 Area = 38/8 X Sum of Products = 38 X 255 X2 19.125m* ‘Thus the total area when the sail is stretched = AreaX + AreaY 38.067 + 19.125 : 57.192 m? ‘4; The load draft of a ship is 7 mts, her TPC’s at equal intervals commencing from Im water line are 18.5, 19.0, 20.2, 21.5 and 22.5. Below the 1m draft the volume of the appendage is 1800m°, Calculate her displacement and FWA? . 22.5 6m because, vol. below Im draft is already given and difference between 1to5=4 hence h=6/4 = 1.5m Ordinates (TPC) “Areas SM 18.5 1804.88 1 1804.88 19.0 1853.66 4 7414.64 20.2 ©. 1970.73 2 3941.46 21.5 2097.56 4 8390.24 22.5 2195.12 1 2195.12 23746.34 - Volume = 1.5/3 X 23746.34 = 11873.17 + 1809 _ 67317 DISP= 14015.0t FWA= _14015.0 — = 15.57Cm. 40X 22:5 Q.5. A ship's water plane 96m in length has the following half ordinates 1.0, 1.3, 2.5, 4.8, 5.8, 4.5, 3.5, 2.0 and 1.0. The intervals between the 'I™ three and last three half ordinates is half that between the others. Calculate her TPC. h = 96/6 = 16m, : + Note : Here the first 3 ordinate and the last 3 Urdinates are 4 .. Total number of equally spaced ordinates are’6 SM X — Ordinates = Product 0.5 10 0.50 2.0 13 2.60 15 25 3,75 40 48 19.20 20 58 41.60 40 45 18.00 | 15, 35 5.25 20 2.0 4.00 05 10 0.50 | sum = 6540 | . ‘ Half Area = 16/3 X 65.40 | = 348,80 m? | Thus full Area= 697.60 m? - TPC = _1O25XA_ = _1.025 X 69760 = 7.15 Hem 100 100 . ‘The water plane areas of a ship at draft of 12 meters are as follows: Draft. 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 2, WPA 1100 1750 1800 1850 1950 1980 2000 2150 2200 SM. .% 2 1 2 l% 4 2 4 1 Calculate her displacement? = 126 = 2 * Note: There are only 6 ordinates as keel to 4m are considered 4 ordinates. Ordinates X $M. = - Product 1109 Os 550 1750 2.0 3500 1800 10 1800 1850 2.0 3700 1950 15 2925 1980 40 7920 2000 20 4000 2150 4.0 8600 2200 1.0 2200 Sum = 35195 Vol = W/3 X Sum of Products = 2/13 X 35195 = 23463.33 Displacement = Vol. X 1.025 . = 2346333 X 1.025 . We 24049.92 t . CENTER OF GRAVITY OF AREA/ VOL Centroid of Area = Moment of Area Total Area a b © ‘Area Calculation : By Rule No. 3 Ordinate x SM. = Product of Area a 5 Sa b 8 8b c -l “ S.0.A Area = S.0.A X b/l2 Moment Calculation: By Rule No. 3 Ordinate Xx Levers = Product of moment a 3 3a b 10 10b © -l xc S.0. Moment Moment of Area = 8.0.Moment X h? yy 4 EXERCISE : 1. The half ordinetes of a ships water plane 210m in length commencing from fore end are : 0.0, 2.5, 45, 6.0, 5.2, 3.5 and 1.0m at equal intervals. Calculate her water plane area and the position of her C.O.F. with respect of her midship. = 2106 = 35 =h Half Ordinates X S.M. = ProductofArea X lever = Product of Moment F a0 1 0.0 oh 0.0h 25 4 10.0 Sh 50.0h 45 2 09.0 4h 36.0h 6.0 4 24.0 3h 72.0h 52 2 ” 104 2h 20.8h 3.5 4 14.0 ih 14.0h » 10 1 10 oh 0.0h 8.0.4 SOM. _192.8h @ Area = 35 X S.O.A ry ee ee = fPemP = OM - ~ BX 684 X2 Cor f Fok dhcn GO = 1596.0 m? 2486S (ii) Moment of Area = 192.8 X (35/3)X 35°X.2 = 15745333. . C.OF = 15745333 = 98.65m from Aft 1596 Now C.OF with respect to mid ship = 210/2 = 105 is mid ship. 105 - 98.65 = 6.35 m = C.O.F. from midship C.0.F.© 6.35 m Aft of mid ship tyke oF oy wig 78x23? xe wi ‘A-vessel of W= 7500 T, KG = 62 has a DB Tank 2.0 m deep, the horizontal areas of which commencing from tank top are 225, 190, 172 m? at equal spacing. “The tank is run up with salt water to a sg. of 1.0m, Caleulate her KG? h = 202 = 10 > 3" Rule Ordinate X SM. = Product nm. 5 860 190 8 1520 25 4 225 . S.OP. 2155 Vol = .h.X 2155 2 = 10 X 2155 12 = 179.58 m° ‘W = Vol X 1.025 = 179,58 X 1.025 W = 184,065 Ordinaie =X == SM, = _ ProductofMom 12 3 - $16 190 10 1900 225 By -225 S.OP. 2191 Mom of vol. = $.0.M. X tt 24 = u9xr 24 = 91.29 C.0.G =. Moment of Vol. = 91.29 = 0.508m ‘otal Vol 179.58 20 ‘Weight «= Kg. ‘Moments. 7500 62 46500 184.069 0.508 93.507 7684.069_ "46593507 New KG = 46593.507 = 6.064m. 7684.069 New KG = 6.064 m. The half ordinates of a ship's water plane area 210 m in length at equal intervals, ‘commencing from after end are 2.0, 3.5, 5.8, 7.5, 9.0, 6.0, 3.0, & 0.0 m.. Calculate h = 210/7 = 30m SM. = 1 Al = 66.6 X 30/3 4 Al = 66.6 X 2 2 Al = 1332 m? 4 ; 1 S.0.A. > Area A2 Half Ordinate X SM, = Product for Area 9.0 1 9.0 A2 = 36 X 308 X3* 60 3 18.0 A2 = 405 X 2 3.0 3 9.0 A2 = 810m? “0.0 1 0.0 a SOA ~ 36.0 Total Area = 1332 + 810 =.2142 m? 21 > Moment 1 Product of Ordinate X Lever = Product for Moment 2.0 oh 0.0h 14.0 th 140h 11.6 2h 23.2h 30.0 3h 90.0h 90° 4h 36.0h S.OP. 1 = 163.20h MI = S.OP.X h X h = 163.2 X 30 X 30 3 3 = 48960 X 2 = 97920 = Mi > Moment 2 Product of Ordinate X Lever ad Product for Moment 9.0 4h 36.0h 18.0 Sh 90.0h 9.0 6h 54.0h 0.0 Th 0.0h $.0.P.2 = M2 = S.O.P.X 3h Xb = 180 X30 X 30 X3 8 8 = 60750 X 2 = 121500 = Mp +. Total Moment = MI + M2 = 219420 LCF = 219420 = Total Moment 2142 Total Area . LCF = 102.437 m TPC = 1025 X A = 1.025 X 2142 100 100 TPC = 21,955 vem 22 ‘The water plane afeas of a ship are as follows: Draft = 00 #10 20 40 60 80 10.0 wip = 2200 2315 2400 2512 2600 2650 2700 Calculate her W, KB and FWA at the draft of 10 m? Ordinates X S.M = Product forVol X Lever = Product for Moment 2200-05 1100 * 00h 0.00h 2315. 2.0 4630 0.5h 2315h 2400 15 3600 1.0h 3600h wi2 4 10048 2h 20096h 2600 - 2 5200 3h 15600h 2650 4 10600 4h 42400h 2700 1 2700 Sh 13500h $.0.Vol "37878 SOP. 97311h h=105 = 2 Vol = S0.V0l Xb Moment = SOP. X hx h = 37878 X 2 : = 97511 X 2X2 3 3 Vol = 25252 m? Total Mom = 130014,667 m” W = 25252 X 1.025 W = 25883.3t . KB= TotalMoment = 130014667 = 5.148'm, Total Vol 25252 FWA =+___W FOX TPC Now lOmdraft = 1,025 X A 100 = 12s. X 2700 . 100 TPC = 27.675 tem EWA = _25883.3 40X27.675, FWA = 23.38 em. The semi ordinates of a b’ head 6m in height at 1m interval commencing from the top of the b’ head are 4.0, 3.8, 3.5, 3.3, 3.0 and 2.7 m. Below the last ordinate the area of the b’ head is 5.0m” with its C.G. = 0.8m from the bottom of b’ head. Calculate the area of b’ head and the distance of its CG from the bottom of b’ head? “4.0 heim em cG \ ‘> Al S/O X S.M = Product for area 40 1 40 384 152 BS 8S SOA, 227 Area=S.OAiKAX2 =, WIXLX2 3 3 “Ay = 15.133 m? > AQ S/O X SM. = Product for area 35 35 £33 99° 3.0 27 8. Area = = 21 XEX2 he he 7 Product X Lever = Product M2 Product X Lever = Product v for Area for Mom for Area for Mom 40 Oh 0.0h 35 2h 70h 15.2 ih 15.2h 99 3h 29.7h 35 2h 7.0h 9.0 4h 36.0h SOP. _22.2h 27 Sh 313.5h S.OP. 86.2h ent = SOP.XbX2Xh Moment = SOP. X 3hX2Xh 3 8 = 22X1X2 = 82X3X2 3 8 Mi= 148 M2 = 6465 . Total Moment = M1 +M2 = 14.8 + 64.65 = 79.45 G (Al + A2) from ‘top’ = 79.45 = 2,339 33.958 CG from bottom = 6.000 - 2.339 = 3.661 m Total moment from bottom = Area X CG + Area X CG = (33.958 X 3.661) + (5.0X0.8) ¢ Total Moment from bottom = 128,32 CG from bottom = Total Moment from bottom = Total Area . = 128.32 38,958 CG = 3.294 m from the bottom, 25 CG when ordinates are parallel to KG > OrdinatesX SM = P.O.AX Ordinate = Product for Moment > Area = $.0.A X b3 > Moment of area = S.O.M. X h/3 X ¥ (important) 6. Ab’ head 12m broad at the top has the following equally spaced vertical ordinates 3.5, 6.0, 6.3, 6.0. and 3.5 m. Calculate the area of b” head and the distance of its i CG from the bottom of the b’ head? i Ordinate. X | SM. = POAX ~ Ordinate =P. forMom ; 35 1 3.5 3.55 12.25 | 6.0 4 24.0 6.0 144.00 | 6.8 2 13.6 6.8 92.48 : 60 4 240 60 144.0 } 3.5 1 35 3.5 12.25, . SOA = @6. .. SOM= 40498 8m 3.5| = 12/4 = 3m Area = 68.6 X 3/3 = 68.6m" Moment of Area = 404,98X3 X 1 = 202.49 32 . CG*= TotalMoment = 20249 = 295m ~ : ‘Total Area 68.6 . CG from bottom = 6.82.95 = 3.85 m (* here 6.8 is the centre ordinate ) 26 s + PROBLEMS : The end b’ head of a port deep tank 8m in height which is bounded on the inboard side by the ship’s centre line longitudinal bulkhead and on the outboard side by the ship side, has the following equally spaced horizontal ordinates, commencing from the top of the bulkhead, 6.6, 5.9, 4.8, 3.4 and 1.8 m. Calculate the area of the bulkhead and the position of it's centroid (a) from the bottom of b’ head (b) from ates ts the ship’s center line bulkhead. ¢ 66 59 "8m 48 h = 8/4 = 2.0m Ordinate X SM = ProductforArea X lever = Product forMom 18 1 - 18 Oh 0,0h 34 4 13.6 Ih 13.6h 48 2 9.6 2h * 19.2h 59 4 23.6 3h 70.8h 6.6 1 66 4h 26.4h SOA — 552 SOM. ~1300h_ Area = 8.0.4. Xb Total Moment from bottom = $.0.M. Xb X 3 : 3 =552X 2 = 130X 2X2 3 3 . Area = 36.8 m? : = 13.33 m CG from the bottom = Total Moment = 173.33 m? Total Area. 36.8m*— CG from the bottom = 4.71m. 27 > Moments ftom the © z Product of Area X Ordinatés = Product for Moment by area 18 18 3.24 13.6 34 46.24 09.6 48 46.08 7 236 59 139.24 06.6 66 43.56 S.0.P 278.36 Moments from © = $.0P.X bX : 3 2 = 278.36 X2X1 3 2 = 92.787 m CGrtom the © = Total Moments alone . Total Area = 92,787, m 36.8 m’ CG from € = 2.521m ‘A stbd deep tank is bounded by the ships putktiead on one side and the ship's Hall om the other side, The end bulkhead of the tank is 12.5m in height. and has the following equally spaced horizontal ordinates commencing from bottom 3.0, 42, 5.1, 63, 78 and 9.5 m . Calculate the area of the bulkhead and the position of centroid . . (a) with respect to top of bulkhead (b) from the © of b* head? Since the No. of ordinate is 6, two rules will be applied 1" rule for the 1" 3 { ites and 2 rule for the rest. X SM. = P.O.A. X Lever = Product for Mom. 1 9.5 oh 0.0h 4 312 th 31.28 1 63 2h 12.6h S.0.A. 470 — S.0P. Bik Atea Al = S.0.A. X W3 = 47X 25/3 = 39.166m? = AL Moment M1 =.S.0.P. X b/3Xh = 43.8 X 2.5/3 X 2.5 = 91.25m’ X SM. = P.O.A. X Lever = Product forMom, 1 63 2h 12.6h 3 15.3 3h 45.9h 3 12.6 4h 50.4h 1 3.0 Sh 15.0h S.0.A SOP. 123.9h p's +: Area A2 = S.0.A.X 38h = 372 X 3/8 X 25 = 34.875m? = AZ has 7 ‘. Moment M2 = S.O.P X 3/8 Xb X h = 123.9,X 3/8 X 2.5 X25 = 29039m a +, Total Area = Al +A2°= 34.875 +39.166 = 74.04 m? ition . Total Mom = M1 +M2 = 91.25+290.39 = 381.64m ++ CG from the top = Total Moment from the top / Total Area * . = 38164m = 5.155m 74.04 m’ +, CG from Top = 5.155m 29 Working from € : P.O.A..X Ordinate = Product for Mom 9.5 9.5 90.25 312 78 243.36 63 63 39.69 S.O.P. 373.30 -. Moment ti = S.OP. X 3X % = 373.3 X 253 X% = 155.54 = G1 Mom P.O.A. X Ordinate = Product for Mom 63 63 39.69 15.3 SA 78.03 12.6 42 52.92 3.0 3.0 09.00 S.O.P 179.64 Moment $2 = S.OP. X 3hX% 8 = 179.64 X 3X25 X %= 84,206 = © Mom 8 . .. Total Moments about € i + & 155.54 + 84,206 Total Mom, = 239.746 m CGfrom = = Total Mom" / Total Arca = 239.74 . . 74.04 m’ CG from ¢ = 3.238 m 30 ‘The fore deck of a vessel is 60m in length. The width of the deck @ equal itetvals commencing from its fore end are 12.0, 13.5 and 15.8m. Calculate the BY aiea and the CG of the area from the fore end of : EC (Fwd half of the deck (b) After half of deck? 15.8 J 2h = 60/2 = 30.0 > WORKING WITH FWD HALF OF THE DECK : dinate X'SM.. = P.O.A Ordinate X'S.M. = P.O.M 12.0 5 60.0 12.0 3 36.0 Be 13.5 8 108.0 13.5 10 135.0 po 158 1-158 58-1 “15.8 SOA 1522 SOP “1552 Area Al = S.0.A.X_ b/12 < MomM! = S.0.P X 7/24 = 152.2 X 30/12 = 155.2 X 30X30/24 Al = 380.50 m? MI = 5820 m? CG from fwdhalf = = ~— Total Moment Total Area = 5820 m 380.5 m? =) + 15.296m . . CG from FWD end = 15.296 m 31 “ WORKING WITH AFTER HALF OF DECK : Ordinate X S.M. = P.O.A Ordinate X S.M. = P.O.M 15.8 5 79 15.8 3 4A 13.5 8 108 13.5 10 135.0 12.0 a 2 12000 +l -12.0 S.0.A 175 SOP 1704 Ad = S.0.A. X h_ M2 = SOP. Xt 12 24 = 15 X30 = 1704 X 30X30 12 3 24 Al = 4375 m' M2 = 6390m CG from afterend |= Total Area = $390 4375 = 14,60 m :. CG from fore end with respect to after half of deck = 60 - 14.60m = 45.39 m. 32 1 1 4 2 4 2 4 1 1.025 = 35372:35m’, 60 2 3 4 & floating upright in S.W. on an even keel at 7m draft F and A. The 5 6 7 60.3 60.5 60.5 60.5 60.5 60.5 60-A Oh 241.24 Ih 121 A 2h 242 A 3h 121 A 4h 242 A 5h 60.5A 6h. T087.7A ‘otal Volume = hh X 1087.7X 100 3 1.025 Total Moments= h X 3266.2 X 100 X h 3 1.025 = 1X 32662 X 100X1 3 = 106217,8862 1.025 Total Volume = 35372.35 + 3044 = 38416.35 m? KBof = 106217.8862 Area Ay 35372.35 = 3.0028m + 1 = 4,0028m. 4 SM VOLUME LEVERS MOMENTS, oO 241.2 Ab 242 Ah 726 Ah 484 Ah 1210 Ah 3266.2 Ah Final KB = Volume of appendage X KB + Volunie of area X KB Total Volume = 3044 X 0,5 + 35372.35 X 4.0028. 38416.35 = 3.7m 33, 11. The wateiplane areas of a ship at 1 m intervals, commencing from the keel are as follows: Dat T@) 70 71 rs 74 5 é Areas | qm) | 3850 [5885 [5900 | 5015 5943 [S975 | 5995 “Calealate her KB and FWA ata draft fm. Solution: : heim Ordinates Simpson Prod. For Levers Moments (Areas) Mult, Vol. 3 «$850 1 5850 0 0 * sees 4 23540 h 23540h 5900. 2 11800 2h 23600h 5915 4 23660 3h 70980h 5943 2 11886 4h 47544h 5975 4 23900 Sh 119500h 5995 1 5995 6h 35970h 106631 321134h +. Total Volume = x 106631 = 35543.67 m? . Total Moments = h X 321134 h = 107044.67 3 oe “KB = Total Moments = 3.012m Total Area” 4 TPC = _A_X RD. = 61.45tom™ 100 FWA = _10 = 14826m = 148.2 mm, 40 TPC Ans. KB = 3.012m PWA = 148.2 mm. 34 SIMPSON’S RULES reise 2 The TPC of é ship are as follows: Draft (m) [6.0 3.0 a0 30 20 TeC | 22.45 [o0.04 P3153 30.51 15.68 The displacement and KB at 2m draft are 3280t and 1.2m Tespectively Find the displacement and KB at 6m draft in SW. The breadths of a ship’s water-plane 120m long, measured at equal intervals from afl, are: 12, 9.6, 13.2 15.0, 15.3, 15.6, 15.6, 14.7, 12.9, 9.0 and 0.0m respectively: Find: (a) The water plane area; (b) TPC in sea water; (c) FWA if displacement is 6690t. A ship of length 300m floating at a draft of 20m has half ordinates of water plane as follows, commencing from the after perpendicular. Station 0 ’ I 2 3 4 5 5h 6 AOrdinates 0.1 75 10 12 123° 114 8 52 10 Thereis an appendage forward with an area of2.8 m2. * Find; (a) The area.of the water plane. (b) Thé TPC in SW and (c) ‘The FWA at 20m draft. The area of a ship's water-planes, commencing from the load water-platie ‘and spaced Im apart, are 800, 760, 700, 600, 450 and 10 sq.m respectively. Midway between the lowest two water-planes, the area is 180 sqm. Find the load displacement in salt water and the height of centre of buoyancy above the keel. A wall-sided vessel of constant water-plane area of length 105m has the following equally spaced half-ordinates of water plane: 1,7, 3.4, 5.6, 6.7, 6.7, 5.6, 3.4 and 1.7 mtrs. When floating at an even keel draft of 4.5ni, an empty compartment with transverse end bulkheads at the 6.7m ordinates is bilged. Calculate the end drafts at which she would settle, A wall. sided double bottcm:tank of depth 1.5m has half ordinates of breadth as. follows at 4m intervals commencing at the after bulkhead: Station 0 1 2 3 4 J 5 6 Yordmtr | 61 [60 [59 | 37 f 34 [49 | 43 The after bulkhead is 65m forward of the centre of floatation. Calculate the change of trim if the tank is filled with fuel oi! density 0.95, MCTC 200 tm. 35 9 10. ‘The water plane areas of a ship at Im intervals, commencing from the keel are as follows: Draft(m) [0 I 2 3 4 3 6_] ae 5850 | sess | 900 | S91S | 5943 | 5975 | S995 Calculate her KB and FWA at a draft of 6m. : ‘Thé breadths of a bulkhead, at 3.0m intervals from the top, are : 19.2, 18.0, 17.1, 16.2, 14.4, 12.0, 9.3 and 6.0 m. Find the distance of its geometrie centre from the top. (Use Simpson’s I Rule for first five ordinates and II Rule for remaining ordinates). A ship’s water plane is 216m in length. The half ordinates of the waterplane commencing from forward are as follows: 0.4, 4.4, 8.8, 11.0, 11.6, 11.8, 11.8, 11.6, 9.6, 7.0, 0.4 respectively. The spacing between the first three and last three ordinates is half of the spacing between the other half ordinates. Calculate her waterplane area and the position of the CF with respect to the midlength. ‘A double bottom tank is 1.5m, deep. The horizontal areas of the tank at equal intervals, commencing from the tank top are 192, 186 and 158 sq.m. respectively. The tank is ballasted to a sounding of 0.75m with water of R.D. 1.012. Calculate the weight of ballast and its KG. ‘A wall sided vessel, 150m in length of constant waterplane, the semiordinates of which at equal intervals are : 0, 5, 9, 10, 9, 5 and Om, has a double bottom 1m deep extending from side to side between the 9m and 9m half ordinates given. Calculate the thrust on the tanktop if the tank is run up by. opening the sea valve, if her original evenkeel draft was 5.2m. ‘The half breaths of a ship's water-plane at 12m intervals from aft are: 0.0, 3.3, 4,5, 4.8, 4.5, 3.6, 2.7 and 1.5m. The half-breadth, midway between the first two from aftis 2m, At the fore end is an appendage by way of a bulbous bow 4:5m long. Its areais 24m? and its GC 2m from forward extremity. Find the area of the water-plane and the position of the COF. Three semi-ordinate spaced at equal distance of 20m are 7.5, 11.8 and 15.8m. Calculate (a) Geometric center of the area between first two and last two ordinates. (b) Amount of cargo that can be loaded on the deck area between first two ordinates, if the load density of the deck is 10t/m2. . ‘The TPC values for a ship at 1.2 meters intervals of draught commencing at the keel, are 8.2, 16.5, 18.7, 194, 20.0, 20.5, 21.1 respectively. Calculate her displacement at 7.2 metres draught. ~000- 36 ly. 1c r Answers. Displacement = 8566.33t +3280 = 11846,33 t, Final KB = 3.253m Water plan area = 1483.2m? TPC=15.2t FWA = llom (a) 5706 m? (&) 27.32 (©) 50mm Load displacement = 2965.63, KB=2,99m 5.3961 m . (a). Area = 43,5m COG = 1.638m Change in trim = 144.2 cm by head, KB=3.012m FWA = 148.2 mm 897m, Area = 4233.6 m? COF = 104.9m from A or 3.1m from midship. Weight = 131.94 KG=0.385 m Thrust = 4656.83 tonnes (4.6999 X 1.025 X 966.67) Area = 616.4 m? COF 43.09m from aft @) 10.74m/9.518m (b) 3870 13291.954t -000- 37 ’ CHAPTER I RIGHTING LEVER AND MOMENTS = keel G = COG = Angle of heel B = COB before heeling = COB after heeling BB, = Shift of COB due to hee! = Transverse Metacentre GM = Metacentric height = Righting lever By W. = Displacement = Righting Moment w THE PO) F METACE! iC ‘M: ‘As shown in the figure above, the intersection of centré-line and vertical though the centre of buoyancy is point of Meta centre. For small angle of heel, upto about 15°, the shift of the centre of buoyancy i very smal, and °M’ which is direct oot come ofthis sift, changes negligible nd can be termed as a fixed point. For large angle of heel, the centre of buoyancy moves out very quickly and there is appreciable change in position of M whic can no more be considered as constant : ¥- RIGHTING LEVER (G: When a vessel is heeled, the force of buoyancy, acting vertically upwards through tte new position of COB, becomes separated from the free of gravity, acing cenialy downwards through the COG, by a horizontal distance called the righting lever (GZ). 38 el ugh y is ney hich Plonallyjnoreases as angle of heel inereaées until it reaches a maximum je at some large angle of heel. Thereafter, GZ decreases as angle of heel EThis formula can be used whenever the ship's sides within the immersed wedge and the emerged wedge are parallel ie. until the deck edge goes undet water, For ship's that are not wall'sided, the sides are parallel only in the parallel middle angle of hee, GM the iitial GM and BM is the height ofthe initial metacentre above the COB before heeling, Y RIGHTING MOMENT : . When a vessel is heeled, the forces of gravity and buoyancy, being equal and opposite, become separated by a horizontal distance called the righting lever and form a couple which tends to return the vessel to upright. The moment of this couple is a measure of the tendency of the vessel to return to upright and is hence called the righting moment or “Moment of statical stability”, = RM = W.GZ : J For all angles of heel. For small angles of heel, where GM may be considered constant, GZ = GM. Sin @ and hence RM = W.GM.Sind 39 THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN STABILITY AT SMALL AND LARGE ANGLES : THE WALL - SIDED FORMULA FOR GZ. Sketch (A) shows a ship heeled to a small angle by an external force. The center of buoyancy has moved from B to By. BB, is parallel to bby where b and by ae the centroids of the wedges (hatched). The line of upthrust through By cuts the centerline at M which is the initial transverse metacentre. For small angles of heel, preferably less than 6°, it can be assumed that the movement of B of the low side follows an arc of a circle. BM is the radius of the are. : . BM = 1V . . where-I is.the second moment of area (or the moment of inertia) of the waterplane. For small angles of heel BM can be assumed constant because there is no significaint change in the waterplane size or shape, i.e. I is assamed constant, Sketch (A) Conditions at a small angle of heel, but exaggerated. In this condition the rightirig lever is GZ and GZ = GM sin @. The righting moment is (W.GZ) or (W.GM sin 6) tonne metre. This measure of stability is teferred to as ‘init stability or. ‘metacentric’ stability because it is related to the position of the initial metacentre. 40 RGE eof | roids yhich 6°, it Mis For a ch (B) shows the vessel heeled to a large angle. When heeled bey “e 7 a E10 longer acceptable to assume that B is moving in an are of a circ. ‘ght fhoyancy from wedge to wedge is such that there is an increasing vert the vertical component of transfer of buoyancy increases at a fas zontal component and B adopts a position B2 rather than some post Ley phich it would have had if traveling in a constant arc. ‘The waterplane at the larger angle bel is larger consequely is lnger and BM (= UV) is rete. This gives rise to metacentre (the prometacentre) at Mz. bw "The righting Sever arising fon this higher position of the center of buoyancy (Bs) the upthrust had been applied at Bj and passed through M. A formula for this new’ GZ, . which applies: for wali-sided inclinations only, is GZ = GX + XZ.= GM Sin'@ + 4 BM tan’ 0 Sin 6. ie. GZ = (GM+ ¥ BM tan’ 6) Sin 0 The values of GM and: BM used in the formula are the readily calculated! upright (centerline) values. “4 PROBLEMS : 1. A boxed shape vessel length 90m, breadth 20m and 6.5m deep is at an even keel draught of 4.0m. Calculate her Righting Moment at: (a) aheel of @7° (b) the angle of heel at which her deok edge immerses. KG = 45M. . (a) KM = KB + BM Now KB for box shaped vessel = draft /2 . KB = 4.0/2 = 2.0 BM for box shaped vessel = _B? = 20 X 20 = 833m 2d 12X4— KM = 2.0 +833 KM = 10.33m ; NowKG = 4.5m (Given) GM = KM - KG = 10.33 - 4.5 GM = 5.83m GZ = GM. Sin 6 = 5.83 X Sin7” Now RM = GZ X W “We LX B Xqraft X density = 90 X 20 X.4.0 X 1.025 Ws 7380t Thus RM = W GZ 7380 X 5.83 X Sin7* RM = 5243477 tm “ting of a “ight 65 deep GZ = (GM + %BM X Tan’6) Sind = (5.83 +8,33/2 Tan? 14.04%) Sin 14,04° 5 lowRM = WX GZ = 7380 X. Sin 14,04° [5.83 + 8.33/2 Tan? 14.04°] RM = 109042 tm Avvessel of W = 70001, KM = 6.0, FSM = 750 mt. ‘has a righting moment 300 mt at a heel of 3°. Calculate her KG? RM = W X Gz . GZ = GM X Sin® 300 = 7000 x Gz 0.04285 = GM X.Sin3? GZ =_300 GM = 0.04285 7000 0.05233 GZ = 0.0429 m () GM = 08188 _FSC +_0.107 GM(S) “0.9258 FSC = FSM = _750_ = 0.107m Ww 7000 ‘ GM . = KM-KG 0.9258 = 6.0-KG . . KG = 6.0-0.9258 . KG = 5.0742 m, 43 ‘A vessel of W = 6550 t, KG = 6.0m has to load further 1500t., At what KG should it be loaded if the ship is to have a Righting Moment of 350 mt ata heel of 3°. KM in final condition is 7.0 m. initial W' = 6550 RM = GZ XW Wt. load = 1500 : 350.= GZ X 8050 Final W = 8050 +. GZ = 350/8050 3 = 0.0435 GZ = GM(f) X Sind 350/8050 = GM(®) X Sin3° GM (f= _0.0435_ = _0.0435_ = 0.8317 - Sin3® 0.0523 GM (f) | = 0.8317 New KM = 7.0m New KG = 70.8317 = 6.1683 m Taking Moments, new KG = _W_X KG + w X ke Final W ie. 6.1683 = (6550) 6.0 + (1500) X 8050- 6550 X 6.0 +1500 X = 8050 X 6.1683 ms ~. $9654.81 — 39300 = X 1500 * New KG. = 6.90m . X = 6.90 = KG of the cargo to be loaded. 44 ‘A water barge 45m in length has a uniform cross sectional area consisting of @ rectangle 8m broad, Sm deep above a triangle of base 8m and height 3m. Light displacement 900t, light kg = 4.5m. Find the GM (fl if the barge-is floating in F.W, and triangular portion is ballasted with F.W. 8m Sm 25 mf] 49 4 | Sm Ye 3 3 FW GM when floating in FW and triangle portion full of GW. Light boye KG = 4.5m Afeaof A’ar portion Light Disp = 900t %AX8X3 = 12m? «. Value of A’ar or portion = 12 X 45 = 540m? -. Ballast = 540+ : ‘When filled with FW, weight added = 5401, Kg = 2m Final KG = 900 X 4.5-+540X2 = 4050+ 1080 = 3.5625 1440 1440 Total Disp = 1440t, Total underwater volume (UWV) = 1440m} Length = 45 m +. Total Area = 1440/45 = 32 m? Triangle Area = 12 m? «Rectangular area = 32-12 = 20M? = 8Xx x = 25m KM= KB + BM 5. KB = 540X2+20X 45 X4.25 = 1080 +3825 = 3.406 1440 1440 1 = _45X8 = 1.333 BM = 1. Vv 12x 1440 “KM = 4.3758 KG = -3.5625 GM(S)= -1.1767m FSC = 18 = 45X8°X 1. ='1.333 WwW 12X 1440 GMS = KM-KG =KB+BM=KG = 3,406 + 1.333 - 3.5625 GM (fl) = 3.406 + 1.333 ~ 3.5625 — 1.333 = 0.1565 Ans ; - 0.1565 m A vessel of W = 7100t has a free board of 2.0m, her'CG is 0.8m below the W/L. Due to shipping heavy seas, a swimming pool on deck, L = 20m, B= 10m fills with water to a depth of 0.6m, Calculate her change it Righting Moment at a heel of 4°. GG, = wXd Where w =LXBXdX8 w = 20 X 10 X 0.6 X 1.025 =123t 46 d = 08+2.0+03 = 3.1m GG; = 123. X 3.1 = 0.0528 23 Ie XS --20XIOX1025 = 20000X 1,025 = 0.2307 “RW 12X 7223, 86676 = 0.0528 ~, Reduction in GZ = GG; Sin@ = 0.2365 = 0.2893XSin 4° *” Total upward GG, = ~ 0.2893 Reduction in GZ = 0.0202 New disp = 7100+ 123 +. Reduction inRM= W X GZ =7223¢ = 7223-X 0.0202 @ W/L. = 145.76 mt mm fills, | . taheel.. MISCELLANEOUS - PHASE I Exercise 3 2. 3. A water barge 45m long has a uniform transverse cross-section throughout, consisting of a rectangle above a triangle, The rectangle is 8m broad & Sm high. ‘The triangle is apex downwards 8m broad & 3m deep. KG & displacement when empty are 4.5m & 900 tons respectively. Find the GM when floating in F.W. with the triangular portion full of F.W.? : (a) A water-barge 50m long has a uniform transverse cross-section thoughout, consisting of a rectangle atfove a semi-circle. The rectangle is 10m broad and 2m high. The semi-circle has a diameter of 10m. Find the KM at 6mm draft. (The Geometric Centre of the semi-circle of radius R is-4R/3m below its centre of curvature. (1 = 22/7) (6) Ifthe KG of the empty barge is 4.5m, find the inital transverse GM when the semi-circular portion is filled with fresh water, the draft being 6mm. ‘A box shaped vessel 120m X 18m X 12m floating in fresh water on even keel draft of 8m with Kg = 7.278 meters loads a weight of 432 tonnes on the centerline ata KGof 11.981 meteis. Calculate her KG and KM to the nearést of 0.1 of acm and henve her righting moment at the angle of heel at which her deck edges'is immersed. ‘A water barge 50m in length has a uniform cross sectional area consisting of @ rectangle 10m. broad, 6m deep above a semicircle of diameter 10m. Light displacement 450t KG= Sm. Calculate her GM (f if the semicircle partis filled _ with SW? (CGofsemi circle = 40) : 30, ‘A box vessel L = 120m, B = 18m, d = 8m in SW has KG = 6.4m. Calculate the length of the righting lever GZ when heeled by an external force. (tos? . (ii) 030° A ship displacing 10000 tonnes SW has KG = 7.0m. The second moment of area of the waterplane (with respect to a centerline longitudinal axis) is 39000 m*. KB~4,40m. Calculate GZ. i (iv) at24° . A box vessel, length 116m, breadth 16m, depth 9.8m is upright on an even keel at a draught 5.7m in SW. KG = 6.0m. Calculate the moment of statical stability when heeled to the angle of deck edge immersion. . at 4° -000- Answers : co. GM =- 0.1565 m (8) KM = 5.101 m (&) GM(S) = 1.862m GM ()-= 0212m Deck edge immersion at 22° 53.4” heel, RM. = 2022.2 tm GM (Fl) = 0.080 m i. 0.085 m ii, 0.769m i. 0.098m * Gi. 0.730m 5361 tonne - metre 49 AAD TRAD) HAPTER IV LIST List is the transverse inclination caused when the COG of the ship is off the centre line. . Tan@ =_GGr Where 6 = is the angle of list GM GG, = is the transverse shift of COG GM = is the final fluid GM before listing. 3 Since GG, = , the formula becomes. Ww Tano = _ Sw" Where 6 is the angle of list dw is the final listing moment W.GM in tonne metres. E Wis the final displacement in tones GM is the final fluid GM in metres. In order to calculate the angle of list systematically the following order of work is * suggested. ()_Finé the final listing moment fa) (ii) Find the final displacement (w) (ii) "Find the final uid GM / : (iv) Apply the list formula Tan 0 =:dw/GM.W i 50 PROBLEMS A ship of W 6000 t KG 6.0, KM = 65, shifts a weight of 100t transversely to port through a distance of Sm. Calculate the resultant list. GG, = GW= 5 X 100 = 500 = 0.0833 w 6000 6000 KM ='6.5m GG, = 100X5 = 0.0833m KG.= 6.0 m_ - 6000 OM~ 05 m Tand = GG, = 0.0833 GM 0.5 <. tan) = 0.1666 6 = 9.46° List port Avessel of W=6800t KG=5.50m KM = 6.10 FSM = 700 mt, discharged 50 t from kg, 9.0m and 3m to port of centre line. Calculate’ her resultant list. Ship 6800 55 = 37400 Weight ~50 90 = 450.0 6750 36950 ~. Final KG = 36950 = 5.474m 6750 FSC = FSM = 700 = 0.104m Ww 6750 : t KM = 6.100 NewKG = = 5.474 GM (S) FSC = 0.104 GM() = 0.522m GG, = wXd= 50X3 = -150_= 0.022m 6750-6750 ». tan@ = _GGi_= 0.022 GM® 0.522 c. tan @ = 0.042 6 = 244° sthd. "3. Asship of W 9000 t, kg 6.15 1m KM = 6.80m, carried out the’ following operations loaded 115 kg38 and 2m to port of entre ine, discharged 250 kp 9.5 and 3m to port of centre line. A wt of 90 tis shifted from KS, GSmand 62mportof 7 to a position kg. 3.5m and 2.2m port of centre line. Calculate the resultant list. To find ILM: Remarks Load isch. Shift dis Of Listing Mom / Port Stbd us - 26) 0 - 22 0s 30) - 750 Fw 4) , 230 ‘1110 30 FIM = 880 tos toed isch, Shih «KG Load isch ship 9000 : 615 535380 : 115 . - 3.80 437 - a ) : 9.50 : 2375 oe oo) 3.00 a 270 “ons 250 57872085 250 -2645 8865 53142.0 PKG = 53142 = 5.995m 8865 = 6.80 Now FLM = 880 KG = 5,995 2 6G = &/w (= 0.805 GG; = 880/8865 : = 0.099 E tan = GG, = 0,099 = 0.1233 = : GM 0.805 3m tan = 0.1233 6 = 7.02°STBD 3 B. Tank, 15 X 7 X 1m with its CG = 3m from the ships centre line, Calculate ~ the list if that tank is run up with SW to half its depth? : Weight added = 15 X7X0.5 X 1.025 ) s = Le “KG °= 1 draft = 0.5 = 0.25 (m) 0 3 { | <_| 05m 2 2 5 i a : a to si 12000 65 78000 53.81 0.25 13.45 1205381 78013.45 KG =_78013.45 12053.81 KG = 642m : . KM = 750 GM (S)= 1.028 a FSC = 0.095 GM (f= .0.933 m 53 FSM = 18 LXbX at FSC = Final FSM = 1139.47 12 Final W 12053.81 = 15SX PX 1.025 FSC = 0.095 12 FSM = 439.47 . Initial FSM = 700.0 Final FSM = 1139.47 GG, = 3X53.81 = 0.013 m 12053.81 Tan@=_G&_ = _0.013 GM@ = 0.933 Tan@ = 0.0144, ». @ = 0,83° (STBD), A vessel of W'= 16000 t KG 6.5 m KM = 8.0 m has two identical rectangular deep tanks each 5m Jong. 8m wide 7m deep. The stbd tank is full with FW and port tank is empty. The transverse distance between their C.0.G is 7.5m. Calculate the list produced if 40t of FW is transferred from the full to the empty tank. ‘Wt. of the full tank = SX8X 7X1 , = 280t | Out of which 40t ) 40t «Port tank W = LXBXdX8 40-= 5X8XdX1 =im Now taking the C.G. of | m ie. 0.5 on each tank. :. Vertical distance between the two C.O.G. of P & S tank ="6m 16000 X 65 =~ 104000 40 xX 60, = _- 240 16009 103760, 54 7m Transferred to port { 240t remaining in stbd KM Now to find FSC = FSM KG Ww GM(S) = 15150m FSC 0.0266 m but FSM = 2 X bt GM(f) = 1.4884m faey: BE: GGr= dw/w = 40X75 FSM = 426.66 16000 +. FSC = _426.66 = 0.0266 16000 . s GG, = 0.01875 lar Tan 9 = GG, = 0.01875 = 0.01259 nd MO 1.4884 7 8 = 0.72° Port > ty A vessel of W 8700t KG 6.20 m, KM 6.75 m, a weight of 50 t lying on the € ata KG 3.5 is discharged using her derrick, the head of which is 21m above the keel. If the derrigk head has an out reach of 10m from the ships ©. “Calculate the ‘maximum list during discharging. ‘The maximum list will be when the derrick has picked up the weight and swung out maximum, When a weight jg picked up by a derrick / crane, the centre of gravity of the body is.transferred directly to the head of the derrick and the KG of the ship increases. To firid out the new KG :- (W) Initial Displacement X initial KG = Initial veruica! moment . + Wi (weight loaded) X Height of the derrick head from Keel (KG,j = + Moment * Wa (weight discharged) X (Derrickhead height - Present KG of weight W2) = - Moment The initial displacement multiplied by the initial KG gives initial vertical moment. If the weight is being’ loaded, the KG of this weight immediately shifts to the head of the derrick and KG of the weight being loaded is basically the height of the dertick head above the keel. In case of weight being discharged, as soon as it is picked up by the dlertick, the KG of this weight shifts from the present location to the derrick head, Thus the distance shifted = Derrick head ~ the present location of the weight W:. 7 ” The final KG = _ Final Moment Final Displacement 8700 X 620 = 53940 2 KG = 54815 50 X 175 = +875 “3700 “8700 54815 = 6.300 m KM = 675m Now GG: = d X w/W KG = 630m GG, = (10 X 50)/8700 GM(S) = 045m GG; = 0.0575 tan = GG) = 0.0575 = 0.1277 GM@® 0.45 6 = 728° A vessel of W = 9200 t KG = 6.5 m; KM = 7.5 m; lodds a wt. of 75t using her ‘own derrick the head of which is 25m above keel with an outreach of 11m. Calculate (1) Maximum list during operation. (2). The list when the wt, has been placed on deck KG 12 m and 3m to port of €2 (@) 9200 -X “65. = $9800. NewKG = 61675 +75 X50 = 44875. _ ORS 9275 61675 KG = 6.649 _KM = 7.500. Now GG,= dX w/W KG. = 6.649 = 5X 11/9275 GM = 0.851- GG, = 0.089 36 = 0,089 = 0.1045 i the D85I o x head oe by the : (b) 9200 x 65° = 59800 KG = 6.700 j. Thus © ——— = 6.544m IX 1a) = +900 9275 9275 60700 KM = 7.500 . KG = 6.544 GM = 0.956 ww 9275— Tan 9 =..0.0243 _ Tose = 0.0254 8700 6 = 1.45° Port ‘ A vessel of W = 11000t kg. 7.0m GM 0.8m has wt. of 75, lying in the lower fold at a kg. of 3.5mm and 2.5m to port of © , The wt is shifted to upper deck asusingher JE 11.6mand 3.5m stbd of © using her derrick, the head of which is 20m above coch of Lim. the keel, Colcalaté the ist: (a) When the weight is picked up by the derrick plumped over the ships ©. : (b) Wheri the weight has been placed on deck. a to port tr (©) Maximum list ifthe wt. is then discharged over the port side with the derrick swung out LOm from the €. v ik = 61675 (@) The fist after the wt has been discharged. = 9275 = 6,649 i () 11000 X- 70 = — 77000 a ph x 165 = 412375 1+ MW “Tiooe 780375 | i 37 q GG, = 25 X75 = 150 = 11000 71000 a kg = 78237.5. stan @ = GGr = 0,017 11000 GM (0.6875 kg. = 7.1125 tan @ = 0.0249 KM=78 — (7+08) . 9 = 1.43° (8) aoe GM= 0.6875 77900 GG, =4Xw= 6X2 + 607.5° Ww 11000 77601.5 GG, = 450. = 0.0409 11000 Kg. = 776075 tan = GG = 0.0409 11000 GM (0.745 Kg. = 7.055 tan@ = 0.0549 , KM = 7.800 9 = 3.14° (Stbd) cM = 0.745 (©) 11000 X 7.0 = 7000 GG, = dXw = 75X75 5 X 165 = 12375 Ww 11000 Too 78237-5 GG; = 5625 = 0.0511 T1000 Kg, = 782375 tan = GG, =_0.0511 11000 GM 0.6875 Kg. = 7.1125 tan 0 = 0.0743 KM. = 7.800 0 = 425°) GM = 0.6875 (a) 11000 xX 700 = 71000 GG = 2.5X75= 187.50 = 0.0172 215 X39 =~ _2625 10925 10925 + 10925 16737.5 * 58 Kg. = 767375 * tan@ = GG, = 0.0172 10925 GM 0.776 Kg. = 7.024 c. tan 6 = 0,021 KM = 7.800 ©. = 1.26" (Stbd) GM = 0776 A ship displacing 8500; GM = 1.0m, is listed 2.5° port. A weight of 60t on deck kg, 11.5m aid 3.5m to port of © is tobe discharged over the std side, using her derrick, the head of which is 21m above the keel, with an ousreach of 10m from © » cateuiate te tis (2) When the weight is picked up by the derrick plumped over the weight. (b) Wher the derrick is swung out. Vertical GG Transverse GG (a) tan @-=__dw. Now GG, = dw, » wom ey. v. tan2.5° = __ dw: GG, = 60X95 (21-115) = 0.067 8500X1 * 8500 ie. tan 2.5° X 8500 X 1.0 = dw GM-= 1.000 371.118 = dw GG; = - 0.067 New GM = - 0.933, otan@ = _ dwe = 371.8 = 371.118 = 0.04679 W.GM 8500 X 0.933, 7930.5 tan 0 = 0.04679 8 = 2.68°(P) (b) Listing Mom = WX d = 60X @.5+10) =. 810 810° LM. STINE LL.M 38.882. ELM Tand = ___438.882_ = 0.0513 8500 X 0.933 0 = 3.16° stbd. A ship wt = 7000t Kg 7.0, has to load a 1600t parcel of cargo and there after a. heavy lift of 95t using her own derrick the head of which is 25m. above the keel with an outieach of 15m fiom the & . Ither KM @ a W= 8695tis 8.0m at what max kg should be 1600t loaded, so: that when the heavy lift is being loaded, list will not exceed 9°. ] Transverse GG = 95X15 = 145. = 0.16388 8695 "8695 NowTand = GG ‘Now taking Moments : ™ 7000 X.7.0 = 49000 Tan? =. 0.16588 1600 X x = 1600x GM 95 X 25..= 2375 GM = 0.16388 3695. 51375 + 1600%. Ton? , GM = 0.16388 KG = Final Mom 0.15838, Final W GM = 1.069 69651 = 51375-+ 1600x KM = 80000 : 3695 KG = 69651 Ship = 6.9651 X 8695) = 51375 +1600x ° 60561.54 = 51375 + 1600x 60561.54 - 51375 = 1600x 9186.544. = 1600x » 8196544 = x 1600 x =5.74 2. The Max kg is 5.74 m. 11: Aship of W = 7400 Km = 8.5, KG 8.0, lost some deck cargo kg, 11m & 3.5m ? from © the resultant lst was 35°, éaulate the amount of cargo lost. i Vertical Moment Transverse Mom. i 00 =X ~80= 59200 GG, = dw/W X = Ix GG, = 3.5x/7400-x i : 59200 tix _ ist a “KG = 59200 —1ix 7400 —x - KM-KG = GM . 85 - 200 Ibe) = GM 7400- x : “. tand = GG, = tan 3.5° = 3.5x/7400—x \ GM \1 85 - (Bateau) * 7400 -x Tan3.5° = 3.5x/-7400-x B5 (7400=x) — (59200 11x) / 7400 —x tan3.5° = "3554/7400 =x . (62500 ~ 8 5x — 59200 + 11x) 7 7400—x Ox 0.06116 = 35x. . | 3709-35 o 0.06116 (3700 +2.5x) = 3.5x 227.92 + 0.1529x = 3.5x 21.92 = 3,348x rN 12. A-vessel of W = 7250t, GM = 1.0m is listed 3.5° stbd. She has to discharge 450t which may be discharged fn kg 6.0 & 2.5m to port of © & fom ke 9.0m yo 6.2m to stbd of © . calculate the amount to be discharged from each space to finish discharging up right? tand= GG; ‘Now suppose x tonnes is discharged W.GM from kg 6.0 & (450 ~ x) discharged tan3.s°= = GG from 9.0 kg. 7250 X 1.0 for the final coniition is 4 J. TLM =, tan3.5° X 7250 X 1.0 ILM = FLM = upright ILM = 443.429t stbd 1. 6.2 (450~x)-2.5x = 443.429 2790 - 62k-2.5« = 443.429 2790-8.7x = 443.429 8.7x = 2346.571 sx = 269.72t from 6.0m Kg (450 - 269.72) = 180.28 t from 9.0m KG 13, Avvessel of w = 99008 km 8.0, KG = 6.9 is ised 3.5° (P). Where with respect to | should 60t be loaded at a kg of 3.51 to bring the ship upright. Tand = 6G, = _ dw KM = 80 Wom W.GM KG = 69 : GM =i Tan3.5° = 460 : mei 2 60d = tan3.5° X 9900 X L1- d = 666.06 60 d= 11.101m from € tw sepa. 62 vessel of W = 9200t kg 6.0, km 7.1 is listed 3° port. She fills up a stbd DB kg 0.5 & Sen from ship's © with 125t sw. Caleulate her final list. M=tan@ = dw KM = 7.1 race to W.GM KG = 60 . GM = 11 tTan 3°. = ___dw "eed : 9200 X 11 = tan 3° X 9200°X LL : 3 = 530.366 smn , . LM caused due to stbd DB tank =, 125X9 = 1125 stbd . FLM = 1125 stbd = 530,366 port FLM = 594.634 stbd Now 9200°X.60 = 55200 KM = 7.100 +125 X05 = +625 KG = 5.926 9325 95262.5 GM = 1174 “KG = $52635 = 5.926 ect to 9325 < tan@ = ELM = (594.634 ¥ W.GM ° 5325x1174 ’ ~ tno = 0.0543 = an 0 = 3.11% stbd. : 2 A ship of W = 11000 kg. 75, KM = 8.0, is listed 3° stbd, the following operations carried out : 1, Loaded 135t kg. 6.0m, 3.5m to port of ¢ 2. ‘Discharged 12St kg. 9.0m, 4.5m to stbd ot 3. Pumped out 75t bailast kg. 0.6m, 5m to port of € Calculate the tinal tist. GM = 80-75 = 0.5m 63 ‘ 11000 X 7.5 82500 135 X 60 = + 810 - 125 X 90 = ~ 1125 - 5 X 06= - 45 10935 82140 ‘tan3? = dw 11000 X 0.5 2 TLM = tan3° X 11000 X 0.5=dw ILM = 288.243 stbd LM caused due to operation : P +135 X 35m@) = 4725 - 125 X 45m(S) = 562.5 - % X sm) = - - 375 FLM. 660 Port < FLM = 660 port - 288.243 stbd FLM = 371.757t port Now listing moment =tan@ = _FLM. _ W.GM. tan@= 371.757 = 0.0697 10935 X 0.488 2.8 = 3.985° Port *. FinalKG = 82140 10935, KG = 7512 KM = 8.000 GM = 0.488 375 375 Grr _, ~ qo Sows LIST Exercise 4 lig A ship of displacement 8000 tonnes, KM 8.7m, KG8.0m lost a quantity of her ee _astleck cargo (Kg 11.5m, 5m to port of the centerline). ‘The resulting stb. list was : 3.5°, calculate the quantity of the cargo lost. A ship of displacement 1400 tonnes has 2 metres freeboard with her centre of gravity of 0.2 metre above the waterline. A réctangular deck area 20 metres long ind 10 metres wide is filled to a depth of 0.5 metre when the vessel ships seas in heavy weather. Find the change in vessel’s righting lever at 5° angle of heel. A ship of 13750 tons displacement, KM = 7.2m, KG = 6.4m is listed 2.5° to starboard. She has to load a further 300 tons.- Space is available in No. 4 tween deck KG = 8.4m on the port side 7m from the centre tine and on the starboard side Sm from the centre line. How much cargo should be loaded on each side to complete loading upright. A ship of displacement 8600t, KG 7.3m has to load 2 2200t parcel of cargo and @5°" then a heavy lift of 100t using her Jumbo derrick, the head of which is 26m above the keel, with an outreach of 16m from the centerline. If her KM at a displacement of 10900t is 8.2m, at what inaximim KG cah the 2200t parcel be loaded so that the list when loading the heavy lift will not exceed 8 degrees. A ship of 12500 toines displacement, KM 7m, KG 6.4m, has a 3 degree list to starboard and has yet to load 500 tonnes of cargo. There is space availbel in the tween decks, centres of gravity 6m each side of the centre line. Find how much . cargo to load on each side if the ship is to complete loading upright. 6... A ship of displacement 7500 ts, KM 8.6m, KG 7.8m, lost a quantity of deck cargo of KG i2m, from 4m to stbd of the centerline. If the tesulting Hist wus 3° 20° to port, calculate’the weight of deck cargo lost. = A 41."4St anny -000- 85 70,93t 0.111. 2 2 3 % 3 € g & 2 a 165.05 t on port side KG=4,09 m 3 4. 282.751 to port, 217.25 tonnes to stbd 91.95 tonnes. Ss. 6. -000- “ 66 CHAPTER V TRIM F ‘The following is to be noted : > For shift of wt. already on board : Trimming Moment = Wt. Shifted X distance shifted = dXw For weight loaded or discharged : Trimming Moment = Wt. loaded / discharged X: distance from COF dXw Total trim caused = trimming Moment (in meter, T) MCTC X 100 Sinkage/Rise = Final Wt. Loaded / discharged (w) (in meter) TPC X 100 Change of trim Af = Total trim X After length (Ta), Total Length Change of tim Fwd = Total tim X Fwd. length a Total length = Tt-Ta 67 Fwd 4,75m, Aft = 5.60m shifted a wt. of 95t from 65m. aft of midship to 10m abaft the midship. Calculate her drafts F & A. 1. Avvessel of length 140 mt, CF 4m aft of midship, MCTC 145 M.T. at a draft of | 4 ; _ Trimming Moment = 95 X (65 — 10) =95 X55 = 5225 mt Total trim caused = trim Moment = ___$225__. : (iam) MCTCX100 145X100 Total trim:= 0.36 m. % ShiftFwd —————> Sotrim by head. Change of trim Aft = Total rim X Aftlength = 0.36. X66 Total length 140 Change of trim Aft= 0.1697m. Change of trim Fwd = Total trim X Fwd length = 0.36 X74 ‘Total length 140 Change of trim fwd= 0.1903m Draft Pwd AFT 475m 5.60m Change in trim: +0.1903m -0,1697m Final draft 4.9403" 5.4303m 68 * A vessel of length 150mt CF 3mt fwd of midship TPC = 20 vom , MCTC = 175mt, draft Fwd = 5.90m Aft = 6.30m loads 135t, 15m fwd of midship length. Calculate her F & A draft. Trimming Moment = 135 X 12 = 1620 mt Wt loaded .. sinkage = _135__ = 0.0675 m 20 X 100 Total trim (m)= __1620 = 0.0926 m 175 X 100 Change of trim Aft= Total trim X Aftlength/ Total length =. 0.0926 X 78/150 = 0.0482 m Change of trim fwd = Total trim X Fwd length / Total length 0.0926 X 72/150. 0.0444 m Fwd Aft Draft 5.90 6300. Sinkage 0.0675 0.0675 * 5.9675 63675 Change of trim + 0.0444 = 0,0882 Final draft “=_6.0119 m 6.3193 m 69 3. A vessel of length 160 m CF 2m fwd of midlength. TPC 22 vem, MCTC = 170mt, draft Fwd = 5.70, Aft = 6.80 following operations carried out. a) Loads 150t, 35m fwd of midlength b) Disch 275t, 35m fwd of ‘midlength c) Shifted 75t, frm 35m abaft midship to 10m fwd of midship Find the draft ford and Aft. > Trimming Moment ; dX w where d is the distance between COF and position of weight loaded / discharged. 3 + 150 X 33 = +4950 F 2275 X 33. = 9075 A 78 X 45 = +3375 F 275-150 750 Aft = 125t Final disch. ‘2. Since the final cargo is 125 t disch. the ship will rise. “Rise = 125/22°X 100 = 0,0568m Total Trim =___750 = 0,044 m 170 X 100 Change in trim Aft = Total Trim X Aft. Length / Total length = 0.044 X 82/160 = 0.023m : Change in trim Fed = Total Tsim X Fwd length / Total length = 0,048 X 78/160 ee uui2d 2 vem, ed out. ion of Fwd Aft Draft 5.700 6800 . M. Rise . = 0.0568 + 0.0568 Draft 5.681 6.761 Change intim =. + 0.021 - 0.023 . Final draft = 5664m — 6.720m A vessel of length 175mt CF = 3m aft of midship is trimmed 2.0m by stern at a mean draft of 8.25m. Calculate her hydrostatic draft. x Correction to'Aft draft = trim X LCF LBP For alength of 175m, trim = 2.0 + for 3m trim = ? 3X2 = 0.034 m. M draft oa 8.25 Con = + 0034 Hydrodraft = 8.284m. n ass Qa pirauaft -F seluing Ly itine ear ae & = me i oft Ree h MY Yuh Joey ried, OP! A box shaped vessel 125m X 20m is in SW at an EX. draft of 3mt, KG = 4.5m, 1 calculate the draft F and A if a weight of 125t on board is shified aft through 50m. 3 MCTC =_W_X GM: 100 XL Where GM, is obtained as follows : KM, = KB + BM: « KML-KG = GM. Now BM, = Jcp = BL? v 12V Note: If GM, can not be calculated then BM: can be used. Since'GM, & BML. are very large the difference is insignificant. But in place of GM (), BM cannot'be taken since the values are quite small & hence significant changes are quite viable. W = LXBX draftX 3 KM, = KB+BML = 125X20X 3X 1.025 Where KB = 3/2 = 15m W = 7687.5t . BM, = BLE 12.V 7 BM, = _1_20 X 128° EX 125 X20X3 = 434,028 g Moment = 125 X50 = 6250 mt n caused = 6250. = 0.236 m 265.08 X 100 oftrim aft = Trim X_ AF LBP. BM. quite = O.118m e of Trim for’d = 0.118 m. s ELK. draft Fwd 3.00 -_ 0118 + B ‘. MCTC = W_X GM, = 7687.5 X_ 431.028 MCTC = 265.08 cms. Aft 3.00 * 0.118 3,118 m Aft [A ship 140m in length, MCTC. = 150, CF 3.0 mis aft of mid length is trimmed ‘40 ems. by stem, From where with respect to midship should 245t be discharged to bring her on even'keel. Trim Moment = Wt. disch. X dist from COF Total trim caused = Tsim Moment TC 40 cms ** {dm moment 150 cms .. Trim Moment = 40X 150 = 6000 Now 6000 = 245 X x 2 x = 6000 = 24.49 mo 245 Since the vessel has to be even keel, the wt. discharged has to be from 24.49m. aft of C.OF. Or 24.49 + 3.0 = 27.49 m aft of midsbip. A-vessel of length 130mt, CF = 2ni aft of midship. TPC= 12m MCTC= 145 tm. ig ata draft of 520m fwd & 6.60m af. She is t sail on BK draft of 6.48m. Space is available in No. 1# 50m fd of the midship & No. 4#, 25m aft of midship. Calculate the amount to be loaded in each space. Draft Fwd 5.20m Aft 6.60m Trim 740m 2 Cor harged 449m WY ry con” Req, Final hydro draft= 6.480m : ++ Sinkage = 0.558m .. Cargo to be loaded forthe sinkage = 669.6t \ Now suppose No. 1#f loads x t ‘Then No. 4# loads (669.6 - x) t Now taking moments Initial trim = 140 cms. MCTC = 145cm. “. to finish her at even keel draft Total trim = Trimming Moment MCTC X 100 1.40. = 52x -23 (669.6-x 145 X 100 <) 140.X 145 = 52x -15400.8 + 23x 35700.8 = 75x x = 476.01 No, 1# 669.6 ~ 476.01 = 193.59 ~ No. 4# 18 Aft draft = 6.600m TPC = 12t/em initial hydro. draft == 5.922m i.e, 0.558 X 12 X 100 = 669.6t s ‘A ship of length 165m CF 3m fd of midship TPC = 15t, MCTC = 170nat is at a draft of fwd 6.00m aft = 7.20m. She receives 135t of Fw, 45m fwd of midship. She has to discharge 1820t of cargo of which 4201 is to be discharged from No. 2 #, 36m fwd of midship and 480t fm No. 4 #, 30m aft of midship. The 4 remaining cargo is to be discharged from No. 1 # 65m fwd of-midship and No. | 5 #, 50m aft of midship. Calculate the wt to be discharged from No. 1 and No. 5 # to finish on EK. Also find the EK draft then: Draft Fwd = 6.00 Total cargo 1820t Aft = 7.20 ofwhich 420 No.2# Trim = 1.20m by stern 480, No.4# 900t remaining cargo (1820-900) = 920 to be discharged from No. i and No. So let *x’t be discharged frows to. 1 #, then (920—x)t from No. 5 # So taking moments TRIMMING MOMENTS, “Head Stem Ree’d FW. 135 X42) 5670 - Disch No. 2 # 420 X33 iF) = 13860 Disch No. 4# 480 X 33 (A) 15846 : Disch No. 1 # x XP : . 62x Disch No.5# (920- 13860 + 62x tisate | (> Now Total Trim = Trimming Moment a MCTC " 120 = 70270 — 53x — (13860 + 62x) d from 170 ». The 120X170 = 70270 — 53x — 13860—62x 3 20400 = 56410~-115x ind No, 4 isk + = 56410 - 20400 d No. 5 15x = 36010. X = 36010 = 313.13t No. 1# MS (620-337.13) = 606.87t No. 5# To find EK draft . Final displacement i.e, 1820-135 = 1685t i.e, total. cargo discharged = 1685 +. Meanrise = __1685__ = Wt. dischatged = 1.123 m 15X 100 “TPC X 100 Change of trim aft = Aftlength X tim/LBP = 85.5 X 120/165 = 62.182 Cm= 0.622m Change of trim fwd = Fwd length X trim / LBP = 79.5 X 120/165 = $781 = 0.578m Fwd Aft Initial draft | 6.000 7.200 M. Rise 1123, + - 1.123 Uncorrected draft 4877 6.077 Change in trim + 0578m. - 0.622 7 Final EK draft 455m __5.455m 7 ‘A vessel of length 158mt, CF = 2m fwd of midship, MCTC = 155m.t,, TPC 20t, | is at a draft of Fwd 6.35m, 7.85m aft, she is to sail with a trim of 1.11m by stern. Calculate: (a) The wt. to be shifted through 25m & the drafts Fwd and aft then. (b) If the required trim is to be achieved by loading 165t, find the position with respect to midship, where to load & the drafts Fwd & Aft then. (©) If the required trim is to be achieved by pumping out ballast from 30m aft of midship, find the amount to be pumped out and the drafts F & A then. (@) draft fwd 6.35m aft 7,85m trim) 1.50m Reg:trim 111m T 039m MCTC ~ MCTC Tt = wXd MCTC 39 = wX25 155 w = 39X155 25 w= 2418t Since the final trim required 1.1 1m, the wt. 241.8 t has to be shifted fwd. Hence the fwd will sink and aft will rise. 78 Since the wt. on board is'shifted Change of trimaft = T, X AF(P) = 039 X 81 = 020m LBP 158 ‘Change of trim fwd = TyX FF = 039 X77 = 0.19m LBP 158 Initial draft 635 785 Change in trim +019 =0.20 Final draft 654m 7.65 m | (b) In this case the supposition is loading of 16St and thus sinkage is to be considered, ‘Thus mean sinkage = _W = _165t_' = 0.082m TPC 20X10. Draft 6.54 7.65 Sinkege +. 0.082 +0.082 Newdraft 6.622 m. 7.732m “ T = Tm_= wXd = 165Xa = 039 MCTC MCTC 155 X 100 d= 0.39X155 X 100 = 36.64 from COF 165 So with respect to midship 36.64 + 2 = 38.64 m fwd of midship. 79 (©) In this case the supposition is te pump cut (deballast) from 30m aft of midship. “T= Tm = _wXd =_xX32_ = 039 MCTC MCTC~ 155X100 -. x = 039 X 155:X 100 = 188.91 t of water ballast to pump out. 32 Now since the ballast is pumped out there is going to be a rise in the draft. 3 Thus Meanrise = ___W__ = _188.91_ = 0.094 mrise TPCX 100 © 20X100 Fwd Aft Drafts 6.34 7.65 M. rise - 0.094 ~,0.094 Final draft 6.446 mi 7.556 m 40. A ship of iength 160m, LCF 78 m, MCTC = 168, TPC 15t is at a draft Fwd 7.40, m, aft 8.65 m. To carry out the repairs at fore end it is necessary to reduce the fwd draft to 6.40m. If the maximum permissible draft at the repair berth is 8.10m and cargo may be discharged from No. 2 #, 33m fwd of midship and No.5# 60m, aft of midship, calculate. the minimum amount of cargo to be discharged from each space? Initial drafts Fwd 740 AR 2.65 stera To find the hydrostatic draft Cort” to aft. Draft = Trim X LCF LBP Corr" to aft draft = 1.25 X_78 = 0.609 160 -. Aft draft = 8.65 Con” = - 0.609 Initial hydro draft = = 8.041 Final drat fwd == 64m hence to get hydro draft AR = 81m com" to aft draft Trim =17m = trim X LCF/LBP 2 Com" to aft drat = 1.7X78 = 0.829 m Saftdat = 810m con” = 0.829 m Final hydro draft = 7.271 m ‘Thus initial hydro draft = 8.041 Final hydro draft = 7.271 Rise indrat = = 077m Now mean rise = W/TPC X 100 0.77 = W 1S X 100 “ W = 0.77X 15 X 100 W= 11st Thus total minimum cargo to discharge to achieve the required drafts is 11551, Now since this cargo is to be discharged fiom No. 2# and No. 5 #, i 81 qj i Suppose xtis discharged fm No. 2 # then (1155 t~ x)t from No. 5 #. Final trim = 1.70m Initial trim = 1.25 m Total trim = 0.45m T = Im_= wXd MCTC = MCTC 45 = 35x ~ 58 (1155 -x) . 168 45X 168 = 35x— 66990 + 58x ‘ 7560, = 93x ~ 68817 7560 + 68817 = 93x 93x = 74550 x= 8016lt = x = 80161 t fin No 2# b 1155 -921.26 © = 353.39 tfm No. 5# A vessel of length 144mt, CF 3mm aft of midship, MCTC 155, TPC 15t is trimmed 1.65m by the stern. Calculate'the wt. to be loaded and its position with respect to midship to finish with the trim 1.05m by stern without change in the aft draft. Initial trim 1,65m by stern Final trim 1.05m by stern Ty = 0.60m NowT, = Im = wXd MCTC MCTC Meansinkege = Ta w= RXLCF Fo, ERP 82 Be . WP But T. = _wXd MCTC So substituting the value of T, we get W:-= wXd X LCF. TPC - MCTC + LBP” . 1 = 4X 6 15 155144 1 = sod 15 22320 22320= d = 21.56m for’d of COF 15X69 21.56 - 3 = 18.56 from midship ‘Since d is kriown w can be found out by T= Im = wXd MCTC = =MCTC. 0.60= wX 2156 -.0.6X 155X100 = 431.35. = w 155 X 100 21.56 A vessel of length 140 mt LCF = 68 m, MCT€ = 150, TPC.= 20 is at a draft of 6.82 mt fwd, 7.67 mt aft. Calculate (a) Amount of ballast to be pumped out from’ A.P.T. 62 m aft of midship to reduce the aft draft to 7.47 m. Also find the fwd draft then. (b) Ifthe aft draft of 7.47'm is to be achieved by running tp the E.P. Tank 65 ri fwd of midship, calculate the amount of ballast to be run up and the fwd draft then, 83 (a) The amount of ballast to pump ‘out should be such that the aft draft from 7.67m should arrive at 7.47 m i.e. arise of 0.20m aft, which will also sink the fwd draft. ie. 7.67 - 7.47 = 0.20mt = 20cm. NowT, =_Tm_= wXd This Tm will change the Ta. McT¢ MCTC : . 20= Ta + Mean sinkage 20 = Ta + _w_ie, wXd X LCE + _w TPG MCTC LBP TPC 20=wX 60 X 68+ Ww 150 140 20 20 = (0.1943)w +_w - 20 20= 0.2443 w cw = 20/0.2443 = 81.87t = 8187 X60 150 X 100 = 0.327m 2. TE = 0.327X72 140 = 0.168.m Mean sinkage = _81.87 20X 100 = 0.0409 m Final for'd Draft 5.82 + 0.168 - 0.0409 Final draft = 6.947 m Tr= dXw MCTC ” (ob) 20= w+ wX 67 xX 68 . » te tue 84 20 150 140 A Lef Mid F Se 20 = w(- 0.05 + 0.2169) w =.20/ 0.16695 we 1198 Tt = 119.8 X 67 = 0.535 m 150: Tf = 0.535 X72 = 0.275 m 140 F = 6.82 +0.06 +0.275 = 7.154 m A vessel of length 200mt CF = amidship, MCTC = 215 TPC = 20t,is ata draft of fwd 6.90m, aft ~ 8.13m loads 230t, 18mt fwd of midship. Calculate where with respect to midship should the remaining cargo of 470t be loaded, so that the final aft draft will be 8.10m, also calculate fwd draft then? Here LCF = 200 = 100m = midship . 2 Total cargo to be loaded = 230+ 470 = 700t

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