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MODULE 2  An entrepreneur is a person who

buys factor services at certain prices

with a view to selling its product at
Definition of Entrepreneurship uncertain prices. —Richard Cantillon
 Entrepreneurship is the process of
creating incremental wealth. The  Who uses available resources in
wealth is created by those novel ways —Schumpteter, 1934
individuals who assume the major
risk in terms of equity and time or  Entrepreneur is one who is endowed
providing value for others with more than average capacities in
the task of organizing and
 Robert Hisrich (1985) defined coordinating the factors of
entrepreneurship in a relatively production, i.e. land, labour capital
comprehensive as: “A process of and enterprises. —F.A. Walker
creating something different with
value by devoting the necessary  Entrepreneurship involves doing
time, and effort assuming the things in a new and better way.
accompanying financial, Entrepreneurial role calls for
psychological, and social risks, and decision making under uncertainty.
receiving the resulting rewards of —McClelland
monetary and personal satisfaction.”
—Robert Hisrich (1985)
 An entrepreneur is an economic
man who tries to maximize his
DEFINITIONS OF ENTREPRENEUR profits by innovation, involve
problem solving and gets
satisfaction from using his
 An entrepreneur as one, who always capabilities on attacking problems.
searches for change, responds to it —E.E. Hagen
and exploits it as an opportunity.
Innovation is the basic tool of
entrepreneurs, the means by which  Entrepreneurs are a product of
they exploit change as an particular social condition in which
opportunity for a different business they are brought up and it is the
or service. —Peter F. Drucker society which shapes individuals as
entrepreneurs. —Max Weber
 Entrepreneurs as those people who
have the ability to see and evaluate  Entrepreneurs are people who have
business opportunities, together with the ability to see and evaluate
the necessary resources to take business opportunities, the ability to
advantage of them and to initiate gather resources to take advantage
appropriate action to ensure of them; and the ability to initiate
success. — International Labour action to ensure success.
Organization (ILO)
 Frank Young defined entrepreneur
 A decision maker whose entire role as a change agent.
arises out of his alertness to hitherto
unnoticed opportunities. Kirzner –  Akhouri describes entrepreneur as a
1973 character who combines
innovativeness, readiness to take
risk, sensing opportunities,
identifying and mobilizing potential HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES
resources, concern for excellence,  The term entrepreneur comes from
and who is persistent in achieving the French word and translated
the goal. means to ‘to undertake’ or ‘go-
between’. Meaning those, who
undertook the risk of new enterprise
 In the Earliest Period: An
entrepreneur was viewed As a ‘Go-
between’, who attempts to establish
trade Routes and signs contracts
with many persons (forerunners of
today’s venture capitalist) to Sell
goods; while the capitalist was a
passive risk bearer, the merchant
adventurer who took the active role
in trading, bearing all the physical
and emotional risks.
 In the Middle Ages: The term
 Entrepreneurship is a dynamic ‘entrepreneur’ was used to describe
activity which helps the entrepreneur a person managing large production
to bring changes in: projects. In this case, the person
 The process of production would not take any risks but would
 Innovation in production merely manage the project using the
 New usage of materials resource provided.
 Creator of market
 17th Century: Richard Cantillon, a
ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND noted economist of the 1700s,
PHILOSOPHY developed theories of the
 Fundamentally, Entrepreneurship is entrepreneur and is regarded as the
a human creative act, involved in founder of the term. He viewed the
building a team of people with entrepreneur as a risktaker who
complementary skills and talents “buys at certain price and sells at an
uncertain price, therefore operating
 Entrepreneur Behavior: at a risk.” Richard Cantillon used the
 Initiative taking, organizing, term entrepreneur in the business
reorganizing of context.
social/economic resources
and acceptance of risk or  18th Century: In the 18th century the
failure. person with capital was
differentiated from the one who
ENTREPRENEURSHIP & needed capital. In other words,
ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneur was distinguished from
the capital provider. Many of The
inventions developed during this
time as was the case with the
inventions of Eli Whitney and
Thomas Edison were unable to
Finance invention themselves. Both
were capital users (entrepreneurs), encouraged and held in high regard.
not capital providers (venture However, achieving this feat was not
capitalists.) Whitney used easy, especially since it was difficult
expropriated crown property. Edison to find the right marketplace for the
raised capital from private sources. right idea. With modernization and
the constantly changing pace of life,
 19th and 20th Centuries: In the late entrepreneurial ventures with
19th and early 20th centuries, promising potential are now
entrepreneurs were viewed mostly sponsored by government
from an economic perspective. The organizations and even by other
entrepreneur” contributes his own established entrepreneurs.
initiative, skill and ingenuity in
planning, Organizing and  Popularity of innovative ideas:
administering the enterprise, Entrepreneurial endeavors are
assuming the chance of loss and witnessing a growth in popularity,
gain.” thanks to the innovative ideas that
start-up owners have brought to the
 In the middle of the 20th century, the fore. People with an entrepreneurial
notion of an Entrepreneur as an instinct are coming forward with
innovator was established. excellent business ideas and plans
Innovation, the act of introducing that are capable of transforming the
something new, is one of the most landscape of the business world.
difficult tasks for the entrepreneur. This not only contributes to the
changing dynamics of business but
also creates a platform for better,
 According to the Schumpeter “The more efficient ideas to be translated
entrepreneur is someone, who into reality.
carries out New combination by such
things as:
 Introducing new products  Economic advancement: Setting the
and processes wheels in motion for economic
 Identifying new export market development, entrepreneurial
or source of supply ventures make a significant
 Creating new type of contribution to national income. The
organization economy of a country is directly
proportional to the amount of
international business garnered by a
domestic organization and the
ENTREPRENEURSHIP money earned by local employees.
 Entrepreneurial endeavors have had
a large-scale impact on economic
conditions, business environment  Employment generation: One of the
and job generation in various driving forces for a country’s
countries. In fact, they make a economic progress is the creation of
significant contribution to the ample job opportunities for the
country’s GDP and are often people of the country. Small-scale
referred to as a national asset. Gone enterprises are pivotal in training
are the days when starting a locals with new skills to acquire
business of your own were entry-level jobs and gaining
considered risky or only fit for brick experience to become skilled
and mortar shops. Today, professionals. Start-ups are
entrepreneurial instincts are responsible for generating a majority
of the total job opportunities in the

 Promotes social change: The

introduction of new products and
services decreases the dependency
of the country’s population on
obsolete organizations or
technologies, giving way to better  The market for factors of production
quality of living. Bridging the gap is the place where households offer
between the scarcity of a product their labor, capital and other factors
and its demand can help create a such as land, receiving an income
positive impact on people and bear for their use. Firms use these factors
fruitful results from a business
in their production.
 In this case, money flows from firms
 Promotes research and to households (green arrow in the
development: While it is important to diagram below) in the form of wages
produce new business ideas, it is in exchange for labor, interests for
also essential to cultivate the ideas capital and rent for the use of land.
for the development of a successful Factors of production flow form
business structure. With the rise in households (red arrow) to firms, so
entrepreneurial endeavors and
they can produce more goods and
minds, the need to see an idea
through execution is crucial. services.
Entrepreneurship promotes the
importance of research and
development in testing the longevity
of an idea and its subsequent
commercial success.

 The market for goods and services  When we combine both diagrams,
is the place where households we get the circular-flow diagram, as
spend their money buying goods shown below. The exchanges made
and services produced by firms. In in the economy imply a redistribution
other words, is the place where firms of rent according to the diagram, and
sell the goods and services they the creation of value makes the
have produced, receiving revenue
economy grow.
paid by households
 This market represents the place
where money and goods are
exchanged. In this case, the flow of
money (green arrow in the diagram
below) goes from households to
firms, in exchange for finished
products, which flow from firms to
households (red arrow).

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