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Mission Twinpossible
program manager sample group endurance test

A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the
italicized term. Then, answer the question.

1. You are the program manager of a team that is responsible for designing and
building a new car. As program manager, would you say that you should
perform every task? What do you think your main responsibility would be?
Explain. 1.would
**Program Manager Explanation:** As a program manager overseeing the design and construction of a new car, the main responsibility
not be to perform every task personally. Instead, the program manager's role involves coordinating and leading the team, setting
goals, managing resources, ensuring timelines are met, and addressing any issues that arise during the project. Their focus is on overall
project success and effective team coordination.
2. Would you say that having one hundred people for a study on the effects of
sunlight on happiness is a sample group?
2. **Sample Group Explanation:** Having one hundred people for a study on the effects of sunlight on happiness could potentially be
Explain. considered a sample group. A sample group is a subset of a larger population that is studied to draw conclusions about the larger population.
The key factors in determining if this group is a sample group would be how it was selected, whether it represents a diverse range of
individuals, and if it is statistically significant for drawing valid conclusions about the larger population.
3. Why would a person who wants to become a lifeguard have to pass an
endurance test in the water?

3. **Endurance Test Explanation:** A person aspiring to become a lifeguard must pass an

endurance test in the water to ensure they have the physical stamina and ability to handle
strenuous situations in aquatic environments. Lifeguards need to be able to swim long
distances, maintain their energy levels over extended periods, and have the strength and

B. WORD STUDY: The Latin root -dur- means “to harden,” “to hold out,” or “to last.”
endurance to perform rescues and provide assistance when needed.

For example, the word endure means “to continue to exist.” Use each of the
following -dur- words in a complete sentence. Use a dictionary if needed.

1. durable 1. **Durable:** The durable fabric of the backpack

ensured it could withstand rough outdoor

2. duress 2. **Duress:** The suspect's confession was made

under duress, raising questions about its validity.

. **Duration:** The duration of the concert was

3. duration three hours, including an intermission.

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