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Semester: Fall’ 21

Course Name: Introduction to Environmental Science

Course code: ENV107L
Sec- 41
Exercise 1 (Lab report 1)

Individual Assignment

Submitted by:
Name: Jannatul Ferdaus Trishi
ID: 1813295630

Submitted to:
Dr. Abdus Samad Azad, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Science & Management

Date of Submission: 22nd October 2021

Answer to Question 1

Table 1.1- Number of Marbles

Group Total # of # of White # of Purple # of Blue # of Red # of Green # of Yellow

Number Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles
1 242 34 32 35 42 47 52
2 422 78 43 85 75 84 57
3 386 56 54 73 65 63 75
4 406 63 74 45 88 54 82
Average 364 57.75 50.75 59.5 67.5 62 66.5

Answer to Question 2

Table 1.2- Percentage of Marbles

Group Total % of % of White % of Purple % of Blue % of Red % of Green % of Yellow

Number Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles Marbles
1 16.62% 14.05% 13.22% 14.46% 17.36% 19.42% 21.49%
2 28.98% 18.48% 10.19% 20.14% 17.77% 19.91% 13.51%
3 26.51% 14.51% 13.99% 18.91% 16.84% 16.32% 19.43%
4 27.88% 15.52% 18.23% 11.08% 21.67% 13.30% 20.20%
Average 25.00% 15.64% 13.94% 16.35% 18.54% 17.03% 18.66%

Marbles 1456

Answer to Question 3

I choose group 1 and the percentage of each color marbles is- White 14.05%, Purple
13.22%, Blue 14.46%, Red 17.36%, Green 19.42%, and Yellow 21.49%. The total
percentage of marbles of group 1 is 16.62%. I choose group 1 because from the data
above we can see that groups 2, 3, and 4 have extreme numbers which are either too large
or small. Whereas, group 1 does not have any extreme numbers. The graph is given
Answer to Question 4
Answer to Question 5. a

There will be 1655 Red marbles from the sample of 9536 marbles.
No. of Red marbles= 17.36%* 9536 =1655.45 marbles = 1655 marbles

Number of Red Marbles 1655.008264

Answer to Question 5. b

There will be 1768 Red marbles based on the average of four groups.
Red marbles= 18.54%*9536 = 1767.97 marbles =1768 marbles

Red Marbles based on average of four

groups 1768.351648

Answer to Question 6

There will be 4,375,000,000 Blue fishes from the sample of 1000 liters of water from
Hakaluki Haor and the volume of Hakaloki Haor is 125,000,000 cubic meters.
Blue Fishes= 35*125000000 = 4375000000
1000 Liters Total Blue (Group 1)
125000000 m^3 35

Blue Fishes 4375000000

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