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Uday 2025

Lecture Planner - Physical Education

S.No. Chapter Name Subtopic Lecture No. Date of lecture Day

Meaning & definition of Physical Education
Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
Changing Trends & Career in Physical Career Options in Physical Education
1 Education Khelo-India Program 1 1/4/2025 Saturday
Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values of Olympism
International Olympic Committee
2 Olympic Value Education Indian Olympic Association 1 1/11/2025 Saturday
Meaning & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle
Components of physical fitness and Wellness
3 Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle Components of Health related fitness 1 1/16/2025 Thursday
Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education
Physical Education & Sports for CWSN Organisations promoting Adaptive Sports
4 (Children With Special Needs- Divyang) Role of various professionals for children with special needs 1 1/17/2025 Friday
Meaning & Importance of Yoga
Elements of Yoga
Introduction – Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas
5 Yoga Yoga for concentration & related Asanas 1 1/18/2025 Saturday
Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader
Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports
6 Physical Activity & Leadership Training Safety measures to prevent sports injuries 1 1/20/2025 Monday
Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation
Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Sports
Calculation of BMI & Waist-Hip Ratio
7 Test, Measurement & Evaluation Measurement of health related fitness 1 1/21/2025 Tuesday
Definition and Importance of Anatomy and Physiology in
exercise and sports
Functions of Skeletal system, classification of bone and types
of joints
Function and Structure of Circulatory system and heart
8 Test, Measurement & Evaluation Function and Structure of Respiratory system 5 1/22/2025 Wednesday
Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology &
Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Functions of Skeletal System, Classification of bones & Types
9 Kinesiology in Sports of joints 1 1/23/2025 Thursday
Definition & Importance of Psychology in Physical Education &
Define & differentiate between Growth and Development
10 Psychology & Sports Adolescent Problems & Their Management 1 1/24/2025 Friday
Meaning & Concept of Sports Training
Principles of Sports Training
Concept & Classification of Doping
11 Training and Doping in Sports Prohibited Substances and their Side Effects 1 1/25/2025 Saturday

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