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IBQ: Diffraction HL Part 2 (Single opening)

1. C

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. C

10. D

2016 Exams 1

13. (a) Look for an argument that considers destructive interference between
light from elements of the slit e.g.
consider light from the top edge of the slit and light from X then for

a destructive interference at M the path difference between them is ;
this will be true for all elements of the slit that are paired with
elements below X / OWTTE;
some conclusion e.g. for this to be true then l must equal λ; 3


same value maximum as maximum of S2 coincides with minimum of S1;

minimum of S2 coincides with maximum of S1;
Deduct [1] if curve does not touch axis. 2

(c) since the wavelength of radio waves is relatively large to get good
resolution the aperture must be large / OWTTE;
this is achieved by having large dish-like receivers/by separating
the receivers by large distances; 2

 2  1012 
(d) angular separation of sources =   = 6.7 × 10–5 (rad);
16 
 3  10 
   0.21  
angle at which sources are resolved = 1.22  1.22   = 8.5 × 10–4 (rad);
 b  300  
some statement about angles to show that they cannot be resolved; 3

14. (a) (i) spreading out of light;

beyond that predicted by the geometric pattern / by the obstacle
shape / OWTTE; 2

2016 Exams 2

(ii) diagram:

central symmetrical maximum;

at least one secondary maximum on each side with smaller
height no more than one third height of central maximum;
minima drawn to zero; (i.e. sitting on x-axis) 3

   620  10
(iii) θ=    ;
 b  0.4  10 3
2.0  1.9  620  10 9
w = (2Dθ =) ;
0.4  10 3
w = 5.9mm; 3
Award [3] for bald correct answer.

(b) (i) the images can be seen separately; 1

(ii) diffraction occurs (at the aperture/iris of the eye);

each lamp gives rise to a diffraction pattern (at the
back of the eye/on the retina);
(for distant lamps) the two diffraction patterns overlap;
so that patterns cannot be distinguished / OWTTE; 4

15. (a) shape of diffraction pattern acceptable;

central maximum of one pattern falls on first minimum of other;
relative heights of central and first maxima realistic for both patterns; 3

1.22 λ 1.22  400 10 9

(b) θ


1.6310  4 rad ; 
 head lamp separation  1.2
woman  car distance =   4
; 3
 tan θ  1.63  10
= 7.4 km

2016 Exams 3


2016 Exams 4

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