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MGT 212 MID TERM 1 Assignment

Marks- 20
Answer the following questions in as much detail as possible.
Plagiarism of any sort will not be tolerated
Submit the assignment latest by 16th August 10:00 am, Sunday
Must mention your name, section and ID

1. In a short essay, differentiate between the symbolic view and the omnipotent
view of management. Include specific examples from Bangladesh of each view to
support your answer. (5)
2. Consider a big decision that you have made. Write a description of the decision
using the steps in the decision-making process as your guide. What could you
have done differently in the process to improve your decision? (5)
3. Is globalization good for business? For consumers? Discuss. (4)
In 2013, a clothing factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,138 people.103
Some 27 global brands, including Walmart and Benetton, were using the factory.
One year on, these two corporations were among 22 of the 27 yet to contribute
toward a compensation fund created for this cause. Factories in developing
countries face similar problems all the time, but such instances may go
unreported. Bangladesh alone houses around 5,000 garment factories. Many of
these factories are converted to residential buildings, with no fire escapes or
alarms. The scale of the problem means reforms may well take time.
4. Do you think that corporations that outsource to developing countries have a
responsibility of care to the workers on those sites? (3)
5. What can be done globally to ensure that employees working under such
conditions are protected? (3)

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