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Summary of the Crusades

Crusade definition- Holy War against infidels

Pope Urban II promoted a Crusade in 1095. He told Crusaders he wanted to:
1. Reunify all of Christianity
2. Bring Jerusalem back to Christianity
3. Promise remission of sins for knights who went to fight

1st Crusade- 1096-99

Traveled overland to Constantinople through Asia Minor to Jerusalem, captured city and
massacred inhabitants.
European Christian leaders of Jerusalem and surrounding areas set up a lucrative trading
relationship with Muslim leaders. However, Christians in Europe did not like this cooperation
with Muslims. The Muslims wanted control of Jerusalem back again.

2nd Crusade- 1147-1149

Muslims had begun to strike back and gradually take back land lost in first Crusade.
Pope sent the second Crusade led by Louis VII and Conrad III. Both men were egomaniacs they
failed to cooperate, nothing was achieved

3rd Crusade- 1189-91

Arab leader Saladin the Brilliant defeated the Christians holding Jerusalem
 Did NOT massacre inhabitants
 Allowed Christians to worship freely
 Retook all land previously lost in Asia Minor
European Crusaders tried to stop Saladin but were handily defeated

4th Crusade- 1201-04

Pope Innocent III saw the death of Saladin as a chance to regain Jerusalem
Crusading soldiers instead went to Constantinople, burned city and made French nobles the
leaders of the Byzantine Empire

5th Crusade-
Pope tried again to send Crusaders to Jerusalem
The knights instead went to Egypt (militarily the strongest part of the Arab world) and were

6th Crusade-
Frederick II of Bohemia negotiated the taking of Jerusalem. He left shortly after his forces took
the city and left his forces in control. When the knights started to engage in discriminatory
behavior the Muslims then retook the city.

7th Crusade- Louis IX of France attacked Egypt and was taken prisoner was released only when a
ransom was paid

8th Crusade- Louis IX tries again by attacking Tunisia and loses most of his army to the plague.
There were a total of 16 formal missions that are recognized as Crusades.

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