Rape - An Untold Story of Women

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In the depths of darkness, a tale untold,

Where innocence is marred, and hearts turn cold.
A haunting shadow that clouds the night,
A heinous act that shatters the light.

Rape, oh cruel and unforgiving crime,

Leaving scars that transcend space and time.
A violation of the body and soul,
An act that strips away all control.

Once a treasure, now a broken vessel,

Shattered dreams, lost in disheveled trestle.
A survivor's battle, a fight for justice,
To heal the wounds, to reclaim their trust.

Through tears and pain, they rise above,

Warriors of strength, courage, and love.
Their voices, a chorus that cannot be silenced,
Demanding change, where justice is balanced.
For rape is not the victim's fault to bear,
It is a crime we must unflinchingly stare at.
To educate, to advocate, to break the chain,
So, no more hearts and souls are left stained.

Let us stand united, shoulder to shoulder,

In the face of darkness, we grow bolder.
For in our empathy, compassion thrives,
And healing begins, as hope survives.

May every survivor find solace and peace,

May their journey to healing never cease.
And let us forge a world where all are free,
To live without fear, in harmony.


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