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What is Email?
• Email stands for Electronic Mail.

• It allows users to send text-based messages from their

device to another user with an email address.

• Emails can include attachments – images, videos or other files.

• The first email was sent in 1971 — the @ symbol was used
to allow a user to send a message to a specific recipient.
Discuss: Why do we use email?

It’s easy to use It’s free

It’s faster than sending a letter We can share photos/videos

It helps us keep in touch with It’s useful for work or business

people that live far away
Parts of an email address

Domain name
The first part shows the mail
Usually the name of the person
server that the person uses
we are sending an email to.
and where emails are stored.
Dots are used to Domain name
@ separate parts The second part can
Used to separate the of the address. end .com,, .gov and so on.
username and domain name The here tell us this is a UK
How does email work?
Steven is emailing Maya…
1. Steven writes an email, and includes any attachments,
and addresses it to Maya’s email address.
2. Steven’s email client (program) sends the email to a central mail
server, following a rule called the ‘Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.’
3. This mail server looks for Maya’s email address using
something called DNS (‘Domain Name System’).
4. The email is sent to Maya’s mail server,
which puts the email in her inbox.
5. Maya opens the email in her email client.

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