Complete Technology Form 4

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Federal Republic of Somalia

Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education


Questions & Answers

1. List and identify system development methodologies?
Ans: The various system development methodologies including: waterfall model, agile method,
and Rapid application development (RAD).

2. What is the system?

Ans: The term system is originally derived from the Greek Word Systema, Which indicates a
structured relationship among functioning units or components.
A system is an interconnected set of business procedures used within one business unit working
together for a purpose.

3. List the Characteristics of a system?

Ans: The characteristics of a system are: Interrelated components, Environment, Interfaces, Input
and Output.

4. Explain the study of system concept?

Ans: The study of system concept has three fundamentals implication:

❖ A system must be designed to meet predefined targets.
❖ The components have to have interrelationships and interdependence.
❖ The organizations goal as whole have a higher priority that its subsystem goals.

5. What is the Information System?

Ans: Information System is a combined network of hardware, Software, and Telecommunications
network that users use to collect, creates, and distribute useful data, from organizational setting.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 1
6. List the examples of information System?
Ans: The examples of information system are: Marketing information System, Payroll System,
Human Resource Management System, Library Management System, School Management System,
University Management System, Restaurant Management System, and Accounting Management

7. List the five essential Components of information System?

Ans: The Five essential Components of information System are:
❖ Hardware
❖ Software
❖ Data
❖ People
❖ Process

8. Describe the purpose of information system?

Ans: The following are some of the purpose of information system:
❖ Provide information that assists with strategic planning.
❖ Better performance and increase productivity.
❖ Support the distribution of information to different departments of organization for
operation purpose.

9. What is the Hardware?

Ans: Hardware contains everything in the physical layer of the information system.

10. List the Components of Hardware?

Ans: Hardware can consist of: Servers, Workstation, Networks, Telecommunication equipment,
Fiber Optic Cables, Cellular Devices, Scanners, Digital Capture devices.

11. What is the Software?

Ans: Software refers to the programs that manage the hardware and produce the favored
information or result.

12. Name the two categories of software?

Ans: The categories of software are:
❖ System Software and
❖ Application Software

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 2
13. Differentiate between System Software and Application Software?
Ans: The Core piece of system software is the Operating System (OS) or System Software.
Application Software is intended for specific tasks. Such as Spreadsheet, Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Photoshop.

14. What is the data?

Ans: Data is the raw material that an information system transforms useful information into.

15. What are the Tables?

Ans: An information system can store the data at different locations called tables.

16. What are the people or stakeholders?

Ans: People who have interest in an information system are called stakeholders.

17. What is the process?

Ans: A process is a set of action taken to attain a desired result or objective.

18. What is the purpose of information System?

Ans: The purpose of information system is to provide information that assists with strategic
planning and better performance and productivity.

19. What is the System analysis and Design?

Ans: System Analysis and Design is the mechanism by which people build (Automated) information

20. What is the System Analyst?

Ans: A system analyst is a title given to a person who studies the problems and needs of an
organization looking for improvement opportunities for improving quality of service or product,

21. Write the Skills that system analyst should have?

Ans: The Skills that the System analyst should have are:
❖ Working Knowledge of information Technology
❖ Computer Programming experience and expertise
❖ General Business knowledge
❖ General problem solving
❖ Good interpersonal communication skills

22. What is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

Ans: The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model that incorporates policies
and procedures to build or alter system during their life cycles.

23. What abbreviate SDLC?

Ans: the abbreviation of SDLC is: System Development Life Cycle.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 3
24. List the stages of system development life cycle?
Ans: the stages of SDLC are:
❖ Planning
❖ Analysis
❖ Design
❖ Coding (Develop)
❖ Testing
❖ Deployment
❖ Maintenance

25. What is the System Planning?

Ans: System planning phase is the first phase in the systems development life cycle.

26. Write the Types of Feasibility Studies?

Ans: Types of Feasibility Studies are:
❖ Operational Feasibility
❖ Technical Feasibility
❖ Economic Feasibility
❖ Schedule Feasibility

27. What is the Analysis stage?

Ans: The analysis stage starts with identification of the problem and analyzing the needs of end
users in order to ensure the new proposed system can meet their requirement and expectations.

28. Explain the main objective of analysis stage?

Ans: The main objective of this stage is to do the following activities:
❖ Study or gather data from the existing system.
❖ Describe the current system.
❖ Identify the problem within the current system.
❖ Identify the scope of the system.
❖ Identify and agree customer needs and requirements.
❖ Build logical model of new system.

29. List the Four common methods used in fact finding?

Ans: The four common methods used in fact finding include:
a) Observation
b) Interview
c) Observation
d) Questionnaire
e) Document review

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 4
30. What is the Observation?
Ans: In this technique the analysts visit the company himself and observe and understand the
current state of documents, working of the existing system, the users of the system.

31. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of Observation?

Ans: Advantages:
❖ The observer acquires first-hand experience of what goes on there
❖ A relatively inexpensive method
❖ Reliable data is collected
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ People under study may be uncomfortable and hence make mistakes.
❖ It is time consuming because the observer must be there in person

32. What is an Interview?

Ans: This method involves a one to one question and answer session between the employee or the

33. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of Interview?

Ans: Advantages:
❖ It provides the opportunity to motivate the interviewee into giving and Honest answers to
the analysts.
❖ It allows the analysts to probe for more feedback from the interviewee,
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ This approach can be a time-consuming exercise
❖ The interviewee cannot remain anonymous.

34. What is the Questionnaire?

Ans: This approach include the distribution of questionnaire to the workforce, customers or system
users to find out their views on the existing system and to find out how some of the key tasks are
carried out.

35. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of Questionnaire?

Ans: Advantages:
❖ It is relatively easy to analyze.
❖ You can contact a wide sample of the population at a relatively low cost.
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ Respondents may misunderstand questions because of poor design and ambiguous
❖ Respondents may ignore certain questions.

36. What is document review?

Ans: This method is extremely important because it involves investigating the current system
Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 5
37. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of Document Review?
Ans: Advantages:
❖ Analyst can see for himself how the paper system operates.
❖ The analyst is able to review previous solutions and recommendations that have been
made on the system.
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ It can be a very time-consuming exercise.
❖ It is a fairly costly method to use.

38. List the system requirement specification?

Ans: The system requirement specifications are:
❖ Inputs
❖ Outputs
❖ Control
❖ Data storage
❖ Processing requirement

39. What is the System design?

Ans: The goal of the system design stage is to build a physical model that will fulfill all
documented requirements for the system.

40. What is the User Interface Design?

Ans: A user interface define how users communicate with a computer system, and involves all the
hardware, software, screens, menus, functions, performance, and features that affect two-way
communications between the user and the system.

41. List the characteristics of a good user interface?

Ans: The characteristics of a good user interface:
❖ Consistent layout.
❖ User friendly.
❖ Build user interface which is simple and easy to use.
❖ Enhance user productivity.
❖ Make the user interface easy for users to seek support or fix errors.

42. Write the parts of System Design?

Ans: The parts of system design are:
❖ User Interface design
❖ Input design
❖ Output design
❖ Control Design
❖ Data Storage Design
❖ Process Design
❖ System Design
Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 6
43. What is the Output Design?
Ans: This concept will be user to produce processed information from the system based on output

44. What is the Input Design?

Ans: This is the design of interface to be used for data entry into the system based on input

45. What is the Data Storage Design?

Ans: This process involves creating structure files and storage that will accommodate input data
and results of processing.

46. What is the process design?

Ans: This process includes creating procedures that will be used in processing data based on the
specified processing requirements.

47. What is the control design?

Ans: This involves coming up with policies that guide data processing and user interaction with the

48. What is the System Design?

Ans: System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces
and data for a system to satisfy specified requirement of the user.

49. Write the types of System Design?

Ans: The two types of system design are: Logical design and Physical Design

50. Differentiate between Logical and Physical Design?

Ans: Logical Design relates to abstract representations of the input, outputs and data flow of the
Ans: Physical Design is related to actual input and output processes of the system.

51. What is the System Construction?

What is the main goal of system construction?
Ans: The main goal of this phase is coding of the proposed system by using an appropriate
computer language.

52. What is the System Testing?

Ans: The main goal of this process is to fix errors. Errors in cording, planning and requirements
are corrected.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 7
53. List the ways of system testing?
List and identify the various types of system testing?
Ans: There are many ways of testing system. Some of them are as follows:
❖ Unit Testing
❖ Integration Testing
❖ System Testing
❖ Acceptance Testing
Figure: 1.8- System Testing
54. What is the unit of testing?
Ans: Unit testing: each unit in the system is tested. Output is tested against the given output.

55. What is the integration testing?

Ans: Integration Testing: Units already tested and debugged are integrated to form the complete
system and integrated system is tested at this stage.

56. What is the system testing?

Ans: System testing: this is the complete system is tested for its outputs for the given inputs.

57. What is the acceptance testing?

Ans: Acceptance testing: Acceptance or user acceptance testing is carried out at the late stages
of testing. This testing is carried out at with the user of the system and the user is allowed to use
the system.

58. What is the deployment of the system?

Ans: Deployment (install and use) of the system which has been tested and debugged is carried
out at this stage.

59. List the different deployment approaches to deploy a system?

What are the different types of deployment system?
Ans: The deployment approaches:
❖ Direct deployment
❖ Parallel deployment
❖ Pilot deployment
❖ Phased deployment

60. What is the direct deployment?

Ans: Direct deployment: This method involves the old system being completely dropped and a
new system being completely implemented at the same time.

61. What is the Parallel deployment?

Ans: Parallel deployment: This method involves both the old system and its potential replacement
is run together for a time until everyone assured that the new one functions correctly.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 8
62. What is the Pilot deployment?
Ans: Pilot deployment: with the pilot method of implementation (or conversions), the new system is
installed for a small number of users.

63. What is the Phased deployment?

Ans: Phased deployment: The phased method of implementation (or converting), from the old
system to a new system involves a gradual introduction of the new system whilst the old system is
progressively discarded.

64. What is the Maintenance?

Ans: Maintenance: This continues process of system modifications is known as maintenance and
will occur throughout the operational life cycle of the system.

65. Maintenance has three the following activities what are they?
What are the three activities of maintenance?
Ans: The three activities are:
❖ Bug (error) fixing: bugs are reported because of situations that are not being checked at
❖ Upgrade- Upgrading the application to the latest software versions.
❖ Enhancement-Adding some new functionality to the current software.

66. List and identify system development methodologies?

Ans: The various system development methodologies including waterfall model, agile method,
and Rapid application development (RAD).

67. What is the Waterfall Model?

Ans: The waterfall model was first methodology to be introduced. It also consists of several
stages of a linear development. It is really easy to understand and use in a waterfall model.

68. To develop an information system using the waterfall methods, what consideration you
Ans: To develop an information system using the waterfall methods, you need the following
❖ First identify requirements.
❖ Complete one stage before going to the next phase.
❖ The result of the development system is found at the final stage.

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69. List the different phases of waterfall model?
Ans: The different phases of waterfall model are:
❖ Requirements
❖ Design
❖ Development
❖ Testing
❖ Deployment
❖ Maintenance

70. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of Waterfall model?

Ans: Advantages:
❖ Easy and simple to understand and use.
❖ Easy to handle due to model stiffness.
❖ Phases are processed and finished one at a time.
❖ Phases are clearly described and the milestones well known.
❖ Activities easy to manage and process and result are well documented.
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ High risk and uncertainty levels.
❖ Not a suitable model for object-oriented and complex projects.
❖ Poor methodology for long and ongoing projects.
❖ Progress within stages can be difficult to measure.
❖ Cannot meet changing requirements.

71. What is agile method?

Ans: Agile method: is a mechanism in which team can manage a project by breaking it up into
many stages and requiring continuous collaboration with stakeholders and continual development
and iteration at each stage.

72. List the most common examples of agile method?

Ans: The most common examples of agile method are: SCRUM, Extreme programming (XP),
Feature Driven Development (FDD), Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), Adaptive
Software Development (ASD), Crystal and Lean Software Development (LSD).

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73. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of agile method?
Ans: Advantages:
❖ Customer satisfaction is quick, continuous development and delivery of usable application.
❖ Product is produced rapidly and delivered regularly.
❖ A face to face conversation is the best method of communication.
❖ Frequent adaptation to changing circumstances.
❖ Even late changes in requirements are welcomed.
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ Less predictability.
❖ More time and commitment.
❖ Greater demands on developers and clients.
❖ Lack of necessary documentation.
❖ Project easily falls off track.

74. Define the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model?

Ans: The concept of Rapid application development it is a team-based method which accelerates
the development of information systems and produces a functioning information system.

75. List five steps or phases in RAD?

Ans: The five steps or phases in RAD:
❖ Step 1. Define and finalize project requirements.
❖ Step 2. Begin building prototypes.
❖ Step 3. Gather user feedback.
❖ Step 4. Test, test, test.
❖ Step 5. Present your system

76. Write the Advantage and Disadvantage of RAD?

Ans: Advantages:
❖ Enhanced flexibility and adaptability as developers can make adjustments quickly during
the development process.
❖ Quick iteration that reduce development time and speed up delivery.
❖ Encouragement of code reuse
Ans: Disadvantage
❖ Need strong team and individual performance for identifying business requirement.
❖ Not all applications can be modulated using or be built using RAD.
❖ It requires highly skilled developers or designers.
❖ High dependency on modeling skills.
❖ Less time can cause problem.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 11
1) _________________is an interconnected set of business procedures used within one
business unit working together for a purpose.
A. System
B. Information system
C. Data
2) _________________works together with information systems to collect process, store and
disseminate information to support decision making.
A. Information system
B. interrelated components
C. Interfaces
3) _________________it refers to the state of a computer determined by which programs
are running on basic hardware and software characteristics.
A. Input
B. Interfaces
C. Environment
4) ________________it is a device or a program that allows users to communicate with a
A. Interfaces
B. Output
C. Input
5) ________________means to provide or give something to the computer or any other
electronic device.
A. Data
B. Input
C. Output
6) ________________any information that is processed by and sent out from a computer or
any other electronic devices.
A. System
B. Input
C. Output
7) _______________are a combined network of hardware, software, and
telecommunications networks that users use to collect, create, and distribute useful data,
from organizational settings.
A. Information system
B. Interfaces
C. System
8) _______________contains everything in the physical layer of the information system.
A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Data
9) _____________refers to the programs that manage the hardware and produce the
favored information or result.
A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Information

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 12
10) Software can be broken down into two main categories____________&______________.
A. System software
B. Application Software
C. A & B
11) The core piece of system software is the _____________________ such as windows or
other operating systems which manages the hardware’s operation.
B. Data
C. System
12) __________________is intended for specific tasks, such as handling a spreadsheet
creating document, or designing a web page.
A. System software
B. Application software
C. Data
13) ________________is the raw material that an information system transforms useful
information into.
A. System
B. Information
C. Data
14) An information system can store the data at different locations called________________.
A. Table
B. information
C. System
15) People who have interest in an information system are called________________.
A. Interfaces
B. Stakeholders
C. Process
16) __________________is a set of actions taken to attain a desired result or objective.
A. People
B. Data
C. Process
17) ________________is a title given to a person who studies the problems and needs of an
organization looking for improvement opportunities for improving qualities of service or
product, reducing cost and increasing the income or profit.
A. System Analyst
B. System Analysis
18) ________________is conceptual model that incorporates policies and procedures to build
or alter system during their lifecycle.
A. System Analyst
C. System
19) ______________is the first phase in the system development lifecycle.
A. System Analysis
B. System Design
C. System Planning

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 13
20) A key component of the preliminary investigation is a ___________________.
A. Feasibility Report
B. Technical Report
C. System
21) ________________this is done to determine if the proposed solution is able to be used
and will be in proper working condition.
A. Technical feasibility
B. Economic feasibility
C. Operational feasibility
22) ________________this is done to determine if the proposed solution can be supported by
the available technology.
A. Technical feasibility
B. Economic feasibility
C. Operational feasibility.
23) _________________this is done to determine if the proposed solution is financially
affordable and is beneficial.
A. Technical feasibility
B. Economic feasibility
C. Operational feasibility.
24) _________________this is done to determine if the proposed solution can be developed
and made operational within required time.
A. Schedule feasibility
B. Economic feasibility
C. Operational feasibility.
25) _________________define how users communicate with a computer system, and involves
all the hardware, software, screens, menus, functions, performance, and features that
affect two-way communications between the user and the system.
A. System
B. Information System
C. User Interface
26) ________________is the design of user interface for systems which focus on the usability
of the software.
A. User Interface Design
B. Output Design
C. User Friendly
27) _________________this process involves creating structure files and storages that will
accommodate input data and results of processing.
A. Process Design
B. Control Design
C. Data Storage Design
28) __________________this involves coming up with policies that guide data processing and
user interaction with the system.
A. Control Design
B. Data Storage Design
C. Output Design

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29) ___________________is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules,
interfaces and data for a system to satisfy specified requirement of the users.
A. System analyst
B. System Design
C. User Interface
30) ___________________this method involves the old system being completely dropped and
a new system being completely implemented at the same time.
A. Parallel deployment
B. Phased deployment
C. Direct deployment
31) ________________this method involves both the old system and its potential replacement
are run together for a time until everyone is assured that the new one functions correctly.
A. Parallel deployment
B. Direct deployment
C. Phased deployment
32) The continuous process of system modifications is known as_________________.
A. Testing
B. System Design
C. Maintenance
33) _________________was the first methodology to be introduced.
A. Waterfall Model
B. RAD Model
C. Agile Method
34) ____________________is a mechanism in which team can manage a project by breaking
it up into many stages and requiring continuous collaboration with stakeholders and
continual development and iteration at each stage.
A. Agile Method
B. Waterfall Model
C. RAD Model
35) ________________it is a team-based method which accelerates the development of
information systems and produces a functioning information system.
A. Waterfall Model
B. RAD Model
C. Agile Method


Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 15
1. Where the Microsoft access stores its data?
Ans: Microsoft access stores its lists of data in tables, which allow you to store even more
detailed information.
2. Why do we use a database?
Ans: We us a database:
❖ To manages large amounts of data
❖ Easy to update data
❖ Easy to research data
3. List the advantage and disadvantage of database?
Ans: Advantage of database are:
❖ Manages large amounts of data
❖ Accurate
❖ Easy to update data
❖ Security
❖ Data integrity
❖ Easy to research data
❖ Fewer files
❖ Sharing
Ans: Disadvantage of database are:
❖ Cost of Hardware and Software
❖ Data conversion cost
❖ Cost of staff training
4. List the four objects composed of Microsoft Access?
Ans: Microsoft access is composed of four objects: Tables, Forms, Queries and Report.
5. What are the tables?
Ans: Tables are where the data is stored within the database. Tables is the heart of any
6. List some of the Microsoft access data types?
Ans: The Microsoft data types are: Text, Memo, Byte, Integer, Long and Single e.t.c.
7. What are the forms?
Ans: Forms in access are used to enter new records in the table and to edit or delete exiting
records into table.
8. What are the queries?
Ans: Queries in access are a way of searching for and compiling data from one or more
9. What are the reports?
Ans: A report provides you the ability to present your data in a printed format.
10. How to open Microsoft Access 2016?
Ans: To open Microsoft Access 2016:
❖ Select The start button
❖ Type “Access” in the search box
❖ Select Access from the result
❖ From the start Screen, Locate and select blank desktop database to access the access
❖ A blank desktop database as shown in the figure below is displayed
Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 16
11. List Microsoft data types?
Ans: The data types are:
❖ Text = Combination of text and numbers 255 character maximum
❖ Memo = is used to long amounts of text up to 65,536 characters
❖ Byte = Allows whole numbers from 0 to 255
❖ Integer = Allows whole numbers b/w -32,768 and 32,767
❖ Long = Allows Whole numbers b/w -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647
❖ Single = Single precision floating-point. Will handle most decimals
12. What is Ribbon?
Ans: Microsoft Access uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. Ribbons
contain multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. Ribbons is designed to respond
to your current tasks.
13. List the multiple tabs of ribbon?
Ans: Clipboard group on home tab Home tab contains commands such as: - cut, copy and
14. Explain The Quick Access Toolbar?
Ans: The Quick Access Toolbar, located above the Ribbon allows you to access common
commands no matter which tab you are on.
15. Explain backstage view
Ans: Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening and printing your
16. Explain The Navigation pane?
Ans: Microsoft Access navigation pane is a list containing every object in your database and
it allows users for easier viewing.
17. List Microsoft access sorting objects in navigation pane?
❖ Object Type:- default setting in which objects are grouped by the type
❖ Custom sort:- allows users to create a custom group for sorting object
❖ Tables and related views:- type of sort groups forms  Created data or modified data :-
Allows users to sort to objects based on when they were created or list edited.
❖ Created Date or Modified Date:- This feature allows users to sort objects based on when
they were created or last edited.
18. Explain Table basics?
Ans: Tables are the most important component in every database and when are working with
forms, Queries and reports. Tables are the heart of any database. Tables are composed of
horizontal rows and vertical columns with small rectangles called cells in the places where rows
and columns intersect. in access rows are referred to as records and columns are referred to
as fields.
19. Explain Hiding Fields?
Ans: Microsoft Access has a feature to hide a field. A hidden field is individual but still part
of your database.
20. Explain Alternate row color?
Ans: Access provides alternate row color in which the background of every other row in a
table is few shades darker than the background of the rest of the table.
21. What is the Primary key?
Ans: Primary key is a field or set of fields with values that are unique throughout a table.

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22. Explain a good primary key characteristic?
Ans: A good primary key has several characteristics which include:
❖ It uniquely identified each row.
❖ It is never empty or null it always contains a value.
❖ The values it contains rarely or never change.
23. Define a foreign key?
Ans: A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table that
provides a link between data in two tables.
24. Why use forms?
Ans: In real situations, many of use fill out forms when we were registered in our school, so
often that we hardly notice when we are asked to use them.
25. What are queries?
Ans: Queries are a way of searching for data in a table or compiling data from one or more
26. List the advantages of query?
Ans: Advantages of query:-
❖ A query lets you to view data only from the fields that interested in viewing
❖ A query lets you to combine data from several data sources
❖ A query lets you to view records that meet criteria that you specify
27. What is the planning query?
Ans: Planning query when planning a query that uses more than one table.
28. List Steps of planning query?
Ans: Steps are:
❖ Pinpoint: - exactly what you want to know. Building a query is more complicated than
just a question.
❖ Identify:- every type of information you want included in your query results
❖ Locate :- The fields you want to include in your query
❖ Determine:- The criteria the information in each field needs to meet
29. What are the reports?
Ans: Reports allows you to organize and present your data in reader-friendly, visually
appealing format and also gives you the ability to present components of your database in
an easy-to-read, printable format.
30. What abbreviate for DBMS?
Ans: DBSM is a database management system.


Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 18
1. What are the computers?
Ans: Computers are wonderful machines, unlike most machines, the computers are purposeless
machines that can be taught to accomplish anything.
2. What is a programming?
Ans: The power to enable a computer to do almost everything is called programming.
The process of creating software is called programming.
3. What is a program?
Ans: A program is a step-by-step set of instructions telling a computer exactly what to do.
A program sequence of instructions telling a computer what to do.
4. What is the programming language?
Ans: Computer scientists developed notations for expressing computations in an exact and
unambiguous way, these especial notations are called programming language.
5. What is a coding?
Ans: The process of writing algorithm in a programming language is referred to as coding.
6. Name the types of programming languages?
Ans: The programming language are: high-level language and low-level language.
7. What is the difference between An interpreter and A compiler?
Ans: An interpreter; this translates the code into machine code, instructions by instructions.
Ans: A computer; this translates the entire program into machine code before the program is
8. What is an IDE?
Ans: An integrated development environment (IDE) is an application used to create programs.
9. What is a code editor?
Ans: A program is a step-by-step set of instructions telling a computer exactly what to do.
A program sequence of instructions telling a computer what to do.
Ans: An interpreter; this translates the code into machine code, instructions by instructions.
10. What is a code editor?
Ans: The code editor is a text edit area that allows developers to write, edit and save a
document of code.
11. What is a translator?
Ans: This translates the high-level language into the machine language by compiling or
12. What is debugging?
Ans: The programming errors are called bugs and the process of tracking them down and
correcting them is called debugging.
13. Name the three types of program errors?
Ans: The types of program errors are:
❖ Syntax error
❖ Runtime error
❖ Semantic error

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 19
14. What is the stepping?
Ans: Stepping is a process of debugging which executes one line of code at a time to check
for errors.
15. Explain Python?
Ans: Python is a general-purpose language created in the early 1990s.
16. Explain Java?
Ans: It was created by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s and is used single computer or
over the internet form web server.
17. Explain C and C++?
Ans: C and C++ are general-purpose language developed at Bell Laboratories. The C
language was created in 1972 while C++ language was created in 1983.
18. Explain C# and JavaScript?
Ans: C# this language was created by Microsoft around the year 2000.
Ans: JavaScript created in the 1990s, its popular script in developing web pages.
19. Why Python?
Ans: Python is fun and extremely an easy-to-use programming language that has gradually
gained its popularity over the last few years.
20. What abbreviate for IDLE?
Ans: IDLE is Integrated Development and Learning Environment
21. What is the prompt?
Ans: The >>> symbol in the last line is called the prompt.
22. Explain Print() and argument?
Ans: To print text to the screen in python you use the print() function.
Ans: A function is a bit of code that typically takes some input, called argument.
23. What is a script?
Ans: The code in the file is called a script, and files containing python scripts are called script
24. What is a value?
Ans: A value is on of the fundamental of programming like a letter or a number that a
program manipulates.
25. What is a data type?
Ans: The term data type refers to what kind of data a value represents.
26. Name the three different types of data types?
Ans: the three different data types are: String, Integer and Float
27. Define the following terms:
A. String
B. Integer
C. Float
Ans: String is a text, consisting of zero or more characteristics.
Ans: Integers are whole numbers, which can be positive or negative.
Ans: Floats, or “floating-point numbers,” are numbers with decimals.
28. What is the expression?
Ans: An expression is a combination of one or more values (such as String, integer, or floats)
using operators, which result in a new value.
29. What are the operands?
Ans: The value on the right and left of the + operator is called operands.
30. What is the variable?
Ans: Variable is a name that represents a value in the computer’s memory.
Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 20
31. What are the comments?
Ans: Comments are short notes placed in different parts of a program, explaining how those
parts of the program work.
32. What is a conditional statement?
Ans: A control structure is a logical design that controls the order in which a set of statement
get executed.
33. What is the if statement?
Ans: The if statement is used to create a decision structure, which allows a program to have
more than one path of execution. If statement is used to write a single alternative decision
34. What is the difference between Boolean expressions and relational operators?
Ans: The expression that are tested by the if statement is called Boolean expressions.
Ans: A relational operator (Comparison operators) determines whether a specific relationship
exists between two values.
35. What is the if-else statement?
Ans: If statement is used to write a dual alternative decision structure.
36. What is the Loop?
Ans: In programming repeated execution of asset of statements is called loop.
37. Name the two broad categories of Loops?
Ans: The two broad categories of loops are condition-controlled and count-controlled.
38. What is a condition-controlled?
Ans: A condition-controlled loop uses a true/false condition the number of times that it
39. What is a count-controlled?
Ans: A count-controlled loop repeats a specific number of times.
40. What is an iteration?
Ans: Each execution of the body of a loop is known as an iteration.
41. What is an infinite loop?
Ans: If loop does not have a way of stopping it is called an infinite loop.


Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 21
1. What are the digital security risks?
Ans: A digital security risk is any event or action that could cause hardware, software, data,
information, or processing capacity to lose or damage computing.
2. List the common risks of digital security?
Ans: The common risks of digital security includes:
❖ Internet and network attacks
❖ Unauthorized access and use
❖ Theft of hardware
❖ Software theft
❖ Theft information
❖ System Failure
3. What is the computer crime?
Ans: Computer Crime is any illegal act involving the use of computer or devices connected to
4. What is the cybercrime?
Ans: The term cybercrime refers to illegal acts online or on the internet.
5. What are the crimeware?
Ans: Software used by cybercriminals sometimes is called Crimeware.
6. What is the Hacker?
Ans: Hacker: is someone illegally accessing a computer or network.
7. What is the cracker?
Ans: Cracker: refers to someone who illegally accesses a computer or network with the sole
purpose of destroying data and stealing information.
8. List the categories of computer crime?
Ans: The computer crime categories are: hacker, cracker, script kiddie, corporate spy and
unethical employee.
9. What are the Script kiddies?
Ans: Script kiddies: have the same aim as a cracker but lack the knowledge and technological
10. What is corporate spy?
Ans: Corporate Spy: is a corporate hired individual who has outstanding computer and
networking skills and is recruited to hack into a specific device and steal their confidential
data and information or help recognize security threats within their own company.
11. What is the Unethical employee?
Ans: Unethical employee: this is an employee in a company who wants to break into the
computers of his or her company for a number of reasons.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 22
12. List the internet and network attacks?
Ans: The internet and network attacks are:
❖ Malware
❖ Botnets
❖ Denial of Service Attacks
❖ Back doors
❖ Spoofing

13. What is the malware?

Ans: Malware: is short for malicious software which consists of programs that operate without
the knowledge of the user and intentionally modify computer operations. Malware includes:
Virus, Worm, Trojan horse, Spyware and Adware.
14. Define the following terms:
A. Virus
B. Worm
C. Trojan horse
D. Spyware
E. Adware.
Ans: Virus: is a program that adversely affects or damages a computer by altering or
manipulating the way the computer or system functions.
Ans: Worm: A program that repeatedly copies itself, for instance in memory or on a network.
Ans: Trojan Horse: is a program that is hidden inside the computer or it looks like legitimate
Ans: Spyware: Is a program installed or mounted on a device without users knowledge that
illegally collects user information.
Ans: Adware: Is a program that shows online ads on website, email messages.
15. What are the botnets?
Ans: Botnets: is a collection of compromised computers connected to a network that are used
to attack other networks.
16. What is the Denial-of-Service Attacks (DoS attack)?
Ans: DoS attacks: is an attack aimed at disrupting user access to an internet service.
17. What are back doors?
Ans: Back doors: is as set of instructions that allow users to bypass security checks when
accessing a computer, device or network.
18. What are spoofing?
Ans: Spoofing: is a technique used by attackers to make their network or internet transmission
appear legitimate to a victim’s computer or network.
19. What are the firewalls?
Ans: A firewall is hardware or software which protects the resources of a network from user’s
intrusion into another network.
20. What are the Access Controls?
Ans: An access control is a security measure that defines who can access a computer, device,
or network.
21. What are the Usernames and Passwords?
Ans: Username: is a unique combination characters, such as letters of the alphabet or numbers
that identified one specific user.

Proposed by: Eng – Rage Abdukadir Hussein (Dhag Dhag) Tel:- 615717504 Page 23
Ans: A password: is a private combination of characters associated with the username that
allows access to certain computer resources.
22. What is the Software Theft?
Ans: Software theft occurs when someone steals software media, removes programs
internationally, registers software illegally or activities a program or illegally copies a
23. What is the Information Theft?
Ans: Information theft happens when someone is stealing personal or confidential information.
24. What is the Encryption?
Ans: Encryption: is the process of converting human-readable data into encoded characters to
avoid unauthorized access.
25. What is the Backing Up?
Ans: Data Backup is a way to save important files stored in a system in case the system fails
or crushes.
26. List the types of Back up?
Ans: The types of back up are: Full backup, Differential backup, Incremental backup and
selective backup.
27. What are the ethics?
Ans: Ethics is a set of procedures and guidelines that effect how people lead their lives.
28. What is the computer ethics?
Ans: Computer ethics are a set of moral standards governing the use of computers.
29. What is an intellectual property?
Ans: Intellectual property relates to unique and original tasks including ideas, innovations, art,
writing, processes, names of companies and produces and logos.
30. What is the Copyright?
Ans: Copyright: this is an intellectual property method that allows the owner an exclusive right
to produce copies of an item for a specific period.
31. What is the data protection?
Ans: data protection is the process of safeguarding and protecting data which intends to
influence a balance between individual privacy rights.
32. What is an anonymity?
Ans: This is a way of keeping a user’s identity protected and masked through various
33. What is the Free software?
Ans: Free Software: A software that allows users to run, copy, share and change the software
without permission.
34. What is the Freeware?
Ans: Freeware: A software that has a copyright but the owner of the software chooses to
give away a copy for free.
35. What is the Shareware?
Ans: Shareware: this refers to a software that is distributed for free, but if users are
interested with the product, the owner will often request a fixed fee.


“Mind is like fertile soil, if you don’t cultivate nothing will grow”
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