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choc pate Review Artie INQUIRY. The Jour f Hath Care The Effects of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus on the yin '.0 Cardiovascular System and Coagulation Sesaren sitet cae BS iotrtroerssontonien State Leading to Cardiovascular Diseases: A tetueor conn Narrative Review (SAGE Rafiq A. Bhat, PhD', Syed Maqbool, DM, DNB, FNB?, Akanksha Rathi, MD’, ‘Syed Manzoor Ali, DM*, Yoosuf Ali Ashraf Muhammad Hussenbocus, MD® Xiao Wentao, MD', Yongsheng Qu, MD', You Zhang, MD', Yuxiao Sun, MD', Hai-Xia Fu, MD', Ling Yun Wang, MD‘, Atul Dwivedi, PhD’, Javaid Akhter Bhat, PhD®, Raja saqib Iqbal, MD’, Md Monowarul Islam, MD‘, Abhishek Tibrewal, MD'°, and Chuanyu Gao, PhD!!! Abstract “The novel coronavirus pandemic has led to morbidiy and mortalty throughout the world Unt! now, fis 2 highly veulene contagion sacking the respiratory system inhumans, especialy people wih chronic diseases and the elderly who aremostvulperabe- A major of affcted are thote suferng from carchovascuar and coronary diseases. In his review arte, an atempe has been made to dscus and thoroughly cevew the mode of herpes that alevate cardac compleations and compleations due to hyperceaguation in pasents infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Present a host of thrombolyc drugs are in use like Prourokrase, Retelapse, RATNKPA and Urokérase. However, thrombolytic therapy, especially ven inravenousy is associated wih a serous rk of invaerail haemorrhage systemic haemorrhage, immunsioge complains, hypotension and myocardal rupure The elects of the SARS-CoV. vrs upon the cardiovasalar system and coagulation sate ofthe body are being dosely studied. In connection tothe same, cial prognass and compicatons of trombolvic therapy are being scrutized. tis noteworthy to mention that myocardial cxygen supphiderand mismatch, direct myocardial ce injury ard cate plaque ruptre ae te mulpe mecharisms responsible for acute coronary syndrome and eardac compleaons in Covi 9 infecion. However, ths review has lntaon as ama salable in ths context mite, seared and heterogenous that questions the reliably ofthe same. So, more mul-cetrc sues invong representative populstion, carried ou. meteuiusly, coud further asst in responding beter to cardiac completions among Covid-9 paens. ' Deparment ofnerverionl Caeolgy, Fava Central China Carshoracusr Hoepta Zhengzhou Uriversy,Zhergthou, People’ Repub of China: Henan Prova People's Hosp, Zhengrhou Univers, Zhengsou, Peoples Republi of Cine 2Deparmert of Cardology, Government Saperspcaty Horta Sriagi In Deparment of Communsty Medicine, Vadaneaietace of Media cancer, Pagar nda ‘sDepartnent of Cardology. Super Specalty Dison, Goverment Medal Calle, Sina, ina °Daparurert of Rheumatlgy ard Immunology, Naning Orum Tower Hospital Clin Collge of Narng Metical University, Nanjing. Chins ‘Departent of Cardolgy. The Fist Aflaced Hospalof Zhengzhou Universty, Zhengzhou, Peoples Republic of Cha “Department of Cincal and Basic Sciences, Meal Schaal of Hubs Pelytechrie Unversity, Habe, Chia ‘sate Key Laboratory of Crop Genes and Germpas Enhancement, Nang Agata Univers. Nan, People's Repubtc ef China "Deparment of Paedaees, Burs Hospal and Medel Research Cee, New Dal Inds "Deparment of Cemmunty Medi, lsieute of Bost and Epdemiley, Grgren nda "Henan Prowcal Key Laboratory for Conta of Coronary Heart Deas, Zherigiu, People's Republic of Chea Received 27 August 2021; revue 1S March 2022; revised manuscript accepted 21 March 2022 Corresponding Author: {Chiany Gao, Daparement of Cardiology Henan Provncl People's Hospital, Zhengthou Uriversy, Zhenghow 450003, People's Republic of Chia Enatt oy 6802 [Arbution NowConmercil 40 Lanse (hipslcreatweconimonsorghicenseiy-nl4.0) which permits nor-2 min per. Yes No Medium 352 0 Alteplace 100 me, 90 min Yer No il 7 sa RHINK4PA 16mg (5~I0s) projectile Yer No Minimum 8 6 intravenous injecten Urolénase 15 milion v, 30 min No No. Obvious Unknown Unknown Source: Orga are intracranial haemorthage, systemic haemorrhage, im- ‘munologic complications, hypotension and myocardial rupture. Theoretically, thromboembolism is also a risk but it is rarely come across in clinical practice. Similarly, re- perfusion archythmias, which are cardiac rhythm disturbances atthe time of reperfusion, also do not pose a significant risk to the lives of the patients on thrombolytic therapy. Systemic hhacmorthages are also uncomman, especially in the absence ‘of major vascular punctures, and the chances of fatal out- The risk with using streptokinase or agents with a streptokinase moiety, including anisteplase (an isolated plasminogen — streptokinase activator complex, APSAC), is the development of anaphylaxis which, again is rare, Con- trarily, hypotension is much more common in these pa tients” “However, most clinicians are worried about devastating intracranial haemorrhage, which occurs in 0.2 1% of the patients on thrombolytic therapy.” Clinicians should be wary of using thrombolysis late, as myocardial rupture is increasingly being recognised as an associated ‘outcome of the same, Clinical risks should always be weighed against the po- tential benefits and thus it is often seen that those at the highest risk are the ones who gain the most from the therapy. Critical Issues in Management of Cardiac Patients during Covid-19 Pandemic Im many parts of the world, hospital admissions have been greatly reduced, reducing the number of admissions from cardiac complaints by 75% in the worst hit areas.” On the other hand, lack of healtheare manpower andior fear of Covid-19 precludes the delivery of elficient healtheare ser- vices to cardiac patients in many regions.”” There isa need for 4 protocol indicating the feasibility of performing PCI pro- cedures on ACS patients, Keeping into consideration the safety of healthcare workers and welfare of the patient ‘Thrombolytic agents, though safe to use, have thei limita- tions in presence of a Covid infection. Clopidogrel and ti- ccagrelor showed interaction with anti-viral drags used to treat coronavirus infections in animal models, however, these claims are yet to be replicated in a randomised control twial.”"" Additionally, aspirin and NSAIDS can also be used without a threat of an adverse reaction in these patients.”” Critically ill ACS patients itrespective of their Covid-19 status should be sent for angiography with the intent to re- vascularize mechanically and for clinically stable patients too primary PCI remains the treatment of choice. The reperfusion strategies among STEMI patients having suspected Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) has been depicted in detail in (Figure 1), Critical Issues in Management of Cardiac Complications in Covid-19 Patients Elevated troponin levels are sometimes (7%-27.8%) reported in patients with Covid-19 infections, and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality among these patients""*"° The pathogenesis for high troponin levels in ‘these patients is multi-factrial, however, common clinical conditions should be frst ruled out in these patients such as MI, arrhythmia, heart failure, renal failure, hypotension and hypoxemia,”* The widespread inflammation in the body of a Covid-19 patient might theoretically increase the risk of MI but there is no direct evidence available for this assumption, though, this is the case in other viral infections like influ: cenza.”* Just like high troponin levels, hypertension is also commonly seen to be co-existing in as many as 15%-35% of | Covid-19 patients.” There are two confounding factors that account for this observation ~ frst is the high prevalence of | hypertension in the population and second is the people admitted with Covidel9 are usually of advanced age.” There js a major knowledge gap about the role of hypertension as a risk factor for Covid-19 and it will take lange, representative, ‘population-based, prospective studies to fill this gap. Like- wise, there is a paucity of good epidemiological data re- porting the increased risk of a cardiac event during Covid-19 infection, and just one study reported an increased risk of stroke during the infection.”* As discussed earlier in this review, cytokine storm in Covid-19 may lead to a systemic inflammatory response and multi-organ failure, But though cardiovascular complications are recognised, the incidence of © sexed with OK Scanner Bhat et a 7 _[ ence ommemounf tcl el - = " — “| ro _ — saerate| lon 1 os ar er ee ee ee oo a ae =e) Lo | [ES T oe Sees Be So bee Figure |. ST segment elevation myocar infarction reperfusion ereatment strategy for suspected Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) patients during the Covi: 19 epidemic, Source: Original n STEM patient the course of ation ders if the patient receives first medical contact before or after 12 hours, irespecdve of suspicion of NCP. If the patents a suspected NCP patient and he receives medial are before 12 hours then contraindication to thrombalyss is asressd. the patent has contraindcatons then PC is danein isolation catheter lb andif there are no contraindicacions to thrombolytic therapy then onsite thrombolysis one. However. the patents presenslatr than | 2hours then emergency PCIis done after assessing the risks and benofits of the same, or conservative therapy sgvenand the patient iskept ina NCP CCU. ifthe patiet isa non-suspected NCP, presenting before 12 hours then reperfusion is done with the help of PCI within 90 ‘minutes. However, ifthe patents presents later chan Zhours then emergency PClis done afer assessing the risks and benefits ofthe same, ‘or conservative therapy is ven, First Medical Contact PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, ER: Emergency Room, CCU: Cardiac Care Unie cardiac arrhythmias in affected patients is infrequently re- ported among these patients, despite of many Covid-19 drugs having a pro-arthythmic potential. Even 0, the use of both (hydroxy)chloroquine and lopinavirrtonavir should be avoided in patients at increased risk of arrhythmias like the ones having a congenital or acquired long-QT syndrome, and there is a need to keep theit clectrolyte imbalance in check in order to timely detect hypokalemia.” The concomitant use of other QT-interval prolonging drugs should also be avoided.” Statins, however, have shown no deleterious effect on the cardiovascular system in Covid-19 infection, rather they may ‘be beneficial owing to their innate ability to regulate immune response through post-translational modification of intra- cellular signalling molecules."* Additionally, other COVID- 19-related effects on the heart, or massive pulmonary em- bolism remains elusive. Conclusions and Perspectives Despite of the low admission rates, cardiac illness still accounts for a large proportion of the morbidity and mortality of the population in both the developed and developing world. COVID-19 infection can lead to different cardiae complica: tions by way of different inflammatory mechanisms which can increase the morality, especially in patents with risk factors Indeed, there are various thrombolytic therapies available in the world today that can greatly improve the prognosis of patients with STEMI, but we should not downplay or un- derestimate complications these therapies present, like © sexed with OK Scanner INQUIRY intracranial haemorthage, systemic haemorrhage, immu- rnologic complications, hypotension and myocardial rupture. Hence, during this pandemic, fining a balance between risks relatedto the untimely treatment of STEMI patients and SARS- CoV-2 infection, control has become a global challenge. To ‘summarise, there isa dire need for more studies to explain the cardiac effects of Covid-19. It was also seen that the data available in this context is limited, scattered and heterogenous that questions the reliability ofthe same. So, more multi-centre studies involving representative population, carried out me- ticulously could futherassistinalleviationof the current crisis. Till then, the patients who are on cardio-protective therapies shouldcontinueas suchand patients developing cardiovascular ‘complications owing to Covid-19 should be put on tried and tested therapies if no contraindications are there. Declaration of conflicting interests ‘The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication ofthis article Funk e ‘The author(s) received no financial support for the research, a ‘horship, andlor publication of this ate Ethical Statement (Our study didnot require an ethical board approval because it isnot applicable ‘ORCID iD ‘Yoosuf Ali Ashraf Muhammad Hussenbocus © tpsorid org! (0000.0002-3650-260% References | World Heatth Organization. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD). 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