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1. Design 8
El museo en 3D no es original El museo en 3D carece de El museo en 3D muestra cierta El museo en 3D y stand es
en su presentación, muestra innovación en diferentes innovación y creatividad en su visualmente impresionante,
pocos detalles en diferentes temas como el poco desarrollo presentación, muestra buenos con gráficos de alta calidad y
espacios de la estructura de la de texturas en paredes y acabados en color, iluminación y detalles realistas que captan la
época, poca iluminación en columnas, iluminación básica textura en los espacios internos y esencia de los espacios
pasillos y salones, nada de en los espacios internos- externos del museo generando un internos y externos de la
textura en espacios internos y externos como pasillos y espacio gráfico visiblemente bueno estructura, como paredes,
externos como paredes y salones, acabados y desplazamiento para observar columnas y techos con textura,
columnas, poca aplicación del arquitectónicos básicos de la cada espacio, destaca por detalles iluminación y buen manejo del
color en las estructuras, y el época que no determinan la que enriquece el stand de la época color, objetos y entornos que
stand no muestra acabados estética del espacio correspondiente. se quieren mostrar de la época
que ayudan a complementar la arquitectónico, y el stand histórica seleccionada. El stand
presentación del museo como muestra un desarrollo básico muestra de forma creativa
detalles alusivos a la época. que genera una idea sencilla todos los elementos alusivos a
de acorde a la época. la época seleccionada.

2. Math (Juan P.) The pieces of the art museum The pieces of the art museum The pieces of the art museum show The pieces of the art museum
show a limited exploration of present an adequate a comprehensive exploration of present an in-depth exploration
mathematical concepts exploration of most many mathematical concepts and integration of
relevant to the chosen mathematical concepts relevant to the chosen historical mathematical concepts within
historical era. The presentation relevant to the chosen era. The presentation effectively the historical context. The
lacks depth and fails to convey historical era. While some conveys the historical significance presentation not only explains
the significance of connections are made, the of these mathematical discoveries, the mathematical discoveries
mathematical discoveries. presentation may lack depth in enhancing the overall experience but also highlights their
explaining the historical for visitors. profound impact on society
significance of these and culture during the chosen
mathematical discoveries. historical era, enriching the
visitor's understanding and
appreciation of mathematics.
3. The learner demonstrates The learner makes some effort The learner effectively The learner delivers an
Characterization minimal effort in in impersonating the chosen impersonates the chosen historical exceptional portrayal of the
and Performance impersonating the chosen historical character, but the character, capturing their chosen historical character,
historical character. The portrayal lacks consistency personality, mannerisms, and embodying their personality
portrayal lacks depth and and depth. There are speech patterns with authenticity. and mannerisms with
authenticity, with little inconsistencies in the The portrayal is engaging and remarkable authenticity. The
resemblance to the character's portrayal, and it does not fully believable, drawing the audience performance is compelling and
background or personality. capture the essence of the into the character's world. immersive, leaving a lasting
Additionally, there is imited character. Comprehensive understanding and impression on the audience.
understanding and Adequate understanding and presentation of the character's The learner demonstrates
presentation of the character's presentation of the character's biography. The learner provides mastery in understanding and
biography. The learner biography. The learner detailed and accurate information presenting the character's
provides vague or inaccurate provides some details about about the character's life and biography. The portrayal is
information about the the character's life and contributions to the development meticulously researched and
character's life and contributions to the of new knowledge, demonstrating executed, providing a nuanced
contributions to the development of new a thorough understanding of their and comprehensive depiction
development of new knowledge, but there may be significance. of the character's life and
knowledge. gaps or inaccuracies in the contributions to the
information provided. development of new
4. Science Students will adequately The students carry out the The characterized students carry Students personify a scene
prepare a guide and assembly according to their out a live functional experiment, where they demonstrate the
laboratory report that laboratory guide, are clear demonstrating a good handling of importance of the discovery in
explains one of the events, about the steps and relate the subject by explaining its their historical period by
facts or discoveries that were the experiment to a significance according to their conducting an experiment or
relevant in the assigned previously chosen event of experimentation guide, their simulation (according to their
period. their assigned period historical period and their lab guide), relating it to their
Students carry out an secretariat. secretariat, and explaining
experiment without a guide how science would contribute
or laboratory report that to the creation of a new
explains one of the events, sustainable city.
facts or discoveries that were
relevant in the assigned Students creatively design,
period. create, and display the
. information collected from
Students creatively design, their assigned period at the
create, and display the creative booth.
information collected from
their assigned period at the
creative booth.
5. Language Arts Limited vocabulary and Vocabulary may be somewhat Uses mostly appropriate Demonstrates a wide range of
unclear expression, with limited or inappropriate at vocabulary, with clear expression vocabulary, clear and coherent
frequent errors in sentence times, with occasional unclear and coherent sentences, contains expression, and varied
structure, numerous expressions, simplistic few grammatical errors, with sentence structures, shows no
grammatical errors, including sentence structures, some generally consistent use of verb grammatical errors, with
frequent mistakes in verb grammatical errors, including tense that effectively communicate consistent and accurate use of
tense, agreement, punctuation, occasional mistakes in verb ideas. verb tense that effectively
or capitalization that impede tense, agreement, punctuation, convey ideas.
communication. or capitalization that may
hinder communication.
Stand-Ciencias  The stand presents  The content presents  Complete and accurate  Deep and detailed
insufficient information, some conceptual gaps, content. It reflects an content. It reflects an
generic presentation very conventional adequate understanding of exceptional
and little novelty. uncreative presentation the topic understanding of the
 A sequence of the subject.
content cannot be
found.  The content presents a  The product (stand) shows
 There is no clarity on sequence, however, originality and creativity in  Innovative ideas and
the topic addressed some sections are the presentation of the topic. creative approaches that
 The information confusing highlight the
presented is not presentation.
supported  Well organized presentation
(bibliographic  Some incomplete and with a clear structure.
references) incorrectly placed  Fluid and coherent
bibliographic citations organization that
are evident  Appropriate references and facilitates understanding.
citations that support the
information presented
 Exhaustive use of
references and
quotations that enrich
the presentation.

5. Tecnology Todo este proceso es basado en Todo este proceso es basado en Todo este proceso es basado en los Todo este proceso es basado en
los períodos asignados por los períodos asignados por períodos asignados por fraternidad los períodos asignados por
HARRISON fraternidad fraternidad fraternidad
Habilidades de Boceto:
BOCETOS Habilidades de Boceto: El Habilidades de Boceto: El dibujo es preciso en cuanto a Habilidades de Boceto: El dibujo
dibujo carece de proporciones, El dibujo presenta algunas proporciones, formas y detalles, es excepcionalmente preciso en
MODELADO 3D formas y detalles básicos. imperfecciones en proporciones, mostrando buenas habilidades cuanto a proporciones, formas y
DIGITAL Creatividad y originalidad: El formas y detalles. técnicas. detalles, evidenciando un alto
diseño es poco creativo y carece Creatividad y originalidad: El nivel de habilidad técnica.
IMPRESION 3D de originalidad. diseño presenta algunos Creatividad y originalidad:
ESCALAS Dominio del software de elementos creativos, pero no es El diseño es creativo y original, Creatividad y originalidad: El
(2 Modelos) modelado 3D: No demuestra completamente original. destacándose por sus soluciones diseño es altamente creativo y
conocimiento del software de innovadoras. original, representando un
modelado 3D. Dominio del software de concepto único y novedoso.
Precisión del modelado 3D: modelado 3D: Presenta Dominio del software de modelado
El modelo 3D presenta errores dificultades para realizar 3D: El diseño es creativo y original, Dominio del software de
significativos de forma y operaciones básicas en el destacándose por sus soluciones modelado 3D: Domina el software
dimensiones. software. innovadoras. de modelado 3D y lo utiliza de
Calidad de la impresión 3D: Precisión del modelado 3D : forma experta.
La impresión 3D presenta fallas El modelo 3D presenta algunos Precisión del modelado 3D
significativas, como errores de forma y dimensiones. El modelo 3D es preciso en cuanto a Precisión del modelado 3D: El
imperfecciones superficiales, forma y dimensiones. modelo 3D es altamente preciso
grietas o deformaciones. Calidad de la impresión 3D:La en cuanto a forma, dimensiones y
impresión 3D presenta algunas Calidad de la impresión 3D: La detalles.
imperfecciones superficiales o impresión 3D es de alta calidad, con Calidad de la impresión 3D: La
ligeras deformaciones. superficies lisas y detalles precisos. impresión 3D es de excepcional
calidad, con superficies
impecables y detalles altamente

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