Excel (88 117)

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adding a Excel data validation error

Select the column u want to apply on -go to data tab-data tool-data validation -go to error alert
option(style:3 option
Title:give title
Error message:you can write any message here

if u write down any other car name ..it will show warning message.
89.dynamic formulae by using excel data validation technique
So first of all follow lecture no. 79 to DSUM .then select telephone(separated one)go to data
tab-data validation settings -allow:choose list option-in source select all list of J column.then
now you can check any total sale(like copying,overhead etc) bz a drop down arrow created
beside the telephone...
Section 17:importing and exporting data
90.importing data into ms excel
91.importing data from text file
Open the blank sheet -go to data tab -go to get external data section -from text option-i HV
saved the text file in D(excel102-sales data text)-import(now in 3 step it will get inserted
and the data is inserted.
92.importing data from ms access

Go to data tab -go the get external data-tofrom access here you can find the file.open it -here u
will select customer -table.
93.new version -importing data from text file into Excel.
go to data tab-go to get external data-in new version(get data -from file- from Iext/CSV -and it
will let u go that file automatically -double click.-go to load -load to option -ok...file inserted
94.new version-import data from data base into excel
zip file I downloaded in Excel 102 it should be extracted then open this northwin in table then
in order ..it has almost 830 data .
-now go to Excel -open new sheet-go to data tab --get external data sectn-get data-from
database-from access data base-open the file -scroll down to the order table- load-loadto -set
on existing file.-ok access database shown in Excel.-you can refresh the data if u want -go to
data design -external data section-refress.
95.ms excel legacy import option in new version
h data tab-get data-legacy wizards-2option(access legacy& from text legacy).
To turn on this data -you must go to the file- option (down below)-go to data-to show legacy
data import(here you can turn on that option)
96.exporting data to a text file
From Excel to text file.
go to the file-to export-change file type-in other file type -text(tab delimited).

you can also do by going -file tab-save as-browse-in save as type option you can choose here-
pdf or text(tab delimited) or CSV file.
97.understanding excel pivotal table
You can quickly summarise the data here.
98.creating an Excel pivotal table
-there is two way either you choose the range for pivote table like from A4 to A448. But here if
you change the range or increase any data then you have to change again the setting (so it is
better to change the table as formates as table...here if you increase or decrease the data
..pivote table also get updated automatically)
-so go to home tab -go the style section-formate as table-

now go to insert tab-to the table section-pivot table.

open the pivot table not in existing file but in new worksheet.here we find 3 section of pivot
1.pivote table
2.pivote table field
3.few new tab
99.modifying excel pivot table calculation

The most consuming part in pivot table -is to deciding what you want to summarise within
that(do u wanna sales person by year, by month by type...)
...there is 2 way to reference the data into pivot tables
1.you can reference the range of cells(like A4 to H448)-but there is problem when the record of
data increases or decreases..it will show the same range.
2. turn this list into a formatted table name and then use the table name inside the pivot table
reference (so click into the table-go to home tab-to style section-format as table-pick any
now you can design your tab -can change table name-no space bw the name-now if record is
added or deleted -it will automatically updated here.
Now go to insert tab-to the table section -to pivot table-now hit ok...pivot table on the new
sheet-it has 3 part-1.begining portion left 2.pivot table field list on the right hand side.3.and
few new tab on the top of screen.
100.modifying excel pivot table calculation
All column header are also given on the right side in pivot table field (like-year,month,type,
salesperson etc)--thease header can be inserted into the field like(column ,value,rows..)
Now click on month and drag it to the row
Now drag sales to the value field.
Drag type to the column

if you don't want month in row field you can just simply drag it to the empty area...and you can
add another
101.grouping pivot table data
Now if you want to make group of month...just select the month(suppose jan,Feb,March)- go
to the analyze tab- go to the group section here -grp selection
noww u can make grp of two and so on
...suppose u want to change the name of group - click on that cell and now u can change the
Another method to make grp by just drag and drop--drag out month2 and month from pivot
table fields-now drag regions to row and drag salesperson below the region(I made grp based
on region)
102 . formatting pivot table data
Suppose u want to formatting the value of table from home tab-(then u have to select the
range of cells...and if u add the value in table it will not update automatically..
So the second method by pivote table is (go to pivote table field-- to the value section - click on
sum of sales- value field setting-
103.modifying pivot table calculation
Suppose I want to modify sum of sales(in value field) as average of sales...then u can modify
the same or u can drag another sales and modify them
here u can modify the format also...in doller or any..
Now if u want to show the percentage change from Jan to Feb or Feb to march-go to value
field setting-show value as- in calculation-%difference from -previous (u can change custom
104.drilling down into pivot table calculation data
In pivot table there is a feature called draw down...if u double click to any value (suppose 51%)
it will creat another worksheets -sheet2-and that will give all data related to that months (April)
105.creating pivotcharts
Here the only difference with the normal chart is that if your pivot table update the chart
automatically updated.
the chart show monthly data ..if we drag year below the month...chart will be updated
106.filtering pivot tables data
If we filter the pivot table -chart also filtered -drag out year -now drag down year to filter
section-here you can select only 2013 or multiple
107.filtering with the slicer tool
Select any value-go to analyse tab-filter section -insert slicer
you can use multiple slicer.

section 19: working with Excel power pivot tools.

108.introduction to Excel power pivot
Available on purchase or ms365
Great things.
109.why power pivot?
It connect to work sheet and give relation or data bw the two.
110.activating the Excel power pivot table
111.creating data models with power pivot table
Click on any value-go to power pivot tab-- table -add to data model(it is completely different
interface.)but they all r connected.
Can content single or multiple data.(we can pull it from another source...can take from
existing also and from other software too.)(from customer info nd data info)
112. Excel power pivot data model relationship
Diagram view-it is just the table(give header himselves)--here we can drag from customer I'd to
order info.. created relationship.
2nd method is to go customer I'd header and right click there ...create relationship
..1st one is customer I'd in second row..order info.
113.creating pivot table based on data set
In home option there is pivot table
Standard customer list...now in field list show -+customer id,order info nd data model.
114. Excel power pivot KPIs
Go to the power pivot -to manage -separate windows open-go to order info-take an AVG
of freight column (home tab-calculation section -autosum option -under autosum there is
kpi but it is not enable..after taking avg it is enabled and you can
Set the absolute value 50 in kpi ..and ok...the kpi icon shown beside the avg 78.
Now we can use this avg to pivot table field( a sign shown there).
--the alternative of the kpi is conditional formatting --go to home tab - to the conditional
formatting -icon set
Section20.-working with large sets of excel data
115.using the freez pan tools
Click to A2 cell(all row above the A2 will get freeze)-go to view tab-to windows section -
freez pans.

116.grouping data(column and/or row)

Yo you can simply hide and unhide row and column just by right click on row or column
there will be option
...but if u want to make group -select a column -to the data tab -to outline section -go
group option..now you can select 2 column and do the same.(same with the row).
117.print option for large set of data
Go to the file tab-print option -the sale data sheets- have missing some data(first page
has heading and header but second page don't have)
To set header on all page- we go to page layout tab-page set up section - to print title-at
sheet option - rows to repeat at top(select it)
to see page breakup-go to view tab-to workbook view -page break preview (it is randomly
allocated the page no. ) To fix it
....go again to page layout -to page set up -print title -in page order -i go to option -over
then down.
118.linking worksheet (3-D formulae)

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