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Writing Workshop Lesson
Allison Brown
Students will
understand the 5 text
structures and
WHAT IS TEXT STRUCTURE? choose which one
works best for their
Text Structure is the way writers organize their ideas in an informational topic.
informational writing piece.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Our narrative story was
structured into a beginning
Text Structure helps the reader understand and summarize middle, and end. An
informational writing piece
information. It also helps the reader form connections, identify the
must also have structure so
main idea, and take notes. the reader can understand the
Text Structure helps the writer organize their thoughts and ideas your ideas. Now that you have
in a way that makes sense for the topic. brainstormed a topic to write
about, writers must decide on
the best way to share that
1 Description Gives details about a particular thing or person.

Problem/ Identifies a problem and proposes possible

Solution solutions.

EXAMPLES 3 Sequence
Presents events or ideas in the order they

Cause and Provides a reason for something happening and

Effect the reaction.

Compare and Highlights the similarities and differences

Contrast between two or more things.
Use this text structure to share
important details and background
knowledge about a topic.

Key phrases to use- such as,

specifically, for instance, adjectives,
or in addition
Frogs are amphibians. An
amphibian is a cold-
blooded animal. This
means that their body is
the same temperature as
Frogs the water or air around
them. Frogs live on land
and in the water.

Frogs can In addition, frogs can

Frogs are Frogs use climb, swim, move in many different
amphibians. their long ways. For instance, frogs
and hop to
can hop and swim very
sticky travel from well, and some frogs can
tongues to place to place climb trees! Frogs catch
catch prey. They live on their prey with their long,
land and sticky tongues.
in the water
Use this text structure to identify a
current problem and share possible
ways to solve the issue.

Key phrases to use- solve, issue,

because, so, the answer, solution, the
question is, or dilemma
Frogs are a delicious meal for
many predators. Bats, heron,
fish, racoons, turtles, snakes,
and even humans eat frogs!
Different frog species have
various ways of solving this
Some frogs play problem and protecting
Frogs are dead to avoid being themselves from predators.
eaten. Some frogs are poisonous.
often eaten They have poison glands in
by larger their skin. The skin of these
frogs will secrete and cover
predators. their body with poison which
Some frogs use poison will deter the enemy from
glands to escape
Frogs are the eating them. Another
stomachs and mouths of solution frogs have found is
larger animals. They playing dead. Frogs will stay
release chemicals to perfectly still and try to trick
deter enemies. the predator into thinking
that they are already dead.
Use this text structure to share to put
key ideas or events in chronological

Key phrases to use- first, second,

then, finally, lastly, after, before,
initially, later, early, next
Frogs begin their lives as
eggs. First, the mother frog
lays her eggs in a pond. The
eggs float in clusters called
egg masses. One female frog
Egg can lay up to 4,000 eggs at
once! Next, after only 6 days,
the tadpoles hatch from the
eggs and live in the pond.
Tadpole Then, the tadpoles turn into
froglets at about 9 weeks. The
froglets grow legs and arms
and look like a frog except
Froglet that they still have a tail! After
Frogs are that, the froglet’s tail shrinks,
its lungs develop, and the
amphibians. back legs grow. Finally, the
Adult Frog frog is fully grown at 12 to 16
Use this text structure to explain
what happened and the reason
behind it.

Key phrases to use- because, due to,

as a result, on account of,
consequently, if...then…, since
Since frogs are cold-blooded,
their body temperature
reflects the temperature of
the air or the water around
them. Because of this, they
cannot live all year as they
usually do during the warm
Frogs are cold
blooded. They are
Frogs go into weather. As a result, when
the cold weather comes,
amphibians. hibernation. frogs hide themselves in a
Their heart protected place, away from
the elements, and remain
rate and inactive all through the winter
months. This is called
Frogs cannot live
normally in the cold
Frogs are hibernation. During this time,
weather. Their body slow down.
amphibians. the frogs’ breathing and
temperature matches heart rate slows down.
the temperature of
their environment
Use this text structure to describe
what is the same and different about
two or more things

Key phrases to use- similarly, both,

like, as well as, on the other hand, as
opposed to, yet, but, rather,
although, whereas, however, in
contrast, in comparison
Frogs and toads are both
amphibians, and they have very
similar diets. Frogs and toads
both eat insects, worms, small
fish, algae, and other swamp
Many people confuse the two,
but they have many
differences. Frogs have moist,
smooth skin and live in moist
environments. Toads have dry,
bumpy skin and usually live in
Different Same Different dry environments. Another way
frogs and toads differ is the
Frogs are length of their back legs. Frogs
amphibians. have longer back legs and are
capable of very long jumps. In
contrast, toads have shorter
back legs and can only move in
short hops.

Organize a writers ideas Find your form's graphic

Next, think about your
and help the reader organizer below, use
topic and which text
understand more about these slides to find
structure would be the
a topic. Helps make the examples, and play our
most effective way to
main idea or purpose of interactive game! Match
organize your
your writing easier to the sentences to their
find. Use specific graphic correct text structure!
organizers and transition

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