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Version 1 – March 9, 2017

Table of Contents



Bus Stop Egis ID.......................................................................................................................7

Bus Stop Latitude....................................................................................................................8
Bus Stop Longitude..................................................................................................................9
Bus Stop Position Type Code..................................................................................................10
Bus Stop Location Description...............................................................................................11
Bus Stop Message Text..........................................................................................................12
Bus Stop Type Code...............................................................................................................13
Bus Stop Geo ID.....................................................................................................................14
Bus Stop Effective Date..........................................................................................................15

SURVEYOR AND SURVEY DATE..........................................................................................16

Bus Stop Inventory Surveyor Type Code................................................................................17

Bus Stop Inventory Survey Date.............................................................................................18


Bus Stop Photos.....................................................................................................................20


Bus Stop Sign ID.....................................................................................................................22

Bus Stop Sign Text.................................................................................................................23
Bus Stop Sign Owner.............................................................................................................24
Bus Stop Sign Mount Type Code............................................................................................26
Bus Stop Sign Text Date.........................................................................................................27
Bus Stop Sign Version............................................................................................................28


Bus Stop Pole ID....................................................................................................................30

Bus Stop Pole Owner.............................................................................................................31
Bus Stop Pole Installation Surface Type Code.........................................................................33


Bus Stop Infocase Owner.......................................................................................................35

SHELTER BUS STOP SHELTER ID.......................................................................................37

Bus Stop Shelter Owner.........................................................................................................39

Bus Stop Shelter Interior Length............................................................................................41
Bus Stop Shelter Has Interior Light.........................................................................................42
Bus Stop Shelter Includes Wheelchair Space..........................................................................43
Bus Stop Shelter Has Wheelchair Access Path........................................................................44
Bus Stop Shelter Has Wheelchair Entrance Obstruction.........................................................45

BIKE RACKS, MAPS AND SCHEDULES..............................................................................46

Bus Stop Has Bike Racks........................................................................................................47

Bus Stop Has Posted Shelter Vicinity Map..............................................................................48
Bus Stop Has Posted Route Schedule.....................................................................................49
Bus Stop Has Posted Route Map............................................................................................50


Bus Stop Has LED Display.......................................................................................................52

Bus Stop Has Luminator Sign.................................................................................................53
Bus Stop Has Power Source...................................................................................................54

BENCHES AND STREET LIGHT............................................................................................55

Bus Stop Bench Count............................................................................................................56

Bus Stop Seat Type Code.......................................................................................................57
Street Light Within 30 Ft........................................................................................................58

PEDESTRIAN PAD....................................................................................................................59

Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Size Type Code................................................................................60

(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................60
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Material Type Code.........................................................................61
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................61
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Has Curb Connection.......................................................................62
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................62
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Obstruction Type Code....................................................................63
Bus Stop Has Bus Rear Door Pedestrian Pad..........................................................................64
Bus Stop Bus Rear Door Pedestrian Pad Obstruction..............................................................65


Bus Stop Sidewalk Width.......................................................................................................67

(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................67
Bus Stop Sidewalk Has Pedestrian Pad Connection................................................................68
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................68
Bus Stop Sidewalk Has Curb Connection................................................................................69
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................69
Bus Stop Sidewalk Slope Wheelchair Viable...........................................................................70
Bus Stop Sidewalk Obstruction Type Code.............................................................................71
Bus Stop Sidewalk Impedance Type Code..............................................................................72

PARKING CONTROLS.............................................................................................................73

Bus Stop Parking Restriction Type Code.................................................................................74

Bus Stop No Parking Zone Length..........................................................................................75
Conflicting No Parking Signs...................................................................................................76

CURB RAMPS.............................................................................................................................77

On Street Near Side Curb Ramp.............................................................................................78

(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................78
On Street Far Side Curb Ramp................................................................................................79
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................79
At Street At Bus Stop Curb Ramp...........................................................................................80
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................80
At Street Opposite Bus Stop Curb Ramp................................................................................81
(Required for ADA Compliance).............................................................................................81
On Street Near Side Curb Ramp Slope....................................................................................82


On Street Near Side Crosswalk...............................................................................................84

At Street At Bus Stop Crosswalk.............................................................................................85
At Street Opposite Bus Stop Crosswalk..................................................................................86
On Street Far Side Crosswalk.................................................................................................87

INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CONTROLS..............................................................................88

On Street Stop Sign Or Traffic Light........................................................................................89

On Street Pedestrian Crossing Signal.....................................................................................90
At Street Pedestrian Crossing Signal......................................................................................91

CORE AND ACCESSIBILITY ATTRIBUTES.......................................................................92

VERSION HISTORY..................................................................................................................93

This document is a guide for the regional users with regards to the bus stop attributes that may be
recorded or updated using the Bus Stop Editor Web/Mobile application. In addition, it provides some
database information about the attributes.

Order of Observation and Organization of the Document. Within the document, the attributes are
ordered more or less in the order in which the surveyor might record them: 1. Sign, pole, and infocase;
2. Shelter and shelter amenities; 3. Benches and street lights; 4. Pedestrian pad and sidewalk; 5. Parking
controls; and 6. Intersection conditions (curb ramps, crosswalks, and traffic controls). The order assumes
that the surveyor begins by checking the Regional ID on the bus stop sign to verify that he or she is at
the correct stop, and proceeds to the sign and pole, then the other assets and amenities at the stop,
then the parking and sidewalk conditions around the stop, and lastly the intersection nearest the stop.

Attribute Descriptions. The following information is provided about each data item:

Field Survey Information

1. Item Name: The unabbreviated name of the data item.
2. Definition: The definition of the data item.
3. Source of Data: Where or how the data item is obtained. In most cases the data comes from a
field survey of the stop. The original data collection was done by the firm of KFH in 2004-2007
for all jurisdictions except Fairfax County and Montgomery County, which were surveyed in
2012. Resurvey is expected to begin in 2015.
4. Domain/Constraints: Gives the valid values, or limits on valid values, for the data item. Also
gives a list of codes/abbreviations and what they mean.
5. Business rules: Gives conventions and logical rules that govern when certain values should be
recorded, and when certain combinations of values are required or prohibited.
6. Observation Method: Indicates whether the information is gathered by visual observation,
measurement (by tape measure, measuring wheel, or inclinometer), or photography (for the
7. Used for: Indicates whether the data item is needed for public information, accessibility
analysis, bus stop maintenance, data administration, or some combination of the these.

Database Information
In addition, the following database information is given, to assist in referring to technical
documentation of the database:
1. Table: The unabbreviated name of the table where the item is found (e.g. bus stop inf)
2. Table name: The database short name of the table (e.g., BSTP_INF)
3. Item Code: The database short name of the data item (e.g., BSTP_BNH_CNT)
4. Data Type: The data type and length of the item (e.g., CHAR(3), NUMBER (1), etc.)
5. Constrained by: The name of any database table that constraints the attribute.

Comments. Direct comments to: Brian Fisher, Manager - IT Bus Applications,,
Bus Stop Latitude
(Core Attributes – Mandatory fields to establish a bus stop)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop latitude

Definition: The latitude of the bus stop

Source of Data: Visual Observation

Domain/Constraints: Core attribute – mandatory field to establish a bus stop

Business rules: None

Observation Method: Recorded by the coordinator or supervisor during service change

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Item Code: BSTP_LAT
Data Type: NUMBER(9,6)
Constrained by: BSTP_LAT is between 37.888930 and 39.721190
Bus Stop Longitude
(Core Attributes – Mandatory fields to establish a bus stop)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop longitude

Definition: The longitude of the bus stop

Source of Data: Visual Observation

Domain/Constraints: Core attribute – mandatory field to establish a bus stop

Business rules: None

Observation Method: Recorded by the coordinator or supervisor during service change

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Item Code: BSTP_LON
Data Type: NUMBER(9,6)
Constrained by: BSTP_LON is between -78.130970 and -76.200840
Bus Stop Position Type Code
(Core Attributes – Mandatory fields to establish a bus stop)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop position type code

Definition: The position of the bus stop

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Core attribute – mandatory field to establish a bus stop

Business rules:
1. Enter ‘UNK’ if the stop has never been surveyed.
2. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Recorded by the surveyor

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Data Type: NVARCHAR2(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_POS_TYP
Bus Stop Location Description

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop location description

Definition: The location description of the bus stop

Source of Data: Field survey and service change

Domain/Constraints: None

Business rules: None

Observation Method: Recorded by the coordinator or supervisor during service change

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Item Code: BSTP_LDC
Data Type: NVARCHAR2(120)
Constrained by:
Bus Stop Message Text

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop message text

Definition: The message text of the bus stop

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Cannot be empty

Business rules: None

Observation Method: Recorded by the coordinator or supervisor

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Data Type: NVARCHAR2(150)
Constrained by: Cannot be empty
Bus Stop Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop type code

Definition: The type code of the bus stop

Source of Data: Visual Observation


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘UNK’ if the stop has never been surveyed.
2. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Recorded by the coordinator or supervisor during service change

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Item Code: BSTP_TCD
Data Type: NVARCHAR2(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_TYP
Bus Stop Geo ID

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop geo id

Definition: The geo id of the bus stop

Source of Data: Visual Observation

Domain/Constraints: Cannot be empty. Default value is 0 if not provided

Business rules: None

Observation Method: None

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Item Code: BSTP_GEO_ID
Data Type: NUMBER(5)
Constrained by: Cannot be empty
Bus Stop Effective Date

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop effective date

Definition: The effective date of the bus stop

Source of Data: Service Change

Domain/Constraints: None

Business rules:
1. No earlier than today’s date.

Observation Method: Recorded by the coordinator or supervisor

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INFO
Data Type: Date
Constrained by:
Bus Stop Inventory Surveyor Type Code
(Core Attributes – Mandatory fields to establish a bus stop)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop inventory surveyor type code

Definition: Person who recorded information about the bus stop

Note: All stops will/can have multiple surveyors.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
3. Enter ‘UNK’ if the stop has never been surveyed.
4. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Recorded automatically by the Bus Stop Editor application

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop pole
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_INV_SYR_TYP
Bus Stop Inventory Survey Date

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop inventory survey date

Definition: The date the bus stop information is recorded

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Actual survey dates are all 1/1/2004 or later

Business rules:
1. A date of 1/1/1901 or 1/1/01 indicates that the stop has never been surveyed.
2. The default value for a new record is 1/1/1901.

Observation Method: Recorded automatically by the Bus Stop Editor application

Used for: Data administration

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: DATE
Constrained by:
Bus Stop Photos

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: Bus stop photographs

Definition: Photographs of the bus stop (3 angles).

Source of Data: Field survey

Restricted to images of bus stops, and hyperlinks to access the images.

Business rules:
1. Photographs must have a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels or better.
2. Photographs must show the entire stop, including sign, pole, shelter (if any), passenger waiting area
(including sidewalk and/or pedestrian pad if any), and curb or roadside of passenger waiting area.
3. Photographs that include the sign face must be from close enough to read sign text when zoomed in
to sign
4. Photographs must have a date on them with the format of MM/DD/YYYY.

Observation Method: Photographs using tablet or digital camera

1. Take three photos from three different vantage points.
a. The first vantage point is from the approach (bus direction of travel).
b. The second vantage point is perpendicular to the stop (usually across the street)
c. The third is after the stop looking back (opposite the bus direction of travel).

2. The Bus Stop Editor application automatically links each photo to the bus stop Regional ID. If for any
reason photos are taken with digital camera that is not running the Bus Stop Editor application,
a. Before taking photos of the stop, write down the Regional ID of the stop on a sheet of paper
and take a picture of the Regional ID. Proceed with taking the three pictures of the bus stop.
b. After taking the three pictures of the bus stop, take another picture of the Regional ID. This
will ensure accurate renaming of the photos at the end of the day.

Used for: Public Information, accessibility analysis, bus stop maintenance

Database Information
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: DOC_PATH
Data Type: CHAR (100)
Constrained by: Physical path to image on server, and EGIS_ID
Bus Stop Sign ID

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sign id

Definition: Unique number that identifies the sign.

Source of Data: Auto generated

Domain/Constraints: Unique

Business rules: None

Observation Method: None

Used for: identifier for a sign

Database Information
Table: bus stop sign
Table name: BSTP_SIGN
Data Type: NUMBER(1)
Constrained by: Unique
Bus Stop Sign Text

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sign text

Definition: Identifies the text that is on the sign.

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: None

Business rules: None

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: identifier for a sign

Database Information
Table: bus stop sign
Table name: BSTP_SIGN
Data Type: NVARCHAR2(255)
Constrained by: None
Bus Stop Sign Owner

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sign owner

Definition: Identifies the agency that owns a sign at the bus stop.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Usually this value will be ‘Unknown’ (Code: ‘UNKW’) and need to be changed if a stop is being
surveyed for the first time and the sign is posted.
2. Enter ‘Not Applicable; No LTA’ (Code: ‘NAPP’) if there is no sign at the stop (rare but not impossible).
3. Enter ‘Unknown’ (Code: ‘UNKW’) if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. Permissible values within the database are restricted to those found in the table BSTP_LTA_TCD (the
master list of transit agencies and bus shelter owners).
5. Default value (for a new record) = ‘Unknown’ (Code: ‘UNKW’)

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public information

Database Information
Table: bus stop sign
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(4)
Constrained by: BSTP_LTA_TYP
Bus Stop Sign Mount Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sign mount type code

Definition: Identifies the way the sign was mounted

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Usually this value will be ‘Unknown’ (Code: ‘UNK’) and need to be changed if a stop is being
surveyed for the first time and the sign is posted.
2. Enter ‘Unknown’ (Code: ‘UNK’) if the not sure how the sign was mounted.
3. Permissible values within the database are restricted to those found in the table
BSTP_SIGN_MNT_TCD (the master list of sign mount type).
4. Default value (for a new record) = ‘Unknown’ (Code: ‘UNK’)

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public information

Database Information
Table: bus stop sign
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_SIGN_MNT_TYP
Bus Stop Sign Text Date

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sign text date

Definition: Identifies the date when the sign text was saved to the database.

Source of Data: Auto-populated

Domain/Constraints: None

Business rules: None

Observation Method: None

Used for: Identifier for when the sign text was saved

Database Information
Table: bus stop sign
Table name: BSTP_SIGN
Data Type: DATE
Constrained by: None
Bus Stop Sign Version

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sign version

Definition: Identifies the version of the sign

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: None

Business rules: None

Observation Method: None

Used for: Identifier for the sign version

Database Information
Table: bus stop sign
Table name: BSTP_SIGN
Data Type: NVARCHAR2(4)
Constrained by: None
Bus Stop Pole ID

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop pole id

Definition: Unique number that identifies the pole.

Source of Data: Auto generated

Domain/Constraints: Unique

Business rules: None

Observation Method: None

Used for: identifier for a pole

Database Information
Table: bus stop pole
Table name: BSTP_PL
Item Code: BSTP_PL_ID
Data Type: NUMBER(1)
Constrained by: None
Bus Stop Pole Owner

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop pole local transit agency type code

Definition: Identifies the agency that owns the pole (if any) to which the sign is affixed.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Poles are typically not marked to show ownership. The pole (if any) is presumed to be owned by the
agency whose sign is at the top of the pole.
2. Change “UNKW” to pole transit agency type code if a stop is being surveyed for the first time and
the pole is installed.
3. Enter “NAPP” if there is no pole at the stop (rare but not impossible).
4. Enter ‘UNKW’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
5. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNKW’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public information

Database Information
Table: bus stop pole
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(4)
Constrained by: BSTP_LTA_TYP
Bus Stop Pole Installation Surface Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop pole installation surface type code

Definition: The type of surface the bus stop pole is installed in or on.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘E’ if there is no pole at the stop, or if the sign is on a utility pole.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop pole
Table name: BSTP_PL
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_PL_INS_TYP
Bus Stop Infocase Owner

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop infocase type owner

Definition: Type of infocase at the stop (type is indicated by the owner).

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘UNKW’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Enter “NAPP” if there is no infocase at the stop.
3. Permissible values within the database are restricted to those found in the table BSTP_LTA_TCD (the
master list of transit agencies and bus shelter owners).
4. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNKW’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(4)
Constrained by: BSTP_LTA_TYP
Bus Stop Shelter ID

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter id

Definition: Unique number that identifies the shelter.

Source of Data: Auto generated

Domain/Constraints: None

Business rules: None

Observation Method: None

Used for: identifier for a shelter

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Item Code: BSTP_SLT_ID
Data Type: NUMBER(1)
Constrained by: None
Bus Stop Shelter Owner

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter owner

Definition: The agency or party responsible for maintaining the shelter.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Ownership is typically indicated by the transit authority name on the shelter.
2. Note that some shelters are maintained by advertising firms under contract with the jurisdiction or
local transit agency (e.g. Clear Channel in DC, Signal Outdoor in Prince George’s).
3. Enter ‘UNKW’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. Enter “NAPP” if there is no shelter at the stop.
5. Permissible values within the database are restricted to those found in the table BSTP_LTA_TCD (the
master list of transit agencies and bus shelter owners).
6. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNKW’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Item Code: BSTP_PSO
Data Type: CHAR(4)
Constrained by: BSTP_LTA_TYP
Bus Stop Shelter Interior Length

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter interior length

Definition: Unobstructed interior length of the shelter in feet, as measured parallel to the roadway.

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Integer >= -9.

Maximum is 999 but as of 12 Aug 2015 no example greater than 50 has been found in our system, other
than the Prince George’s Plaza bus bays, which are under a parking garage.

Business rules:
1. Enter 0 if there is no shelter at the stop.
2. Enter -9 if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Use of -9 for unknown to be implemented after August 23, 2015 service change. Records created
before that will have NULL or zero instead of -9.
4. BSTP_SLT_INT_LTH must have a valid value if a record exists
5. Default value (for a new record) = -9

Observation Method: Measurement by tape measure

Used for: Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Data Type: NUMBER (3)
Constrained by:
Bus Stop Shelter Has Interior Light

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter has interior light

Definition: Whether the shelter has its own lighting source

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. BSTP_SLT_HAS_ILG must have a valid value if a record exists.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public information, bus stop maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Shelter Includes Wheelchair Space

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter includes wheelchair space

Definition: Whether there is a clear 36” wide dedicated space to the back of the shelter where a
wheelchair can fit

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. BSTP_SLT_ICL_WSP must have a valid value if a record exists
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Measurement by tape measure, in inches

Used for: Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Shelter Has Wheelchair Access Path

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter has wheelchair access path

Definition: Whether there is an unobstructed 3’ wide path allowing a wheelchair user to get to the

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. BSTP_SLT_HAS_WAP must have a valid value if a record exists
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Shelter Has Wheelchair Entrance Obstruction

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop shelter has wheelchair entrance obstruction

Definition: Whether there is a problem with the shelter entrance that does not allow a wheelchair to
enter the shelter.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. BSTP_SLT_HAS_WEO must have a valid value if a record exists
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop slt
Table name: BSTP_SLT
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has Bike Racks

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has bike racks

Definition: Whether a bike rack is at the bus stop

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR (1 Byte)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has Posted Shelter Vicinity Map

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has posted shelter vicinity map

Definition: Whether a map of the surrounding area is posted at the stop.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has Posted Route Schedule

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has posted route schedule

Definition: Whether route schedules are posted at the stop

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has Posted Route Map

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has posted route map

Definition: Whether a route map is posted at the stop

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has LED Display

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has LED display

Definition: Whether the bus stop has an LED display showing the next bus arrival.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has Luminator Sign

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has luminator sign

Definition: Whether the stop has a Customer Information Electronic Display (CIED) sign.

Source of Data: As signs are installed, WMATA Department of Bus Technology Systems Support provides


Business rules:
1. BSTP_SLT_HAS_LUM_SIGN Value = ‘Y’ for all bus stops included in the data received from WMATA
2. BSTP_SLT_HAS_LUM_SIGN Value = ‘N’ for all bus stops not included in the data received from
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Data updates are obtained from BTSS CIEDS team. For additional information
about the CIEDS program, contact the CIEDS program manager (as of Aug 12, 2015, Dinesh Patel,, 962-2462)

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Has Power Source

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has power source

Definition: Whether the stop has an uninterruptible (24/7 availability) source of electrical power.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “Y” only if there is a digital display advertising sign or a CIEDS display sign or other digital
display sign at the stop. Otherwise enter ‘N”. Power sources are typically concealed within the
shelter wall and not visible to a bus stop surveyor. The assumption is that there is no power supply
at the stop unless there is a digital display sign at the stop.
2. If BSTP_HAS_LED_DSP = ‘Y’ then BSTP_HAS_PWR_SRC must also = ‘Y’.
3. If BSTP_SLT_HAS_LUM_SIGN Value = ‘Y’ then BSTP_HAS_PWR_SRC must also = ‘Y’.
must also = ‘N’.
5. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
6. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
7. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Primary data updates are obtained from BTSS CIEDS team or by visual observation
of a digital display sign at a bus stop.

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Bench Count

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop bench count

Definition: The number of benches at the bus stop

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Integer >= -9

Business rules:
1. Enter 0 if there is no bench at the stop.
2. Enter -9 if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Use of -9 for unknown to be implemented as of the August 23, 2015 service change. Records created
before that will have NULL or zero instead of -9.
4. If the BSTP_BNH_CNT is not zero or null or -9 then the BSTP_BST_TCD must also have a valid seat
type code
5. If the BSTP_BST_TCD has a valid seat type code then the BSTP_BNH_CNT must also have a valid
positive integer value and cannot be zero or null
6. Default value (for a new record) = -9

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: NUMBER (2)
Constrained by:
Bus Stop Seat Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop seat type code

Definition: Whether the benches at a bus stop are inside a shelter, or freestanding, or both.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “UNK” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. If the BSTP_BNH_CNT is not zero, null, or -9, then the BSTP_BST_TCD must also have a value other
than “EXM” or “UNK”
3. If the BSTP_BST_TCD has a valid seat type code then the BSTP_BNH_CNT must also have a valid
positive integer value and cannot be zero, null, or -9
4. If the BSTP_BNH_CNT is zero then the BSTP_BST_TCD must be EXM
5. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR (3)
Constrained by: BSTP_BST_TYP
Street Light Within 30 Ft

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: street light within 30 ft

Definition: Whether there is a street light within 30 feet of the bus stop pole on the same side of the

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation OR Measurement

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: STR_LGT_WTN_30_FT
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Size Type Code
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop pedestrian pad size type code

Definition: The usable size of the pedestrian pad (as reduced by any obstructions).

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “UNK” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is <58, 58O, or 58U then the BSTP_PDP_MTR_TCD, BSTP_PDP_OBS_TCD,
BSTP_PDP_HAS_CCN cannot be ‘UNK’ or ‘EXM’
and BSTP_PDP_HAS_CCN must be ‘EXM’.
5. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Measurement by measuring wheel

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance, Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TYP
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Material Type Code
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Material Type code

Definition: The material that the pedestrian pad is made of.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “UNK” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is ‘UNK’ then the BSTP_PDP_MTR_TCD must be ‘UNK’.
5. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is <58, 58O, or 58U then the BSTP_PDP_MTR_TCD cannot be ‘UNK’ or ‘EXM’
6. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance, Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_PDP_MTR_TYP
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Has Curb Connection
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop pedestrian pad has curb connection

Definition: Whether the pedestrian pad connects to the on-street curb

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “U” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is ‘UNK’ then the BSTP_PDP_HAS_CCN must be ‘UNK’.
5. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is <58, 58O, or 58U then the BSTP_PDP_HAS_CCN cannot be ‘UNK’ or ‘EXM’
6. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Pedestrian Pad Obstruction Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop pedestrian pad obstruction type code

Definition: Type of permanent obstruction that impedes use of the pedestrian pad or reduces its usable
area to less than 5'x8'.
Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Only one type of obstruction per stop can be recorded.
2. Enter “UNK” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
5. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is ‘UNK’ then the BSTP_PDP_OBS_TCD must be ‘UNK’.
6. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD is <58, 58O, or 58U then the BSTP_PDP_OBS_TCD cannot be ‘UNK’ or ‘EXM’
7. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_PDP_OBS_TYP
Bus Stop Has Bus Rear Door Pedestrian Pad

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop has bus rear door pedestrian pad

Definition: Whether the bus stop has a distinct, paved area for rear door alighting (not recorded if the
area is part of the sidewalk)

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “UNK” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP cannot = ‘E’
3. If BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP = 'Y' then the BSTP_BDR_PDP_OBS must be ‘Y’ or ‘N'
4. If BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP = ‘N’ then BSTP_BDR_PDP_OBS must be ‘E’.
5. If BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP = ‘U’ then BSTP_BDR_PDP_OBS must be ‘U’.
6. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Bus Rear Door Pedestrian Pad Obstruction

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop bus rear door pedestrian pad obstruction

Definition: Whether the rear door pedestrian pad is 5'x8' and unobstructed.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter “UNK” if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. If BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP = 'Y' then the BSTP_BDR_PDP_OBS must be ‘Y’ or ‘N'
3. If BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP = ‘N’ then BSTP_BDR_PDP_OBS must be ‘E’
4. If BSTP_HAS_BDR_PDP = ‘U’ then BSTP_BDR_PDP_OBS must be ‘U’.
5. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Sidewalk Width
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sidewalk width

Definition: width of the sidewalk in feet at its narrowest part at the stop, taking into consideration
planters, tree boxes, shelters, and other types of permanent obstructions (0 = no sidewalk).

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Integer >= -9.

Maximum is 99 but as of 12 Aug 2015 the largest value in our database is 20.
0 = no sidewalk at the stop
-9 = unknown (stop has not been surveyed)

Business rules:
1. Value = 0 indicates no sidewalk at the stop
2. Enter -9 if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Use of -9 for unknown to be implemented after August 23, 2015 service change. Records created
before that will have NULL or zero instead of -9.
4. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_CCN must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
5. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_PPC must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
6. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_SLP_WVL must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
7. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_OBS_TCD must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
8. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_CCN must be 'E'
9. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_PPC must be 'E'
10. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_SLP_WVL must be 'E'
11. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_OBS_TCD must be 'E'
12. Default value (for a new record) = -9

Observation Method: Measurement by measuring wheel

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: NUMBER (2)
Constrained by:
Bus Stop Sidewalk Has Pedestrian Pad Connection
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sidewalk has pedestrian pad connection

Definition: Whether the sidewalk connects to the pedestrian pad at the stop (Applies only to stop with
pedestrian pad)

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_PPC must be 'E'
2. If BSTP_PDP_SIZE_TCD = ‘NON’ then BSTP_SWK_HAS_PPC must be ‘E’
3. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_PPC must be 'Y' OR ‘N’
4. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = -9 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_PPC must be 'U'
5. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
6. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Sidewalk Has Curb Connection
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sidewalk has curb connection

Definition: Whether the on-street sidewalk connects with on-street curb (no grassy/dirt area between
sidewalk and curb)

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_CCN must be 'E'
2. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_HAS_CCN must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
3. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Bus Stop Sidewalk Slope Wheelchair Viable

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sidewalk slope wheelchair viable

Definition: Whether the slope of the sidewalk appears to present difficulty for wheelchair navigation
(>5% is too steep; goal is 2% or less).

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_SLP_WVL must be 'Y' OR ‘N’
2. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_SLP_WVL must be 'E'
3. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Measurement by inclinometer

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP

Open Question:
Pedestrian Pad and Sidewalk attributes: Need to work out complete rules for valid combinations of
pedestrian and sidewalk attributes.
Bus Stop Sidewalk Obstruction Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sidewalk obstruction type code

Definition: The type of streetside furnishing, construction, or landscaping that impedes pedestrian
access to the bus stop via the sidewalk.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_OBS_TCD must be 'EXM'
2. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_OBS_TCD must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
3. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = -9 then the BSTP_SWK_OBS_TCD must be 'U'
4. Enter ‘UNK’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
5. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_SWK_OBS_TYP
Bus Stop Sidewalk Impedance Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop sidewalk impedance type code

Definition: The type of sidewalk condition that impedes pedestrian access to the bus stop

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT = 0 then the BSTP_SWK_IPD_TCD must be 'E'
2. If the BSTP_SWK_WDT > 0 then the BSTP_SWK_ IPD_TCD must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
3. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
4. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_SWK_IPD_TYP
Bus Stop Parking Restriction Type Code

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop parking restriction type code

Definition: How parking is allowed or restricted at the bus stop.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘UNK’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘UNK’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(3)
Constrained by: BSTP_PRK_RST_TYP
Bus Stop No Parking Zone Length

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: bus stop no parking zone length in feet

Definition: The length (in feet) of the no parking zone at the stop (0 = none)

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Integer >= -9.

Maximum is 999 but as of 12 Aug 2015 the maximum value in our database is 150.

Business rules:
1. Enter 0 if there is no ‘no parking zone’ at the stop.
2. Enter -9 if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Use of -9 for unknown to be implemented after August 23, 2015 service change. Records created
before that will have NULL or zero instead of -9.
4. Default value (for a new record) = -9

Observation Method: Measurement by measuring wheel

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: NUMBER (3)
Constrained by:
Conflicting No Parking Signs

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: conflicting no parking signs

Definition: Whether there are multiple no-parking signs with contradictory information at the stop

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Bus Stop Maintenance

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: CNF_NPK_SNS
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
On Street Near Side Curb Ramp
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street near side curb ramp

Definition: Whether there is a curb ramp to the on-street at the near-side of the intersection

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: ONS_CRP
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
On Street Far Side Curb Ramp
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street far side curb ramp

Definition: Whether there is a curb ramp to the on-street on the far-side of the intersection.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: OFS_CRP
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
At Street At Bus Stop Curb Ramp
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: at street at bus stop curb ramp

Definition: Whether there is a curb ramp to the at-street on the near side of the intersection

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
At Street Opposite Bus Stop Curb Ramp
(Required for ADA Compliance)

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: at street opposite bus stop curb ramp

Definition: Whether there is a curb ramp to the at-street on the far side of the intersection.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Accessibility Analysis, Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP

Curb Ramp Attributes: Need to add business rules for T-intersections, divided roads, rail stations,
shopping center parking lots, and other cases where a curb ramp cannot exist. Value should be EXE.
On Street Near Side Curb Ramp Slope

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street near side curb ramp slope

Definition: Slope (in degrees) of the curb ramp nearest the stop, computed as the average of three
measurements (CurbRampSlope1, CurbRampSlope2, CurbRampSlope3) taken at top, middle, and
bottom of the ramp.

Source of Data: Field survey

Domain/Constraints: Integer >= -9

Maximum data value is 99.9 but slope cannot exceed 90 degrees by definition. Actual measures are
unlikely to exceed 15 degrees; the maximum for wheelchair access is 5 degrees.
0 = Flat surface, no ramp?
90 = curb with no ramp?
-9 = unknown (stop has not been surveyed)

Business rules:
1. Use of -9 for unknown to be implemented after August 23, 2015 service change. Records created
before that will have NULL or zero instead of -9.
2. Default value (for a new record) = -9

Observation Method: Measurement by inclinometer

Used for: Accessibility Analysis

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: ONS_CRP_SLP
Data Type: NUMBER (4,1)
Constrained by:

Curb Ramp Slope:

1. What number indicates that there is no curb and no curb ramp (accessible, flat, slope = 0
2. What number indicates that there is a curb with no ramp (inaccessible, slope = 90 degrees)
3. What number indicates that a curb ramp is precluded and not needed (EXE)?
4. What number indicates that the stop has never been surveyed?
On Street Near Side Crosswalk

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street near side crosswalk

Definition: Whether there is a crosswalk across the on-street on the near side of the intersection (or at
the stop, for a mid-block bus stop).

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Enter “E” if the intersection configuration precludes an on-street near-side crosswalk.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: ONS_CWK
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
At Street At Bus Stop Crosswalk

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: at street at bus stop crosswalk

Definition: Whether there is a crosswalk across the at-street on the near side of the intersection.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Enter “E” if the intersection configuration precludes an at-street near-side cross-walk (e.g. a T
intersection where at-street does not extend through the near side of the intersection).
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
At Street Opposite Bus Stop Crosswalk

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: at street opposite bus stop crosswalk

Definition: Whether there is a crosswalk across the at-street on the far side of the intersection.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Enter “E” if the intersection configuration precludes an at-street far-side cross-walk (e.g. the on-
street does not extend through the far side of the intersection).
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP

Crosswalk Attributes: Need to add business rules for T-intersections, divided roads, rail stations,
shopping center parking lots, and other cases where a crosswalk cannot exist. Value should be EXE if
there is no street to be crossed.
On Street Far Side Crosswalk

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street far side crosswalk

Definition: Whether there is a crosswalk across the on-street on the far side of the intersection.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
2. Enter “E” if the intersection configuration precludes an OSFS cross-walk (e.g. the on-street does not
extend through the far side of the intersection).
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Item Code: OFS_CWK
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP

Crosswalk Attributes: Need to add business rules for T-intersections, divided roads, rail stations,
shopping center parking lots, and other cases where a crosswalk cannot exist. Value should be EXE if
there is no street to be crossed.
On Street Stop Sign Or Traffic Light

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street stop sign or traffic light

Definition: Whether there is a traffic light or stop sign at the bus stop at the on-street location.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
On Street Pedestrian Crossing Signal

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: on street pedestrian crossing signal

Definition: Whether there is a pedestrian crossing signal to cross the on-street.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
At Street Pedestrian Crossing Signal

Field Inspection Information

Item Name: at street pedestrian crossing signal

Definition: Whether there is a pedestrian crossing signal to cross the at-street.

Source of Data: Field survey


Business rules:
1. ‘E’ (Exempt) cannot be used with this attribute.
2. Enter ‘U’ if the stop is inaccessible, under construction, or not yet surveyed.
3. Default value (for a new record) = ‘U’

Observation Method: Visual Observation

Used for: Public Information

Database Information
Table: bus stop inf
Table name: BSTP_INF
Data Type: CHAR(1)
Constrained by: CIN_TYP
Core and Accessibility Attributes

Version History
No Date Version/Change
1 3/9/2017 First review draft

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