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Trafficking is a pervasive and insidious form of modern-day slavery that exploits the

most vulnerable members of society. Despite concerted efforts by governments, non-

governmental organizations, and international bodies, the scourge of human trafficking continues

to grow, ensnaring millions of victims across the globe. This essay delves into the complexities

of this issue, examining existing debates and arguments put forth by specialists in the field.

Through a critical analysis of diverse perspectives, this paper aims to shed light on the

multifaceted nature of human trafficking and the urgent need for comprehensive and coordinated

strategies to combat this heinous crime. By exploring the roles of healthcare providers, the long-

term impacts on survivors, and the potential intervention points, this essay highlights the

significance of a holistic approach that addresses the physical, psychological, and socioeconomic

dimensions of human trafficking, while emphasizing the importance of victim-centered support

and preventive measures.

Background & Context

Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights and a form of modern-day slavery

that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes and

devastating consequences, and it has become an increasingly pressing concern for governments,

law enforcement agencies, and human rights organizations alike. The history of human

trafficking can be traced back centuries, with various forms of slavery and exploitation existing

throughout human civilizations. However, the modern manifestation of this crime has evolved

and adapted to the globalized world, taking advantage of socioeconomic disparities, political

instability, and the anonymity afforded by digital technologies. According to the International
Labor Organization, an estimated 40.3 million people were victims of human trafficking in 2016,

with women and children being disproportionately affected.

The impacts of human trafficking are far-reaching and multifaceted. Victims often suffer

from physical and psychological trauma, including physical abuse, sexual violence, and mental

health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Additionally, human

trafficking has severe economic consequences, as it undermines labor markets, reduces

productivity, and generates substantial profits for criminal organizations. As Marti Castaner et al.

(2021) note, "Trauma related to sex trafficking challenges parenting, as survivors often struggle

with mental health issues, substance abuse, and economic instability, which can adversely affect

their ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children."

One concrete example of the pervasiveness of human trafficking is the case of the

missing 3-year-old child in Georgia, where the caregiver faced charges related to human

trafficking in 2016, as reported by Kendal Keys (2024). This incident highlights the vulnerability

of children and the insidious nature of trafficking networks that exploit the most vulnerable

members of society. Gangs and organized crime groups have increasingly turned to human

trafficking as a lucrative and relatively low-risk criminal enterprise. As the National Gang Center

(2020) points out, "While gangs have historically focused on drug trafficking and illegal

weapons trade, gang involvement with human trafficking—as one of the world's fastest-growing

criminal enterprises—continues to increase." Gangs exploit victims through coercion, violence,

and intimidation, making it challenging for law enforcement agencies to identify and assist

victims effectively.

Year Estimated Number of Victims of Modern

2016 40.3 million
2012 27.6 million
Caption: Estimated Number of Victims of Modern Slavery Globally in 2016 and 2012

(“Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage |

International Labour Organization” , n.p)

This chart presents the estimated global number of victims of modern slavery, which

includes forced labor and forced marriage, in 2016 and 2012. According to the ILO report, the

estimated number of victims increased from 27.6 million in 2012 to 40.3 million in 2016,

highlighting the growing magnitude of the issue.

Overview of Existing Debate

Hospitals as a Critical Intervention Point

The CBS Sacramento article, "Fight Against Human Trafficking Extends to Hospitals,"

presents a compelling argument that hospitals can serve as a crucial intervention point in

identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking. The article highlights the efforts of

healthcare professionals in recognizing the signs of trafficking and providing support to potential


According to the report, hospitals are often the first point of contact for trafficking

victims seeking medical care. Victims may present with physical injuries, sexually transmitted

infections, or signs of psychological trauma. By training medical staff to recognize these

indicators, hospitals can play a vital role in identifying and rescuing individuals from exploitative

situations. The article cites examples of successful interventions, such as the case of a young

woman who was brought to the emergency room and later identified as a trafficking victim. The

argument put forth by CBS Sacramento is persuasive and highlights the importance of a
coordinated response to human trafficking. Healthcare professionals, with their unique access to

potential victims, can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of exploitation. However, the

effectiveness of this approach hinges on comprehensive training and the development of

protocols for identifying and responding to suspected cases of trafficking. Additionally, the

article lacks specific data or statistics to quantify the prevalence of trafficking victims identified

in hospital settings, which could further strengthen the argument.

Empowering Survivors through Entrepreneurship

In the CNN Wire article, "Kansas City business using fashion to transform lives of human

trafficking survivors," Taylor Johnson sheds light on the empowering role of entrepreneurship in

the lives of human trafficking survivors. The article showcases a Kansas City-based business,

Raleigh Denim Workshop, which employs and empowers survivors of human trafficking through

its fashion line. Johnson highlights the transformative impact of this initiative, as survivors gain

not only economic independence but also a sense of purpose and self-worth. The article features

the personal stories of survivors who have found healing and hope through their involvement in

the business, demonstrating the potential for entrepreneurship to serve as a catalyst for growth

and empowerment.

The argument presented by Johnson is compelling and underscores the importance of

holistic support for survivors of human trafficking. While immediate rescue and rehabilitation

are crucial, long-term solutions that promote economic self-sufficiency and psychological

healing are equally vital. By providing survivors with opportunities for employment, skill

development, and financial independence, initiatives like Raleigh Denim Workshop can

contribute to breaking the cycle of exploitation and empowering survivors to reclaim their lives.

However, the article does not address the potential challenges or limitations faced by such
initiatives, such as scalability, funding, or the availability of necessary resources and support

structures. A more comprehensive analysis of these factors could further strengthen the argument

for entrepreneurship as a viable and sustainable solution for survivor empowerment.


The multifaceted issue of human trafficking demands a comprehensive and collaborative

approach that recognizes the complexities and far-reaching consequences of this global crisis.

The arguments presented in this essay underscore the critical roles that various stakeholders,

particularly healthcare providers and entrepreneurial initiatives, can play in identifying,

supporting, and empowering victims and survivors. By fostering greater awareness,

implementing robust training programs, and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration within the

healthcare sector, we can enhance our ability to identify and assist potential victims who seek

medical attention. Additionally, initiatives that promote entrepreneurship and economic

empowerment offer survivors a pathway to reclaiming their lives, regaining self-worth, and

breaking free from the cycles of exploitation. Ultimately, a victim-centered approach that

prioritizes prevention, protection, and empowerment is essential to eradicating this modern-day

form of slavery and upholding the fundamental human rights of every individual. By addressing

the physical, psychological, and socioeconomic dimensions of human trafficking, we can work

towards creating a more just and equitable society where the dignity and freedom of every

human being are respected and upheld.

Works Cited

Castaner, M., Gómez, S., Delgado, B., Torrez, M., & Vogel, A. (2021). How trauma related to

sex trafficking challenges parenting: Insights from Mexican and Central American

survivors in the US. PLoS ONE, 16(6), e0252606.

Keys, K. (2024, March 21). Missing 3-year-old: Caregiver faced charges relating to human

trafficking in 2016. CNN Wire. Retrieved from


National Gang Center. (2020, January 31). Gangs and Human Trafficking. Retrieved from

International Labour Organization (ILO), "Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour

and Forced Marriage," 2017,


Fight Against Human Trafficking Extends to Hospitals.” CBS News. 28 Apr. 2017. .

Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.

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