Activited Class of Englis 25 Feb. 2022

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introduce (1) LEEAA.eLh..

is QULB.2.IA and I would like to

Hi, my name
years old.

(2)Pala.. and is (3)

He/Sheis from
- sister(s)
He/She has (4) . . brother(s) and..

food is (5).iaco5.....
uA.lckqnder..."s favourite
Inhis/her free time,.A.lgxa.cder... ikes to (6).Rlan..Ualad.
Most mornings..b.lr0dL.gets up at (7).. .
One country he/she would like to visit is (8).Clora..

He/She comes to lass/school/university (9)... .bNS.

dinar er wh
finishes class, he/she likes to (10)..aad....ant/
When A.sxande..
Listen and
compBete the sentences.
hat photo is
2. It locks e cool
ve heard the
beautful area is
3 The weather
The water is
4. Isit. really
5. Weil. there?
its not
De But prices for tourists
. Its not reasonable. can

7. It sounds ncaefarform the capital.

Your homet own or city is clean

2 Vour city isa safe place to ive PossIBE

3Bigcities are better than small towns
There are to do
2 3
4. many fun thirgs for a visitor to your 2 SIagree
ity umpletely
b 4 mastly
Living downtown is better than livingin the suburts

Working downt own is better thanworking in the 2 ' m not

There should be more libraries and fewer rovie 2 mostly
theaters in your town or ity
1 disagree
There should be more green parks inyour town or city Completely
9 Your town or city is beautiful
7 cONVERSATION What should Ido there?
A Lister and practice
JASON Cn youtell me a t the obou: Me

LAUO14 Sure hat would ou Ike tu kneOy

JASON Well im going to bee here tot a tex s

nest morith what stiould do there

AUDtA Oh You should detutely 15tt the atona

useur (f AntnSE)gy o22in National Museurm
JASON O sors mylis noAn,trmgds
JOAYu shoudn t missthe Dngo Rivet
murals They re icredhle Oh and ve
fw 'tut d e hsto enter

JASON That scifnds perterct and what about

he fod Whit sheouidl eat

CAUDiA You Can miss the street fogd he tacos

barbecue fruit t's all dehcious

BLIsten to the rest of the conversation Where is Jason from?

What should you do there?

Modal verbs can and should
What can i do n Mexico City? What should see
You can walk around the historic center Yau should visit the National Muse um of Ant
You con't miss the street ftood You shouldn't miss the Diego River a murals

A Complete these conver sations using can't, should,
can, shouldn't Then practice
or w

1. A: Can decide where to go on my vacation

B: You S hovid go to Morocco It's my favor te piace to vist
2. A: lI'm
planning to go to Puerto Rico next year When do you think I COn t
B: You a n , go arytme. The weather is ce almost all n
3. A: Should rent a car when I arrive New York? What n

do you recommen
B: No you Shou detintely use the subway It's tast and not too expens
4. A: Where 9re con Iget some nice jewelry 1n Istanbul?
B: You ace con miss the Grand Bazaar. it's the best place for
5. A: What
Can see from the Eiffe: Tower?
B: You Cant all of
Paris, but in bad weather you

8 Write answers to these questions about your courntry Thern compare with a partner
What time of year shouid you go there? What can you do for free?
What are three things you can do there What shouidn t a visitor miss?

It's a rea

Describe the pictures with: beautifu, clean, interesting, quiet,

spacious, borina, crowdad, dangerous, expensive, nois

stresstull, ugiy ralaxing, saYe, poluted,

E RK FY n the bg in tere
f e a s ve Cnd Pecple to wosol
busin be tocl r
and eolF.cie b a PPle.

THALANDIA S+iessfull crewded e

A O e f d a a q e For Ond h e s t r

DH The is Dif NY 0n met

'suin euque

au '1ayueu uelued

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