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Anode Voltage Drop and Anode Spot Formation in dc Vacuum Arcs

C. W. Kimblin

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 40, 1744 (1969); doi: 10.1063/1.1657842

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from expressions (13) and (14). That is, at small (c) In a typical example of in terest in surface physics,
amplitudes, up to about A = 0.3p, the current increases that of oxygen adsorbed on a copper surface, the total
linearly with amplitude; at large amplitudes, however, Auger current to be expected from K-shell ionization in
which means in practice A> 3p, the current decreases the oxygen, at monolayer coverage, can be calculated
as the square root of the amplitude. At some inter- to be about 2XIQ-ll A.
mediate value of A, the current must pass through a (d) If the retarding field method of energy analysis
maximum; that is, there is an optimum value of the is used, the current in the second harmonic of the ac
modulating amplitude for maximum sensitivity, in the component of the collected current increases with the
electrostatic analyzer. square of the amplitude of modulation up to an ampli-
tude of about half the rms width of the Auger peak, and
thereafter flattens off with increasing amplitude, to a
(a) Under the conditions employed in Auger-emis- constant value.
sion spectroscopy, the probability of production of (e) If the electrostatic deflection type of energy
photons is negligible. analysis is used, the current in a peak in the differential
(b) There is an optimum primary electron energy for distribution increases linearly with amplitude of modu-
excitation of a particular Auger peak, at between 3 and lation up to an amplitude of about one-third that of the
3,5 times the critical ionization potential involved. On rms width of the peak, then passes through a maximum,
the other hand, the Auger current will not change in and, as the amplitude becomes about three times the
magnitude greatly between primary energies of 2.5 and rms width of the peak, decreases again with the inverse
6 times the critical ionization potential. square root of the amplitude.


Anode Voltage Drop and Anode Spot Formation in de Vacuum Arcs

Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235
(Received 15 October 1968)

Factors influencing the formation of anode spots in vacuum arcs have been investigated. For anode
diameters of 1.25 and 5 em, copper vapor arcs have been drawn to electrode spacings of 2.5 cm, and spot
formation threshold currents of 400 and 2100 A have been determined for the small- and large-diameter
anodes, respectively. Comparison of the arc voltage vs current characteristics, together with probe observa-
tions of potential distribution, reveals that an anode voltage drop is established prior to spot formation.
The magnitude of this drop increases with both electrode spacing and arc current, and decreases with
increase of anode area. By analogy with phenomena in mercury arcs, anode voltage drop formation is
associated with vapor starvation. Photographs reveal that, even in the presence of an anode spot, high-
voltage arcs can exist with a multiplicity of cathode spots and a diffuse arc column. Delays in the onset
of the spot phenomena indicate that a temperature rise of the anode surface to the melting temperature
precipitates the vapor release necessary for spot formation.

I. INTRODUCTION At high currents3-6 the vacuum arc assumes a high-

pressure, high-voltage mode and exhibits a positive
Vacuum arcs are metal-vapor arcs which burn in a volt-ampere characteristic. Much of the electron cur-
conducting medium supplied solely by arcing action rent is collected at the anode surface in a highly lumi-
on the electrodes. For low-current arcs between closely nous localized region with resulting gross erosion. The
spaced contacts, the arc voltage is a characteristic of arc burns in a metal-vapor atmosphere provided by
the cathode material; the necessary vapor being sup- both electrodes, and a distinct arc column may ap-
plied from a multiplicity of high current-density cath- pear. It has been further suggested3 that the cathode
ode spots. These low-voltage ("-'20 V for copper), spots concentrate in a single region with resulting gross
low-current arcs are further characterized1 •2 by a dif- erosion of the cathode surface.
fuse arc column, which is essentially field free, and a
3M. P. Reece, Proc. lEE 110, 793 (1963).
diffuse collection of electrons at the anode. The anode 4T. H. Lee, D. R. Kurtz, and J. W. Porter, Int. Conf. Large
voltage drop is essentially zero. Electric Systems, 21st., (Paris: CIGRE) 2, Paper 121 (1966).
6 R. E. Voshall, IEEE Trans. Paper 68-TR-649, Summer Power
1 M. P. Reece, J. Inst. Elec. Engrs. (London), New Series, 5, Meeting, Chicago (1968).
275 (1959). 6 J. D. Cobine and T. A. Vanderslice, IEEE Trans. Comm.
2 I. G. Kesaev, Sov. Phys.--Tech. Phys. 9, 1146 (1965). Electronics 82,240 (1963).

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Factors influencing the transition between these low- ~1

141._---=:Ca:.::m::::er7-aExposure :..:pe::..:ri=od_ _..
I II second I I
current and high-current arcing modes have been in-
vestigated in the present experiments, with particular I I
reference to the transition between diffuse and spot I I
collection modes at the anode. A small-diameter anode I
has been drawn to long electrode spacings from a 5-cm-
diam cathode, and high arc voltages have been observed Time
for dc currents in the range 80--2100 A. Arc voltage vs
current characteristics have been determined at an
electrode spacing of 2.5 cm, and corresponding condi- Electrode Instant of
tions at the electrode surfaces have been determined Spacing separation
from arc photographs. The potential distribution within
these arcs has also been probed. In particular, the arc FIG. 2. Experimental sequence.
voltage and threshold current for anode spot formation
have been determined. Similar data has been obtained
using the same cathode but larger diameter anode, and following bakeout at 300°C, the pressure was main-
results for the two anode geometries have been com- tained at ~2X1O-8 Torr. The chamber was equipped
pared. Differences in the V-A characteristics and with a 5-cm-diam observation port, and the bellows
threshold currents reveal the pertinent factors which system permitted a maximum electrode separation of
influence both the magnitude of the anode voltage 3.2 cm. A 5-cm-diam copper electrode of ultrahigh
drop and anode spot formation. purity was used throughout as the stationary cathode
Time-dependent spot formation has been investigated electrode, and the opposing moveable anode was formed
in dc arcing experiments using the smaller-diameter from either a 1.25-cm-diam copper rod (shown in Fig. 1)
anode. In these experiments, discussed in Sec. III, the or, alternatively, a 5-cm-diam disk. This latter disk had
electrodes were separated to preset spacings, and the exactly the same dimensions as the cathode electrode
duration of high-voltage arcing was increased until (including a 4 cm length of broad electrode stem), and
anode spot formation was first observed. These results was substituted for the 1.25-cm-diam rod when experi-
are interpreted in terms of temperature rises at the ments with the smaller anode had been completed.
anode surface. Arcs were drawn in the current range 80--2100 A
using Westinghouse type WSH arc welders as the dc
II. ARC VOLTAGE OBSERVATIONS power supply. These welders have an open circuit volt-
age of 75 V and can deliver, for example, 1000 A at
A. Experimental Apparatus and Technique 40 V. The welder output voltage increases with current
Experiments have been performed using a continu- decrease. Three series-connected welders provided an
ously pumped demountable chamber (Fig. 1) in which, essentially constant current supply for experiments in-
volving high mean arc voltage at currents < 1000 A.
For higher arc currents, a series-parallel combination
of four welders was used; each leg of the parallel con-
nection consisting of two welders in series. In all experi-
- High VoHage ments, the power supply "floated" relative to ground
potential; the copper electrodes being isolated from the
: :
grounded metal walls of the chamber by high-voltage
ceramic insulators.

The current-carrying circuit contained sufficient in-
ductance to maintain the arc during periods of arc
instability. Thus arc voltage oscillations and transient
'l=.=-==- [~:~~ J- Cathode - -
Windcm high arc voltages were accompanied by relatively small
·J----r--- [11.- 1. 25 em diam
Potential Probe : : Anode
.. (pumping port)
fluctuations in atc current. However, extreme instabil-
Probe l.l. Bellows Shield ity resulted in spontaneous arc extinction.
Insulator '--.....,r-....,F:'.'t--1'--r--~ With reference to the experimental sequence depicted
in Fig. 2, the welders were switched on shortly before
the lower anode electrode was separated from the upper
~it--- High VoHage Insulator
cathode, and the welder current was automatically
Bellcms Guide switched off when the electrodes were fully open. The
Sylphon Bellcms electrode separation was effected manually with a typi-
cal opening time ,-....,150 msec to maximum spacing, and
FIG. 1. Electrode configuration within the arc chamber. (In- the electrode motion was recorded using a linear-motion
ternal components depicted in dashed outline.) potentiometer.

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1746 C. W. KIMBLIN

observation of the arc voltage. On occasion, the second

oscilloscope was used to record the potential assumed
/1 by the 1.3-cm-diam electrostatic probe (Fig. 1) rela-
tive to cathode potential. A differential comparator
was employed for this purpose, and the electrode mo-
tion was simultaneously displayed to permit subsequent
synchronization of the separate probe potential and arc
voltage oscillograms.
B. Results
Identical arc voltage vs current characteristics were
u obtained at small spacings when the electrodes were
< first separated. This minimum arc voltage, [Fig 3,
curve (c)], remained essentially constant with arc cur-
I c) rent, varying only from 21 V (60 A)-24 V (2100 A).
------ In the case of the 5-cm-diam anode, low-current arcs
continued to burn with the minimum arc voltage, even
at electrode spacings of 2.5 cm. However, as the arc
current was increased, the electrode spacing consistent
with minimum arc voltage became progressively smaller,
the arc voltage exhibiting a positive characteristic for
subsequent increases in arc length. A similar depend-
00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Arc Current, A ence of arc voltage on both arc current and electrode
spacing was observed for the 1.25-cm-diam anode. In
FIG. 3. Curves (a) and (b) represent arc voltage vs current
characteristics at an electrode spacing of 2.5 cm for anode diam- this case, the onset of high-voltage arcing at given
eters of 1.25 and 5 cm, respectively. V -A characteristics observed current levels was associated with smaller electrode
for both anodes at minimum electrode spacing were identical, spacings than those observed with the 5-cm-diam anode.
curve (c), as were observations of the probe-cathode potential
difference at an electrode spacing of 2.5 cm, curve (d). Further, the voltage rises observed with the 1.25-cm-

A conventional camera recorded arcing conditions

during each sequence. The camera shutter was opened Cathode Potential
manually prior to electrode separation, and the elec-
trodes were moved apart during the ensuing 1-sec
exposure period. Usually a typical time exposure photo-
Zero Arc Current
graph would show copious light emission from the
cathode surface and low light emission from both the Zero Electrode Spaci ng
interelectrode plasma region and the anode surface.
On occasion, however, the anode surface would appear II nsta nt of anode spot for mati on)
highly luminous with a luminosity improbable to ex- t = 20 msec per divi sion
Upper Trace Ianode potential during arcing) = 50 V per division
plain from the standpoint of reflected light from the Mid Trace larc current) =400 Aper division
cathode spots. The appearance of anode luminosity Lower Trace lelectrode spacing) =1.1 cm per division
coincided with both anode-melting (observed directly) Ia) Typical Dependence of Arc Voltage on Electrode SpaCing
and arc-voltage changes, and the author consequently
associates the appearance of luminosity at the anode
surface with anode spot formation. An image-converter
framing camera was also available to obtain short-time-
exposure (10 fJ.sec) arc photographs at predetermined _ Zero Electrode Spacing
electrode spacings. --- Cathode Potential
Two dual-trace Tektronix 555 oscilloscopes equipped
with isolation transformers were used to record the
various electrical parameters. One channel of the main
oscilloscope was equipped with a Tektronix type C-A = 20 msec per divi sion
Upper Trace Ielectrode spacing) =1.1 cm per division
dual-trace preamplifier which displayed both the arc Lower Trace I floating probe potential) = 10 V per division
current and electrode motion. A Tektronix type W Ibl Corresponding OSCillogram showing the relative independence
differential comparator was used in conjunction with of probe potentia I
the second channel, and this unit permitted accurate FIG. 4. Observations at 400 amperes--small-diameter anode.

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diam anode always exceeded the voltage rises observed arc photographs revealed the continued presence of a
with the 5-cm-diam anode for similar conditions of arc multiplicity of cathode spots, a diffuse arc plasma and
current and electrode spacing. a diffuse current collection mechanism at the anode.
Volt-ampere characteristics for both anode geome- For arc currents> 1000 A, however, the arc exhibited
tries at an electrode spacing of 2.5 cm are shown in instability; high-frequency, high-voltage oscillations
curves (a) and (b) of Fig. 3. For the small diameter being superposed on the mean arc voltage.
anode, the arc voltage not only increased with arc It was only at current levels of ~2100 A and maxi-
length but became oscillatory with an envelope width mum electrode spacing, that an anode spot was formed
of several tens of volts. The mean arc voltage plotted on the surface of the large diameter anode. The spot
in curve (a) represents the voltage value at the center formed close to the electrode edge and arc photographs
of this envelope and is determined with an estimated revealed that the area of the luminous region was small
accuracy of ± 15%. compared to the electrode area. This indication of
It will be apparent that, for arc currents <400 A, small anode spot area was confirmed by direct observa-
the mean arc voltage for the small anode greatly ex- tion of the extent of melting on the electrode following
ceeds the mean arc voltage for the large anode. In the arcing. It was further noted that the high-frequency,
former case, high-frequency, high-voltage oscillations high-voltage oscillations diminished following anode
with magnitude "-'150 V were superposed on the mean spot formation and the arc stability increased.
arc voltage and the arc tended to extinguish spontane- Potentials assumed by the electrostatic probe rela-
ously. In the latter case, no oscillations were evident tive to cathode potential were also recorded during
and the arc remained stable. these arc-lengthening experiments. With the probe ad-
For arc currents < 400 A, photographs of both arcs jacent to the cathode surface as indicated in Fig. 1,
indicated typical "low-current mode" conditions; a mul- the probe potential remained essentially constant at
tiplicity of cathode spots, a diffuse arc column and a ~16 V [Fig. 3, curve (d)]; independent of electrode
diffuse current collection mechanism at the anode. spacing, arc current, and anode diameter. As clearly
A sharp discontinuity in the rise of mean arc voltage shown in oscillogram (b) of Fig. 4, the probe potential
with arc current will be observed [Fig. 3, curve (a)] reflected neither the large rises in mean arc voltage nor
at ~400 A for the small diameter anode. With refer- the high-voltage, high-frequency oscillations. Similar
ence to oscillogram (a) of Fig. 4, the mean arc voltage observations of probe potential were recorded when the
was initially observed to rise with electrode spacing probe was displaced a distance of 2.5 cm down the arc
and then suddenly to decrease. During this initial period chamber such that the probe was adjacent to the anode
of high voltage and high arc instability, arc photographs surface with the electrodes fully open.
revealed a diffuse mode of electron-current collection
at the anode surface. However, the decrease in arc C. Discussion
voltage coincided with the appearance of a highly lumi-
nous localized region at the anode surface. Gross melt- The results indicate that even at low currents, vac-
ing of the anode surface, together with increased arc uum arcs can exist with arc voltages well in excess of
stability, accompanied the formation of this anode spot. the minimum 20 V. Furthermore, arcs with high mean
Image converter photographs revealed that many cath- voltages and superposed high voltage oscillations can
ode spots still existed on the cathode surface, even still retain "low-current mode" characteristics; a multi-
though a mode change had occurred at the anode sur- plicity of cathode spots, diffuse arc column and a dif-
face. Furthermore, these photographs revealed the con- fuse collection of electron current at the anode surface.
tinued presence of a low-luminosity diffuse arc column. Comparison of the arc voltage characteristics [Fig.
For arc currents ,,-,1000 A and the small-diameter 3, curves (a) and (b)] for a given electrode spacing
anode, a highly luminous anode spot appeared shortly and cathode geometry reveals that the arc voltage rise
after electrode separation. The arc voltage continued is very much dependent on the anode area. Since the
to increase with electrode spacing to the indicated mean arc voltage and the high voltage oscillations can
value of ~45 V, this final arc voltage containing low- be reduced by increasing the anode area, the author
frequency oscillatory components. Experiments with concludes that these voltage changes must be primarily
this anode were not pursued above 1000 A. At the associated with the formation of an anode voltage drop
higher currents, an anode spot would have formed rather than voltage changes in either the interelectrode
almost as soon as the contacts were separated, and the plasma or cathode region.
power dissipated in the high current density spot would Measurements of potential distribution using the
have ruined the electrode stem during the ensuing 150 electrostatic probe confirm this conclusion. From Lang-
msec arcing period. muir probe theory, a probe immersed in a low-pressure
In the case of the large diameter anode, the mean plasma can be expected to assume a potential several
arc voltage continued to rise with arc current for cur- volts negative relative to the plasma potential. Thus
rents in the range 400-2100 A. Throughout this range observations with the probe located adjacent to the

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1748 C. W. KIMBLIN

cathode surface indicate that the cathode fall voltage ence exists between arcs in mercury vapor and arcs
remains essentially constant with both arc current and between copper electrodes. Mercury has a high ambient
electrode spacing with a value several volts higher than vapor pressure, for example 10-3 Torr at 20°C, whereas
16 V. At short spacings when the arc voltage is low copper has a vapor pressure < 10-8 Torr at this tem-
(~21 V), most of the arc voltage must obviously be perature. Thus differences can be expected between
concentrated in the cathode fall, and voltage drops in mercury and copper vapor arC's operating in vessels at
the interelectrode plasma and anode region must be room temperature. The current conduction is probably
essentially zero. At long electrode spacings, however, similar in the cathode regions since vapor jets are also
probe observations in the cathode plane indicate that observed in low-pressure mercury arcs. However, at
most of the voltage rise must be associated with the distances remote from the cathode spots, ionized am-
plasma and anode regions. bient vapor provides the conducting medium in mercury
Probe potential observations with the probe adjacent arcs. For copper arcs, there is practically zero ambient
to the anode permit a distinction between the relative vapor and, since vapor diffusing to the walls is lost to
rises in these two regions. Similar probe potential versus the interelectrode space, the current must be conducted
arc current curves were obtained for the two probe through a medium whose density decreases with dis-
locations. It must therefore be concluded that for these tance from the cathode sources.
relatively low current arcs the interelectrode plasma is Hullll and Knightl2 have observed that the current
essentially field free, and that the voltage rises are carrying capacity (amperes cm-2) of a mercury plasma
associated with the anode region. is limited by the ambient vapor pressure. When this
capacity is exceeded, the arc is termed vapor starved
D. Interpretation and significant rises of electric field ll ,l2,l3 are observed
The experimental data indicates that, for conditions with high-voltage oscillations superposed on the mean
of diffuse current collection at the anode, the anode arc voltage. It will be obvious that, for vacuum arcs
voltage drop increases with both arc length and arc in copper vapor, the density, and consequently the cur-
current. Furthermore, this voltage drop reduces when rent carrying capacity of the plasma, must decrease
either the anode area is increased or, in the case of the with distance from the cathode vapor sources. Owing
smaller electrode, appreciable vapor is released from to diffusion, the radius of the conducting channel can
the anode surface by the action of the anode spot. The be expected to increase with distance from the cathode
author considers that these phenomena can be attrib- and, under these circumstances, the arc path may re-
uted to vapor starvation in the anode region, and will main essentially field free despite the decreasing current
seek to justify this interpretation after a necessary re- carrying capacity of the plasma. However, in regions
view of the basic vacuum arc mechanism. adjacent to the anode the total arc current must be
The cathode regions of relatively low current vac- conducted through an area which is restricted in com-
uum arcs are characterized by a multiplicity of cathode parison with the diameter of the interelectrode plasma.
spots. For 5-cm-diam copper electrodes, the author has It will be apparent that vapor starvation effects can
observed ~100 A per spot, in agreement with Reece's3 be expected in the anode region of copper arcs when,
observations. Prior to anode spot formation, these cath- for a given arc current, the electrodes are separated to
ode spots are the sole source of metal vapor which is a spacing such that the total current exceeds the cur-
introduced into the interelectrode space in the form of rent carrying capacity of the plasma region adjacent
high-velocity vapor jets. The mean velocity of these to the anode. The arc voltage will increase owing to
jets has long been the source of controversy. Reece3 the formation of an anode voltage drop, and in agree-
and Gilmour,1 for example, observe mean jet velocities ment with experiment, this anode drop will increase
,,-,106 cm secl in agreement with earlier observations with further increase of arc length. It will also be ap-
of Mason. 8 Lafferty 9 suggests more modest velocities parent that the anode voltage drop will increase with
"-'105 cm secI, while Arnold lo and von Engel observe decrease of anode area.
an average particle velocity of only 4X 1()4 cm sec-I, Further support for this starvation concept is pro-
with apparently no appreciable numbers of atoms with vided by the change in arc stability and arc voltage
higher velocities. which accompanies anode spot formation. Vapor emit-
The interelectrode copper vapor, when ionized, pro- ted from the spot will increase the current carrying
vides the conducting medium for the arc current, just capacity of the plasma and decrease the arc voltage.
as mercury vapor provides the conducting medium for It will be noted (Fig. 3, curve (a) for the smaller anode)
low-pressure mercury arcs. However, a major differ- that spot formation was accompanied by a marked
7 A. S. Gilmour, AIAA Elec. Propulsion Conf., 5th, San Diego,
voltage reduction.
California, Paper 66-202 (1966).
8 R. C. Mason, Elec. Eng. 52, 709 (1933). 11 A. W. Hull, Elec. Eng. 69, 695 (1950).
9 J. M. Lafferty, Proc. IEEE 54,23 (1966). 12 H. deB. Knight, The Arc Discharge \ Chapman and Hall
10 K. W. Arnold and A. H. von Engel, Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. Ltd., London, 1960), pp. 75, 173, 212,367.
Ionization Phenomena Gases, Paris, 2, 129 (1963). 13 S. Torven, Arkiv Fysik 35, 513 (1968).

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Starvation may also account for the arc voltage in- tions. In type (a) there is zero field throughout the
creases which occur at fixed electrode spacings when plasma cone, and the anode voltage drop is zero. In
the arc current is increased beyond certain threshold type (b), most of the positive ions and vapor "miss"
values. The cathode spots conduct approximately equal the anode. The lower energy electrons are easily de-
currents and exhibit mutual magnetic repulsion. 3 At flected to the anode surface but, since charge neutrality
low currents, the spots can be located near the center no longer exists in this region, an anode voltage drop
of the cathode electrode, and will contribute vapor to will develop. Thus the arc voltage for a restricted line
the interelectrode volume. Low-voltage arcing may then of sight arc can be expected to exceed the minimum
be possible. At higher currents, many of the additional value of ~20 V. Furthermore, Reece's3 calculations
spots may be mutually repelled to the periphery of the show that the cone vapor density at a distance of 1 cm
cathode electrode, and the jets from these peripheral from a cathode spot may reduce to ",,5 X 1013 atoms
spots can be expected to make a reduced contribution cm-3. The arc is essentially starved of vapor in the
to the interelectrode vapor density. Thus although the anode region, and, owing to the long electron mean free
latter will increase slightly with arc current, the in- path, electron acceleration in the anode voltage drop
crease may not compensate for the current increase, cannot be expected to cause ionization. Thus the anode
and higher current arcs may tend to become vapor voltage drop may even exceed the ionization potential
starved. of the low density vapor.
A discussion of anode voltage drop formation and It should be noted that plasma flow towards the
vapor starvation would be incomplete without refer- anode can also influence the anode voltage drop in
ence to what may be termed the "plasma cone" model high pressure arcs. Finkelnburg15 and Maecker state
for the vacuum arc. Reece3 and Gilmour7 have observed that a pronounced effect on the anode drop is made
that the cathode spots on copper are the source of by a plasma stream flowing axially from the cathode
high-velocity vapor jets with the vapor concentrated burning spot. They cite, for example, the work by
essentially in a cone of semiangle 300 ; the apex towards Mtiller16 and Finkelnburg who found in a 200 A arc
the cathode spot. Reece3 has further observed that low- with a large-surface, nonvaporizing anode, but with a
voltage vacuum arcs are consistent with a geometry well-formed plasma stream, an anode drop of only
such that the anode sub tends a large solid angle at the 1±2 V. Busz-Peuckert17 and Finkelnburg have ob-
cathode. These arcs are associated with a low-field and served similar phenomena in argon arcs.
low-anode drop. Fundamental to the mechanism of such The plasma cone model can be used to explain the
arcs, Reece3 concluded that some of the positive ions increase in arc voltage with electrode spacing. As the
generated in the cathode-fall regions would be swept anode is drawn to long electrode spacings from the
along with the neutral vapor towards the anode, against cathode, the anode surface will subtend a decreasing
the weak field. He tentatively postulated that ",,1 posi- solid angle to the cathode spots. An electron space
tive ion was introduced into the cone for every 10 charge will be formed adjacent to the anode electrode
vapor atoms and 100 electrons. Thus a plasma cone and the arc voltage will increase. For a given electrode
model was proposed in which ions and atoms were spacing and arc current, the magnitude of this voltage
jetting towards the anode at velocities ",,106 cm sec1 rise will obviously depend on the anode surface area;
(",,34 eV) and electrons at ",,108 cm sec1 (",,3 eV). decreasing with anode area increase, as observed in the
Charge neutrality would consequently exist throughout present experiments.
the cone to the anode surface, and the movement of Perhaps this model can also explain the increase in
the ions would only reduce the total circuit current to arc voltage, at a given electrode spacing, with arc cur-
99% of the electron current. Relative to this model, rent. As already outlined, at low currents it can be
it is of interest to note that Davis14 and Miller have expected that the cathode spots will be located near
observed high positive ion energies in vacuum arcs. the center of the cathode where the anode surface
They observed that the energy distribution for ions sub tends a large solid angle to each spot. At the higher
peaked at about 40-60 eV per unit charge, although currents many of the additional spots may be mutually
the distribution for atomic copper peaked at zero repelled to the periphery of the cathode electrode where
eV. the anode will sub tend a small solid angle. Thus, due
Reece3 distinguished between arcs in which (a) the to the fact that cathode spots are distributed over the
geometry is such that the anode sub tends a large solid cathode surface and carry an upper limit of approxi-
angle at the cathode (the "line of sight" arc) and (b) mately 100 A, an electron space charge may eventually
the anode subtends only a small solid angle or is even develop in the anode region.
completely screened from the cathode. It is instructive
to consider a plasma cone model under these two condi- 16 W. Finkelnburg and H. Maecker, Handbuch der Physik
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1956), Vol. 22, Sec. 121, p. 438.
16 G. Miiller and W. Finkelnburg, Naturwiss. 42, 294 (1955).
14 W. D. Davis and H. C. Miller, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 11, 504 17 G. Busz-Peuckert and W. Finkelnburg, Z. Physik, 144, 244
(1966) . (1956) .

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1750 C. W. KIM B LIN

TABLE 1. Range of mean arc current and mean voltage rise for electrode spacing and, after an arcing period of con-
each individual sequence.
trolled but variable duration, the arc current was termi-
Electrode Mean arc Mean voltage Number of nated. For each individual sequence, the arc duration,
spacing (cm) current (A) rise (V) sequences mean arc voltage, mean arc current and electrode spac-
ing were recorded oscillographically, and the vacuum
~1.3 320--380 ~8 10 arc was photographed simultaneously. If the photo-
2 ~2.2 330--410 20--34 30 graph revealed a diffuse electron collection mode at
3 ~2.5 320--440 40--50 7
the anode surface, the next sequence would be per-
formed with a longer arc duration at the preset spacing.
Thus for each arcing event, the arcing period was pro-
gressively increased until anode spot formation was first
Eventual spot formation was detected from the time
In the present experiments, spot formation threshold
exposure photographs. In addition, the arc voltage usu-
currents have been determined for the small and large
ally showed a decrease in both mean value and the
diameter anodes. At an electrode spacing of 2.5 em,
magnitude of the high-voltage oscillations. Further-
these currents are 400 and 2100 A, respectively. At
more, the anode surface was visually examined after
these currents and prior to spot formation, substantial
each arcing sequence to observe the possible presence
voltage rises from the minimum arc voltages are ob-
of freshly molten regions consistent with spot activity.
served (Fig. 3).
It will be apparent that, for a given anode diameter, B. Results
the probability of anode spot formation increases with
both arc current level and electrode spacing; two fac- Time-dependent spot formation was investigated at
tors which increase the anode voltage drop. Further- essentially three electrode spacings as tabulated in
more, for a given arc current level and electrode spacing, Table 1.
the probability of spot formation increases with decrease For each spacing, definite time lags were observed
in anode diameter; a geometrical change which again between the attainment of maximum electrode separa-
increases the "diffuse mode" anode voltage drop. tion and anode spot formation. Further, for a given
These observations lead the author to conclude that, arc current this lag decreased from several hundred
except perhaps at extremely high currents ('"'-'10 kA) milliseconds at spacings '"'-'1.3 cm to several tens of
where magnetic constriction5 can be expected to influ- milliseconds at spacings ,.....,2.5 cm.
ence the arc column, a rise in arc voltage from the
C. Analysis
"low-current mode" voltage (,.....,20 V) is a necessary
precursor of anode spot formation; a diffuse-mode anode It has been observed that a diffuse mode anode volt-
voltage drop must be established. age drop must be established prior to spot formation.
Additional experiments show, however, that estab- Furthermore, appreciable time lags can exist between
lishment of a diffuse-mode anode voltage drop is a the formation of this anode voltage drop and the onset
necessary but insufficient condition for anode spot for- of the spot phenomenon. Since the diffuse mode anode
mation. Significant time lags have been observed be- voltage drop will increase the power flux to the anode
tween the onset of high voltage arcing and the transition surface, these observations suggest that the anode sur-
to the spot mode of current collection. For example, face temperature plays a significant role in spot forma-
when the small diameter anode was rapidly drawn to tion.
an electrode spacing ,.....,2.2 cm at a dc current level Following the analysis of Cobine18 and Burger, the
,.....,370 A, the mean arc voltage typically rose by ~27 V direct electrical power input to an anode surface is
but an anode spot was only formed after ~225 msec equal to the current I times the sum of the anode
of high-voltage arcing. The relationship between the drop V and the work function c/J of the surface; the
magnitude of the arc voltage rise, arc current and time latter term being the heat of condensation of the elec-
lag prior to anode spot formation was consequently trons. Thus the electrical power input density P e is
investigated in an effort to understand this time de-
P.=I(V +c/J)/A, ( 1)
pendent phenomenon.
where c/J has a value of 4.5 V for copper, and where A
A. Procedure is now the total surface area of the anode electrode.
Time-dependent spot formation was studied using With this definition for A, it will be obvious that the
the small diameter anode at given electrode spacings diffuse mode of current collection is being considered.
for dc arc currents ,.....,380 A. In a typical experimental with the further assumption that the current is col-
sequence, the electrodes were rapidly separated by a lected uniformly ov~r the anode end surface.
solenoid actuator (opening time ,.....,25 msec) to a preset 18 J. D. Cobine and E. E. Burger, J. Appl. Phys. 26,895 (1955).

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In the present work, the anode voltage drop V for a 1.. 1 ....L2--+-3
given arc current I and electrode separation d is de-
fined as the difference between the arc voltage at
separation d and the arc voltage at minimum electrode 600
separation (,......,21 V). With reference to the previous
Table I, it will be observed that heat flux experiments
have consequently been performed for values of V in
the range 6-50 V. E
Cobine18 and Burger, in their discussion of spot phe- d;
nomena in high-pressure arcs, state that the anode also <
receives thermal and radiant energy from the arc col- j I I
'0 100 I Surface
umn regions adjacent to the surface. They suggest that >
.c: 1 Temperature Vapor Pressure
= 80 I"
the energy transferred by neutral atom impacts can 'i"
I 1083" C 4 xlo:::~ Torr
be neglected, and further assume a 2 V upper limit for 60 1 983°C 3 x 10_ Torr
:5 6
~~~:~ :::: Ilg-7 i~;;
the thermal energy of the electrons. ~::J II "
Q 40
In the present analysis for vacuum arcs, it is assumed I
that all of these energy terms are negligible compared I
I ----- I
to the electrical energy input. However, the possible ---1 1 -
presence of high-velocity vapor jets3 •7 could make the 2D I
neutral impact contribution significant, and radiative I""
energy transfer may be important. I
With the above simplifications, Eq. (1) has been 0 10 15 2D 35
used to calculate the uniform power density at the end -2
Power Input to Anode End Surface, kw cm IP e)
surface of the 1.25-cm-diam anode. Each of the indi-
vidual oscillograms at the three electrode spacings FIG. 5. Time-dependent anode spot formation. For each in-
dividual sequence the power flux to the anode end surface \anode
(Table I) was analyzed to determine V, I, and the voltage rlropXarc current) is plotted vs arc duration. Experi-
duration of the power flux to the anode end surface. mental points designated ",6," indicate a diffuse anode collection
The resulting values of p. are plotted as a function of mode throughout the arcing sequence. The "e" symbols indicate
eventual spot formation. Solid curves represent the theoretical
the observed duration of high voltage arcing in Fig. 5, time for the surface to attain given temperatures.
where the data points are designated by two types of
symbol. The" D." symbol indicates that the mechanism
of current collection at the anode remained diffuse Further, radial power losses can be considered negli-
throughout the arcing sequence. The "e"
symbol in- gible.
dicates eventual anode spot formation.
A large variation in p. will be noted for each particu- D. Discussion of Time-Dependent Observations
lar electrode spacing [range (1), (2) or (3)]. With
reference to Table I, this is due to appreciable varia- From the experimental data and theoretical curves
tions from sequence to sequence in the values of mean of Fig. 5, it will be observed that spot formation is
voltage rise and mean arc current. associated with a large temperature rise at the anode
Theoretical curves have also been plotted in Fig. 5. surface. The data in range (3) lies slightly below the
The four curves indicate the time t required for the high temperature theoretical- curves, but this should
electrode surface to attain a given temperature T when not be considered significant since the power input was
subjected to a given constant power input P, and have difficult to calculate at the longer electrode spacings.
been determined from the simple formula for the tem- For an electrode opening time ,......,25 msec, the power
perature rise at the surface of a semi-infinite solid input during the opening sequence was comparable
subjected to constant heat flUX19 with the power input at constant electrode spacing,
and only the latter has been considered. Thus the ex-
T=2P(kt/lr)1/2/JK, (2) perimental points in range (3) should be displaced
towards higher temperatures.
where J is the mechanical equivalent of heat, k the
Assuming that spot formation is associated with a
thermal diffusivity, and K the thermal conductivity.
temperature rise ,......,1000°C, it is instructive to consider
This equation can be justifiably applied to the present
how anode temperature can possibly influence the for-
experimental conditions since, with a length of 10 cm
mation mechanism. Lafferty9 has suggested a tempera-
and the observed range of power inputs and arc dura-
ture-dependent mechanism which is consistent with
tions, the rod can be considered of infinite length.
the author's concept of vapor starvation. Following
1. H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids Lafferty, some local area of the anode where the heat
(The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959) 2nd ed., Chap. 2, p. 75. conductance is poor will be heated hot enough to re-

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1752 C. W. KIMBLIN

lease metal vapor. This vapor will immediately be the particle density to 5 X 1014 atoms cm-a. This could
ionized by the incident high-energy electron stream, then precipitate the "runaway effect" discussed by
and the resulting positive ions will neutralize the space Lafferty. Melting at the anode surface may also be
charge in the volume adjacent to the anode area emit- accompanied by geometric changes within the molten
ting the metal. This will produce a sharp reduction in region. A change which reduces the rate of heat flow
the anode voltage drop, and will lead to a runaway from a molten copper globule will obviously result in
effect causing a constriction of the arc at the anode enhanced heating, with subsequent temperature and
with the production of an anode spot. vapor-pressure rises followed by spot formation.
In the present experiments, however, the indicated
temperature rises are not consistent with an initial re- IV. CONCLUSIONS
lease of appreciable vapor from the anode surface. The In the transition between "low-current" and "high-
author never observed anode melting without spot for- current" arcing modes, electron space charges develop
mation, and consequently the transition from diffuse adjacent to the anode surface with consequent forma-
to spot collection must have been associated with a tion of an anode voltage drop. These high voltage arcs
maximum anode temperature ~ 1083°C. Even at the retain many "low-current mode" characteristics; a cath-
melting temperature, the vapor pressure of copper is ode fall voltage ,.....,20 V, a multiplicity of cathode spots,
only 4X 10-4 Torr (particle density ~3 X 1012 atoms a low field in the diffuse interelectrode plasma (except
cm-a) ,~O and this is unlikely to exceed the arc plasma in regions adjacent to the anode), and a diffuse collec-
density at the anode surface, thereby precipitating tion of electrons at the anode. Analogies with arcing
Lafferty's formation mechanism. Reece,a for example, phenomena in low vapor pressure mercury tubes indi-
suggests that metal vapor jets result in vapor densities cate that the increased arc voltage is associated with
5 X lOla atoms em-a at a distance of 1 cm from the vapor starvation in the anode region.
cathode of a 100 A arc. Hoyaux,21 by comparison with Formation of an anode voltage drop results in a heat
low-pressure mercury vapor arcs, expects a plasma den- flux to the anode surface with consequent temperature
sity ,.....,1015 cm-a for vacuum arcs at 1()4 A with a column rise. This surface will be grossly eroded if the melting
diameter of 5 em. temperature is achieved since, for copper anodes, a
Since spot formation seems to be associated with a molten surface in the presence of an anode drop precipi-
temperature rise ,.....,1000°C but is not directly related tates anode spot formation. Spot formation is accom-
to vapor release from the anode surface, it appears panied by increased arc stability due to reductions in
that the transition phenomena are precipitated by the the magnitude of the high-voltage oscillations and, in
onset of anode melting. Several reasons may be postu- the case of the smaller anode, marked reductions in the
lated. mean arc voltage; presumably due to vapor emission
A localized anode region, probably an edge, will first from the anode into a previously vapor starved region.
begin to melt and, since the factor k 1/ 2/ K [Eq. (2) ] Photographs reveal that low-current arcs with a well-
then increases by approximately 1.4, the rate of rise of developed anode spot can still exist with a multiplicity
temperature in this molten region will also increase. of cathode spots and a diffuse interelectrode plasma.
A further temperature increase to 1383°C, for example,
would raise the local vapor pressure to ~10-1 Torr and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

. The author wishes to acknowledge valuable discus-

20 An. N. Nesmeyanov, Vapor Pressure of the Elements (Aca-
demic Press Inc., New York, 1963), p. 457. sions with Dr. W. S. Emmerich, Professor M. F.
21 M. F. Hoyaux, Proc. IEEE 55, 2123 (1967). Hoyaux, R. L. Hundstad, and H. C. Ludwig.

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