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/ sing tie Cad pr cn AI jaith Jha gual) Al ga celled pplatll y AMLBLN y Aa sit BULdyg Atal) Ay gilt) Aba yo algal pila oll Glaeyy) yada) Ay sit) aba! Obie sg 3H 2022 sss: / sts Yea A Gal sl claiad cgay QALY; GUkal (40) + ply Legh Angell Alay! Giga dem 5d ad 2h) alll + Ging Cpe Gs CMe! 1 . all Agnalls 4 Bylaall (4 Sill b gpadtll Gaps dla yo Cojusd 2 sail) GES SLES (3 Ad gall le ade yl (i «Cy Al) Cane Ge allucdil (a aed (of atl le ste YI Ge p Asal lS Al cs pall a ye Onl 3 « Lal Mas (2 glelles sal iG hal eal (1 1 8 gist Sm lal 4 . ta (2 Agla e Asad (2 Fass (i sotsay le Jai shall Leal Metals 5 Breall (2 almall (> asa ei zal call 8 geal pa. 6 cle(s AK Uae oe vai 4a (I Ayelall agi ely Ouseaall Sl gal Chel yo .7 = cha(s tue AUS iG cab : bale Asst dueall 8 Awe (2 Ani dual G AyD (I 5 plany Ashe ail gin cull age (cd AN AI gall dawale 9 Bost Aigaall (2 aks (= Gia (a B Sali 4S (1 ADLsYl ALAN Bale] Sa 10 che AUS ua dG cals sda {ods} 11 Page 10f4 oo Gena gals (3 tose (CS w2S cole Ji AY ode Gath 3 6 a Gskaill (2 assigll sell oseall (J 2 Guill ae al 13 Anus (3 Fad (2 Ha 208 (| padl gos 14 eh (o DS Rau Fanad (i rake Oley 8 le Iu AV ode Gal | 3g I ale de 5ill OBE GT gly} tls SES DUC qdiadlls ail aC acini (1 (Ble Wales) lS ee 16 Abe lb (2 aye pais ate see (| 4k LSla (/ Aden jell se Oy yao anh 5M AaNS 9517 -AL06(2 8105(2 4 101 103 6 Ta Ie ASTI lay GL Le! 18 Guat (2 Guill IG sty pAb dl dno) cgailill LY oi 19) 8215 (2 3210 (= 204 (G 205 2 BB coil) age 8 Ap LAY) Al pall Gs yo! 20 Que (2 Syke Gad I pins Aina lye ye (| Sal gle (GS 9220) (ce) apanlly (f) dpeetl Cons deer s cpltll paul el @ HLS Gal je VT leis) Dual! 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Page 4 of & WASAARADDA WAXBARASHADA HIDDAHA & TACLIINTA SARE MAAJO MAADDO: AF-SOOMALI WAQTI: 2 SAACADOOD jUUNYO 2022 FADLAN JAWAABAHA KU QOR BUUGGA JAWAABAHA: QAYBTA LAAD: goobogeli (30 dhibeood) QAYBTA 2AAD: erayo (20 dhibeood) QAYBTA 3AAD: suugaan (G7 dhibcood) QAYBTA 4AAD: curis (43 dhibeood) ASTAAMAHA QORAALKA Astaamaha goraalku waa Calaamado loo adeegsado kala hagidda iyo hormogelinta goraalka,waxayna ka ilaaliyaan in macnuhu is Baddelo ama qoraalku isku dhexyaaco. ‘Astaan walbana waxa ay leedahay howl u gaar ah iyo boos ay buuxiso. Haddii iyaga laftirkooda si qaldan loo adeegsadana waaba ka dar oo dibi dhal. Dhammaen afafka qoran oo dhami way ka simanyihiin cilmiga astasmeynta, waloow ay ku kala gedisanyihiin xagaa tirada iyo adeegsigaba. Afsoomaaliguaa waxa un ka mid yahay afafka goran ¢¢ loo adeegsado astamaha. ‘Astaamaha qoraalka waxaa kamid sh:Hakadka(): Qofku marka uu hadlaayo iskama wado uun hadalka ce win neefsada ama ku nastaa, neefsigaasina waxa uu la micno yahay hakadka oo ah astaan la isticmaalo marka hadalkx isku xiranyahay macno ahaan bals¢ kala go’ soo dhex galo.Sidoo kale waxaa Joo adeegsadaa kala soaridda erayo ama magacyo isku taxon. Tusaale:Dhammaan ardayda,Bareyeasha iyo Waalidiinta waxaa la ogaysiinayaa in... Joogsiga(.): Wax kasta oo dhagaag sameeyaa ugu dambayn wou joogsadaa haddaba si wu w muujiyo in le gaaray bardhameadkii micno buuxana uu samecyey hadalkii waxsa la adeegsadaa astaanta joogsiga. Joogsiga dabadii waxaa bilaabma sadar cusub ama tuduc bor leh, waana in goraalkaasi ama sadarkaasi cusub xarafweyn iagu bilaabo. Hlakadjoogsi(:) hakadjoogsigu waxa wu ke agdhowyahay hakadka balse wuu ka xeel dheeryehay, waxeana Joo adeegsadaa sharraxaada iyo sababaynta, waxaa kale oo loo isticmaalaa kala saaridda laba, weedhood 0 kala madax bannaan laakiin isku sidkan. ‘Astaanta wardhowr(:) astaanta wardhawrla waxaa lagu muujiyaa hadal soo socdo ama qeexidda ‘walxaha,Tusaale:Astaamaha Qoraalka waxaa Kamid ah:Fakadke,Joogsiga IWM. Sidoo kale waxaa loo jsticmaalaa kala saaridda wagtiga Tusaale;Saacadu waa 04:25 .Waxaa kale oo iyana loo adeegsadan Munjinta Saamiyada :Tuseale;isku aadka Buugaagta iyo ardeyda waa 1:5(Hal ku shan). Page 1 of 6 Astaanta Xigasho (") astaanta xigashada waxaa‘loo adeegsada muujinta hadal qof kale leeyahay soo werintiisa, Tusaale: Wasiirku waxa uu Yiri"Dalku wuu horumaray".Waxa ay ka mid thay farsamooyinka lagu ilaaliyo xuquugda goraalka Weydiin(?) astaanta weydiinta, waxaa loo isticmaalaa wax weydiinta. Tussale :Yaa qoray qoraslkan? Layaab(!) astaanta layaabka waxaa loo adeegsadaa layaabka,Argagaxa iyo ladhacsanaanta. Allalwaa libeax.Alla!Buug khatar ah baad soo gadatEe, Jiitin gaaban(-astaanta jiitin gaaban waxaa loo adeegsadaa erayeda lammaan. Jiitin dheer(_) kala saaridda geybaha weedha iyo meel banaanaynia . Gudub ama janjeedh (/)waxaa loo adeegsadaa muujinta erayo isku macno ah sida Baabuur/Gaari. sidoo kale kala saarida taariikha ee sanadka ,bilaha iyo ayzamaha sida;28/09/2015.Hamsa () hamsada ‘waxa loo isticmaalaa kal goynta erayga ay isku xigoan saddex shagal k sida: Go'san, La'asn.Bilaha ama gaws () qaws waxaa loo adeegsadaa sharrixida iyo muujinta wax isu dhigma.Tusaale:Agalgal(Aroos) Astaamahaasi iyo kuwa kale 00 badanba waxay micno u yeelaan oo naashnaashaan ama bilaan goraalka, letaantoodna hadalku waxa wu noqon Iahsa raashin qalalan oo iidaan(Suugo)la‘aan ah, waana lagu mergan/saxan 00 qofka kama dagayo. Sidaasi daraadeed waxaa inala gudboon inaan ku baraarugsanaano oo aynaynu mamaba ilaawin ahmiyadda ay leeyihiin astaamuhu. QAYBTA 1AAD: GOOBOGELI (30 dhibeood) 1 Astaamaha qoraalku waa calaamad loo adeegsado: B.Gaabinta qoraaika T.Kala saarida qoraalka J. Kala hagidda qoraalaka X.Qurxinta goraalka 2.Haddii si khaldan loo adeegsado waxa ay nogonasaa: B.Kadaroo dibi dhal_T. Murti JJahawareer X. Dhibaato 3.Dhammaan afafka qorani way ku kale: B, Fiican yihiin T.Hodansan yihiin J. Badanyihiin X. Duwan yibiin 4Hakadku waxa wu gala weedha: B.Dhammsadkeeda _T. Bilowgeeda J. Dhexdeeda X Inteba 5.Hakadka waxa loo adeegsadaa marka hadalku : B.Iskuxiranyahay T.Kala go’anyahay ‘J, Gasbanyahay X. Fududyahay 6.Hakadka waxa kale 00 loo adeegsadaa: B, Isku darka magacyada T.Kalahor marinta J. Soo gaabinta X. Moujinta Page 2 of & T:Astaanta joogsiga waxa loo adeegsadaa in hadalku: B. Socdo T. Dheeraaday J. JIdleaday 8.Joogsiga dabadii qoraalka waxaa lagu bilaabaa: B. Xaraf wayn T. Xaraf yar J. Astaan 9.Hakad joogsiga waxaa loo adeegsadaa kala saarida laba: B. Cashar T. Weedhood J. Magac 10 .Astaanta wardhawr waxaa lagu muujiyaa: B. Wax dhammaaday —T. Wax soo socda J. Wax cusub 11. AstaaNia xigasho waxaa loo adeegsadaa: B. Hadal qof kale T.Hadalkaaga J. Hadal tagay 12, Astaanta la yaabka waxaa loo adeegsadaa: B. Murugada T. Argagaxa J. Dhammaadka 13. Jiitin gaaban waxaa loo adeegsadaa erayada: B. Dhaadheer T. Gaagaaban J. Lammaan 14, Astaanta janjeedh ama gudub waxaa loo adeegsadaa erayada isku: B. Macnaha ah T. Lidka eh J.Isku Jammaan ah 15, Astaamaha la’aantood qoraalku waxa uu noqon: B. Cashar T.Raashin qaialan J. Gabay QAYBTA 2AAD: ERAYO (20 dhibeood) U baddel erayadan kalida ah wadar (10 dhibeood) X.Koobmay X. Intaba X. Eray X. Wax socda X. Hadal socda X. Xasuusta X.Isku macnaha ah X. Intaba X. Intaba 16._| Kalin | 17,_ | Gon 18,_| Macalin 19. | Qore 20._ [Tag Ka soo sar weedhahan fatalia ku jira (10 dhibeood) 21. Xasan waxa wu tagay shalay. 22, Waxa aan qaadanay casharo badan sanadkan, 23. Mar walba waxa aan ku dadaalnaa aqoonta. 24, Macalinku waxa vu diyaarinayea imtixeankii. 25. Gu'gii hore roob badan ayaa da’ay. Page 3 of 4 QAYBTA 3AAD: SUUGAAN (37 dhibeood) Iskula doono murtidani sida ay isku leedahay(10 dhibcood) 26._| Kab xume ma haree Waa din darro 27._| Arijirma kala ‘Ayaa isku dad ah 28. | Afwax cumay Abaal waydo 29. | Ballan darro Kab laawe ayaa hara 30. | Intiiisku dan ah Xishoo Buuxi meelaha bannaan suugaantan soo socota(15 dhibeood) Jirae 31. Allahayow casiisbaa tahay iyo 32. Adigaan cirriyo ..... ...cudur ka yaabayne 33. Adigaan ..... .-.guursanayn oon carruur dhaline 34, Adigaa waxaad camal qabtaa.... 35. Hawraaria loo maro murtida hadalka soo koobia hees..... .. helo iyo jiifto u gor murtidan sida saxda ah( 12 dhibcood) saddex baa rag ugu fifean 36. Nin ah tolkiis u nacas 37. Nin u shisheeye nacab ah 38. Naag Nin reerkiisa u ah Saddex baa gof lagu bartaa 39. Dagto Inaad la jabad QAYBTA 4AAD: CURIS:(13 dhibcood) 40. Ka gor curis ka kooban ugu yaraan 20 sadar mid ka mid ah mawduucyadan © Xirlirka ka dhexeeya waxbarashada iyo nabadgelyada © Suugaanta iyo horumarinta atka DHAMMAAD melee ie : iy con ata eer Eaton AM pak la gual Aga coll play ARAB y Hay a 3159 Kadai) du gill Aa yo Salgedl pila ll Gate} 2022 seise / sobs Jyyall SAM) sbatall fe eed Cipabe - Aas) Fs et ol sl (Fay 40) + cot tad Laymaall Uta! Us die Bilt we Vsl :dy¥l pull Sjpeanll 98) gh y can gene hae! Casall pony Lengill poe -1 | goal 2 gail a aot J 5 is gael Rall) ye til] Ui gill cl ge scat al -2 ex Ay ill Cagis Clas. pasall =f , Cilyalell Mia dl pal Cilal ge -3 Arba le Gull ee lll au geile sl A gail of cele Lill Ge I ‘ally Zeal gle Guill Can = 2 SEY gle call) Cee = gh "Dupaill Ady leall 25" Sayed Gale -4 cagelecgll glo tle aye iphaal o pons seal 5 epee lay " SU pas pad cll hy all Ge 5 _ lay! -3 Bosledl -—> eel! asulill| salle gay uel eee ip AM -6 Aagldall - 2 esl = Gag cagall 1 A6BDIe an ya eps A obo ged (Sesh Go LSID: phe SE -7 ais) -3 Mpjallee ABgueall os act -| pHs pee gh dy pall Zalll cope cal i - 8 1939-2 e 1938 -> 21935 1932 J (Bll) gina" AUS pOLAYI git Ge Leeds" -9 We Lagat lagen at as - © Syaal "LS cial ys -10 all 3 apall elbait) aaa J Apna 2M AML! atlas Ge -11 SSL S-2 Cass Mall = Sey Fe gute gall 1 £0159 gle DR dail ce Jet pl Eat “12 Pagetof4 : ey etn Ctr ne ge Econ Adelie - del - gaia daa I EU YMC Salsas Las ASIN LUSH Gye 213 Jie Ys gals -a hatyl cs hai 14 p Risbadl Alen (68, Ga gedilly aol! args Joell — 14 ged fleas EW lee gine lai gai ths | 1 Oe AUS: Ga si) heal -2 all - ual a aa 1 2 egle Dy CH sll Azan) a sll ll pa} pae y CN deLinl — 16 Abadi -2 Ba alle Faleall 3 elSall -f peu 17 ell dus 0 els deni elsl BG sole i I y daallS gle 2S -18 Aaghll gna Giglabll gi Ball dacs oll ,-f 2S Os pas! LILLE — 19 wQulalls — Glagleall - 5. aad os cl jaca. f Wee ya GD gay ee Gat pe Tada Cha gles Yo jaye Gaedd yf sl Oly —20 roid Raed ADL ll 2 Ajoe yl Mage A syst eal I Page Zof 4 ‘isy of ducaéon Culture ans Highr Edu (Cat 1 0) A ae DEN Ae oe as { (| 254] = 656 ale «0132 ale ye ly Aiea 1798 Re je cl fol Hels Ty | Alls Ds -2 "i | guia gl 9 48M -3 oe > Aye pin gall -4 Gale! AIS; Ghisa al Jel -5 AS ys Ge SEL! gall a -6 ball -7 sil aI -8 ht all waall -9 aS AN Ge Aube gas] ola} Gly ysall yu oall -10 (499950) AS Alia) Que Ge Gal: (itll! paul (Ga 4), olatll Gs om pal oe aI SIT (Chess) Mana) Odsaie Sali obs-2 (M3) F Sagas ga pall AL shi (8 Cal tll ely] AS ya Caagal AS -3 (ila 4) rdgaell iy gle UE Nin cy agttll GIS) @ pdt Aylagll 4 sills aleti"” audi aay at 4; all anna] GS (250 aay Ade GEL es (Sp 593) Babe em oof G89) anal Gye Ge SSI Se -6 eal aa aa (R24): Gs Sap 7 wei gucll 3 bY) CAS all a coagl gall - (Cla 5 )staa pie IASI all Syn -8 cal Clade arcs] del a) (teas 20): SAS) AEG ge Gal Sy dake Ll) -9 Ce Gage Ligne coll Allan) jy tS Assy On Ad IS sala od they Caall eS day lia IS AS OY ple Gang J jiall sl Ge Lal Aayaall Shee Cass clad Cu paul Atal} GIS AMLas y agence Dearly ally OSs gl! Ca lace Shas CH Gch ob pes! all lel JS Giga sn ee iM ny yas ud a A pel ly ell yl sad Ab) pl) lab SLY Lissa ol) Gad Gadd ye Ging bad ile 4b) Gf lb cys agi SUI La ccyatal pe plas clify pall ge dake (30) cx8 aang cs (le age Say Gaal Lith ception pratt Gy Ley Gye Lasts dL HY pLebll lia plat Page sofa say fatness ter eaton Gof el J Lab ya plas Lab La ale ecg gall Ge UE USL g se lel Bally cgi el LB SEIS ad ye ES Ltn Slaaall JB 2 gle Gaull po Tas eal os Li cplss e gles pull Qf Ald Sab 6 06 alll Gh gieg lay OsDE peal of sles DE AY ULI io glas (yall elif (sslyten) f det oS od I (ciao) f Rissa gl) au) YT Daf Wola (CBee) fe gles goell Gb: Sybeall gible a (obey). dite! dle alls A cal olS3 sel Legal > (a3 9), Ale Saleh Ge gpa _ otal) Q485 Gls gle oy Leal ( 1) WALLS gle J LS (2) (Gite) Us a (3) oll) oe a Cease a (4) -qllull E50 eae (5) wMOg8 " AalS ae (6) «alll Shall ex (7) Asal! LAS an (8) (cia) fo le Gaal Ce [pty pall Ge LebE Uf OI ie HS 5 (chaps) fc! Jyh Qess Lents Ata All (gh flea da geal Id — 5 (le. 4) AA Ge pu pall sal ve pad Sas SAYLe Gat : -10 (Ceaghll — Dl) Dad cp 9529 Aa - GA) ~All Sag) - Page 4 of 4 Mitr of duction Car and Higher issaton Somali Federal Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education Form Four National Standardized Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in the ANSWER BOOKLET Part I: Circle the letter of the correct answer (40 Marks) 1. The structural and functional unit of nervous system is: a. Neurons b.Neurotransmitter ¢, Neuroglia @Nodes of Ranvier 2. The substance responsible for skin colour is referred to as a. Collagen b. Keratin (@Melanin d. Carotene 3. Which of the following parts of the skeletal system protects the spinal cord? a. Skull Bones b. Sternum c. Vemor bone Vertebral column 4. The type of sugar that is found in ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a. Deoxyribose Ribose ¢, Fructose d. Xylose . If 2 tall pea plant (Tt) is crossed with a short pea plants (tt) the phonotypieal ratio will be: & 0:2 tall to short (6)3:1 tall to short. 1: Ttall to short d.2:2 tall to short wn 6. The two main functions of human ear are .... a, Hearing and taste c. Hearing and pressure ® Hearing and balance 4d, Hearing and temperature 7. Look at the figure below and then describe the type of gene mutation. a [B fe DEF e]F | [A ERS D IF E | | a. Inversion b. Deletion c. Duplication d. Translocation 8. The nucleotides of cach strand of DNA molecule are binded together by a, Hydrogen bond (E)Prosphodiester bond —_¢. Tonie bond ©. Metallic bond Paget of 5 Mit of eon Ci sa ihr Etc. 9. The branch of biology that deals with the study of interactions between living "organisms and their environment is called: @ Exotogy b. Entomology c. Embryology d. Etiology 10.Ali got cerebellum injury due to ear accident, what are the effects that he is most likely to experience: & Fluctuation of body temperature @lLoss of body balance and posture b. IncrEasing heart rate 4, Decreasing heart rate 11.The physiological inability of muscle to contract resulted of ATP depletion is termed . Muscle fatigue b. Muscle tearing ©. Muscle cramps —_d, Muscle strain 12. The technique aimed to Correct the mutated genes that cause human disease is a. Recombinant DNA b. Gene cloning b. Gene therapy d. Polymerase chain reaction 13. Which one of the following set of terms is mismatched? @. Cranium and suture b. Shoulder and ball and socket join b. Wrist and pivot joint 4. Knee and hinge joint 14. If the sequence of (AGC) is a part of DNA, what is the complementary codon of mRNA? a UCG b.Gcc ©. AGC @scu 15. The neuron in the diagram below represents a: & Multipolar neuron, Anaxonic neuron ¢. Bipolar neuron 4, Unipolar neuron 16. Hormones that work together in pairs to regulate the level of critical substances are referred to as: a, Lipophilic hormones . Antagonistic hormones b. Steroid hormones d. Non-steroid hormones Page 2 of 5, May tin Cu ne an “41. The building block of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) is a. AmiNo acids b. Fatty acids ©, Deoxyribose Qieteotide 18, The increasing concentration of toxic substances in an organisms as trophic level increase in a food chain or food web is described as: (Biological magnification b. Biological concentration ¢. Biological accumulation 4. Biological toxicity 19. An enzyme that cuts DNA or genes into fragments is termed as: a. Isomerase b. Helicase o. Ligase 4. Restriction 20. The breeding of two closely related cows to increase milk production is said to be.. a. Inbreeding b.Cross breeding. Hybridization _d, Crossing over PART Il: Match the terms in column A with suitable descriptions in column B (10 marks) CULUMN (A) CULUMN (8) 1. Fertilization (Z ) members of a pair homologous chromosome do not separate 2. Mutation (+ ) lowers the level of glucose when it becomes rise above normal 3. Eutrophication | ( g ) controls the output of hormones from pituitary giand 4. Foramen magnum | ( Q ) bundles of thread like structures found in skeletal muscles 5. Transcription | ( (0) an organism's complete set of genetic materials 6. Nondisjunction |) union of male gamete- sperm and female game- egg to form a zygote 7. Insulin (7) sudden change or error that occur in the genetic materials 8. Hypothalamus |( 3 ) excessive nutrients in the aquatic ecosystem that destroys the habitat of fish |9.Myofibrils | ( 4 ) large oval opening that locate at the base of the human skull 10. Genome (5) transfer of genetic instruction in specific gene into RNA molecule Page 3.05 | Epidenmis he Cerebram Pectoral girdle Deoxyribose Dwarfism Consumer Proteomics Myosin Peptide bond 1. The largest part of the brain is CiVebcum 2. Too low growth hormone causes a condition referred to as_ War Cicm 3, ‘The type of sugar that constitute DNA ig Deory Ytbo se Es 4. The outermost layer of human skin is called ‘de 5. Ina food chain the trophic level Of grazing animals can be categorized as primary 6. The light-sensitive cells, that are excited by low levels of light is 7. The thick filamentous Protein that constitute the skeletal muscle fibers is & e 9: ‘The bond that links amino acids ina Protein is called e ‘The large seal study and cataloguing ofthe Stmcture and function of proteins in the human body i s 10-The oper nbs are connected othe eal seleton by Fe catal grvdle PART IV: Answer All of the Following Questions 1. Define the following terms: (4 marks) 8 Genetic engineering 4) Biodiversity Page 4ofs Minis o oeaton Cul sod Higher Eaton “3. Ahmed has broken his leg in football match to the extent that his bone was protruding ‘through his skin, identity the type of fracture, (4 Marks) 4. Describe uses of DNA fingerprinting in our life? (4 marks) 5. Using 2 punnet square, find the phenotype ration of two heterozygote plants (Tt) for their FL generation. (6 Marks) & State the three structural parts of the nucleotide (3 marks) 7 Summarize the importance of DNA replication (4 Marks) 8 The sequence of DNA strand is ACGTTG, Write the complementary strand of this DNA. (4 Marks) 9. Mention at least three functions ofthe human skin (3 Marks) 10. Differentiate between species diversity and genetic diversity? (4 Marks) Page 5 of 5 ye Cn mi tn Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education National Standardized Form IV Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 SUBJECT: English Language TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in the ANSWER BOOKLET PART ONE: READING COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. THE GALOOL TREE “The Galool tree is the most adaptive and lasting tree in the Somali Ecology. The tree is the one of the most important tees in Somali culture, yet many Somalis have never seen one. This is because they sTOw saohe mountainous regions of the northem part of our country. The Galool tree grows best at altitudes between 900 and 1300 meters where the rainfall is more then 30cm, a year. “The Galoo! is a slow growing tree, but it lives a long time. Under the most favorable conditions, it may ‘ach a beight of 10m or more. The trunk is the straight and branches spread out to provide plenty of sre the Galoo! doesn't bear any edible fruits, although it does have thomas which can be eaten. These are called, “eanbuul”. ‘The Galool tree is very useful. Some of the benefits of this tree are: - providing shelter and protecting aan aceon the heat of the sun. TL also helps to feed livestock, Its seeds are one of the camel's favorite aairra tin the dry season, when the grass is searce, sheep and goats feed om its pods and fruits which have fallen on the ground. ‘The roots of the Galool tree are used to make strong frames of nomad’s hut, “The Aqal” although the roots are thick, they are very light. It i said that these frames can remain in use for as long: as 30 years. During the rainy season, it makes a good fire with a very litle smoke and the hard bark, there is a soft rower bark which is called, “asal” in Somali. This is used when animal skins are being tanned into Teather. ASAL is also used a8 traditional medicine. Its also used for the treatment of stomachaches, This seibat medicine is used to protect for “Agal” frames for ants and other insects. Somalis use the shade of Galool tte fs the most convent place for holding clan meetings to solve conflicts and decide on matters of war or peace. ‘The smaller branches are used to make the famous Somali forked stick “hangool” handles for axes, pesiles for pounding grain, The thinner, branches contain soft fiber which is made of into ropes of all sizes, Comprehension questions 'A, Answer the following questions from the passage (L0marks) ‘What do we cal! ediBle thoms? How does the Galool help the livestock? .. What is the Galool tree roots used for? |. State some of the benefits of Galool tree to Somali communities? ‘What are the smaller branches used for? yaeepe Page tof 4 B, Circle the correct word and phrase as used in the passage (10 marks) 6. The thinner branches of the Galool tree are used for a). Ropes b) Medicine ) shading 4d) forked sticks 7. The Galool tree grows best at altitudes between. and meters. a) 5000, b) 900 and 1300 ¢) 1000 d) 1300 and 8500 8. The roots of the Galool tree are used to make strong frames of nomads” hut which is called a) Asal ') hangool ©) canbuul d) Aqal 9, ASAL is also used as traditional medicine to treat a) Headache ») stomach achE c) back ache 4) tooth ache 10. Somali communities use the shade of Galool tree for the most convenient place for a) Reading Qur’an b) Living shelters ©) Learning centers 4) Clan meetings for Peace building PARTTWO: GRAMMARINUSE (@0MARKS) ‘A. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences (10marks) 11. Ahmed usually____at the apartment but this time he is staying at the city center. ‘A. stayingB. stays C. stayed. stay 12, Put the clothes the house as it is raining. A. in B. at C.with ——_ Dioff 13. Amina was walking __ the shops when she was hit by a car. A. to B. at Cin D. for 14, Students are going the museum this afternoon. A. on C. into D. away 15. The work will be finished __ tomorrow. A. on B. of Dat Pare 2 of 4 ny nen em een B. Fill in the blanks spaces below with the noun form of the verbs in bracket (Smarks) 16. The ___refused to tell his capture how he escaped from the prison. (Escape) 17. The of the election pamphlets was interrupted by the late delivery of the printing paper. (Publish) 18. Owing to the delayed of funds, the completion of our dining hall cannot now be guaranteed. (Disburse) 19. Due to the cancellation of the all the interviewers were returned to prospective application. (Advertise)? 20. The driver got in the car aNd requested the to take her to the construction site. (Survey) C. Complete with the correct gerund or infinitive from the brackets. (Smarks) 21. She likes up early in the morning, (to get / getting) 22, Tean’t stand __ on trains, (Riding / to ride). 93, Mr. Mohamed enjoys____people out to dinner. (inviting / to invite ) 24, He allowed me his face book page. (joining / to join) 25. Don’t forget milk on your way home. (picking up / to piek) D. Change the following sentences into question forms (10marks) 26. She is very late, 27, He knows you well. 28, They have won the final mately, = 29. You ean swim to the other end of the pool. 30.1 should write it again. ae eS PART THREE: VOCABULARY INUSE (@5MARKS) |A. Circle the correct meaning of these voeabularies _(10marks) 31. Collision means - A. crash B. clean C. cane: D. climb 32. Flavor means - A. Test B. taste C. Tease D. Toast 33. Protect means - A. defend B. detect C. disease D. deserve. 34, Feeble means A. weak B. wait C. week D. wave 35, Cure means - A hall. B. Heel C. Hell D. Heal Page 3 of 4 ‘ ; 5 B. Match the words in the box with their correet definition (10marks) {Unified Disposable Cleansing Toxie Trash 36, To get rid of impurities by or as if by weshing. 37. Brought together as one. 38. things that you throw away, because you no longer need them. 39. containing poison. 40. made to be thrown off after use. C. Give the opposites of these words (10marks) 41. Conserve sealed sh 42. Danger ieee 43. Peace 44, Naturally 45. Consciousness D. Construet sentences which are grammatically correct using the following words (Smarks) 46. Comb 47. Bridge 48. Honest 49. Acquire 50: Mandatory 2 PART 4: COMPOSITION WRITING (ISMARKS) 51,Select one of the following topies and write down at least three paragraphs which are not lesser than 200 words. Suggest the effective way that teachers can use technology f° teach their students. (Minimum 200words) «Your composition should be in paragraphs and you should consider the points a) How technology is effective in your school. 'b) The experiences of the teachers. 6) The important use of technology in today’s education. si. Write a friendly Ieter to your brother or sister who studies in another country. ‘You should consider the layout and styles of informal letters a5 You have leat in your syllabus. Page FoF 4 as Ministry o Beaton Calta and Higher Bacaton Somali Federal Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education Form Four National Standardized Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY TIME: 2 HOURS Instructions: Answer all questions in the ANSWER BOOKLET. PPART I: Circle the letter of the correct answer (60 MARKS) 1) The chemical elements that make up carbohydrates are a. CarBon, hydrogen, nitrogen ¢. Sulphur, carbon, hydrogen b. Hydrogen, oxygen, phosphor d. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. 2) Select the functional group of carboxylic acid from the following a ROR b. R-COOR b. R-COOH d. R-COR 3) An example of an alcohol is a © cron crac bor crabrcrs ¢. CH3-CH,-O-CH2-CH>-CH; d. CH;-CHO 4) Identify in IUPAC the name of this aicohol—> BOUCHE] CH-CHa-Onr ES a. 1,2,3-propanetriol b. 1,3-propanediol +b. 1,2,3,4-propanetetriol d. 1,2,3-butanetriol 5) Express the correct answer for the following equilibrium constant. Ke for Pas) + 6Ch (2) G=————————> PChagy a ne 4 = Toile * Terie ° Toma 6) Identify the correct name of this organic compound (CHs-CHs-CH-CHla-CHy-CH-CH-CH-OH; a, Octanal ¢. Octanone b. Octanol d. Octane. Page Lota” Misty of Banco Cle wt Higher Ede 4, ‘The Sucrose sugar consists of ....... a. Glucose and Galactose ¢, Glucose and Glycogen b. Glucose and Lactose d. Glucose and Fructose 8, The nitrogenous base Adenine is always pair with.. a. Guanine b. Thymine c. Cytosine 4. Uracil o.Deseribe thr correct mame that implies fo ia strustars—of oo [of on Br cl a a. L-bromo~3,6- dichloro heptanol. ©. 2—bromo ~ 3,6~trichloro - 1- heptanal b. 3,6 ~ dichloro heptanol 4.2— bromo —3,6 ~ dichloro -1- heptanol 10, The RNA molecule is made up; a. singlE strand ©. Doubie strand b. double helix 4, ciroular strand 1, Which of the following is monosaccharides a. Sucrose c. Lactose b. Fructose 4, Glycogen. 12. Which of the following indicates the nuclear reaction; a. Translocation c. Transmission ¢. Transmutation 4. Translation 13. On increasing concentration of one or more reactants, more products will be generated untils a. Equilibrium c. Completion of reaction b. Expansion d. Closed system 14. The type’s reaction in which heat energy absorbed is; a. exothermic reaction ¢. endothermic reaction b. equilibrium reaction 4. dynamic reaction 15, Select the organic compound from the followings a, NagSO2 ©. CaCl, b. K:COs 4d. CsH0 Page 2 of 4 Ministry of Béueation Culture and Higher Bdvetion 16. The general formula of alkane is; a. CyHogt2_ b. CyHyt3 cc. CoHae-1 d. CnHaytt 17. If one hydrogen atom is removed from the alkane, the formed group is called; a. Halo group . FunctioNal group c. Alkyl group 4. Amino group 18. Applying the formuia 2" +1), the number of possible isomers in pentane is; 42 b. 3 a4 a5 19. Identify the structure corresponding to this uame; 2,2 ~ dimethyl pentanal. on eel 8 CEGHcH cHcE b. cHecm-cud: daz dex, bas on ocr cited c-cr on 4 ctor creme cr ds, cus 20. Determine the correct answer for the following expression Ifthe reaction is 4Ligg) + Or) —__+ 2LiOxa After 3 minutes, 6 gram of lithium has been used, the rate of reaction will be. a. 0.4 mol/s b.0.5 mol/s c, 0.0248 mol/s d. 0.0048 mol/s PART Il: Use the information in the box below to fill the - gabs (10 Marks) Carbon compounds Benzenoid Nuclear reaction Non-benzanoid) Alkane Weak electrolyte Base R-COOH side chain D- Sugar Conductor 1. Aromatic hydrocarbon further classified into 2. Structural formula of the organic acid is By occurs when nuclei combine, split and emit radiations 4. Hydrogenation of alkenes(addition of hydrogen) produces Page 3 0fg ~e ; Ministry of Fdveaton Culture and Higher Beaton 5. Structurally, branched chain alkanes consist of two parts, Parent chain and. 6. Organic chemistry can be defined as the study of, 7. the substance which allow electric current to follow through it is referred to 8. Electrolyte can further be divided into two types strong electrolyte and 9. is a substance that dissolves in water to give hydroxide ion (OH). 10. If the Hydroxyl group(-OH) on the chiral carbon in the fisher projection of monosaccharides is on the right, the sugar is referred to as, RT II: Answer Alll of The Following Questions (30 Marks) 1. Define these terms a. Functional group b. Lipids 2. Draw the structural formula of, 2- methyl-1-pentanol. 3. Give IUPAC name for this structure; (Gis (RCE CHa CH OH Br cl CH: 4, What are the structural difference between DNA and RNA? .0M, [CO] 1.0M and [3,0] 1.0M, for the reaction: COw 5. Ifthe Ke= 1.0, [CO2}= 2.0M, [Hz]= + HO +> CO2 + Hog). What is the Q value for this reaction and which direction will the reaction shifts? 6. State types of radioactive particles. 7. Write the equilibrium constant expression (K.) for the reaction: N:04g <* 2NOz 8, Classify the following hydrocarbons into saturated or unsaturated; a. CH)=CH-CH3 b. CHsCELCH)CH:CHs 9, Name and draw the structural formula for the first two members of alkanes. 10. Calculate the PH of hydronium [H30*}= 2.3107 Page 4 of & [Ministry of Education Culture and Higher Eduction Somali Federal Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education Form Four National Standardized Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 SUBJECT: PHYSICS TIME 2 HOURS INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in the ANSWER BOOKLET Part one: Circle the letter of the correct answer (50 marks) 1 For a periodic motion, the time taken to make one complete cycle is called A. Frequency. B. Period. C. Amplitude. D. Angular frequency. . If Hassan transported a simple pendulum to the moon, then the time period A. Increases B, Decreases C. Remains the same D. Halved. . The numBer of neutrons in technetium — 99 (237 c) is A. 43 B. 65 c.50 D.56 . The process by which 2 heavy unstable nucleus splits into two or more smaller nucleus is A. Nuclear fission B. Nuclear fusion —C. Reactor D. activation . An electron is travelling at a speed of 4 x 107m/s. The De-Broglie’s wave length.( use h = 6.63 x 10734Js,M, = 9.1 x 1074kg) is: A.35x10-%m B.24x10-Mm = C.3.0x 107m =D. 1.8 x 10-4 The process by which electrons are emitted from the surface of a metal when an electromagnetic radiation falls on it is A. Photon B. Photoelectric effect C. Photocell D. Photovoltaic 1. Electronic circuits deal with the flow of electric charges through a _Conductor, A. Metal B. Non-metal C. Metalloids D. Air The process by which an electronic device converts DC power into AC power of any frequency iscalled A. Generation _B, Rectification __C. Adaptor D. Amplification ._ In forward biasing, the potential barrier is A. Increased B. Reduced C. Constant D. Too large. ). The measurement of the total magnetic field which passes through a given Area is A. Magnetic field. B. Magnetic flux. C. Magnetic field lines. D. Materials. . The potential difference produced by the battery is A. Electric force B. Electromagnetic C. Electromotive force _D. Electric force. Page 10f 4 ‘Ministry of Edveation Culture and Higher Eévcation 12. A straight wire 0.8m long moves with a speed of 40m/s vertically on @ horizontal vertical magnetic field of 0.5T. the induced Emf is AV BIS c.16V DIV 13. The source of direct current is A. Batteries B, Generators . Sun D. Air 14, A machine that converts a mechanical energy into electrical energy is called A. Inductor B. Motor C. ElEctric generator D. Oscillators 15; In order to produce a white light from the dispersed colours, we use 'A. Dispersion _-B, Recombination C. Colours D. Pigment +16. When a white light is incident on a blue object, the object will appear A. Green B. Blue C. Red D. Yellow. 17.To detect an original diamond from a fake diamond, we use 'A. Infrared radiation B. Ultraviolet radiation C. Radio wave D. Microwave. 18, A capacitor is connected to 120¥, 6042 source. fits capacitance is 20H. the capacitive reactance is A.133x1070, B.18x 1070 c.19x 1070 D.3 x 1072 19, The reflection of sound is called ‘A. Reverberation _B. Refraction C. Diffraction D. Echo 20, The frequency range of hearing in humans is between "A. 30Hz to 30Khz © B.40Hzto 40KhZ C. 20Hz to 20KHz, _D, S0FIz to SOKHz D1. Which mimror ean produce an erect image with magnification equal o one? ‘A. Concave mirror B.Plane mirror C. Convex mimor__D. Concave lens 22. If the angle of reflection is 30° then, the angle of incidence is A. 90° B. 60° Cc. 450° D. 30° 23, Ifthe image formed by a lens is always diminished and erect, the nature of the image is ‘A. Concave lens B.Convexlens C. Biconvex ens __D. Plano convex lens 24, Which of the following are sources of light? A. Mountain B, Wall C. Insects D. Sun 25. A sound wave has a frequency of 200Hz and a speed of 400m/s , its wave Iength is A. 4m. B.5m. C.2m D.0.8 x 10m Page 2 of 4 ‘Ministry of Education Culture and Higher Education Part two: Match Column A and Column B (10 marks) Column A i | Column B 1. The mechanical energy of a system is 1503. What is the kinetic energy of the system at the rest position? 2, Mass oseillates on a horizontal spring with a period T = 2.05. what is the frequency? () Cathode rays (_) Kinetic energy is 1503 3, The atomic Number of uranium isotope 723U is () Alpha 4, Which of the following particles are protons C+) 0.5Hz 3, A stream of electrons at higher speed from a heated cathode is called hes 6. The process of adding impurity atoms to a pure cate ies 7, “The region where the eectons andholes ereemplied | iscalled 8. ‘The SI unit of magnetic flux is te () depletion layer 9. Red filter absorbs all the colours of white light except |( ) 3x10° m/s 10. The speed of light in a vacuum is C) doping Part three: Structure Questions, (40 marks) Question one: oscillatory motion 1. Write the formula of Hook’s Law.__? (4 marks) 2. How much mass should be at the end of a spring of K = 100N/m in order to have a period of 2s. (5 marks) Question two: Reflection of light 1. State the types of reflection of light. (2 marks) 2. Distinguish between real image and virtual image. (4 marks) 3. Farah stands at distance of 5m in front of @ convex mirror of focal length 10m, calculate A. Position and magnification of image. (3 marks) B. State it’s Nature. (3 marks) Page 3 of & ‘Ministry of Bueation Culture and Higher Fécation Question three: Dispersion of light +L. Use the following prism below and then complete the missing colors.__( 5 marks) 25, Red Seg. Green 2. Use the information in the table below to fill the gabs ( S marks) | Visible light | Radio wave | infrared radiation X-rays | Gama rays {A. It is used in photosynthesis process in the plants..... B, It is used in TV remote controls C. It locates bone fractures. D. It is used in communication E, Itis used for treatment of cancer cells....-....+ 3, Distinguish between monochromatic light and polychromati light__(4 marks) Question four: Sound wave 4. Determine the speed of sound at 40°C. (3 marks) 2. What is the relation b/w the frequency of a sound wave and its pitch? (2 marks) Pageé4 of 4 ae Somali Federal Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education Form Four National Standardized Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 si \ate SUBJECT: GEORAPHY it All :dstalt TIME: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS ON THE ANSWER BOOKLET Weydiinta koowaad: Gobo geli_ ‘| Part (i): Circle the letter of | GaYidiadgs fsa ga: Yu xarafka weedha saxda ah dhammaan | the correct answer (60): | _=(45.8 60) Ay obama weedhaha soo soda (60): | Somali English Arabie ilmiga quseeyo diraaseynta ‘The scientific study of earih’s | ly yl Zs) yas (past all ala | carrada, Biyaha, dhaqdhaqaaqa —_| soil, water and finding Gaeta, dhulka iyo wixit la halmaalo ee to pollution is Ghia lg dally J all ‘waxaa lagu magaacaabaa: called: arta Ze 1 | })jiyoolajiga Handasada 2) Engineering geology phlei yng poll t) jiyoolajiga Saliidda b) Petroleum geology ss |) Jiyoolojiyada waxbarashada _| c) Educational geology Aasiell Le sles (i | x) jiyoolajiga Deegaanka d) Environmental geology Abiill La slge (G | “Lis slgse (< “Aint ue gle (2 Carrada laga helo daltooyinka | The type of soil found in the GYsse af a wabiyada Jubba iyo Shabecile _| Shabeelle and Jubba river sh yd ghey Lie gel waxaa loo yaqaannaa: deltas is: Aah deal 4255 ( 2 | >) Bannaan xeebdeeka a) Coastal soil pas t) Dhoobada madow b) Black clay J) Foolkaano ©) Votcanic x) Naurad, 4) Lime "Waxaa dhanka bariga kaga began | Somalia is bordered on the Soomaaliya cast by: b) Gacanka Cadmeed a) Gulf of Adan 3, |) Baab al Mandal b) Bab al Mandal | j) Badweynta Hindiya ©) Indian ocean | x) Badda Cas 4) Red sea oe L Page bof 6 Je peall 33> OSS] Toomtaliya wanes ay ka Kooban | Somalia consists of ___ tahay___ gobo. regions. aaa a... b)7 a)7 au 7( 4 joi2 b) 12 ae fe jie o) 16 7 - x) 18 4) 18 wine 818 © Viaxaa lagu magacaabaa buuria | Which mountain has ‘the aoe ela ugu dheEr Soomaaliya? highest peak in Somalia? see we dla geal A ) Surad a) Surad eype ds (I 5 |) Daallo ) Deallo ala dae (2 3) Calmadow ©) Almadow es 3) Buur Hakaba 4) Bour Hakaba one de die (¢ 48 o> “Wax soosaarka ugu mubiimsan ee | The most important halle gual Gil psa al ay Soomaalidu dhoofiso waa: | commodity which Somalia ag ) Kabaha exports is: wouil(| g [Dhaka a) Shoes pad (o 3) Miraha b) Clothes jena x) Xoolaha ©) Fruits a (E d) Livestock ugh gall (2 Dekedda ugu shaqada iyo “The busiest seaport which TIS Giga Ge lie JST dakhliga badan ee dalkeenna waxa also generates the most aphen Sle juall 8 geil ay ku taallaa magaalada: revenue is located in: foetus A 1 |B) Marko a) Marka tees 1) Baraawe b) Barawe Sea areen j) Muqdisho c) Mugadisho «pgs ole (© x) Kismaayo 4) Kismayo gle olix (2 [maka delka cela sarceyo | Apopulation growth which | 2-4 =3 GEN 56 ila dhaqeale ee dal ua leeyehay | exceeds the natural resources cyanea ayaa la yiraahdaa: ofa country is called Chis pa (oo ‘b) Taran joogsi | population: az a 8 | t) Taran qulub a) Stagnation el Jot © j) Tarah fatal ) Equilibrium He AG x) Taran xir ©) Explosion 4) Deficit =| Page 20f6 ‘faxaa loo yaqaannaa qeyb ama | A group of people or items Gd goth op AB alps hast Koox loo soo qaato in ay metesho_| selected randomly to bulsho la tirokoobay si loo baaro | represent a population is BA... SS uct ama loo diraasadeeyo? | called: «gest G8 b) Lakab bulsheed a) Strata 1) Muunad b) Sample vd (CG i) Koox hawleed ©) Unit oF x) Urur ) Universe “ballad © wee ‘Waa maxay ciimiga la xirliro The frst soure ftom which @ | a_i Ouybll am jalan gp uruurinta, nidaaminta iyo soo —_| population's number, bandhigidda nideamsaN ee distribution and other ot xogaha bulsho? characteristics are obtained is: LOS lt tas (F 0 | b) Tirokoob a) Census. ) Maamul bulsho b) Statistics well (ls (W | i) Maamulka iyo maareynta ©) Geography ap N pis (g x) Cilmibaaris d) None of the above EP « eels sod (> ‘Xuduudaha ay asteeyaan buuraha, | The type of border which is | 1a) ut FW gad fecbiyada iyo baa wakes 1651)! |iaedad by rmmuanang tesa). | GP ae a yaqaannaa: and seas is called: Hemet oe berly OEM, | b) Xuduud dabiici ah a) Natural border os 0 1 | t) Xuduud ilbaxnimo b) Human border 4) Xuduud handasi ah c) Continental border sBybadt opie (G x) Xuduud keymo 4) All of the above Reet age (ge sigbglh agdm © ‘Gumeystaha ku caawiyay Itoobiya | Which colonial power Dee gle Gaels il Jy in ay gacanta ku dhigto Soomaali | assisted Ethiopia in annexing Galbeed waa: western Somalia? Al Dlagal gail Legal b) Talyaaniga } 9) Traly (gua ( 2 | 1) Ingiriisiga |b) England i) Faransiiska |e) France Wiley x) Boortagiiska | 4) Portugal Lule Jw, (> Waxyaabaha sababo sameysanka | Among the factors which Ted [yy sult slus Gl! gay sohdin siyaasadeedka waxaa ka | to the establishment of | mid ah: borders is: thes eedgt cae Bat! b) Gumeystaha a) Colonialism dylandl Jp (F 3 | t) Ciyaaraha b) Sports 5) Socdaalka c) Immigration AUS (eo x) Dhatamean 4) Allof the abo KAN ine ( ets Page 3 af 6 ‘Tilmaamaha cimilada goboilada | The following is a 4S) EY atlas kulul waxaa ka mid ah: characteristic of tropical 3 ha allel 38 43 jail b) Heerkulka 00 sarreeyo sanadka_| regions: ry ee 00 dhan a) High temperatures all yb 5} yall de gl ai t) Heerkul sare xiliga xageaga, year long att at _7 gabow daran xiligajiilaalka |b) High temperatures during | oe! Spall 4a a CEL (Gs 3) Qalleyl xiliga xagaaga, summer and very cold scaueall 14 | Sitimaad ro0b Teh xitize during the winter Byfyall day Yala, jillaalka ) Dry during the summer olka 8 3) Dhex-dhexaad wiliga xagaaga, | and warm temperatres | 3, 5, aittlin ( gabow xiliga jiilaalka with rain in the winter 7 5 4) Moderate temperatures _ eal during the summer and eG gf cold during the winter | ij cgi deu gill all (9 asotls ttl Hieerizulka dunida oo Kordha One of the causes of | Sadioeen waxaa sabebo: increased temperatures is: ital 33 Lyall b) Wasalchowyga carrada a) Soil degradation A al t) Kalluumeysiga badan b) Increased fishing ag al eg fi 1S | 5) Adeegsiga shidaalka dhulka | 6) Use of fossil fuels (oil and SaaS ( laga qodo 8) «all BY! ane (GS x) Wasakhowga biyaha d) Water degradation - Dash Dial (@ abyall Cast (a Biyaha wasaheysan waxaa ay | Unelean water is dangerous slat slyall pS ang halis ku yihiin: to: Ast ai b) Dhismayaasha a) Buildings Ayelie Vi dacall (Gs 16 +t) Caafimaadka aadanaha b) Human health si A Lal al ( () Gaadiidka ©) Cars Mey ts ul e x) waddooyinka d) Roads Gohl ¢. | Dalaika dunida ugu caansan Which of the following Lualle ay yeall J yall Gye dalxiiska waxaa ka mid ab: country is a popular hip dalgadl Lay b) Turkiga destination for tourists? wad t) Soomaaliya a) Turkey fee 17) Kiiniya ~ b) Somalia : Janel V ( x- Angoola ©) Iraq : pee 4) Angola YAO Page 4 of 6 Wabiga duniga ugu dheer waa: ‘What is the longest river in | 2A AAD gd sell Dbl | » Subba | the world? cbse 5d (! | | oni a) Jubba Jd 8 (| | 1g |i) Fursat b) Nile Tene | x) Congo ©) Euphrates Hill oe (€ | @) Congo ASO Wabiga Juba waxa ua ku biyo | The Tuba River in Somalia ale ee | shubea badweynta: joins with the ” ogaiglt gal (1 ») pean ocean. Yh dase (63 {) Atlaantikada a) Indian 4 ae ye 19 | 5) Baasifigga b) Atlantic tell Aepeall (e x) Artikea ©) Pacific apheill Lal! (2 4) Arctic | |__| Wiidaha Kaltuumeysiga ec Fishing zones in Somalia are anal Gh Soomaaliya waxaa kamidah: | found in: ee ) Marka iyo Kismaayo a) Marka and Kismayo Hes Sa (0 29 |) Badhan iyo Diahar b) Badhan and Dhahar c cs 4) Ling iyo Doolow c) Luqand Dolow webs as (o x) Xuddar iyo Waajid @) Huddur and Wajid ses dad salar oe 2 | Weydiinta Labaad: Kajawaab Part:2: Answer the T TAS ce Gal ae ps ees su’aalaha soo socdo (40): following questions (40): (40) :4831 a ‘Somali if ae ‘English 7 ‘Arabic Qeex cilmiga Fiyooloojiga. Define geology | Usaleall ale pseks eas 22 | Ku muiji khadiadadda hoos ku | On the map below, label (write) | placall Ay AN) gle Gu sawiran dalka Soomaaliya iyo | Somalia and the neighboring | J 35 Cle guall elas -4,tUa) dalalka dariska la ah. countries tere yall Y Page 50f6 Explain the importance of the aro jaridda dhirta loo adeegsado dhuxusha trees for charcoal can be reduced. 23” | Sharrax ahammiyadda ay inoo Shel eal dyad cI |__| Heedaay baddu. sea bail 24 ‘| Tilmaan ahammiyadda Describe the strategic location of Atl Soy) ee Ow istaraatifjiyadeed ee dhulka Somalia legal UN 4g) eal Soomaaliya. 25_| Caddee caqabadaha ku hor Determine the barriers inhibiting [~ G85, CAS geal Guay | | gudban tirokoobidda dadka the conduct of a census in Sas shasd ol yal abil Soomaaliyeed. Somalia. L le pall 26 | Adiga oo tixraacaayo ‘Referring to the composition of Sead aS sl (gle oly gaabdhismeedka da’da dadka | Somalia's population in tems of | 42il)_S3} Qe ral! (Sal | Soomaaliyeed, tilmaan kooxda _| age, identify the largest group. ein Cilld yo SY | (ama da’da) ugu tiro badan. 27 | Isbarbardhig caqabadaha heysta_| Compare challenges facing the DEL Shis Ge oe ‘waaxyaha kalluumeysiga iyo fishing and farming sectors in DER; clan! aye beero qodashada soomaaliyeed. | Somalia. le guall i Zell 28 | Tilmaan sababaha dadka ay uga | Describe the reasons behind co) TA A on s00 hijroodaan/socdaalaan rural to urban migration GM Ge CiSuall Byes miyiga iyaga 00 aadaya oral ol aly |__| magaslooyinka 29 | Caddee ilaha ay ka yimaaddaan | Identify the sources of Asset clad) plas aay | | biyaha ku jiro dhulka guntiisa _j underground water. hoose. 30 | Ka faalloo siyaabaha loo yareyn | Analyze ways in which cutting Oa Gob ce ye Gad eaill Agrdtnoall cbilill Page 6 of 6: soa Most of Easton Cuts ghee Edaton Somali Federal Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education Form Four National Standardized Examinations. MAY / JUNE 2022 seis ole SUBJECT: HISTORY Gti :5td TIME: 2 HOURS cele :o431 INSTRUCTIONS: answer all the questions on the answer booklet Weydiinta koowaad: Goobo gelixaraika | Part (1): Cirele the letter TT Sy ds toh ga: VST weedha saxda ah dhammaan weedhaha soo | of the correct answer (60): Ro? 60) cals bud dao socda (60): Somali | English Arabic 1 | Asaasthit Dawiadda Cusmaaniyiinta | The founder of the Ottoman |; ye 4oUaal) Al gall Guaye ‘wuxuu ahaa: empire was: aia az (1 B) Maxamed Faati Mohamed al Fateh nity Dy sumed Faatix a) Mohamed al Fate diablo (e | ’) Cusmaan Ardhogral b) Osman Ertugrul LAN slya( J) Muraadkii Lad ©) MuradT CO ea eee X) Muraadkii 2aad ) Murad 1 lll Le (2) | i | | 2 | Markii ay fidday Baaxadda dawiadda | ARterits expansion, the | BT gall aad g Lal any cusmaaniyiinta waxa maamul ahaan | Ottoman Empire was col) SN pga PALA | loo qaybiyay: divided into regional 49523 (1 B) 23 Gobol administrations. T) 28 Gobol ja) 23 1) 32 Gobol b) 28 | | X) 34 Gobol °) 32 | | @) 34 | 3 | Sannadidi 15140, Cusmaaniyiinta | In 1514, the Ottomans Oglala 5a el 51 4ele a waxa ay dagaalkii ‘Jaaldiiraan” ku _| defeated the battle of i | | jebiyeen dawladaii Chaldiran (Jalderan). | B) Safawiyiinta a) Safavids b) Seljuks ©) Mamluks d) All of the above 4 | Caqabadda ugu wayn ce haysatay | The greatest challenge faced by the Ottoman empire during the conquest of ciidanka cusmaaniyiinta waxay ahayd B) Maraakiibia joogta dekedda bosfoor Constantinople was: A aan 41 sidii loogu wareejin lahaa dekedda | a) Moving the ships from | aba yan oil nee Geases datatigal the Bosphorus port to eS Dill elise ll ore ieee ene ra ie the Golden Hor port. | lac YI ctsa shel 5 ) Tiada ciidanka Cadawga 00 badan |. he number ofthe alias (e J) Nooeyada hubka oo ku yaraa enemy wasveryhigh | ste tual se A (| X) Tirada ciidanka cusmaaniylinta | ¢) Lack of weapons |.) The number of ‘the | | Page 10f6 eis of Easton Cae anger Eas. 00 yaraa_ “Ottoman army wes ‘small Isirka Cusmaaniyiinta waxa uu ka soo | Ethnically, the Ottomans ol SLE Del ea jeEdaa Qabiilooyinka: were descendants of: dill B) Hindida a) Indians ae 1) Turkida b) Turks eae J) Carabta ©) Arabs aS ; ) Faarisiyiinta 4) Persians dal @ Aya al (0 Sadrul-Acdam waxa lagu magacaabi | Grand Vizier (Sadrul eh be jaca aul Gly Jiray xilligii cusmaaniyiinta: B) Taliyaha ciidanka T) Suldaanka 3) Wasiirka aad ) Guddoomiyaha gobolka Acdam) was a title given to the: a) Commander of the army b) The Sultan ©) The First Minister [@)_ Regional governors reste A laiell 4 jall ist se QUaball (Gs IS) 2d (© jad Je Sannadkii 1302dii, Magealada Buursa._ | ‘waxa magaalo madax ka dhigtay: B) Cusmaaniyiinta T) Safawiy J) Saljungiyiinta X) Hindida In 1302, Bursa was selected as a capital city by: a) The Ottomans b) The Safavids ©) The Seljuks d) The Indians oo STS 1B02¢ A a Ab gall Aavele die y 9s Sannadkii 1897dii, Ururka_ The city that Zionists hold RS pgeell 1S jal cae Sabyouniyadda caalamiga ch wuxu their first international | ate JM La ypo Alla ii taad ku qabtay meeting in 1897 was isda Gh 1897 a) Paris o Ld b) Rome uh ( ©) Berlin bea (Go a) Basil ob (€ du (2 Dadkii ugu horreeyay ee soo dega First people to settle in Cpa G2) (Se ed Syl dhulka falastiin waxay ahaayeen: X) Baabiliyiin Palestine were a) Arameanes b) Phoenicians ©) Canaanites 4) Babylonians asd Page 2.0f 6 ety of Evenion Cuno end Meher Earon Heshiiskii MuslimiiNiz Ja galeen Reer 10,» Hest = ie aT s Cgalanall Gy: Bas led! aytul Magdis waxa lagu magacaabsa | Muslims and residents o sad (gil ally (eam oa Ballangeadkii: Beyt al Maqdis wasealled | we diy Us a B) Abuubekar the treaty of: ear T) Cumar a) Abu Bakr tall @ J) Cusmean b) Omar Asal (¢ X) Cali c) Osman Ay slall (2 @ Ali Ty Goto Kashi waxa Isleami 300 | nthe year 90 Fiji slam |” pats all} UY) es gaaray sannadkii 90 hijriga, waxana | was brought to Kashmir by: iy gle 490 gle s00 gearsliy a) Hejaj bin Yusuf eon B) Xajaaj bin Yuusuf b) Mohamed bin Qasim Ae € T) Maxamed Bin Qasim ¢) Musa bin Nuseyr en oad J) Musa Bin Nuseyr 4) Tariq bin Ziyad Jeet Ot oss (E X) Daariq Bin Siyaad aor db OC

)* is () 2x3 5, The exact value of lim,“ equals () 120 6, Theorderofthismatix A=[% 2 J] i OF : of = 4s) ® 7, Ifa giveN function of y = 6x? — 8x +1 then Sis a 1 @. The number of ways can 5 textbooks arranged on a shelf is ©) sinAcosA Fa . 9. Esin(2A) () xte 10. The value of f dx is ay =12x— C) arte 8 Part three: Structure Questions (40 Marks) Question one: Analytic trigonometry 1. Use identities to identify the exact value of cos(—105°)_¢ 3 marks) 2. Express sin 3x in terms of sinx (3 marks) 3. Simplify the expression 2S __( 3 marks) sing 4, Find the values of tan20 ifthecos @ = 2 and sin <0. (3 marks) Question two: Statistics 1. The following are marks of mathematic students, describe the range. (4 marks) 29,54, 54, 64,74. 2, Determine the mean , variance and standard deviation of the temperature reading below 15°C , 16°C, 17°C, 18°C, 19°C, 20°C 22°C , 24°C (4 marks) Page 3 of 4 ‘Ministry of vation Culture and Higher Education Questions three: Complex Numbers 1. Simplify each of the following (4marks) a) 8 b) i7 2. Add the following complex numbers z= 7 + Siand z= —1+ 0 (3marks) 3. Write 425 in terms of @ + bi (3 marks) Question four: Probability 1. If you were to roll the die one time what is the probability of it landing on a 2?___(5 marks) sass i se 2. Ina class, there are 12 boys and 16 girls. One of them is called out using student registration number, what is the probability that the one called is a girl?__( 5 marks) Page 4 0f 4

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