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Theodore Decker wants to get the painting back.

It is the last
piece of his mom that he has left. So he gets Boris’s help to try and
get it back. Then, everything is back to how it was, but now with
even more anxiety, trauma, drugs, a cheating soon-to-be-wife, and an
actual painting and not just some switched out textbook.

“You can look at a picture

for a week and never The Goldfinch
think of it again. You can By: Donna Tartt This is the Goldfinch. It
also look at a picture for a
was painted by Carel
second and think of it all Fabritius in 1654. People
your life.” (91, Tartt) say he has a very unique
"I had the epiphany style. His paintings were
that laughter was light, all full of color and very
and light was laughter, clever lighting.
and that this was the
secret of the
universe."(771, Tartt)

Nicole Lukinov P. 1

I really enjoyed reading this book.

There were some phrases and words I did
not understand. But still, this book is
written beautifully with lots of meaning.
1. How would have Theo’s life No movie could capture the feeling that I
had when reading this book. I do not have
been if he hadn't went to New any complaints besides some of the
York, staying with Boris? wording that I did not understand, which
2. What would Theo’s life been like is on me. I would definitely recommend
for other Adults that are looking for
if he hadn’t met Boris at all!? something longer to read, but for kids,
3. What would the story be like if it don't read until you are at least 15 years
was from Boris’s POV? old.

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