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Vocal music is one of the best tools for expressing one’s feelings. This form of
expression became more evident during the Romantic period.
Franz Peter Schubert is an opera composer of the romantic composer. Austrian
composer who bridged the worlds of Classical and Romantic music, noted for the
melody and harmony in his songs (lieder) and chamber music. Also, he is considered as
the last of the Classical composers and the first Romantic one.
Birth date January 31, 1797.
Death date. November 19, 1828
Place of Birth at Himmelpfortgrund, near Vienna.
Schuberts works are Symphony No. 9 in C Major (The Great; 1828), Symphony in B
Minor (Unfinished; 1822), masses, and piano works.
Schubert’s father, Franz Theodor Schubert, was a schoolmaster; his mother, Elisabeth,
whose maiden name was Vietz, was in domestic service at the time of her marriage.
Fantasy for four hands Schubert’s composition for piano
Klagegesang der Hagar his first song
Erlkönig, also called Erl-King or Elf-King, song setting by Franz Schubert, written in
1815 and based on a 1782 poem of the same name by Johann Wolfgang von
The Erlkonig or The Erlking compositions of Franz Peter Schubert is considered as
one of the great ballads in vocal music of Romantic period.
Fugue is the type of orchestral music employs a solo instrument accompanied by an
Ave Maria is a popular works of the famous composer of Franz Schubert and has been
recorded by numerous artists, with lyrics that largely differ from the original poem. But
neither Bach’s nor Schubert’s Ave Maria wrote by the famous composers.
The lyrics is from the humble Catholic prayer ‘Hail Mary’ and the moving tune is from
the composition of Franz Schubert called ‘Ellens dritter Gesang’ which translates as
‘Ellen’s Third Song’. The music was written in 1825 whose texts is derived of a section
of an epic poem The Lady of the Lake of Sir Walter Scott, which was translated to
German called ‘Ellens dritter Gesang’. The song does contain the words ‘Ave Maria’, but
only in reference to the prayer itself.
Schubert’s ‘Ave Maria!’ was not written with religious practices or the Catholic
church in mind. The song attained its widest hearing as part of Walt Disney’s Fantasia
(1940). Coming after the film’s segment featuring the tumult of Night on Bald Mountain,
the serenity of Schubert’s song provided a calm ending.

Romeo and Juliet- A tragic play was written by William Shakespeare during in his early
career. A play about two young star-crossed lovers ultimately their death reconciles the
feuding families. The story is all about tragedy of the two lovers.
1476- It said that the real Romeo and Juliet were from Siena, but since Shakespeare
was so affectionate of Verona, he placed the story there. It is where the story of doomed
lovers published by a writer from Siena who insisted it was based on real people.
1562- Principal source of Shakespeare for the plot was The Tragicall Historye of
Romeus and Juliet (a long narrative poem by the English poet Arthur Brooke, who had
based his poem on a French translation of a tale by the Italian Matteo Bandello).
1594–96- Wrote the Romeo and Juliet
1597 - First published in an unauthorized quarto 8
1599 - Appearance of an authorized quarto
1662- Documented the earliest performance of Romeo and Juliet staged by William
Davenant, the poet, and playwright who insisted that he was Shakespeare's illegitimate
1740- Experience the rising of Shakespeare's version due to revivals by several
producers including David Garrick and Theophilus Cibber. Even they mixed material
other than the original text of Shakespeare, Cibber included passages from The Two
Gentlemen of Verona in his production, and Garrick opened the play with Romeo madly
in love with Juliet, omitting Rosaline entirely.
1968- "Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet" is the most popular film starring
Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting.
Dance is established the emotional climate of the scene in Renaissance Theater.
Bright colors clothes are most of the costume of the Renaissance theatre
Sound and music elements relates to the terms;” discovery scene”, “heaven” and “hell”
in the Renaissance Theatre.
Specific consort ensemble refers to the instrumental music of Renaissance theatre
All male are the distinct characteristics of theater refers to the actors in the
Renaissance period

Recreation – is a voluntary participation in an activity during free and unobligated time that
gives enjoyment. It refreshes one’s mind and the body after a day’s work.
When trying to plan for your recreational activity, the best thing to keep in mind is that the
activity should be of your interest.

Indoor Recreation- when an activity is within the premises of your comfort zone, at home or
inside a building. Example of indoor recreational activities are chess, table tennis, bowling,
dancing, singing, reading, listening to music, watching movies and more of the same.
Outdoor Recreation- when the activity is undertaken in a natural, rural, or open space outside
the confines of buildings, usually large land area that is close to nature. Example of outdoor
recreational activities are nature walks, river rafting, cycling, camping, orienteering, fishing,
hiking, surfing and sports.
In hiking, the group’s pacing should be slow
Benefits of Indoor Activities:
1. Can be done in all weathers because you’re under the roof of the building.
2. Boosts creative flow and decreases the risk of injury because it is known as a more passive
Benefits of Indoor Activities:
1. Improve your well-being
2. Develop physical flexibility and coordination
3. Build better mental health
4. Relieve stress and anxiety
5. Enhance your communication skills
Badminton- Minor sprain and strains can be treated at home using the following measures.
Badminton is believed to have originated from the game “poona” that was played by the English
Army officers stationed in India during the 17th century. It was later brought to England in
1870’s when the duke of Beaufort held a lawn party in the country place, Badminton. It was only
in 1992 Barcelona Olympics when the game became an Olympic sports with singles and double
The best reason why badminton is played indoor- Air resistance is lesser inside a close venue
for playing.

Injury - also known as physical trauma which refers to damage to the body caused by external
force. This may be caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and other causes.
Intentional injuries - injuries that occur with purposeful intent and include homicide, suicide,
domestic violence, sexual assault and rape, bias related violence and firearms. when someone
planned for harmful actions upon oneself or others.
Self - Inflected- when a person harms himself/herself on purpose
Unintentional injuries - injuries that occur without purposeful intent, and are a leading cause of
death and disability. harmful acts that occurred without any intention of causing damage to
oneself or others and formerly called “accidents”, and leading case of death and disability for
children, teen, and young adults.
Assault- the illegal act of causing physical harm or unwanted physical contact to another person
Physical bullying- Hurting someone's body or damages their possessions
Domestic violence- The abuser is trying to control the victim
Risk Factors Related to Intentional Injuries
INDIVIDUAL RISK FACTORS- History of violent victimization, Involvement with drugs,
alcohol, or tobacco, High emotional distress, History of treatment for emotional problem,
Antisocial beliefs and attitudes, Exposure to violence and conflict in the family
FAMILY RISK FACTORS- inconsistent disciplinary practices, Low parental involvement,
Low emotional attachment to parents or caregivers, Parental substance abuse or criminality,
Poor monitoring and supervision of children
PEER and SOCIAL RISK FACTORS- Involvement in gangs, Social rejection by peers,
bullying, Lack of involvement in conventional activities, Low commitment to school and school
failure, Sensation seeking and impulsiveness
COMMUNITY RISK FACTORS- Diminished economic opportunities, High concentrations of
poor residents, High level of family disruption, Low levels of community participation, Socially
disorganized neighborhoods and Perceived availability of drugs, laws and norms favorable to
drug use.

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