Reviewer in Purcom - Finals

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Communication for Work Purposes Source-encoding-channel-decoding-receiver

Communication- how we give and receive information LISTENING=LEARNING

and convey our ideas and opinions with those around
 Messages
Forms of Communication in the Workplace
 Memorandum
Verbal (35%)- refers to the use of sounds, words, and  Business Letters
language to express yourself: spoken and written.  Minutes of Meeting
 Agenda
Aural- involves the transmission of information through
 Annual Reports
the auditory sensory system (hearing).
 Presentations
Non-verbal (65%)- facial expressions, the tone, and  Diagrams
pitch of the voice(paralanguage), gesture displayed
through body language(kinesics), and the physical PSA (Public Service Announcement)- a short
distance between the communicators(proxemics). information clip that is meant to raise the audience’s
awareness about an important issue.
Written- sending of the messages, orders, or
instructions in writing through letter, circulars, manuals, - Can be instructional, inspirational, or even
reports, telegrams, office memos, bulletins, etc. shocking to elicit emotion and action. Often in
the form of commercials and print ads.
Visual- the use of signs, symbols, and pictures.
NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS- a process of sending
and receiving wordless messages. Announcement- usual components are series of videos
and images with a narrators delivering information to
Facial Expression- conveys countless emotions without the audience either on-screen or through a voice over;
saying a word. sometimes text alone can be just as powerful and
Body Movement- how we move and carry ourselves
communicates a lot of information. Documentary/Interviews- effective because the
interviews provide either expert testimony or stories
Gestures- movement of part of the body; can be
from people who have personal experience with your
different across cultures and regions.
topic to support the argument that you are making.
Eye contact- helps maintain the flow of conversation
- Can be accompanied by voice over, or other
and assesses another person’s response.
times your interviews alone can be very
Touch (Haptics)- communicates a great deal effective.

Space and Distance (Proxemics)- physical space to Narrative- uses either a scene, montage (a collection of
communicate many different non-verbal messages, several short clips), or a re-enactment/footage of true
including signals of intimacy, aggression, dominance, or events to illustrates the point that you are trying to
affection. make. Allow your psa not only to be more creative but
also subtle, yet powerful.
Voice (Paralanguage)- communication in terms of how
our voice sounds (rate, volume, pitch, intonation) How to create a PSA?


B. Research.
- Can be a mix of factual and psychological
C. Consider your audience.
aspects to give the message its full impact;
D. Grab your audience’s attention.
rather than just fry facts or overly emotional in
E. Create a script.
F. Storyboard your script.
- Should be relevant to the concerns of the
G. Film your footage and edit your PSA.
H. Find your audience and get their reaction
- The language should be appropriate to the
audience and communication medium. Avoid COMMUNICATION FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES
jargon unless talking to another professional.
Research- systematic investigation into and study of
- Should be positive and focused on solutions
materials and sources in order to establish facts and
rather than listing problems.
reach new conclusions.
- Language should invite appropriate
participation and engagement. Purpose of a research paper is to learn about
- Should use the right medium for the intended something and to present it in written form.
audience, context, and desired response.
- Sent at the right time to enable the audience to What is a Research Paper?
have time to understand and act on the - ordinary or critical term paper
message. - thesis or dissertation
STAGES OF COMMUNICATION - other forms of composition writing
Analytical Research Paper- one that uses evidence to practical way in which the proposed study should be
study the facets involved in an issue or topic. conducted.

- Analysis entails breaking up a concept into

component parts, and restructuring them from
your own perspective into a composite whole.

An analytical research paper:

- is not making judgments on the topic per se, but

exploring a topic for the purpose of being able to draw
reasonable conclusions.

- is an effort to make use of research to provide an

objective picture of what information is known about
the subject.

- Example can be literary analysis and political science


Argumentative papers- require researchers to take a

stand on an issue and defend it.

- Also known as persuasive research project.

Demonstrate to convince you audience of the
solidity of a particular view you have on a


Abstract- a little of everything. Contains summary of the

contents of the paper.

Introduction- enables the reader to understand the

context or territory of the study.

Literature Review- foundation of the research for it

state how and why researchers come up with the topic
obejctives. Could answer the trickiest questions in

Research Methodology- help you systematize your

research by forcing you to identify what kind of data you
will need for your paper and what is the best way to go
about getting it.

- should consider research design, research

locale, population and sampling/key informant
selection, research ethics, research instruments,
data collection and data analysis.

Results- presents findings which are clearly and simply


Discussion- where results should be communicated. It

should be interpretative not just a restatement of the

Conclusion- enumerates the principal findings of the

research. This answers the objectives of the study.

Recommendation- presents where the results of the

study are directed.

Acknowledgment- provides opportunity to thank and

recognize those who have assisted or contributed to the

References- should strictly follow the APA 7th edition

Writing Proposal- goal is twofold; to present and justify

the need to study a research problem and to presnt the

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