EME Assignment 3

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__{e) my . -Acox_maves_in straight oad whose equation sation Is given by = \2E PSU 2t> wheve- | tx’ in meter, SH in sec. Determine _ 7 {ad | Ne locity 8 accolevetion af the stavt. Acelevoton —pwhen cat Yevewe ?ts poth. (cl. | Displacement. in _3__ seconds ——— __{d)| Distance trolled. _in__2 seconds. _Ans—|_¥% = 12+ + ot 2 OS cu wos “Et _ the = Vs —@ ~ ot — = Ageia diff vwo.1-t *t! _ ds. = 6=- \2t =@ (a)! Neloctty ot start | t=, AN2 t+ 664=6t% _ 2+ Gle)- 60) eo 2 m/s a | Acc eles ation af Stayt teo , O= 6-124 — - = 6- ple) - ff Oh 6 m5 - pe (8 [Acelevotion in Yevewse Cy=0) | - SA2 4 Gb Gr | a = 6-H oe =6L~ —— ft se ©. A Qt + at — 243 2 \28) + 3@)*- 2(a)* |_Diselucement in se x — “ (i ea] X= Ie i |_(d)_| Distance tyavelled in 3 Sec [Total atone = a=) tial MWe \2t + 24%— 243 _ feo __W, = 12(0) + a0) = alo) = SO beds Me = 12(2) 4 37-20% >. 26m t= MW, = 120) 4 3a - 203 > ag p__| Total distance = [2o-@l +{9 - 20 _ = 20+ Tetol distante= 31 m_| = Qa . . * jlin ec i Tk accelesation of pastice ot t=2s 2 Ans O= 342 —O Jv = (Bt* 42) lt J On Enke qs outing —_{ fave [@Prdae ‘ Ves At? - 2b tO, 3 v= £3+2t $C, Scanned with CamScanr = Ns 1?+ 2420 —— QM ~ Jo aw = 2H dp === _ | On —— - a _ fdae fe ES 2t+Ddt oot | i tt at pe ; a —— At $20 2 w= 3m — (4-3 _ _ _ we tt + + re) A - _ - At t= “2sec, _ sition —Avtom eg-@ c ye oat £20) 43 = ee re | Velocity ree —@® (ay + ows? a ve a4 mols) * | Acceletation prom og = oO= 2( 2)" +5 o=_l4ms* 934A cot “stats from —xet_§ with constant Gccelevahion achieves _a_Velocty “4 [Sm fs hen_it }ravels a dlistance of’ 200m Determine tne acc elevation _of- cat A Hae |_sequived fo cms eeiibinl ty] ae —fns_| Given t ve lamjs , Us 0 $= 200m, Using (4) N\A su t 205 lis)" = col A 2a) 209 Q= 225 Hoo IO> 0-56 m]s?] —(2)| v= Wras \S= 0 + (0-56) t 7 ts ‘Ss 7 6.56 t= 26.4 sec | —Q4 | A_stone is _dvopped Rom ta toler Som high At _same_tine _ancther signe’ ts thy - foot the tower _with velocity of 7 ———| 25 mJs AE shot chistans . fey. hous yuch time two Aipnes Cros each others? —~ Ans_{(1) From __A to 8 | y= 2S ms = = 9.2)” es. ay v = 2 v0 us Bie Gt +) at vy te = phe 25 t ~ 4.94" —() 50 ce [¢ _ I$9- - (2)| From BC to @ = ate U=0__, G2 9-8m Ist, 5-{50-x) Sex S= ut tipel® So-w = OF Vr 3PKL So-K= 4.9% ——G) Scanned with CamScanr | From eq, o.4@ ~ yewSos (254 - 4-947) + 4-9 42 ‘So = 25h I= avec | _puting walue iq eq =@ So= n= 19-6 m—_| Slow _dsusn —_spee dat constant yate. Knowing * PCS 0.4nh _. et A malovist i travelline on cued section nig Huo) odius 462m ct _speed. 94 Kmph . The 7 ° . | motorist suddenly opie brake —caismg tn @sec__speed was __veduced to _72 Kim pp | _cletermne the cecetenaticn af © ufotao bie when Speed is seduced to 42Kmph? Given: Us 46 Kmph —2> 36% —> Y= 26.64 mf Nz 42 Kroph <2 42» => V= 20m} b= Bsec 18 (sing v2 Ut od scanned with Camscanr nl Apo} edi le —fied_from_ edge of 50. eighty — Lisi ‘initial __veladly Jfoms_ab angle elevation of 30 _tolth horizontal Find: Greatest Clesation—aboe 4: to uod_—seached by the proyechle GO Hovizontal distance > quate point, where __the & pro} edi\e_styikes the ground. | Consider” veytical motion _; Prom Atoc C ae > 8240" 7 he wsgicre _t eat Ch 7 . L 3g 7 - = (80) sivtao) Dray : 2x9.R) _ \ N Ye alz-g4ml __ | Hag = Mon Height from ground | ____ = 1590 +h = ($0 + 412.99 (iL Consider_ motion ~ fom Bie BO . T : 180 = ENT. = Sart : Scanned with CamScanr _—— has ate fetlent_of ing é ——} pee ____| ir suddenly ‘s4ne, determine distante —Thepacktig Ans ts The conveyoy belt desighd to transp aw pokage of vayias welgkb. feck lo Ky packoge conXeyor is: sms ond then wilt alide@ on bell before coming forest 7 ERp 7 Applying Candi ton ef Og uihibyium Q)| 2Fy =o =mg—+-N,=0 Ne 4 a @| ZFy=zo fo ‘ Ib o + [iN =o ' Os = OASAIS| 1 Lo Py =F cyst scanned with Camscanr UsSmj/s—_, N20 = = 1-43 i]s Wis ur+2a05 —|-yest poem jt is at Aas hewn in -—____| Determine — Speed _ |}—piind ple, tohen tt — dwn torn A? — Ans Using bork eneygy principle 8 fern AB _o of bob, using wor en org —Q 81 Th € 2g __pendulurs beb_[-Sm ; is 4elease fram, fi9- [KE p= shar mtg)” —= © Og mg h 22 9.8) WLS sin ber _| Ug = 25-487 —@ | —O= Wst42 cya) gs ——}-_ In = 84d | i passes ot a _pasition 60% _— A a - Scanned with CamScanr A 2okKy block dropped the oy pan of spring 95 .shown assume the _impad tp be pertectty plastic dceteymine from heigit 2 mar deflection _, pan The _constart HK Spting is KK = 20 KN Ing Given Mg= dak, Meal agin > Jaxgiix2 => 6. 26 mis | Meztokg , Ve = 0 bok? | Using (__conseyobon— ~- a Se he menkurn_frtorn At ee | —_| mu, t+ miu, = Cr +miu | 6. et = | Hovis BOX 6-26 [yee I N= Lt mis\ ; Using os energy —pimcip| rer__impac _(4) —> (2) : s Fe _ st Ke, =-BE =U, —@ 2 0 ee KE, = 1 yma by 30nh2F > 441.97 3 Kf 2 Lyman ge ESS — Ug, +Us ‘ = 40x98) 0 + Dori (9-9 —— @ a Scanned with CamScanr —_—— — | 0 ALB = 392*4x = lo ooo loooont = 292.4% — 441-B =0 po Oe —_|*%= 0-230 m }] a! Qo ik boll of pus [Kg moving _eith ~ ye omJs innpingt_ : | mM tm uy = (m,tm)v, | disectiy on boll_of | mass 2K ot vest. the Arey boll_opter wa pinging comes fot yey > Find ——{—_N2 I—_roegticiert _ of vesiitution 2 Given! m= ky, y= Amis lod ty of second _ baw ey im pad § aes 7. My=2Ka Uso, vied - — —_—=—_ dF | Using Lavo af Conservation, sy J Momentum a | 02) +o = W42) Vy = N2 = 4 ea eatin : Cr - Ho Qa-\ pe~ 6.5 >canned witn Lamscanr

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