EME Assignment 2

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—————Asstgnmen 20 91.0) _— Explain simple”, Roller Hinge ood fined suppor Stote_the equation — of —equll?bxiuna for __concuyrent, — —Porolel __& geneva force Sysiem? — |_uwith number. of —*eortions —cleveloped of each _| Support —_.oith “sketch? —e) Explain Hous —_oniforenly distributed loac (UPL) tL 2d _oni fox mly vor fing—toad Luvl) ie converted _ ——| teto—_poirt load “with seth? _ans(a\ Equilibxtum: UL the vresuulant of o Num ber of f O8CeS, acting on a_paiticle_is zero, ———_______ the_partide_is__sofd to _be. fe_eguilibrum. —_w_| Conditions of Equtl?byiurn, - —t)|_ Coplanar__concarverl forces = Be EFy =O \v ZFy =O. (2)! —Coplana y_Non=Concutrent 1ces__o. 7 Zf,=0 < . Fy -0 Z Yow! de —___| 27 ih (any point} =O. — ae es t 5 xt —{b)|_ Simple Suppo a. — (—__—____No-of segdions= 41 —_| eas Ape _ =e = is | Sup port _fo__which__theve is po __Iink ot connections _ blo the body 8 Support _ Scanned with CamScanr a) Roller 5 ott as Bay, sal onthe suliee ——__-}No-of + ead ans.=4.+ ad a on r -| offers C one veaction LI to OUPPO Mt Speci jo co R as » Suppost where theve is _o link ox _conne the _bedy andthe Support _, bu 1 Yotofon of the body two veactons one ts jit ——_|--surface__» other ts : “ Noo Leadion = 2 wv _ | Hy. _| : forbs — Scanned with CamScanr — vertical dixection 05 well oS ————j——______m, 10] iy voitrmly dtetitbuted Load (pL) Fixed Support. eee! Restrains body fiom moving tm horizontal 2 Pom xototion . at offore—_{hnre e Neadions ,One is Il" to Supporting swyace, other is 9!" to Supporting — Swrface.—_ —ond_thivd is Yeading moment —_against_tot ation — No.of x eactions = 3° He [A Vy 4 | Also __Kinovon__as_ sedangulay load. — Pore { There ave two bypest _ (9) Trianguloy. loading Oriferenly Varying Lead CUVL) ——(b)|_ Tyapezoidol Load” “S| —(0){ Txtangulax_Load.——— ——~—.§ Ore pnd fe or | mMaon.foad > [i wv _ ae A L |___oximum tension = WoNim Coopuerston to__point_toad) Lae xtoxb _ oC ———*— 1 - po ’ T ( Tope caida! Load : 2 ba Ni 6 / ™ / Sohend anrvtrs tthe Salta. hamegeneaus smooth sphere vests on _ the ao fndine A 2 bears against the smooth | iWexticol wall @.Colculate the contac force _ ot _A_& BQ —Ans|_ Free -Bady_ Diagram — es YP. ap = ut Using _Lomits_ Theatem; denne $0 te 4go.5 _ Pa ~ Re . - sin 0 Singo Sinise Ra = 490-5 sin Qe. Sa vac Ry = 566038N| —Ry= 4190.5 “910 150 1 Sin 120° Scanned with CamScanr — uniform, eats su bheded ta three external loa pat gene ———Yeactions fe into. ——}-flane —}s—vesticad 1 | tte Narr ae lo - rr 7 a! Foss fue ati Fs T an Free body Diagram a RE <— I, ae eet ZF, =o Ay = Fer, =o 7 LA, = Sk — {ag Ay = 4-44 9.59 — 1.4 pAy = 6 LCN | 31, =- O_ OR 2, = F562 Nem) - Scanned with CamScanr ~Q4_| The squaxe_steal plate has a mass of 1f90kKg __ Leith __mass__cente | tension __in_each _——| which__the __plate -ot fis centre G. (a eo the thtee cobles with | is lifted wintle xem oining — _ Inoxizontol? ! Ans fF ptnamen 6 —__| Coorctinates poirdt a =(o, 0,0 A= C1209 ,-1200 0) | _ B= (-1200,-1200, 0 ¥ ——_____| __¢ =(\200, 0,0) —_}——b= Co, 0,24 o) | Tension tna BD_R CD_ Thp=—Tap-y-| 12003 + 1200] +24 00K | LI 200)" ¢ a9)" F400 } ——=Tap| 2001 +12 00 + 24001 7 7 2939.49 Scanned with CamScanr EEE, 2 SiTpp tt 04 Ty f £0. 2ahok —=O—_ i ——|Ter =I bok | 12001 = 1200j_+ 2400K |__| 200)" + y 2007 +240 = Typ % ooi=vooj+2400k 2939.39 —* = OUT, i — 0-41 Tey 4 oR Vey len x |= 2001+ jszucos | E L Jeaod=s 0 ie4o0® 3 - z =—lep » | n00i + “4ock | 268% .99 L S0-45Ty i AO; bogie —O Maas of plate = ack = 1Ro 2 o X98 \#653 = \z¢¢¢9 ek == 14669k . Peis Mes Besetion of —fotces TF =O: Tap t 0-41 Te, =0.45 Tey = Scanned with Camscanr os — =O OA Tap = OAT a, + ol >= _—— @ -| SE, =0 Oe | 0.82 Tap + 0.82 Typ + 0-89 Ten ~ttes8 <0 —@_ Oe_soluieg _@, 88. © he_get r —_ _ Type DAIS-6F NP Vg = 2412. GI N_| ——— I Veg = 9864.2 N | Aconciete foundation mat op Say rod ai Su ppoH | 4_equolly spaced __columm_,_ea _fs_locadtedk ot __Am_efvom the comer of mot. eee | rognitude pent Of -opptcetion ot -vesutta ne — Of —-fpront loatte? Av: —_—_} | &F septs No_farce octitng- along x-ayus, SF ye R fi 225-125 -loo-#5=0 ==325 KN | | | R= 325 Kn | r Scanned with CamScanr Let Rusultant_be—acting on powt—(aq Osim g \avignans theavem —__ a. bout : Fees (Sm). =( Mp. oS \Oo x4 - 24 x4 = -325 Xp — X= - 300 SBS - @} Using Vovianords theoven obout =n Sinse= lima), — AS%A = 125% 4 - 295xK Ke -200 225 Iya —o. G15 | | ot ieati e! PR a Sania 4 | De ft force, zey members toh th SK etch) —_Ans_|14 r Toso force __ members / he_members hich te jected to 9 ——_ | forces acing ot ie lg bt a ad tee um__ts Known as | foce§_mem bers : (cow questo) Uenseny : Pet i F Scanned with CamScanr ell = " (2) Zero force membey ___——+| Mem bevs having no aw ol forces are called as._| _ | zero _ force member. et ____+ | Zero _foxce members moy often __be 4 ____| fden tified by observation, | i 7 > 1 F3 _ 2 {— — OS ; a _ = (3)| Muti - Arce member — Themen ber _which_is_subfeded __tp_maye than —__| two _foxces while _maintofining egqafl?bytum —____ | Known as muutti_- force _mmembey”” —_+ | Mutt Axe member is loaded — along its length _—_tncluchieg—at ths ~ ends + | Mutt - force member con _vesist__a moment oy__couple,_ a ——(b) | Explain m=(2j-3)_ mm 2 Egg = = 25.48 _ | Fep = 12-89 KN com ptession) oe] mro — |_____Fhe-CoS.S1-34%3 = = 8 in JSx3 -Ssin is x3 - EQcos, 51:84 x8 0 y | SM, -0 = Figg X 8+Fyg C0s-26:56 A 3 =0— ———~3 . = 12.89.43 > Fg coo(26.56)x3_= I > Fg = 4-41 in} Tension) Teme 1 Lil ; ember} Foose eoageftude is) — Nokia oslo y| AC | 2.01 KN : ay : of | Compresion | 7 : ' | RB L441 kN Tension. T 5 1 4) bE 9 ae ye Scanned with CamScanr Ans — §)-| Consider _sectign AAG, — | emo = 7 | Gy x800 +1 20x10)" = 600x300 <0 {| B00 Gy = A290 ee Ay = 525N = 90 $$ jo Ay tGy = Gop —— 5 Ade 600 - 925 | OY A SH) se = _ oe }Gi =o) (wou) unl Consider_section CF ZM_ 26 \2osiob+ By x00 = GooXsapeq 4Aoo By = 60000 — | B= 150 men) _uith|_Considey section ABD _ ZFy =O LE eee pare “Aya2oo = Dy 200 =Daxdoalaso_ —O-=+900(-Ay+Dy + D200) a til Consides Sech on GED - a Dz Ex_| —® a i - 1 7 zd Scanned with CamScanr From_eg O 2@ [D2 Ex2=8x 2M = Co +Dy 320054 D, X-200f5 - =9 = 200 (Gy + Dy= PoPwda clung eg (A) bw) We get Dyes 4225N oR }Dy= 2258, asn(f)) [Due 133.2N enc] Fiom_eq. —@. | | Ey = 142.2 kn») a shy [Ry = \S-2 kete=)| aN SE = hy . a Scanned with CamScanr Tg | Thiee loads axe are “Suspended as shown fom Tne de erreni.c€ (6) the components sed at A» &—_| Le — coble _ABCDE. Knowing that & =4m,—| (b) the poreppaas anarimum —fension—in—coble | Sag — at /B & D dt i vee tha | | a Y . — \ — Reactions of A bE O8Ey=0 oH ——__| = Am + Ey =O __s= 4 Ans Ey, ee © ZFy 0 Z : a Ay + Ey =25h-6=5 el Ey = 12 ~—@ _ © n=O pA 42 KS + 4X10. a os 6 64X20 =0 Ey= 140 [Ey= FAN = Posting _ in oe oO fd = S kN) Consides moment —olong_C Z2M.=0 - Saad “ +OxS BEY WO +E, 4 =0_ Se KE, = =d01F0 [ | 7 Ey Ey = loKN—) putting—valie in _eq =) (bl As NEy> Ay Lension js ndximum in DE. Tension in _DE= JET Hey = [hoy tt ; pf Fensign = 19-21% (er |) Sag ot 85 3Mp=o LI +Ay%dp = Ay XS=0 | ua a} ‘ 10 dp = Sas . NIL a 4X [dy = 2.5m, ats a ee. ok D LM» F - =e) i | Ey dy +t Ey XS=£0. : to KK : Ls = 3S ( pf dys 2.5m > \ . BKM 6es=4 Scanned with CamScanr

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