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Sinhgad Institutes

Asignnent t 2 fngineeing Chenisty

G 62 what are cenductn elymer ? Gie tyoes ot
conductng Polymes Explain toping wlth easioo
and give any huo ape icadions of conduction
PolymeyJ e best inulates but we an make them
seni canducter oY Conducte motehal by hauinq Jome
conditionr ioit
(0Eox conan ce fee elechran ane needed.
Cougted polymes ae serniconducox mtemo
while doped polyraex ae dert condu cte
(9) To day condu cie plastcr ane being develo ped fer
Y Ihtiaie Conducigg Polycoer.
Lconjugated and
hignly planoyJ
tir the example ot in
thntcConductng polyner
Son polyraerr an anduct electicity of thei owo
becaure of theix stuctura eater.
Other eKanple ane

Poly (ehenylene-sulfide

Tntinicatly Conductng polyrmer porr (o

condutivity (senicondu chor) but then canduciat
Can be imprakd by cieating paiiie o neg ahie
chaxçer on the polymeY chain by eithe oxidohion
Thic ir called ar doping. Bey doing then,they a
behave ar conductingnatena and t ir done
extenally addtag the inpuntier hence Called a
ertinde Conducting polyme.
Ex thinste on ducing polymer
Leuir Acid p-dped palynencopin

3pelicoatans of conductiocg polymes

Rechargeable lictweigt baterier, doped conduchina
polymer a
elecronic devicef cuch ar tranitorsphotodiode.
LEDS, ete.
3) Opica) deplay deuicer
(u)Solar celle
s) DYug deliveny sytem for burnon body
(6) moleculay wer and molecla uiteh er
Siahged Instiares

(Uhat ne
biodeçradate pelymer iie t4hee
facterr cfecting btodes radation ro of a
folyme Gie any tve applicahion ef enducting
(he poly mes wbich can be converted fo
harmful produt into hormle product bymen
of bíological eten ually with the hele of
bacfeHa cy fungi ae aled ar biodegraae
Yfacter atfectag biodegrasatian
micanoim: Naturally accuing nicTOngonim
Such ar bacteia, fungi, ete are Yep anible foy
beaking the long chain of poly cne C5y breaking
-c bond) LA erobic and anaerabiC micYO 0Ygani an
be caied out degradatioo f palymer]
(b) nirSom eot - itaSle ehiYOnenent like tenperatute,
Oxygen,satt, light ,ete.
cc) Natxe af ealycaer: f palymeY C nat al polymert
eosly degradosie, if polymer har low malesula
weignt amorphot pogoer tt eacily degrader
amorp hour palymer are mnore Sureptible than
Cryctaline polymer, hydrphilic polyeme degrade
fastey th an hydxophabic
Stuctne of ptSy Leoly hydroy buter ate ply hyroy
ValerateJ (biopal)
3-hydroxybutanoic ació 3-hydronyp&ntancic acid PHEV

controlled dhuc
medBcal aaptícation fo
At H ir nontoxíc 5iodegadable
wed for delive
iterna uture.
(3), Can be wred foy filon, blow moulding cnthicle,
Coating 0n pper ete

(3) Gie styuctte, oy thee Propertier nd on

three applicatonr of paly Carbonote
Styu cte : Polycarbonote (LExAM l mRLoN)
HO -oh
Sisphench-A 0iphen casboncte


Bisphencl-A Poly cassente

tighly transpoent matenal

a Migh icepaet stenth ond tenile stensth OVe

wide range of tmperote

(ul Gocod thermal and Qridotie tability
(i God heat eirtance
Sinhgad Inatitutes

Y peli cations
() Act r an tonlator so can be used lo electnc ond
efectreni componentr
«), Higly tanponet, omai ng tranpoxent rnatrial
(ike CD, DVD.
(m) Becaure ef optical clarty, wed fo nadng sunglacres.
Safety goggler, automotie head lanp lenser
electrooic disolacy sceen ete
( It can be laminoted to nake bullet prot glarr.
Ih cotruction maeia i e ured ar asubsitute.
to qlacrdome lightr, cuned wal. ete

a (4) Explalne the stucoe. Gie the pro pertie and

applicationr of Graphene in CHT
- M Graphene
Graphene ir a nomefor a ahaney camb of
carbon ctomr
n It is aSage layer of cabon atome oxganized in
a hexagonal latice.
Cn Iti a tuo dicoensiongl omatenal
w is the buì lding block fer other qxaphmic
atenar (ince a typicd carsoo_ato m har a
diamete _of about G:33 o anonter,theeoe
abuut 3 millíon layes of graphene in Inon of
N An corbons in graphene ane sp hybi dize d
sp' hybndized caybon ic odtached to th
(n) Each
other p corbon ferning a herag onal shee
c har one o t
and erco eoch
unhybidired onbita which can delocalize
Hhe heet due to eonance,makng graphene
good condu cto of electi city

b) Prapevtier .

w Handey than dianond yet mae elartic Hhan nbbey.

tougher than cteel yet i ghtex than aumíniuom,
Graphene ir the tronget knon mateial
() Graphene ir the worldr Stronggt mateno! and
fo con be ured t enhance the sthengts of
) high electron nobility ir (o0x fater han.
sicon,it condu ctr heat 2n bete than diomond
ts elechica conductiviy ir 13x betey than coppt

0 Gaphene- enhanced Co mpaite motenalr can


Qfe in aerarpace, building maten alr, mosile

device and many other applic cios
Oreful n dth micro electyonicr (to make (ED me
efficient ond longer lating)
(). Used to
batener and SupeYcapacite ar enegy
storage devicer.
Ih photovotai cc and io renox

CNT CCoY bon Nanotuser)

(arbon nanstuber (cNT are cylindncal meleculer
that conirt of rlled-up cheet of ingle-(ayex
carbon odomr (graphene)
Y Typer t corbao nanotiberiwith epect to hrute
Jinge waled carbonnanshube
(9muti-walled cozbon nanotubec
asle alled wceTaxe the tuberwith onl
qraphene hee4 oled to fom a hcllow tube
of seeral intez (inked nanotuter with dËanete
Teachinq moe thap oo nm Thelr ength
Several mícYOmete eves millimetet
(b) The rolling u divectio (rollng up x chia vecto)
of the qrcuphene layr determine the eleatical
propertie of he nanohub er. Aro dependending upon
he ay Inin which the heet rolled to fom o tube

2Aoolicatiaas af
Making eht cweigh high tengh connpovte
Gn) Ar ano aylindex for toing af
of hydoen
i In spectro peitic Ye actioe

whad is a
yper t quouo dor wnte ony
of quontun dotr. applicat
Quontun dot ae nonoporiclep hat eeibit
three dicn enional confiocnent which eadr ta
may erit ungue optico) ondthrt
There ae Cytal of seni con ductoy
mote alr such a cadrniurn
cadniu selenide, qalliun
arcenide Iead telundeetc
Couanturo dott ane the Aourarcent nanothi cie
they con exhibit aa ronge of col dependiny
Upon theiy conpoithion andize.
i Propertie
(a Optical Pro pertieraDs hae propertier
interediocte betwee bulk renicondyctoy nd
disenete atom Y mole oler (heiY opti cal
Sinhgad Inatitutes

lpvoenty chonger ar a function t bot ize and

6 EoUNOSCece: Ar the Contement eney depens
upon the
Quantum dot ize both optiral ond
-Aourarence eririon can be a turned by chonging
4he ize of the quton dott dnna Syth Ris.
2Y Appli catia
(a)l can be 0sed in opti cal str
(b) Photovoltaic deuicee
(hey hare potential to boot the etficieney of
Stlicon photovoltaic cell and lea to educed cortr
(aLE Dr
(e) Biomnedical application such as torgeted drug aelivey
4) Ia qUontum dett diplay and bio -imng

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