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Self-belief also called self-efficacy is the kind of feeling you have, like Jedi mastered a particular
kind of skill and with its help been able to achieve set goals.

Elements in the definition:

Determination and practice you have to be determined enough to move in positive direction
and learn new skills.

Self-confidence: you should be confident and self-reliant on the fact that you can learn new

Belief in yourself: you should believe in your innate abilities to succeed mind doesn’t work
without will power and belief.


"Academic self-efficacy" refers to an individual's belief in their ability to succeed academically.

Based on various definitions and research, the basic elements or indicators of academic self-
efficacy typically include:

Perceived Competence: This refers to the individual's belief in their own academic abilities. It
involves confidence in mastering academic tasks, understanding complex concepts, and
achieving desired academic outcomes.

Persistence and Effort: Academic self-efficacy involves the belief that one can persist in the face
of challenges and setbacks.

Goal Setting and Achievement: Academic self-efficacy often involves setting realistic academic
goals and believing in one's ability to achieve them. This includes setting specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and having the confidence to pursue and
attain them.

Confidence in Understanding Course Material:

1: Not confident at all

2: Somewhat confident

3: Moderately confident

4: Very confident

5: Extremely confident

Belief in Ability to Perform Well on Exams:

1: No belief

2: Slight belief

3: Moderate belief

4: Strong belief

5: Complete belief

Self-assessment of Problem-solving Skills:

1: Poor

2: Below average

3: Average

4: Above average

5: Excellent

Perception of Ability to Meet Academic Deadlines:

1: Always struggling to meet deadlines

2: Sometimes able to meet deadlines

3: Often able to meet deadlines

4: Usually meet deadlines

5: Always meet deadlines with ease

Confidence in Participating in Class Discussions:

1: Never participate

2: Rarely participate

3: Occasionally participate

4: Frequently participate

5: Always participate and contribute meaningfully

Belief in Ability to Learn New Concepts Independently:

1: Not confident in learning independently

2: Slightly confident in learning independently

3: Moderately confident in learning independently

4: Very confident in learning independently

5: Extremely confident in learning independently

Perceived Ability to Overcome Academic Challenges:

1: Easily discouraged by challenges

2: Sometimes able to overcome challenges

3: Often able to overcome challenges

4: Usually able to overcome challenges

5: Always able to overcome challenges with resilience and determination

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