THM52010 02 - 15 - 23 Lecture UNIT 1

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UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO - Entrepreneurs assemble and then

ENTREPRENEURSHIP integrate all the resources

needed– the money, the people,
“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of the business model, the strategy–
your life like most people won’t, so that to transform an invention or an
you can spend the rest of your life like idea into a viable business.
most people can’t.”
WHAT IS ENTREPRENEURSHIP? - The three primary reasons that
- Is the process by which individuals people become entrepreneurs and
pursue opportunities without start their own firms are the ff:
regard to resources they ● The desire to be their own
currently control (Stevenson and boss
Jarillo) ● Desire to pursue their own
- Is the art of turning an idea into ideas
a business (Fred Wilson) ● Financial rewards


● Opportunity-focused - Passion for the business
● Innovative - Product/consumer focused
● Growth-oriented - Tenacity despite failure
- Execution intelligence


- An entrepreneur is someone who ENTREPRENEURS
creates a new business.
MYTH 1: Entrepreneurs are born, not
- This myth is based on the
mistaken belief that some people
are genetically predisposed to be
- The consensus of many studies is
that no one is “born” to be an
entrepreneur; everyone has the
potential to become one.


- A moderate risk taker
- Achievement motivated - In fact, some entrepreneurs warn
- Alert to opportunities that the pursuit of money can be
- Creative distracting.
- Decisive
- Energetic MYTH 4: Entrepreneurial activity is fairly
- Has a strong work ethic easily spread out over age ranges.
- Lengthy attention span - While it is important to be
- Optimistic disposition energetic, investors often cite the
- Persuasive strength of the entrepreneur as
- Promoter their most important criteria in
- Resource assembler/leverager making investment decisions
- Self-confident - What makes an entrepreneur
- Self-starter “strong” in the eyes of an investor
- Tenacious is experience, maturity, a solid
- Tolerant of ambiguity reputation, and a track record of
- Visionary success.
- These criteria favor older rather
MYTH 2: Entrepreneurs are gamblers than younger entrepreneurs.
- Most entrepreneurs are moderate
- The idea that entrepreneurs are 1. Deciding to become an
gamblers originates from two entrepreneur
sources: 2. Developing successful business
● Entrepreneurs typically ideas
have jobs that are less 3. Moving from an idea to an
structured, and so they entrepreneurial firm
face a more uncertain set 4. Managing and growing the
of possibilities than people entrepreneurial firm.
in traditional jobs.
● Many entrepreneurs have a “The first step is to establish that
strong need to achieve and something is possible; then probability
set challenging goals, a will occur” - Elon Musk
behavior that is often
equated with risk taking. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE
MYTH 3: Entrepreneurs are motivated INDUSTRY: AN OVERVIEW
primarily by money
- While it is naive to think that I. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND
entrepreneurs don’t seek financial SELF-EMPLOYMENT
rewards, money is rarely the
reason entrepreneurs start new FACTORS TO CONSIDER BEFORE
● Business Idea;
● Skills (technical/managerial); II. ISSUES AND CONSTRAINTS IN
● Capital (opening, working or
● Machinery (technology); ENTREPRENEURS AND BUSINESS
● Location (strategic); BUSINESS INCLUDE: (Beegom, 2013)
● Legal issues; and 1. Developing the idea and business
● Competition concept;
2. Raising principal for startup business;
REASONS FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT: 3.Gathering a business team;
● Need to improve personal income; 4. Identifying the right business site, noble
● Inability to secure a desirable job; employees and loyal customers;
● Influence of others; 5. Competing with competitors;
● To fulfill a lifelong ambition; 6. Unanticipated business trials and
● To seek more independence; expenditures;
● Love for adventure; 7. Keeping up with industrial changes and
A. DISSATISFACTION WITH WAGE 8. Withdrawing the business;
EMPLOYMENT: 9. Down in the stagnation; and
- Poor prospects of career 10. Overrating, concentration and passion
advancement; and resolution
- Delayed promotions;
- Lack of recognition or III. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE
appreciation of special TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY
accomplishments; INDUSTRY
- Poor terms of service; ● Tourism acts as a business for the
- Unsatisfactory working creation of employment
conditions; and opportunities and service focused
- Pending redundancy industry generates colossal profits
B. FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT: to the individuals, society and the
- Appropriate incentives (e.g: nation as a whole.
access to credit facilities); ● Tourism reduces poverty, but
- Laws governing small improves earnings (Ramukumba,
enterprise creation; 2014).
- Access to raw materials ● Travel and Tourism subsidized
and machinery; USD 7.2 trillion to the World Gross
- Good infrastructure (e.g.: Domestic Product (GDP),
roads, telephone networks, signifying 9.8% of the Global GDP
electricity); and (WTTC, 2016)
- Inexpensive cost of labor ● The Travel and Tourism business
sector generated 284 million jobs
or 1 in 11 employment in the 2. An employment size with less than
world. 200 employees.
● Travel and Tourism business rose ● The constraints that MSMEs often
by 3.1% in 2015 revealing the 6th face can generally be categorized
successive year of positive as:
progression for the segment. 1. Non-financial barrier (cost of getting
● Travel and Tourism will overtake electricity, heavy regulation, high tax rates
the global economy through the and corruption); and
following decade, growing by an 2. Financial barrier (access to finance)
estimated 4% on average per
annum over the next ten years. • Most MSMEs still have difficulty
● In 2026, the Travel and Tourism accessing funds because of:
business is anticipated to generate 1. insufficient collateral, limited credit
370 million employment histories and banking relationship;
opportunities in total globally, 2. inadequate financial records and
which will be equivalent to 1 in 9 of business plans; and
all employment in the world 3. high interest rates
(WTTC, 2016).
● In 2026, South Asia will be the • Republic Act No. 9501: Magna Carta
fastest growing sub-region with for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises
7.1% GDP growth, India 7.5% and (MSMEs)
China 7.0% (WTTC, 2016). - It is hereby declared the policy of
● In comparison, agriculture the State to promote, support,
generates 44.6% employment and strengthen and encourage the
manufacturing industry generates growth and development of
mere 12.6% jobs. MSMEs in all productive sectors of
● The Tourism industry is the 3rd the economy particularly
major foreign exchange payee rural/agri-based enterprises.
next to gems and jewelry and - The State shall recognize the
read-made clothes industry specific needs of the MSMEs and
(Mukherjee, 2012). shall undertake to promote
entrepreneurship, support
IV. MICRO, SMALL, MEDIUM entrepreneurs, encourage the
ENTERPRISE (MSME) establishment of MSMEs and
● In the Philippine Setting (Senate of ensure their continuing viability
the Philippines, 2012), MSME is and growth.
defined as any business activity or
enterprise engaged in industry, VI. ASEAN MENTORSHIP FOR
agri-business and/or service that ENTREPRENEURS NETWORK (AMEN)
has: - ASEAN Mentorship for
1. An asset size (less land) of up to Entrepreneurs Network (AMEN)
Php 100 million; and serves as a learning cross border
mentorship hub to aid the region’s
MSMEs in scaling up and 1. An Eye for Opportunity: Many
preparing for the transition into an entrepreneurs start by finding a need and
integrated market. quickly satisfying it.
- It is planned to be integrated in 2. Independence: Even though most
various sectoral alliance with entrepreneurs know how to work within
specific issues that need to be the framework for the sake of profits, they
addressed specifically the ASEAN enjoy being their own boss.
Young Entrepreneurs Network 3. An Appetite for Hardwork:
(AYEN) and ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs are always at work even
Entrepreneurs Network (AWEN) when other people have stopped.
4. Self-confidence: Most successful
ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE entrepreneurs are confident of achieving
TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY realistic and challenging goals.
INDUSTRY: AN OVERVIEW 5. Discipline: Successful entrepreneurs
resist the temptation to do what is
I. OVERVIEW unimportant or the easiest but have the
ability to think what is the most essential.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP is the motion of 6. Judgement: Successful entrepreneurs
venturing into a new business or have the ability to think quickly and make
businesses, captivating on the risks in a wise decision.
the optimism of making a maximum 7. Ability to Accept Change: An
turnover. entrepreneur may need to change his/her
plans in order to help the business grow.
II. PERSPECTIVES ON 8. Make Stress Work for Them:
ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneurs are capable of working for
ENTREPRENEUR is a person who shifts long hours and solving different
economic resources out of an area of complexities at the same time.
lower productivity into an area of 9. Need to Achieve: Entrepreneurs have
higher productivity and greater yield. a strong desire to achieve higher goals.
• An entrepreneur in a developing 10. Focus on Profits: Successful
economy is one who starts an industry entrepreneurs always have the profit
(old or new), undertakes risks, bears margin in sight and know that their
uncertainties and also performs the business success is measured by profits.
managerial functions of 11. Risk-bearing: Entrepreneurs are the
decision-making and coordinating. persons who take decisions under
• Entrepreneurs imitate any techniques of uncertainty and thus they are willing to
production from a developed economy. take risk, but they never gamble with the
• Entrepreneurism has now been results.
attributed to all small industrialists, traders 12. Locus of Control: Entrepreneurs
and agriculturalists. believe in their own ability to control the
consequences of their endeavor by
III. QUALITY OF AN EFFECTIVE influencing their socio-economic
environment rather than leave everything • Promotion of an Entrepreneurial
to luck. Culture: A country which embraces
13. Creative and Innovators: They entrepreneurial culture is bound to be
constantly put their efforts in introducing economically stable.
new products, new methods of • Export Promotion: Entrepreneurs are
production, opening new markets and able to earn the country foreign exchange
reorganizing the enterprise. • Favorable Balance of Payment: There
14. Leadership: Entrepreneurs as leaders is now a balance between the import and
should provide the necessary spark of export business.
motivation by guiding, inspiring, assisting • Improved Marketing of Locally
and directing the members of the group Produced Products: Every business is
for achievement of unity of action, efforts compelled to produce quality
and purpose. products/services and aggressively
15. Ability to Mobilize Resources: They market the same.
have to mobilize the 6Ms of a Business – • Improve Infrastructure: Creation of
Man, Money, Material, Machinery, business leads to improvement of cities
Market and the Method effectively to and towns which in turn result in
realize the final product as improvement of roads, banking services,
entrepreneurship is a function of gap telephone network, electricity, etc..
filling and input completing. • Promotion of Talent and Hobbies:
Entrepreneurship encourages young
IV. ENTREPRENEURIAL people to exploit their talents.
CONTRIBUTION TO ECONOMIC • Improved Growth in Gross Domestic
DEVELOPMENT Product (GDP): There is now favorable
trade internally and this has seen an
● Utilization of Local Resources: increase in economic growth.
Local resources, some of which - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) –
would be otherwise declared is the final value of the goods
useless, are put to more gainful and services produced within
use. the geographical boundaries of
● Promotion of Technology: a country during a specified
Entrepreneurs are very creative period of time, normally a year.
hence they contribute to the • Self-reliance: Entrepreneurs enable
utilization and development of citizens to survive comfortably without too
technology. much borrowing.
● Capital Formulation: As the
entrepreneurs pay tax and save
their earnings, they too directly
contribute to capital formulation
● Creation of Employment
Opportunities: Entrepreneurs help
in the creation of wealth for the
country through job creation.

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