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Knowledge Planet | PhysicsWallah



Class 10 - Science
Time Allowed: Maximum Marks: 50

Section A
1. Select from the following compounds which is not a base: [1]

a) Zinc oxide b) Sodium hydroxide

c) Calcium hydroxide d) Sodium sulphate

2. The green coating on copper appears on exposure to air. It is: [1]

a) Copper carbonate b) Copper sulphate

c) Copper nitrate d) Copper sulphide

3. A chemical reaction is characterised by: [1]

a) Change in state b) Evolution and absorption of energy

c) Formation of new products d) All of these

4. The emission of brown fumes in the given experimental set-up is due to [1]

a) thermal decomposition of lead nitrate which b) thermal decomposition of lead nitrate which
produces brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide. produces brown fumes of lead oxide.

c) oxidation of lead nitrate forming lead oxide d) oxidation of lead nitrate forming lead oxide
and oxygen. and nitrogen dioxide.
5. What type of reaction is an exothermic reaction? [1]

a) Decomposition reaction b) Displacement reactions

c) Combustion reaction d) Redox reaction

6. A metal ribbon X burns in oxygen with a dazzling white flame forming a white ash Y. The correct description of [1]
X, Y and the type of reaction is:

a) X = Al; Y = Al2O3; Type of reaction = b) X = Ca; Y = CaO; Type of reaction =
Thermal decomposition Decomposition

c) X = Zn; Y = ZnO; Type of reaction = d) X = Mg; Y = MgO; Type of reaction =

Endothermic Combination
7. Which of the following does not belong to the same homologous series? [1]

a) C3H8 b) CH4

c) C2H6 d) C4H8

8. A hydrocarbon which can add two molecules of Br2 is [1]

a) H2C = CH - CH = CH2 b) H3C - CH = CH - CH3

c) HC ≡ CH d) Both H2C = CH - CH = CH2 and


9. Drinking alcohol and driving may cause serious accidents. To discourage this, police randomly lest drivers for [1]
alcohol using a breath analyzer. The breath analyzer works because:

a) Alcohol makes the breath dry and the b) Alcohol makes the breath hotter which
machine registers moisture. changes the machine reading.

c) Alcohol causes more saliva which the d) Alcohol in the breath causes a chemical
machine checks. change which is registered by the breath
analyzer machine.
10. A few chemical processes are listed as: [1]
i. An alcohol undergoes oxidation to produce a carboxylic acid.
ii. An alcohol undergoes esterification.
iii. A carboxylic acid reacts with sodium carbonate.
iv. Propane undergoes complete combustion.
In which of the given process(es), products have more carbon atoms than the underlined reactants?

a) II only b) I and IV only

c) I, III and IV only d) I and II only

11. A hydrocarbon with molecular formula C4H10 has: [1]

a) 10 covalent bonds b) 7 covalent bonds

c) 13 covalent bonds d) 6 covalent bonds

12. When acetic acid reacts with ethyl alcohol, we add conc. H2SO4. It acts as ________ and the process is called [1]

a) Reducing agent, Esterification b) Oxidizing agent, Saponification

c) Acid, Esterification d) Dehydrating agent, Esterification

Section B
13. Classify the following reactions: [2]
i. Reaction of magnesium and oxygen to form magnesium oxide.

ii. Heating of calcium carbonate.
iii. Reaction of potassium hydroxide and nitric acid to form potassium nitrate and water.
iv. Reaction of zinc oxide and carbon to form zinc and carbon monoxide.
v. Formation of hydrogen and oxygen from water in the presence of light.
14. Discuss two examples of decomposition reactions. [2]
15. Identify the oxidising agent (oxidant) in the reaction: [2]
CuSO4 + Zn ⟶ Cu + ZnSO4
16. What is redox reaction? Identify the substance oxidised and the substance reduced in the following reactions. [2]
i. 2PbO + C ⟶ 2Pb + CO2

ii. MnO2 + 4HCl ⟶ MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2

17. Explain the nature of the covalent bond using the bond formation in CH3Cl. [2]
18. Name the following compounds. [2]
i. CH3—CH2—Br

ii. H − C = O


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iii. H − C − C − C − C − C = C − H
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19. Name the group of derivatives of hydrocarbons that have pleasant fruity smell. Explain with the help of chemical [2]
equation how these can be prepared? Name the process involved.
20. Apart from the organic compounds, where else do we find carbon? [2]
Mention the form in which it is available there and also its percentage.
Section C
21. Why are decomposition reactions called the opposite of combination reactions? Write equations for these [3]
22. When solutions of silver nitrate and sodium chloride are mixed, white precipitate forms. The ionic equation for [3]
the reaction is

Ag+(ag) + Cl- ⟶AgCl(s)

i. a. What is the name of the white precipitate?
b. Is it a soluble or insoluble compound?
ii. Is the precipitation of silver chloride a redox reaction?

23. i. How do covalent compounds normally exist? [3]

ii. Why is hydrogen diatomic in nature?

24. i. An element of group 14 has two common allotropes, A and B. A is hard and is bad conductor of electricity [3]
while B is soft to touch and a good conductor of electricity. Identify the element and its allotropes. Explain
the reasons for their different properties.
ii. An organic compound A on heating with concertrated H2SO4 forms a compound B which on addition of one
mole of hydrogen in presence of Ni forms a compound C. One mole of compound C on combustion forms
two moles of CO2 and 3 moles of H2O. Identify the compounds A, B and C and write the chemical equations
of the reactions involved.
Section D

25. What are the types of combination reactions ? Give example of each type. [5]
26. i. What is a homologous series? Explain with an example. [5]
ii. Define the following terms giving one example of each.
a. Esterification
b. Addition reaction


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