Thời Tiết

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What’s the weather like in your country?

Is located in
Tropical area
Lượng mưa cao….nắng nóng , mưa nhiều
…2 main seasons …rainy and sunny seasons
bổ sung:
I am living in huế city where only has …( 2 main seasons)
..they are rainy season and sunny season.
I am living in……which …….
Well, there are 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and

which vary considerably in

They vary significantly in
Chúng khác nhau đáng kể về các đ điểm tuỳ mùa
mùa nào cũng khác nhau có tính chất khác nhau

What kind of weather do you like?

mùa hè: there are many outdoor activities such as….ving ,
ving and ving

I am the cold person so I love winter or something like that.

(A like)
Trượt tuyết, hot foods…

I am the person who loves ….

Because there are a lot of things that I can do in….
I often go to ….
I often do….

Option 1 : I enjoy hot weather. There are more

things to do when it’s sunny.
I love swimming and sunbathing.

Option 2: I love winter

because there are many things to do
such as
eating hot pot, going for a walk, wearing nice
and especially not worrying about sunburn.

What months have the best weather in your country?

1: For me, It would be ……12-2

Because there are a lot of festivals
Although sometimes the …is quite bad but because
I am in a good mood during this time
So I think that the weather is also the …at this time.

2: I believe it depends. For me, the best weather is from …to

it’s warm (cool) across the country.

Flowers Bloom All over the country

Do you like it when it rains?

It makes me wet when going out.
It is very dirty when rain comes.

Yes, I do. I love rain. I think it is really romantic.

I quite like the rain khá thích mưa
Because in the rainy season vì vào
mùa mưa
I can sleep under a blanket all day .tôi có
thể ngủ cả ngày
với chăn.

Not at all. I hate raining.

How does the weather affect your feelings? In a good mood

In a bad mood
low mood …it rains I must stay …
My only duty is sleep

When it is sunny, I am happy.I can join many outdoor
When it is rainy, I am quite sad. I only stay at home and
I don’t like sleeping all day.

I usually have a bad mood when it rains.

Tôi luôn luôn có t trạng tệ khi mưa
The rain reminds me of sad memories.
Mưa nhắc tôi những kỉ niệm buồn

How has the weather changed recently?ht ht

tới bây giờ th t thay đổi nhiều
The weather has changed a lot.
Maybe it is affected by the greenhouse
It becomes unpredictable.
In summer, the weather is
severe.the temperature is
Very high. It is scorching

And in winter, there are a lot of

rains and

Đổi thử:
The weather has undergone significant
changes, likely
influenced by the greenhouse effect,
leading to its
unpredictability. Summers have become
harsh, with
extremely high temperatures that are
simply scorching.
Conversely, winters are marked by
excessive rainfall,
resulting in frequent floods."

Due to global warming,

the weather has become more and more
It’s boiling hot in summer and freezing
cold on winter days.

Do you usually watch the weather forecast?

No, I don’t.However ,I still know how the weather Is
because I can see …
On my phone. It is much more convenient.

No, not very often.

What’s your favorite season? Why?

mùa hè: đi bơi đi biển đạp xe leo núi cắm trại…going +ving
Bloom …gentle ===good mood
It makes my mood better.

I love the cool weather so I like autumn.

My …is autumn. In this season, …is very cool. My favorite
activity is going fishing
In this season.
In this occasion.

Let’s see. I love spring when trees and flowers blossom.

What do you like to do when it’s windy?

I am an adult now so I don’t have any special

activities when …
however, when I was a kid, I liked flying a kite
when it was windy.
Fly a kite.
When it’s windy, I like flying a kite with my friends. That’s

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