Masanguid, Andrea D. Bsed-Eng1 - TTL - LP

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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines

Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Subject: English
Date May 22, 2024
MASANGUID, Class Duration: 1 hour
Andrea D.
Year & Section: Grade 8 - Euphrates


Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast

Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies
in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda
techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis.
Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis,
and appropriate prosodic features, stance,and
Learning Competencies EN8RC-IIIc-2.13

II. SUBJECT-MATTER Differentiate facts from opinions.

A. Topic
B. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define and differentiate a fact and what is an
b. Distinguish the importance of differentiating
facts from opinions.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

c. Apply their understanding through various

C. References
Department of Education (2020). Grade 7 English
module: Statements of Fact and Opinion (pp.
10-11). DepEd Tambayan.

Leslie, S. (2011). Oxford Big Ideas: Australian

Curriculum English 8. Oxford University Press.
(pp. 98-102).

Pherringtonmoriarty, & Tomasson, J. (2018, August

28). Chapter 16: Distinguishing between facts
and opinions. Pressbooks.
D. Materials Visual Aids
- Laptop
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Chalk & Whiteboard Marker
- Projector
- White Cloth
A. Introduction Routinary
“Before we proceed to our new topic, let us first stand
for our opening prayer to be led by the assigned prayer

The assigned student will lead the prayer

“Good day class!”

“How are you doing?”

“That’s good to hear. Now to make sure that everybody

c) Attendance else is here, please say ‘Present’ as I call your name.”
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

“I’m glad that everyone is here. Now to make sure that

d)Classroom Management we have a pleasing environment while we learn, please
pick up any piece of paper in your surroundings.
Arrange your chairs in a proper order, and let us strictly
follow the rules that we have agreed on.”

“Let us all recite the rules and regulations during our

class discussion.”

P - Practice respect at all times.

A - Actively engage with classmates.
C - Consider everyone a teammate.
T - Take turns in speaking.

“Now before we proceed to another topic, can

e)Review of Previous Lesson/s someone remember what our previous discussion was
all about?”

“Yes it was all about the different propaganda

techniques. Can anyone tell me about the different
propaganda techniques and how they are used?

“Very good students.”

“Since we have talked about the different kinds of

f) Presentation of the Lesson propaganda techniques, let us proceed to learning
about the factors that contribute to these types of
techniques, and how to differentiate the two of them.
Let us learn about differentiating facts from opinions.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

1. Motivation Activity: Duck Knows the Best!

Time Allotment: 5 minutes

Directions: The students will have their corresponding

ducks in the duck race game that will be presented to
the class. The duck number one (1) will be the first
student on the class list, followed by duck number two
(2), and so on. The duration of each race will be 10
seconds and the lucky winner of the game will have the
chance to answer one of the questions prepared and will
have an additional 5 points to their oral recitation

Duck Race Game Simulation:

Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Questions/Choices: (answers may vary)

Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

2. Lesson Proper
After the activity, the class will now proceed to defining
what is a fact and an opinion.

Facts - are statements that are objectively true and

can be proven with evidence or observation. It is not
influenced by personal opinions or beliefs. Facts
represent reality as it is and are generally accepted as
true by the majority of people or experts in a field.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


1. The capital of France is Paris.

2. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the
United States.
3. The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of
7,641 islands.
4. The Philippine Eagle is one of the largest eagles
in the world.
5. The Philippines is made up of over 7,000

Opinions - are statements of personal belief or

viewpoint that may not be based on facts. It reflects how
someone feels or thinks about something. Opinions can
vary from person to person.


1. Pizza is delicious.
2. Insidious is a scary movie.
3. Laptops are the best gadgets.
4. Love takes a short time.
5. Black is the most famous color.

How do we differentiate facts from opinions?

“To easily differentiate the two of them, facts are

statements that can be proven true or false, while
opinions are personal beliefs or judgments. Here are
some examples:

Example 1
1. The sky is blue. - Fact
2. Blue is the ugliest color. - Opinion

Example 2
1. The space is vast. - Fact
2. Learning about space is boring. - Opinion
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Example 3
1. My name is Andrea. - Fact
2. Andrea is a very pretty name. - Opinion

Example 4
1. Jose Rizal is our National Hero. - Fact
2. Duterte is the best president. - Opinion

Example 5
1. Women have ovaries. - Fact
2. Girls love the color pink. - Opinion”

3. Application The class will be divided into three (3) groups through
the one (1) - two (2) - three (3) counting. Each group will
be given one (1) minute to be with their group mates.
The teacher will now distribute the different tasks
assigned per group together with its mechanics. After
the ten (10) minutes preparation, each of the groups will
be given five (5) minutes to present their output in front
of the class.

Group No. 1: News-ko-Sis!

Directions: The group will present a radio or television

news skit. Their skit may also include trending topics
about the mass media. Their statements or “reports”
must include both factual and opinionated statements.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Group No. 2: Deb-ATE

Directions: The group will choose a current social issue
that is relevant to their age group. Then, they will
formulate responses and rebuttals that will be beneficial
for their side of the group. Their statements must involve
factual and opinionated statements.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Group No. 3: Act-My-Age

Directions: The group will choose a situation in which

most of the students in their age can relate to. This can
be any scene as long as it is appropriate and
non-discriminatory. Their statements must include both
factual and opinionated remarks.

Teacher Evaluation:
Excellent Good Satisfactory
(10) (5) (3)

Content The topics are The topics are The topics are
timely and in need of an not timely and
relevant to the in-depth not relevant to
current understanding. the current
generation. generation.

Accuracy The factual and The factual and The factual and
opinionated opinionated opinionated
statements statements statements
were clear and were often were not found
concise during found during throughout the
the the presentation.
presentation. presentation.

Presentation The The The

presentation presentation presentation
was concise was subtle and does not deliver
and the ideas in need of its assigned
were delivered explanation. topic.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Peer Evaluation:
Excellent Good Satisfactory
(10) (5) (3)

Content The topics are The topics are The topics are
timely and in need of an not timely and
relevant to the in-depth not relevant to
current understanding. the current
generation. generation.

Accuracy The factual and The factual and The factual and
opinionated opinionated opinionated
statements statements statements
were clear and were often were not found
concise during found during throughout the
the the presentation.
presentation. presentation.

Presentation The The The

presentation presentation presentation
was concise was subtle and does not deliver
and the ideas in need of its assigned
were delivered explanation. topic.

Excellent Good Satisfactory
(10) (5) (3)

Content The topics are The topics are The topics are
timely and in need of an not timely and
relevant to the in-depth not relevant to
current understanding. the current
generation. generation.

Accuracy The factual and The factual and The factual and
opinionated opinionated opinionated
statements statements statements
were clear and were often were not found
concise during found during throughout the
the the presentation.
presentation. presentation.

Presentation The The The

presentation presentation presentation
was concise was subtle and does not deliver
and the ideas in need of its assigned
were delivered explanation. topic.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

4. Generalization After the activity, the teacher will instruct her students to
go back to their proper seating arrangements. She will
then deliver her comments and scores to the
presentation of each group. Then she will ask the
following questions:

1. What is a fact?
2. What is an opinion?
3. How will you differentiate the two of them?
4. How do these statements impact our day-to-day
5. What are the implications of knowing the
difference between a fact and an opinion?
5. Evaluation “Now that we have finished our discussion and activity
about identifying and differentiating facts from opinions,
let us now have our quiz. The questions will be posted
here in our Powerpoint presentation and you have one
(1) minute to answer each item. Kindly write your
answers in a ¼ sheet of paper, letter only, in capital
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Questions and answers:

1. Which of the following statements is a fact?

a. “Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor”.”
b. “Chocolate ice cream is made with cocoa and
c. “Chocolate ice cream is overrated.”
d. “Chocolate ice cream is loved by everyone.”

2. Which of the following statements is an opinion?

a. “The earth orbits the sun.”
b. “Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.”
c. “Pizza is the most delicious food.”
d. “Water is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and
one oxygen atom.”

3. Identify the statement that represents a fact:

a. “Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the
b. “Mount Everest is too dangerous to climb.”
c. “Mount Everest is more beautiful than any other
d. “Mount Everest should be closed for climbers
due to environmental concerns.”

4. Which statement is an opinion?

a. “The capital of Paris is France.”
b. “Paris is the most romantic city in the world.”
c. “Parisian cuisine is famous for its rich flavor.”
d. “Parisians speak French.”

5. Which statement is a fact?

a. “Strawberries are the tastiest fruit.”
b. “Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C.”
c. “Strawberries should only be eaten in desserts.”
d. “Strawberries are disliked by many people.”

6. What is the main characteristic of a fact?

a. It can be true or false depending on
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

b. It is subjective and based on personal beliefs.
c. It is objective and verifiable
d. It varies depending on cultural norms

7. Which of the following best defines an opinion?

a. A statement based on evidence and observation.
b. A statement that can be proven through
c. A personal belief or perspective.
d. A universally accepted truth.

8. How do facts typically influence conversations?

a. They often lead to disagreements and conflicts.
b. They provide a common ground for discussion
and understanding.
c. They tend to polarize opinions and viewpoints.
d. They are usually ignored in favor of emotional

9. What is the primary impact of opinions on

a. They strengthen logical reasoning and critical
b. They promote open-mindedness and empathy.
c. They can lead to biased interpretations and
d. They foster consensus and agreement among

10. In a debate, which is more effective in persuading

a. Presenting a well-supported fact.
b. Asserting a strong opinion confidently.
c. Using emotional appeals and personal
d. Avoiding controversial topics entirely
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

6. Assignment Activity: Facts vs. Opinions

Directions: The students will be answering a google

form for their assessment. All their answers will be
directly recorded by the teacher.

Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


1. What is a fact?
2. What is an opinion?
3. What is the importance of being able to
differentiate between the two?
4. How can I use this in real life scenarios?


(insert E-signature)
Program & Year



Educ 123 Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


Module/Workbook/Course Packs:
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


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