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1. A wave disturbance in a medium is described by y(x, t) =

0.02 cos  50πt+ 2π  cos(10πx) where x and y are in metre and t
 

is in second:
(A) A node occurs at x = 0.15 m
(B) An antinode occurs at x = 0.3m
(C) The speed wave is 5 ms-1
(D) The wave length is 0.3 m
Answer: [C]
Comparing it with y(x, t) = A cos(ωt + π/2)cos kx.
If kx = π/2, a node occurs; ∴10πx = π/2 ⇒ x = 0.05m
If kx = π, an antinode occurs ⇒ 10πx = x ⇒ x = 0.1 m
Also speed of wave = ω/k = = 5m / s and λ = 2π/k =

2π/10π= 0.2

2. The extension in a string, obeying Hooke’s law, is x. The

speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If the extension
in the string is increased to 1.5x, the speed of sound will be
(A) 1.22v (B) 0.61v
(C) 1.50v (D) 0.75v
Answer: [A]
According to Hooke’s law FR ∝ x [Restoring Force FR =T,
tension of ring]
Velocity of sound by a stretched string
v= where m is the mass per unit length

v T T 1.5x
∴ = ⇒=v′ v= v = 1.22v
v T′ T′ x

3. A whistle giving out 450 Hz approaches a stationary

observer at a speed of 33 m/s. The frequency heard by the
observer in Hz is
(A) 409 (B) 429
(C) 517 (D) 500
Answer: [D]
33m / s V0 = 0
•  → •
VS 0
(Source) (Observer)

 v   330 
ν′ =ν   =450   =500Hz
 v − vs   330 − 33 

4. A travelling wave in a stretched string is described by the
equation y = A sin (kx – ωt). The maximum particle
velocity is
(A) Aω (B) ω/k
(C) dω/dk (D) x/t
Answer: [A]
V= = − Aω cos(kx − ωt)

∴ Vmax = Aω

5. An organ pipe P1 closed at one end vibrating in its first

harmonic and another pipe P2 open at ends vibrating in its
third harmonic are in resonance with a given tuning fork.
The ratio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is:
(A) 8/3 (B) 3/8
(C) 1/6 (D) 1/3
Answer: [C]

v= for first harmonic
4 1


v= for third harmonic
2 2

ν 3ν 1 1
∴ = ⇒ =
4 1 2 2 2 6

6. Two whistles A and B have frequencies 600Hz and 590Hz

reactively. An observer is standing in the middle of the line
joining the two sources. Source B and observer are moving
towards right with velocity 30m/s and A is standing at left
side. If the velocity of sound in air is 300m/s, the number of
beats listened by the observer are:
(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 6 (D) 8
Answer: [B]
Frequency of A as heard by the observer
N1 = 300 − 30
×660 = 594Hz.

Frequency of B as heard by observer = 594Hz, as there is

no relative motion between source and observer.
∴ Beats frequency = (594 − 590)= 4 per/s

7. A cylindrical tube, open at both ends has a fundamental

frequency 'f' in air. The tube is vertically dipped in water so
that half of it is in water, the fundamental frequency of the
air column is

(A) f/2 (B) 3f/4
(C) f (D) 2f
Answer: [C]
For open tube f = f = v/2. On dipping the tube in water, it
becomes a closed tube. For closed tube
f′ = 2′
= v 4  = v
 2 2

8. The amplitude of a wave disturbance propagating in the

positive x-direction is given by y =1/ (1 + x2) at time t = 0 and
by y = 1/[1 + (x – 1)2 at t = 2 seconds, where x and y are in
metres. The shape of the wave disturbance does not change
during the propagation. The velocity of the wave is
(A) 1 ms−1 (B) 0.5 ms−1
(C) 1.5 ms−1 (D) 2 ms−1
Answer: [B]
Writing the general expression for y in terms of x as
y= 2
at t = 0, y = 1/ (1 + x)2
1 + ( x − vt )

At t = 2 s, y =
1 + [ x − v(2)] 2

Comparing with the given equation we get 2v = 1 and v =

0.5 m/s.

9. A train has just completed a U-curve in a track which is a
semicircle. The engine is at forward end of the semicircular
part of the track while the last carriage is at the rear end of
the semi-circular track. The driver blows a whistle of
frequency 200Hz. Velocity of sound is 340 m/s. Then the
apparent frequency as observed by a passenger in the
middle of the train, when the need of the train is 30 m/s is
(A) 219Hz (B) 288 Hz
(C) 200Hz (D) 181Hz
Answer: [C]

B r


Velocity component of the source in the direction of

motion of sound = 30 cos45° along BA.
Velocity component of observer in the direction
BA = 30 cos45°.
∴ There is no relative motion between the source and the
observer, hence no change in real frequency is observed.

10. Two waves represented by y1 =10 sin(2000 πt+2x) and
y2=10 sin (2000 π t +2x+π/2) are superposed at any point
at a particular instant. The resultant amplitude is:
(A) 10 units (B) 20 units
(C) 14.1 units (D) zero
Answer: [C]
The resultant amplitude A of two waves of amplitudes a1
and a2 at a phase difference φ is ( (a12 + a 22 + 2a1a 2 cos φ)1/ 2
a1 = 10, a2 = 10 and φ = 900, we get A = 14.1.

11. The speed of sound through oxygen at T K is (300 m/s).

When the temperature is increased to 3T, the molecule
dissociates into oxygen atom, now the speed of sound will
(A) 520 m/s (B) 801 m/s
(C) 600 m/s (D) 580 m/s
Answer: [B]
γRT 7
vT = M
RT 32 × 10 −3 = 300 m/s
v3T = 3
R3T 16 × 10 −3

v 3T
5 R3T
3 16 × 10 −3
32 × 10 −3 × 5
= 2.67

v3T = 300 × 2.67 = 801 m/s

12. A piano string 1.5m long is made of steel of density

7.7×103 kg/m3 and Young's modulus 2×1011 N/m2. It is
maintained at a tension which produces an elastic strain of
1% in the string. The fundamental frequency of transverse
vibrations of string is
(A) 85Hz (B) 170Hz
(C) 340Hz (D) 310Hz
Answer: [B]
Y= F.
⇒ F = YA.

=2×1011× 100

n= 1
2 × 1.5
2 × 10 9 A
A × 7.7 × 10 3

n = 170Hz

13. The stationary waves set up on a string have the equation

y = (2mm ) sin[(6.28m )x ]cos(ωt ) . This stationary wave is created by

two identical waves, of amplitude A, each moving in

opposite directions along the string. The value of A.
(A) A = 2 mm
(B) A = 1 mm
(C) The smallest length of the string is 60 cm

(D) The smallest length of the string is 2 m.
Answer: [B]
Comparing with the equation
Y = 2A sin  nLπx  cos ωt
 

2A = 2 mm ⇒ A = 1 mm
= 6.28 x = 2πx or L = n

for n = 1, L = 50 cm

14. An accurate and reliable audio oscillator is used to

standardise a tuning fork. When the oscillator reading is
514, two beats are heard per second. When the oscillator
reading is 510, the beat frequency is 6 Hz. The frequency
of the tuning fork is
(A) 506 (B) 510
(C) 516 (D) 158
Answer: [C]
When the oscillator reading is 514, two beats are heard.
Hence the frequency f the tuning fork is 514 ± 2 = 516 or
512. When the oscillator reading is 510, the frequency of
the tuning fork is 510 ± 6 = 516 or 504. The common
value is 516. Hence the frequency is 516 Hz.

15. If x = a sin [ωt + (π/3)] and x′ = a cos ωt, then what is the
phase difference between two waves?
(A) π/3 (B) π/6
(C) π/2 (D) π
Answer: [B]
Now sin[ωt + (π/3)] and cosωt = sin[(π/2) + ωt]
⇒ Phase difference = π/2 − π/3 = π/6

16. The power of sound from a speaker is raised from 10 mW

to 500 mW. What is the power in creased in (decibel) dB as
compared to initial original power is
(A) 1.6 dB (B) 50 dB
(C) 16.9 dB (D) 6.9 dB
Answer: [C]
P(dB) = 10 log  PP  = 10 log  500 
  = 10log1050
 o   10 

= 10(1.69) = 16.9 dB

17. If the successive frequencies in a one end closed organ

pipe are 245 and 315 Hz respectively, then the frequency of
third overtone will be
a) 105 Hz
b) 175 Hz
c) 245 Hz
d) 315 Hz

Answer: [C]
(2n + 1)V
ν= n=3
(2n + 1)V
245 = f = 245 Hz
(2n + 3)V
315 =

18. Two particles of medium disturbed by the wave

propagation are at x1 = 0 and x2 = 1cm. The respective
displacements (in cm) of the particles can be given by the
y1 2 sin 3πt

y 2 2 sin(3πt − π / 8)

The wave velocity is :

(A) 16cm/sec (B) 24cm/sec
(C) 12cm/sec (D) 8cm/sec.
Answer: [B]
Given ω = 3π
∴ f= = 1.5,

Also ∆x =1.0 cm

Given, =

∆x ⇒
π 2π
8 λ

⇒ λ =16 cm
⇒ v = f λ = 16 × 1.5 = 24 cm / sec

19. A cylindrical tube, open at both ends, has a fundamental
frequency ‘f’ in air. The tube is dipped vertically in water
so that half of its in water. The fundamental frequency of
the air column in now:
(A) 2f (B) 34f (C) f (D) 2f
Answer: [C]
Initially the tube was open at both ends and then it is
closed. Further
fo = 2vl and fc = 4vl
o c

Since, tube is half dipped in water, lc = lo


∴ fci = v
 lo  2lo
= f0 = f
4 

20. A transverse wave is described by the equation y = y0 sin

2π  ft – λx  . The maximum particle velocity is equal to four
 

times the wave velocity if :

(A) λ = π4y 0
(B) λ = πy0
(C) λ = πy0
(D) λ = 2πy0
Answer: [B]
Wave velocity v = coefficient of t
coefficient of x
= 2πf
2π λ
= λf
Maximum particle velocity vpm = ωA = 2πfy0
vpm = 4 v
or 2πfy0 = 4λ f
∴ λ = π2y 0

21. The displacement of particles in a string stretched in the x-

direction is represented by y. Among the following
expressions for y, those describing wave motion are :
(A) cos kx sin ωt (B) k2x2 – ω2t2 (C) cos2(kx + ωt)
(D) cos (k2x2 – ω2t2)
Answer: [A]
Only first equation is the equation of standing wave. The
condition for a function of x and t to represent a wave is :
= (constant) ∂∂t y
2 2
∂ y
2 2

Only first equation satisfies the condition

22. A wave represented by the equation y = a cos (kx – ωt) is

superposed with another wave to form a stationary wave
such that point x = 0 is a node. The equation for the other
wave is:
(A) a sin (kx + ωt) (B) – a cos (kx – ωt)
(C) –a cos (kx + ωt)(D) –a sin (kx – ωt)
Answer: [C]
For a stationary wave to form, two identical waves should
travel in opposite direction. Further at x = 0, resultant y
9from both the waves) should be zero at all instants.

23. The displacement y of a particle executing periodic motion
is given by;
y = 4 cos2  12 t  sin (1000 t)
 

This expression may be considered to be a result of the

superposition of:
(A) two (B) three (C) four (D) five
Answer: [B]
The given equation can be written as
y = 2(2 cos2 2 ) sin (1000 t)
y =2(cos t + 1)sin (100 t)
= 2 cos t sin 1000 t + 2 sin (1000 t)
= sin (1001t) + sin (999 t) + 2 sin (1000 t)
i.e., the given expression is a result of superposition of
three independent harmonic motions of angular frequencies
999, 1000 and 1001 rad/s.

24. An object of specific gravity ρ is hung from a thin steel

wire. The fundamental frequency for transverse standing
waves in the wire is 300 Hz. The object is immersed in
water, so that wire is 300 Hz. The object is immersed in
water, so that one half of its volume is submerged. The new
fundamental frequency (in Hz) is :
12 12

(A) 300  2ρ2ρ– 1  (B) 300  2ρ2ρ– 1  (C) 300  2ρ2ρ– 1  (D) 300  2ρ2ρ– 1 
       

Answer: [A]

The diagrammatic representation of the given problem is
shown in figure. The expression of fundamental frequency
is v = 21l Tµ


ρw = 1 g/cm

in air T = mg = (Vρ)g
∴v = 1
When the object is half immersed in water
T′= mg – upthrust
= Vρg –  V2  ρwg
 

= V 
  g(2ρ – ρw)

The new fundamental frequency is

v′= 1

= 1 (Vg 2)(2ρ – ρw )
2l µ

∴ vv′ =  2ρ – ρw

 

or v′ = v  2ρ2–ρρ w 

 

= 300  2ρ – 1 
  Hz
 2ρ 

25. An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end with the result
that the frequency of third harmonic of the closed pipe is
found to be higher by 100 Hz than the fundamental
frequency of the open pipe. The fundamental frequency of
the open pipe is:
(A) 200 Hz (B) 300 Hz (C) 240 Hz
(D) 480 Hz
Answer: [A]
Length of the organ pipe is same in both the cases.
Fundamental frequency of open pipe is f1 = V2l and
frequency of third harmonic of closed pipe will be
f2 = f1 = 100
Given that f2 = f1 + 100
or f2 = f1 + 100
or 34  Vl  –  12  Vl  = 100
    

⇒ V4l = 100 Hz
∴ V2l or f1 = 200 Hz
Therefore, fundamental frequency of the open pipe is 200

26. The extension in a string, obeying Hook’s law, is x. The

speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If the extension
in the string is increased to 1.5 x, the speed of sound will be

(A) 1.22 v (B) 0.61 v (C) 1.50 v
(D) 0.75 v
Answer: [A]
From Hooke’s law
Tension in a string (T) ∝ extension (x)
and speed of sound in string v = Tm or v ∝ T
Therefore, v ∝ x
x is increased to 1.5 times i.e., speed will increase by 1.5
times or 1.22 times. Therefore, speed of sound in new
position will be 1.22 v.

27. An air column of length L closed at one end is oscillating

in 2nd overtone. Pressure change in air is minimum from
closed end at distance
a) L
d) Zero

Answer: [B]
5V 4L
ν ,λ
4L 5
λ L
4 5

28.Wires A and B are made of same material. All dimensions
of B are double of A. Both are pulled to produce same strain,
then transverse wave velocities in A and B will be in ratio
a) 1 : 2
b) 1 : 2
c) 2 : 1
d) 1 : 1

Answer: [D]
=v =
M πr 2ρ

29. A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34

m/s. The train sounds a whistle and its frequency registered
by the observer is f1. If the train’s speed is reduced to 17
m/s, the frequency registered is f2. If the speed of sound is
340 m/s then the ratio ff is : 1

(A) 18
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 19

Answer: (D)
f1 = f  v 
 
 v – vs 

f1 = f  340 
  = f  340

 340 – 34   

and f2 = f  340340– 17  = f  340 

 
   323 

∴ f1
= 323 19
306 18

30. Two vibrating strings of the same material but of lengths L
and 2L have radii 2r and r respectively. They are stretched
under the same tension. Both the strings vibrate in their
fundamental modes, the one of length L with frequency v1
and the other with frequency v2. The ratio vv is given by: 1

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8

(D) 1
Answer: [D]
Fundamental frequency is given by v= 1 T
2l µ
(with both the
ends fixed)
∴ Fundamental frequency v ∝ 1
l µ
[for same tension in
both strings]
where µ = mass per unit length of wire
= ρ.A (ρ = density)
= ρ(πr2)
or µ ∝ r
∴v ∝ l

∴ vv =
 r2  l2 
   =  r  2 L 
   =l
2  r1  l1   2r  L 

31. The ends of a stretched wire of length L are fixed at x = 0

and x = L. In one experiment the displacement of the wire
is y1 = A sin  πLx  sin ωt and energy is E1 and in other
 

experiment its displacement is y2 = A sin  2πx 
  sin 2 ωt and
 L 

energy is E2. They:

(A) E2 = E1 (B) E2 = 2E1 (C) E2 = 3E1
(D) E2 = 16E1
Answer: [C]
Energy E ∝ (amplitude)2 (frequency)2
Amplitude (A) is same in both the cases, but frequency 2ω
in the second case is two times the frequency (ω) in the
first case.
Therefore, E2 = 4E1

32. Velocity of sound in air is 332 m/s. Velocity in vacuum will

a) Greater than 332 m/s
b) Less than 332 m/s
c) Equal to 332 m/s
d) Zero

Answer: [D]
Explanation: Sound waves need a medium for propagation hence
in vacuum it will not propagate so zero.

33. A siren placed at a railway platform is emitting sound of

frequency 5 kHz. A passenger sitting in a moving train A
records a frequency of 5.5 kHz, while the train approaches
the siren. During his return journey in a different train B he
records a frequency of 6.0 kHz while approaching the same
siren. The ratio of the velocity of train B to that train A is :

(A) 242
(B) 2 (C) 5
(D) 11

Answer: [B]
Using the formula f′ = f  v + v0 
 v 
 

we get, 5.5 = 5  v +v v A 

 

and 6.0 = 5  v+vv B 

 

Here, v = speed of sound

vA = speed of train A
vB = speed of train B
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2), we get

34. A sonometer wire resonates with a given tuning fork

forming standing waves with five antinodes between the
two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the
wire. When this mass is replaced by mass M. The wire
resonates with the same tuning fork forming three
antinodes for the same positions of the bridges. The value
of M is :
(A) 25 kg (B) 5 kg (C) 12.5 kg (D) 251
Answer: [A]
Let f0 = frequency of tuning fork
Then, f0 = 25l 9g
(µ = mass per unit length of wire)

= 3

Solving this, we get M = 25 kg

In the first case frequency corresponds to fifth harmonic
while in the second case it corresponds to third harmonic.

35. A police car moving at 22 m/s chases a motorcyclist. The

police man sound his horn at 176 Hz, while both of them
move towards a stationary siren of frequency 165 Hz.
Calculate the speed of the motorcycle. If it is given that the
motorcyclist does not observe any beats :
(A) 33 m/s (B) 22 m/s (C) zero (D) 11 m/s
Answer: [B]
The motorcyclist observes no beats. So, the apparent
frequency observed by him from the two sources must be
f1 = f2
∴ 176  330  = 165 
330 – v 
– 22
 330 + v 

   

Solving this equation, we get

v = 22 m/s

36. In the experiment for the determination of the speed of

sound in air using the resonance column method, the length
of the air column that resonates in the fundamental mode,
with a tuning fork is 0.1 m. When this length is changed to
0.35 m, the same tuning fork resonates with the first
overtone. Calculate the end correction :
(A) 0.012 m (B) 0.025 m (C) 0.05 m
(D) 0.024 m
Answer: [B]
Let ∆l be the end correction.
Given that, fundamental tone for a length 0.1 m = first
overtone for the length 0.35 m.
4(0.1 + ∆l )
= 3v
4(0.35 + ∆l )

Solving this equation, we get ∆l = 0.25 m = 2.5 cm.

37. A source of sound of frequency 600 Hz is placed inside

water. The speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s and in air it
is 300 m/s. The frequency of sound recorded by an
observer who is standing in air is:
(A) 200 Hz (B) 3000 Hz
(C) 120 Hz (D) 600 Hz
Answer: [D]
The frequency is a characteristic of source. It is
independent of the medium. Hence, the correct option is

38. A closed organ pipe of length L and an open organ pipe

contain gases of densities ρ1 and ρ2 respectively. The
compressibility of gases are equal in both the pipes. Both

the pipes are vibrating in their first overtone with same
frequency. The length of the open organ pipe is:
(A) L
(B) 4L
(C) 4 L ρ1
3 ρ2
(D) 4 L ρ2
3 ρ1

Answer: [C]
fc = fa (both first overtone)
or 3  4vL 
= 2  2vlo

   o 

∴ lo = 4  vo 
 
3  vc 
L= 4 ρ1
3 ρ2

as v ∝ 1

Therefore, the correct option is (c).

39. A source emits sound of frequency 600 Hz inside water.

The frequency heard in air will be equal to (velocity of
sound in water = 1500 m/s, velocity of sound in air = 300
m/s) :
(A) 3000 Hz (B) 120 Hz
(C) 600 Hz (D) 6000 Hz

Answer: [C]
The frequency is a characteristic of source. It is
independent of the medium.
Hence, the correct option is (c).

40. An open pipe is in resonance in 2nd harmonic with

frequency f1. Now one end of the tube is closed and

frequency is increased to f2 such that the resonance again
occurs in nth harmonic. Choose the correct option:
(A) n = 3, f2 = 34 f1 (B) n = 3, f2 = 54 f1 (C) n = 5, f2 = 54 f1
(D) n = 5, f2 = 34 f1
Answer: [C]
f1= vl (2nd harmonic of open pipe)
f2= n  4vl  (nth harmonic of closed pipe)
 

Here, n is odd and f2 > f1

It is possible when n = 5
Because with n = 5
f2 = 54  vl  = 54 f
 

∴ Correct is (c)

41. A tuning fork of 512 Hz is used to produce resonance in a

resonance tube experiment. The level of water at first
resonance is 30.7 cm and at second resonance is 63.2 cm.
The error in calculating velocity of sound is:
(A) 204.1 cm/s (B) 110 cm/s (C) 58 cm/s
(D) 280 cm/s
Answer: [D]
The question is incomplete, as speed of sound is not given.
Let us assume speed of sound as 330 m/s. Then, method
will be as under.
= (63.2 – 30.7) cm

or λ = 0.65 m
∴ speed of sound observed,
v0 = fλ = 512 × 0.65
= 332.8 m/s
∴ Error in calculating velocity of sound = 2.8 m/s
= 280 cm/s
42. When pressure increases by 1/2 atm o here and temperature
increases by 10C from (100°C), the velocity of sound may,
(Take vs = 340 m/s)
(A) increases by 0.455 ms−1 (B) decreases by 4.55 ms−1
(C) increases by 0.455 ms−1 (D) decreases by 4.55 ms−1
Answer: [A]
V ∝ T and the increase of pressure does not change the
velocity of sound.
T′ 374
⇒ V′ = V0 T0
⇒ 340 273
⇒ 340.4554 m/s

43. Find the intensity of sound waves at the surface of the here
(A) ρBπ2 f 2 ( ∆R)2 (B) 2 ρBπ2 f 2 ( ∆R)2

(C) 4 ρBπ2 f 2 ( ∆R)2 (D) 8 ρBπ2 f 2R2

Answer: [B]

The density is (by definition) the time average value of P
(x, t)vy (x, t). For any value of x the average value of
function cos2 (Kx – ω t) over one period\
2π 1
T= is half ∴ I= BωKA 2
ω 2

By using the relation ω = vk and v2 =

So we get =I ρBω2 A 2 (intensity of sinusoidal wave)

The amplitude of oscillation is ∆R .

Hence, I = ρB ( 2πf ) ( ∆R ) ⇒ 2π2 f 2
2 2
( ρB ) ( ∆R )

44. If the displacement equation of a particle be represented by

y = A sin pt + B cos pt, the particle executes
(A) a uniform circular motion
(B) a uniform elliptical motion
(C) a SHM
(D) a rectilinear motion.
Answer: [C]
y = A sin pl + B cos pt
= =ν d
= or ν Ap cos pt – Bp sin pt

Acceleration= d
(ν )

= –Ap2 sub pt–Bp2 cos pt
= –p2 (A sin pt + B cos pt) = –p2y
Clearly, motion is SHM.

45. Consider a stretched string under tension and fixed at both

ends. If the tension is doubled and the cross-sectional area
halved, then the frequency becomes
(A) twice (B) half
(C) four times (D) eight times.
Answer: [A]
1 T
2l m

But m=
αl ρ
= αρ

1 T T
∴ ν or ν ∞
2l αρ α

2T ν'
ν'∞ or = 2 or ν ' = 2ν
α ν


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