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A happy day at home! These are my son and I. We are

First week at university! This is me at university. I’m preparing his favourite meal. We are enjoying some time
studying with my new friends. together.
We are drinking coffee and reading together

Love love love! These are my boyfriend Ron, our beautiful

Friends! These are my friends and I. We are wearing dog Linda and I. It’s a great picture! We’re having fun at
white T-shirts to paint them with many colours. the park… Ron and I are wearing the same hats and shirts.
We’re having fun at a party on the beach.

A beautiful day! These are sister and her husband. They

are getting married and we are celebrating with them.
They look perfect! She is wearing a long white dress and
he’s wearing a black suit.

First night on holidays! This is the first night. We are

walking on the cold. It’s snowing a lot!

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