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Prayer Points Against Hindering Spirits

By Evangelist Joshua Orekhie - January 23, 2021

1 Thessalonians 2:18 “For we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, more than once—and yet Satan
hindered us.”

The works and punishment of hindering spirits is pervasive today. There are manifestations of
their works at every turn, but only few people have noticed it or are even aware that what they
experience or hear of others’ experience is an elaborate plot by Satan to evade people’s lives
through the systematic and silent work of hindering spirits.

What are Hindering Spirits?

Hindering spirits are less violent, but destructive spirits that Satan uses to attack Christians, and
even the church as a whole. Satan will not always torment people with or attack them using the
Spirit of Lust, Spirit of Greed, Spirit of Dishonesty, or the Spirit of Lying. He has since realized
that the work of those spirits is easy to observe and pray against. When a Christian is under the
bondage of those spirits, it’s easy to know. And since it’s easy to know, such Christian can
quickly seek spiritual refuge in prayer, and fight back violently. Satan has used those spirits
repeatedly to the point where Christians now know how those spirits work and the signs of their
presence in a life.

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Hindering Spirits are now Satan’s favorite spirits, because their work and presence are not as
glaring and alarming as those of Spirits of Lust, Greed, etc., Hindering Spirits don’t discomfort
Christians or attack them violently in a way that will give them a quick rethink and make them
link the happenings to spiritual attacks. Hindering Spirits work quietly and in unsusceptible
ways. Experience has shown that many people under the attack of Hindering Spirits don’t
usually know they are under attack. It’s important to look at how Hindering Spirits work.

How Hindering Spirits Work

There are uncountable ways in which Hindering Spirits work. It’s impossible to list out all their
styles and patterns of work, but it’s possible to explain a little about some of the common
patterns and styles.

1. It’s not always that Hindering Spirits hinder people’s blessings, prayers, breakthroughs, healing,
etc. When people hear of Hindering Spirits, they think that’s the only thing that Hindering Spirits
do. But those spirits do more harm than that. Let’s look at some of the other less known ways
that Hindering Spirits operate.

2. Hindering Spirits can attack someone by invading the person’s life with spiritual heaviness. The
sudden loss of fire to pray, fast, or study the Word, could be as a result of spiritual hindrances
from Hindering Spirits. The plan is to make victims lose the fire of the spirit. Once the victims

lose the fire, they become vulnerable to bigger satanic attacks.

3. Hindering Spirits can make someone slow and unwilling in following spiritual instructions. The
result of that slowness or unwillingness is a disaster. God may instruct someone to fast, go on a
7-day retreat on the mountain, or sow a seed into the life of a family that is suffering from
chronic poverty. Hindering Spirits are aware that God gave the instructions because He wants to
do something miraculous in the life of the one who received the instructions. So, they (Hindering
Spirits) will truncate what God was about to do, by hindering the person from following the
instruction or by making the person follow the instruction in a terribly slow way or grudgingly.
That way, the person loses the miraculous things God wanted to do, because God hates
disobedience, unwillingness to obey His instructions, and obeying His instructions grudgingly.

4. Hindering Spirits sometimes don’t attack their victims directly; they just attack the helpers,
counselors, friends, families, or the bosses of the victims. Once those people are attacked with
hindrances from the spirits, the victims have been automatically attacked. For example,
consider the story of a brother who was due for promotion. But because of the satanic
manipulations of Hindering Spirits, every time he was supposed to be promoted, the boss who
was supposed to sign the letter of promotion gets busy with international conferences and
seminars so much that he forgets he has a letter of promotion to sign. Or consider the story of a
sister who needed money from her uncle to start a business. But every time her uncle plans to
send her enough capital for her business, he gets into serious legal battles, drains his energy,
consumes all his time, and sucks away all his money. He ends up not helping her.
As it has been pointed out earlier, these spirits work in uncountable ways. It’s impossible to list
all the ways they work. Prayer is all that matters. If you suspect the activities of these spirits in
your life, pray these prayer points against hindering spirits.

Prayer Points Against Hindering Spirits

1. In the name of Jesus, I take authority over Hindering Spirits operating in my home, office and

2. You Hindering Spirit destroying my life silently, I command you to die in the name of Jesus.

3. Evil arrow of hindrances that have been programmed into my family, business, home, and
career, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

4. Satanic assistants of Hindering Spirits, giving support and help to hindrances in my destiny, die
in the name of Jesus.

5. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every stumbling block of stagnancy hindering my destiny and
glory from manifesting.

6. Hindering Spirits from my foundation, die and be consumed by the fire of Hell, in the name of

7. In the name of Jesus, I purge my foundation, life, and destiny from every satanic inherited

8. In the name of Jesus, I break every rock of hindrances delaying my breakthroughs, blessings,
fruit of the womb, etc.

9. You Hindering Spirits from my father’s and mother’s houses, I strike you to death with the
thunder of God, in the name of Jesus.

10. As from today on, in the name of Jesus, I decree that I am never going to be a candidate of
Hindering Spirits again.

11. You foul demonic Hindering Spirits, I command you in the name of Jesus to vomit all my
blessings that you have swallowed.

12. O God my Father, as I begin to pray in the name of Jesus, let every rope of hindrances that
Hindering Spirits have used to tie down my helpers, be cut to pieces right now.

13. Every Hindering Spirits, assigned to attack me at the point of my breakthrough or achievements,
I command you to fall down and die instantly, in the name of Jesus.

14. You family strongman, tormenting my life with Hindering Spirits, I command you to die a sudden
and painful death instantly in the name of Jesus.

15. Every mark of hindrances on my forehead and hands, I wash you off with the blood of Jesus.

16. In the name of Jesus, I break free from every ancestral and parental curses that invited
Hindering Spirits into my life.

17. In the name of Jesus, I disassociate myself from every family pattern of hindrances. I decree
and declare in the name of Jesus, that I am different. They have no power over me.

18. Evil tree of hindrances, planted in my life through dreams or food, I command the fire of the Holy
Ghost to strike you and burn you to ashes in the name of Jesus.

19. Arrow of hindrances sending helpers of destiny far away from me, arrows of hindrances, feeding
my life with profitless hard labor, Jump out and go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.

20. God of Elijah, send down fire to burn to ashes everything inside me giving support to Hindering
S i it

21. In the name of Jesus, I shake out every item of hindrances that the enemy hid in my head.

22. In the name of Jesus, as from today on, I will receive favor and blessings everywhere I go in the
name of Jesus. Nothing will hinder my progress in life again.

23. In the name of Jesus, I block every weak point in my life that Hindering Spirits are using as
points of entry.

24. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every witchcraft power of hindrances, feeding my life with
sickness and weakness.

25. Thank you Lord. Daddy, I know you have answered every single prayer point I prayed in this
Prayer Points Against Hindering Spirits. I bless your holy name forever.

Thanks for reading. Kindly subscribe to my channel to watch powerful

videos on dream interpretations and warfare prayers.

Evangelist Joshua TV

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie


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