Muhammad Raza Khan (F20-0718) Internship Report

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Submitted by: Muhammad Raza Khan

Registration Number: F20-0718–MGT-BS (PA&G) UOH

Institute of Management Sciences

The University of Haripur

June 2024


Submitted by: Muhammad Raza Khan

Registration Number: F20-0718–MGT-BS (PA&G) UOH

This internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Science Public Administration and Governance awarded by the University
of Haripur, Pakistan.

Institute of Management Sciences

The University of Haripur
June 2024

Institute of Management Sciences

The University of Haripur

Approval Committee

• Examiner

Mr. _______________________________________Signature_____________

• Coordinator

Mr. _______________________________________Signature_____________

• Director, Institute of Management Sciences

Mr. ________________________________________ Signature ___________


Table of Contents
DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................... 7

CERTIFICATE FROM MINERALS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT......................................... 8

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................ 9

Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................... 10

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................11

2.Organization Background……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..12

2.1 Potential Implementing Entities

3.Minersals development department planning section KPK………………………………………………………….13

3.1 Mission

3.1 Vision


3.4 Administrative Control

3.5 Scope of responsibilities

3.6 Policy Board

3.7 Functional structure of The Minerals Development Department Planning Section

4. Internship Objective ..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

4.1 Project Assistance and Coordination

4.2 Research and Policy Analysis

4.3 Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

4.4 Capacity Building and Training

4.5 Data Management and Analysis

4.6 Monitoring and Evaluating

4.7 Sustainability and community Engagement

5. Internship Activities..................................................................................................................... 25

6. Challenges Faced.........................................................................................................................29

6.1 Resource Limitation

6.2 Navigating a Complex Regulatory Environment

6.3 Combatting Illegal Minning Activities

6.4 Mitigating Environment Degradation

6.5 Addressing Community Resistance and Social Impact

6.6 Capacity Building and Training Needs

6.7 Overcoming Data Limitation

7. Learning and Insights...................................................................................................................32

8. Relevance to Public Administration and Governance Principles..................................................34

8.1 Policy Formulation And Implementation

8.2 Stakeholder Engagement and Participation

8.3 Capacity Building and Training

8.4 Data Management and Information Sharing

8.5 Accountability and Evaluation

9. Contributions to the Organization.................................................................................................35

9.1 Strategic Planning

9.2 Policy Formulation

9.3 Stakeholder Engagement

9.4 Capacity Building

9.5 Data Management

9.6 Monitoring and Evaluating

9.7 Coordination and collaboration

10. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................37

10.1 Comprehensive Assessment of Minning Activities

10.2 Establishment of Robust Monitoring and Surveillance Units

10.3 Augment Regulatory Adherence


10.4 Facilitation of Stakeholder Collaboration

10.5 Empowerment Through Capacity Building and knowledge Sharing


11.1 Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement

11.2 Improve Regulatory Framework

11.3 Invest in Capacity Building

11.4 Strengthen Monitoring and Enforcement

11.5 Promote Sustainable Development:

11.6 Enhance Data Management

11.7 Foster Research and Innovation

11.8 Promote Transparency and Accountability

11.9 Build Partnerships and Collaboration

11.10 Monitor and Evaluate Impact

12. Appendices................................................................................................................................ 44

13. References.................................................................................................................................. 45


This internship report highlights the significance of public administration and governance
excellence in Pakistan. Through this invaluable opportunity, I explored the complexities of
public service, policy formulation, and governance. This experience has been transformative.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my mentors, whose unwavering support enabled me to achieve

this challenging task. This report is a testament to the extensive knowledge I have gained, the
skills I have developed, and my commitment to making a meaningful impact in public

With deep respect, I dedicate this report to all the scholars and professionals devoted to
advancing the field of public administration and governance.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minerals

Development Department Planning Section for providing me with the invaluable opportunity to
undertake my internship within this esteemed organization. This experience has been pivotal in
shaping my understanding of regulatory affairs, public administration, and the dynamic
pharmaceutical landscape. I am deeply thankful to the entire team at the Minerals Development
Department Planning Section for fostering a welcoming environment, extending cooperation,
and generously sharing their expertise.

Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge the Policy Board and all divisions within the Minerals
Development Department Planning Section for their unwavering dedication to excellence and
their crucial role in creating a conducive learning atmosphere. Lastly, I express my profound
appreciation to my alma mater, The University of Haripur, for facilitating and supporting my
internship journey, which has significantly contributed to my academic and professional

I extend my sincere thanks to all individuals who have contributed to making my internship at
the Minerals Development Department Planning Section a fulfilling and enriching experience.

Warm regards,

Muhammad Raza Khan


Executive Summary

This report encapsulates my internship journey at the Minerals Development Department

Planning Section. Over the course of six weeks, I immersed myself in the intricate operations of
a government office, gaining invaluable practical insights. As a student of public administration
and governance, my primary aim was to bridge theoretical concepts with real-world experiences,
and this internship exceeded expectations by offering a diverse range of responsibilities,
including policy drafting and involvement in procurement processes.
Tasks ranged from drafting policies to actively engaging in public procurement and tender
procedures. Proficiency in Microsoft Office tools was pivotal for tasks such as bill evaluation,
stock inventory management, and minute-taking during meetings. The impact on my career
trajectory was profound, aligning seamlessly with my aspirations to pursue a career in civil
services. However, my observations also highlighted the need to enhance the E-Office facility
and address productivity challenges among employees.
Weekly activities showcased a progression from organizational familiarization to hands-on
involvement in regulatory frameworks and procedural tasks. In conclusion, the internship
provided a comprehensive learning experience, effectively merging theoretical knowledge with
practical exposure. This integration positions the Minerals Development Department Planning
Section for sustained success in fulfilling its regulatory obligations and contributing to the
advancement of Pakistan.

1. Introduction

The "Assessment Study and Establishment of Mines Monitoring & Surveillance Units in
Minerals Bearing Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" project is a significant initiative aimed at
enhancing the oversight and management of mining activities within Pakistan's Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa province. This project addresses the pressing need for effective regulation of
mining operations, especially in mineral-rich regions like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It seeks to
confront various challenges in the mining sector, including illegal mining, environmental
degradation, and regulatory shortcomings.

The project's primary objectives are twofold: firstly, to conduct a comprehensive assessment
study of the current state of mining operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and secondly, to
establish specialized Mines Monitoring & Surveillance Units (MMSUs) in key mineral-bearing
areas. These MMSUs will play a crucial role in monitoring mining activities, ensuring
compliance with regulations, and curbing illegal mining practices. By establishing dedicated
units equipped with the necessary resources and expertise, the project aims to enhance regulatory
oversight and enforcement, promoting sustainable and responsible mining practices.

Through collaboration with relevant government agencies, local communities, and mining
stakeholders, the project aims to foster transparency, accountability, and stakeholder participation
in mining governance. It also prioritizes capacity-building and training initiatives to improve the
knowledge and skills of MMSU staff, government officials, and community members
concerning mining regulations, environmental preservation, and community engagement.

In essence, the "Assessment Study and Establishment of Mines Monitoring & Surveillance Units
in Minerals Bearing Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" project reflects a commitment to advancing
sustainable development, environmental protection, and socio-economic well-being in one of
Pakistan's key mining regions. It underscores the importance of effective governance and
regulatory enforcement in ensuring the responsible utilization of natural resources while
safeguarding the interests of local communities and the environment.

2. Organization Background

The organization leading the "Assessment Study and Establishment of Mines Monitoring &
Surveillance Units in Minerals Bearing Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" project is likely a
governmental or non-governmental entity involved in natural resource management,
environmental protection, or development in Pakistan.

2.1 Potential Implementing Entities

1. Government Agencies:

- Such as the Department of Mines and Minerals Development, Environmental Protection

Agency, or relevant provincial departments responsible for mineral resources and environmental

2. International Development Agencies:

- Including organizations like the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), World Bank,
or bilateral aid agencies, which provide funding, technical expertise, or project management
support for initiatives aimed at enhancing governance, sustainability, and social responsibility in
the mining sector.

3. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs):

- Specializing in natural resource management, environmental conservation, or community

development, often collaborating with government bodies and local communities to address
mining-related challenges.

4. Research Institutions:

- Academic or research organizations contributing through studies, technical assistance, or

monitoring frameworks to assess the impact of mining on the environment and local

Regardless of the leading organization, project implementation is likely to involve collaboration

among multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, mining
companies, local communities, and international partners. This inclusive approach is crucial for
ensuring project effectiveness, sustainability, and inclusivity in addressing the complex
challenges associated with mining in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

3. Minerals Development Department Planning Section

3.1 Mission

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) is

guided by a mission statement that could read:

"Our mission is to facilitate the sustainable and responsible development of mineral resources in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through effective planning, regulation, and collaboration. We are dedicated
to creating an enabling environment for mining investment while ensuring adherence to
environmental standards, safety regulations, and community interests. Through strategic
planning, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement, we aim to optimize the socio-
economic benefits derived from mineral extraction while minimizing adverse impacts on the
environment and local communities. We endeavor to be a trusted and proactive partner,
promoting innovation, transparency, and inclusivity in managing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's mineral
wealth for the prosperity and well-being of current and future generations."

This mission statement underscores the department's commitment to sustainable development,

regulatory efficiency, and stakeholder engagement in managing mineral resources in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. It highlights the importance of balancing economic progress with environmental
and social concerns, as well as the department's dedication to transparency, innovation, and long-
term prosperity for the region.

3.2 Vision

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)

envisions the sustainable harnessing of mineral wealth within the province. A hypothetical vision
statement might read:

"Our vision is to responsibly exploit the mineral riches of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, ensuring fair
benefits for all stakeholders while preserving the environment and respecting local communities.
We aspire to establish a transparent, efficient, and accountable regulatory framework, fostering
investment, innovation, and best practices in the mining sector. Through proactive planning,
robust enforcement, and stakeholder collaboration, we aim to unlock the full potential of our
mineral resources to drive economic growth, generate employment, and enhance the socio-
economic well-being of our populace, safeguarding our natural heritage for future generations."

This vision statement encapsulates the department's commitment to sustainable development,

good governance, and inclusive growth in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's mining sector. It underscores
the importance of balancing economic gains with environmental and social considerations, as
well as the need for effective regulation, transparency, and community involvement in mineral
resource management.

3.3 Established

The Minerals Development Department was established on August 14, 1973. Its main purpose is
to create jobs, promote mineral development growth, encourage sustainable development, and
improve standards of living for all citizens of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The department is currently
headed by Minister Ziaullah Afridi.

3.4 Administrative Control

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)

operates under the administrative jurisdiction of the provincial government of KPK. This means

that the department functions within the framework of the provincial government's policies,
regulations, and administrative procedures.

Key Administrative Entities:

1. Ministry or Department of Minerals Development:

- The planning section operates under the Ministry or Department of Minerals Development,
which is the primary government body responsible for formulating policies, regulations, and
programs related to mineral resource management in KPK.

2. Minister or Secretary of Minerals Development:

- The Minister or Secretary of Minerals Development, appointed by the provincial government,

provides strategic direction and oversight to the planning section. They make key policy
decisions, allocate resources, and ensure effective program implementation.

3. Director or Head of Planning Section:

- Within the Minerals Development Department, a designated director or head oversees the
planning section's day-to-day operations, coordinates activities, and reports to higher authorities
within the department's hierarchy.

4. Board or Council:

- Depending on the governance structure in KPK, there may be a board or council overseeing
the Minerals Development Department's activities, including its planning section. This board or
council may comprise government officials, industry representatives, experts, and other
stakeholders involved in mineral resource management.

Overall, administrative control of the Minerals Development Department Planning Section in

KPK is embedded within the institutional framework of the provincial government, with specific
roles and responsibilities distributed among various governmental authorities and officials.

3.5 Scope of Responsibilities

The scope of responsibilities of the Minerals Development Department Planning Section in

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) covers a wide range of tasks related to strategic planning, policy
formulation, and regulatory coordination in mineral resource management. Key responsibilities

1. Strategic Planning:

- Develop long-term and short-term strategic plans for sustainable mineral resource
management in KPK. Identify priorities, set objectives, and outline strategies to optimize socio-
economic benefits while minimizing environmental and social impacts.

2. Policy Formulation:

- Formulate policies, regulations, and guidelines governing mineral exploration, extraction,

processing, and exportation. Address licensing, environmental protection, safety standards,
revenue sharing, and community engagement.

3.Data Collection and Analysis:

- Collect, compile, and analyze data on mineral reserves, production, market trends, and socio-
economic impacts. Conduct geological surveys, resource assessments, and market studies to
inform decision-making and resource allocation.

4. Stakeholder Engagement:

- Engage with government agencies, industry representatives, civil society organizations, local
communities, and indigenous groups to solicit input, build consensus, and address concerns in
policy and decision-making processes.

5. Regulatory Coordination:

- Coordinate with relevant government departments and agencies to ensure effective

implementation and enforcement of laws, regulations, and policies governing mineral resource
management. Collaborate with environmental authorities, land management agencies, and law
enforcement agencies to ensure compliance.

6. Capacity Building:

- Provide training and capacity-building programs for government officials, industry

professionals, and local communities to enhance knowledge and skills in mineral resource
management, environmental protection, safety practices, and community engagement.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation:

- Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the impact of mineral extraction
activities on the environment, public health, and socio-economic development. Conduct
inspections, environmental assessments, and performance reviews to assess compliance and
identify improvement areas.

8. Research and Innovation:


- Support research and innovation initiatives to advance best practices, technologies, and
techniques for sustainable mineral resource management. Collaborate with research institutions,
universities, and industry partners to address key challenges and opportunities.

Overall, the scope of responsibilities of the Minerals Development Department Planning Section
in KPK is comprehensive, covering strategic planning, policy formulation, regulatory
coordination, stakeholder engagement, capacity building, monitoring, and research to ensure
responsible and sustainable development of mineral resources in the province.

3.6 Policy Board

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) may
establish a policy board or council to provide guidance, oversight, and strategic direction for its
activities. The policy board typically comprises key stakeholders from government agencies,
industry representatives, experts, and other relevant parties involved in mineral resource

Functions of the Policy Board:

1. Policy Formulation:

- Assist in formulating policies, regulations, and guidelines related to mineral resource

management in KPK. Provide input, review draft policies, and make recommendations for
improvement or refinement.

2. Strategic Planning:

- Contribute to the development of strategic plans and objectives for the Minerals Development
Department Planning Section. Identify priorities, set goals, and define strategies to achieve
sustainable and responsible development of mineral resources.

3. Oversight and Monitoring:

- Oversee the implementation of policies, programs, and initiatives related to mineral resource
management. Monitor progress, evaluate outcomes, and make adjustments as needed to ensure
effectiveness and compliance.

4. Stakeholder Engagement:

- Facilitate stakeholder engagement and consultation processes to ensure that the interests and
concerns of various stakeholders are considered. Promote dialogue, consensus-building, and
collaboration among government agencies, industry representatives, civil society organizations,
and local communities.

5. Capacity Building:

- Support capacity-building efforts aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills, and expertise of
government officials, industry professionals, and community stakeholders involved in mineral
resource management.

Composition of the Policy Board:

1. Government Representatives:

- Include representatives from relevant government departments and agencies responsible for
mineral resource management, such as the Ministry or Department of Minerals Development,
Environmental Protection Agency, Revenue Authority, etc.

2. Industry Representatives:

- Representatives from mining companies, associations, and chambers of commerce provide

input from the private sector and ensure that industry perspectives are considered.

3. Experts and Academia:

- Experts, researchers, and academics with specialized knowledge in areas such as geology,
environmental science, law, economics, and community development contribute to evidence-
based decision-making and policy formulation.

4. Civil Society Organizations:

- Representatives from civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs),

and community groups ensure that the interests of affected communities are represented,
promoting transparency and advocating for social and environmental responsibility.

5. Other Stakeholders:

- Depending on the specific context and priorities, the policy board may include representatives
from indigenous groups, labor unions, international organizations, and other stakeholders with
vested interests in mineral resource management in KPK.

Overall, the policy board plays a crucial role in providing strategic guidance, fostering
collaboration, and ensuring accountability in the governance of mineral resources in Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa. It serves as a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and decision-making to

promote sustainable and responsible development of the province's mineral wealth.

3.7 Functional Structure of the Minerals Development Department Planning Section

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)

organizes its operations into distinct units or divisions, each responsible for specific functions
and tasks related to strategic planning, policy formulation, and regulatory coordination in mineral
resource management.

Proposed Functional Structure:

1. Director's Office:

- Director: Provides overall leadership, strategic direction, and management oversight.

- Deputy Director: Assists in day-to-day operations and coordinates activities.

- Administrative Staff: Provides administrative support, including clerical tasks and

communication management.

2. Strategic Planning Unit:

- Strategic Planner: Leads development of long-term and short-term strategic plans.

- Research Analysts: Conduct research and data analysis to inform planning processes.

- GIS Specialists: Provide Geographic Information System support for mapping and analysis.

- Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: Establish mechanisms for monitoring progress and
evaluating outcomes.

3. Policy Formulation Unit:

- Policy Analysts: Formulate policies, regulations, and guidelines.

- Legal Advisor: Provide legal expertise and guidance.

- Environmental Specialist: Ensure environmental considerations are integrated into policies.

- Community Engagement Officer: Facilitate stakeholder consultation and engagement.

4. Regulatory Coordination Unit:

- Regulatory Compliance Officer: Ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

- Inspection and Enforcement Team: Conduct inspections and enforcement actions.

- Permitting and Licensing Officer: Administer permitting and licensing processes.

- Safety and Health Inspector: Ensure compliance with safety regulations.

5. Stakeholder Engagement Unit:

- Stakeholder Liaison Officer: Facilitate engagement with stakeholders.

- Communication Specialist: Develop communication strategies and outreach materials.

- Community Relations Officer: Build relationships with local communities.

6. Capacity Building and Training Unit:

- Training Coordinator: Design and implement capacity-building programs.

- Curriculum Development Specialist: Develop training materials and resources.


- Trainer: Deliver training sessions and workshops.

This functional structure ensures that the Minerals Development Department Planning Section in
KPK has the necessary expertise and capacity to fulfill its mandate effectively. Each unit is
tasked with specific functions and responsibilities, working collaboratively to achieve
departmental objectives and contribute to the sustainable management of mineral resources in
the province.

Here's a revised version with different subheadings and more detailed descriptions:

4.Internship Objectives

4.1. Project Assistance and Coordination:

- Assist project managers and team members in planning, implementing, and evaluating Project
140791 activities.

- Aid in data collection, analysis, and reporting to support project decision-making processes.

4.2. Research and Policy Analysis:

- Conduct in-depth research on mineral resource management, environmental impact

assessment, and mining regulations.

- Analyze existing policies, identify gaps, and propose recommendations for enhancing
regulatory frameworks.

4.3. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication:


- Organize stakeholder consultations, workshops, and meetings to gather feedback and promote

- Support communication efforts through content creation for social media, newsletters, and
press releases.

4.4. Capacity Building and Training:

- Develop training materials and assist in delivering capacity-building programs for

government officials and industry stakeholders.

- Evaluate training effectiveness and contribute to knowledge sharing initiatives.

4.5. Data Management and Analysis:

- Collect, organize, and manage data related to mining activities, environmental monitoring,
and regulatory compliance.

- Utilize GIS tools for spatial data analysis and visualization to support decision-making

4.6. Monitoring and Evaluation:

- Assist in monitoring project progress and outcomes, conducting impact assessments, and
preparing evaluation reports.

- Provide recommendations for project improvements based on evaluation findings.

4.7. Sustainability and Community Engagement:

- Support initiatives focused on sustainable mining practices and community engagement


- Participate in outreach activities to raise awareness and promote responsible mining practices.

Overall, the internship aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of

mineral resource management challenges, hands-on experience in project implementation, and
opportunities to contribute to sustainable development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's mining sector.

Here's a revised version with different subheadings and detailed descriptions of internship

5.Internship Activities

Week 1: Onboarding and Project Overview

- Day 1: Orientation and Welcome

- Introduction to the internship program, team members, and workplace policies.

- Overview of Project 140791 objectives and expected outcomes.

- Day 2-3: Project Documentation Review

- Dive into project documents, including plans, reports, and datasets.

- Understand the scope, timelines, and key deliverables of the project.

- Day 4: Policy and Regulation Insights

- Learn about relevant mining policies, environmental regulations, and compliance standards.

- Discuss the importance of regulatory frameworks in sustainable mineral resource


- Day 5: Data Management Systems

- Explore data management tools and systems used for mining activities.

- Familiarize yourself with data collection methods, storage, and analysis procedures.

Week 2: Research and Analysis

- Day 1-2: Literature Review on Mines Monitoring

- Conduct a comprehensive review of literature on best practices in mines monitoring and


- Identify key challenges, trends, and innovations in the field.

- Day 3-4: Data Analysis

- Analyze existing data sets related to mining activities, production trends, and environmental

- Use statistical tools and software to extract insights and trends from the data.

- Day 5: Research Summary Report

- Collaborate with team members to compile research findings into a concise summary report.

- Present key findings, recommendations, and potential areas for further investigation.

Week 3: Stakeholder Engagement

- Day 1-2: Stakeholder Meetings


- Attend meetings with government agencies, industry stakeholders, and community


- Document discussions, feedback, and action points for follow-up.

- Day 3-4: Workshop Preparation

- Assist in preparing materials, presentations, and logistics for stakeholder workshops.

- Coordinate with organizers to ensure a smooth and engaging workshop experience.

- Day 5: Active Engagement

- Participate in stakeholder workshops, facilitate group discussions, and capture insights.

- Contribute ideas, suggestions, and solutions to address stakeholder concerns and expectations.

Week 4: Policy and Regulatory Analysis

- Day 1-2: Policy Review

- Dive deep into mining policies, regulatory frameworks, and legal requirements.

- Identify gaps, inconsistencies, and areas for policy enhancement.

- Day 3-4: Comparative Analysis

- Compare Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's mining regulations with international best practices.

- Highlight strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for alignment with global standards.

- Day 5: Policy Recommendations


- Collaborate with policy analysts to draft recommendations for improving mining policies.

- Focus on sustainability, environmental protection, and community engagement aspects.

Week 5: Capacity Building

- Day 1-2: Training Material Design

- Develop engaging and informative training materials on mines monitoring and surveillance.

- Incorporate interactive elements, case studies, and practical exercises.

- Day 3-4: Training Session Participation

- Participate in training sessions as a facilitator or observer, providing support to trainers and


- Gather feedback, assess learning outcomes, and make adjustments to training content as

- Day 5: Training Evaluation

- Evaluate the effectiveness of training sessions based on participant feedback, quizzes, and

- Identify areas of improvement and propose enhancements for future training initiatives.

Week 6: Presentation and Reflection

- Day 1-3: Final Presentation Preparation

- Prepare and refine a comprehensive presentation summarizing internship activities, learnings,

and contributions.

- Incorporate visuals, data insights, and case studies to engage the audience.

- Day 4: Presentation Delivery

- Deliver the final presentation to project stakeholders, including project managers, team
members, and external partners.

- Showcase key findings, recommendations, and the impact of the internship experience.

- Day 5: Reflection and Reporting

- Reflect on the internship journey, lessons learned, and personal growth.

- Prepare a detailed summary report highlighting achievements, challenges, and

recommendations for future interns.

This structured internship plan offers a holistic learning experience, blending practical tasks with
research, stakeholder engagement, policy analysis, and capacity-building activities. Interns gain
valuable insights into the complexities of mineral resource management while contributing
meaningfully to Project 140791 and the development of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's mining sector.

Certainly, here's a detailed rewrite of the challenges faced in executing Project 140791:

6.Challenges Faced

6.1 Resource Limitations

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa may

encounter significant challenges due to limited resources. This includes constraints on financial
allocations, insufficient staff capacity, and a shortage of technical expertise needed for

conducting a comprehensive assessment study and establishing efficient monitoring and

surveillance units. These limitations could impede the department's ability to execute project
activities effectively and meet the desired outcomes within specified timelines.

6.2 Navigating a Complex Regulatory Environment

The mining sector in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa operates within a complex regulatory framework
characterized by overlapping jurisdictions, inconsistent enforcement mechanisms, and
bureaucratic hurdles. Navigating through these complexities poses challenges in ensuring strict
adherence to mining laws, environmental regulations, and safety standards. The need for
streamlined processes and clear regulatory guidelines is essential to avoid delays and legal

6.3 Combatting Illegal Mining Activities

One of the critical challenges faced by the project is the prevalence of illegal mining activities,
mineral smuggling, and encroachment on protected areas. These illicit practices not only
undermine the project's objectives but also contribute to revenue losses and environmental
degradation. Effectively curbing illegal mining requires robust monitoring and enforcement
efforts, strategic collaborations with law enforcement agencies, and community engagement to
promote ethical mining practices.

6.4 Mitigating Environmental Degradation

Mining operations often lead to environmental degradation, including deforestation, soil erosion,
and water pollution. Balancing economic benefits with environmental conservation is a complex
challenge for the planning section. Implementing stringent environmental impact assessments,
adopting sustainable mining practices, and investing in remediation measures are crucial steps to
mitigate adverse environmental impacts and promote eco-friendly mining practices.

6.5 Addressing Community Resistance and Social Impacts

Local communities often express resistance to mining projects due to concerns about land rights,
livelihoods, and potential environmental and social impacts. Building trust, fostering meaningful
dialogue, and addressing community grievances are paramount in gaining social acceptance and
ensuring sustainable development. Implementing robust community engagement strategies,
conducting socio-economic impact assessments, and offering equitable compensation and
livelihood opportunities are essential steps in addressing community concerns.

6.6 Capacity Building and Training Needs

Enhancing the capacity of government officials, industry stakeholders, and local communities to
monitor and regulate mining activities is vital for project success. However, identifying specific
training needs, designing tailored capacity-building programs, and delivering training in remote
and inaccessible areas pose logistical challenges. Collaborating with educational institutions,
technical experts, and training providers can help bridge knowledge gaps and empower
stakeholders with the necessary skills and competencies.

6.7 Overcoming Data Limitations

The availability and reliability of data on mineral reserves, environmental indicators, and socio-
economic factors are crucial for informed decision-making and effective project implementation.
However, data limitations, including gaps in data collection, outdated information, and data
quality issues, can hinder progress. Enhancing data collection mechanisms, leveraging advanced
technologies such as Geographic Information System (GIS), and promoting data sharing and
collaboration among stakeholders are essential strategies to address data challenges and enhance
project outcomes.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-stakeholder approach involving government

agencies, industry players, civil society organizations, academia, and local communities. It calls

for strategic planning, innovative solutions, capacity-building initiatives, and continuous

monitoring and evaluation to ensure the successful execution of Project 140791 and promote
sustainable mining practices in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

7.Learning Outcomes and Insights from the Internship

Week 1: Project Introduction and Orientation

During the first week, interns will gain a comprehensive understanding of Project
140791's objectives, scope, and significance. They will familiarize themselves with the
organizational structure and functions of the Minerals Development Department Planning
Section. Additionally, interns will learn about the relevant policies, regulations, and
guidelines governing mineral resource management. This week sets the foundation for
interns to grasp the overall context and importance of their role in the project.

Week 2: Research and Data Analysis

In the second week, interns will delve into conducting literature reviews and research on
mines monitoring, surveillance practices, and regulatory enforcement. They will analyze
existing data related to mining activities, environmental impact assessments, and
regulatory compliance. Through hands-on data analysis tasks, interns will develop critical
thinking skills and the ability to synthesize information for decision-making purposes.
This week emphasizes the importance of data-driven insights in project planning and

Week 3: Stakeholder Engagement and Communication


Week three focuses on the significance of stakeholder engagement in project success.

Interns will actively participate in organizing and facilitating stakeholder meetings and
workshops, gaining practical experience in communication and interpersonal skills. They
will learn how to effectively engage with diverse stakeholders, build consensus, and
address concerns. This week highlights the importance of collaboration and relationship-
building in achieving project objectives.

Week 4: Policy Analysis and Governance

During the fourth week, interns will review and analyze existing mining policies,
regulations, and guidelines. They will gain insights into the complexities of the
regulatory environment and develop critical thinking skills to identify gaps and
inconsistencies. This week emphasizes the role of public administration and governance
principles in shaping effective policies and regulatory frameworks for sustainable mineral
resource management.

Week 5: Capacity Building and Training Programs

Week five focuses on capacity building and training initiatives. Interns will understand
the importance of enhancing the capacity of stakeholders in regulatory compliance,
environmental protection, and community engagement. They will participate in
designing, implementing, and evaluating training programs, honing their facilitation and
presentation skills. This week underscores the role of education and skill development in
promoting good governance practices.

Week 6: Presentation Skills and Reflection


In the final week, interns will prepare and deliver a final presentation summarizing their
internship experiences, key learnings, and insights. They will reflect on their journey,
identify lessons learned, and consider implications for their future careers in mineral
resource management. This week emphasizes the importance of effective
communication, self-reflection, and continuous learning in professional development.

Throughout the internship, interns will also gain practical experience in teamwork,
project management, problem-solving, and decision-making. These learning experiences
and insights will prepare them for future roles in public administration, governance, and
sustainable development, particularly in the context of mineral resource management.

8.Relevance to Public Administration and Governance Principles

The involvement of the Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Project

140791 aligns closely with key principles and practices of public administration and

8.1. Policy Formulation and Implementation:

The department contributes to formulating evidence-based policies and regulations for

sustainable mineral resource management.

8.2. Stakeholder Engagement and Participation:

It fosters dialogue, transparency, and inclusivity by engaging stakeholders in decision-

making processes.

8.3. Capacity Building and Training:

The department enhances the capacity of stakeholders through tailored training

programs, empowering them to contribute effectively to governance initiatives.

8.4. Data Management and Information Sharing:

It promotes data-driven decision-making and transparency through effective data

management and information sharing practices.

8.5. Accountability and Evaluation:

The department establishes monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess progress,

ensure accountability, and drive continuous improvement in governance practices.

By upholding these principles, the department contributes significantly to promoting

transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness in the governance of the mining sector in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

9. Contributions to the organization

The Minerals Development Department Planning Section in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)

would play a pivotal role in facilitating the organization and execution of Project 140791
- "Assessment Study and Establishment of Mines Monitoring & Surveillance Units in
Minerals Bearing Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa." Here's how it would contribute:

9.1. Strategic Planning:


This section would spearhead the development of the project's strategic plan, defining
clear objectives, delineating key activities, setting realistic timelines, and efficiently
allocating resources to ensure the project's efficacy.

9.2. Policy Formulation:

Contributing to the formulation of policies, regulations, and guidelines concerning

mines monitoring and surveillance, the planning section would conduct thorough
research, analyze pertinent data, and provide evidence-based recommendations to
enhance governance in the mining sector.

9.3. Stakeholder Engagement:

Facilitating robust stakeholder engagement and participation, the planning section

would orchestrate consultations, workshops, and meetings with diverse stakeholders,
fostering dialogue, addressing concerns, and fostering consensus on project goals and
implementation strategies.

9.4. Capacity Building:

Designing and executing capacity-building initiatives for government officials, industry

stakeholders, and community members involved in mines monitoring and surveillance,
the planning section would develop tailored training materials, orchestrate training
sessions, and evaluate learning outcomes to bolster knowledge and skills.

9.5. Data Management:


Managing critical data pertaining to mining activities, environmental assessments,

regulatory compliance, and other pertinent information, the planning section would
establish meticulous data collection protocols, ensure data integrity, and disseminate
findings to pertinent stakeholders to support informed decision-making.

9.6. Monitoring and Evaluating:

Establishing robust mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the project's progress
and impact, the planning section would track project activities, gauge outcomes, and
assess the effectiveness of interventions, furnishing vital insights to inform decision-
making and enhance project performance iteratively.

9.7. Coordination and Collaboration:

Coordinating seamlessly with other governmental departments, agencies, and

stakeholders engaged in mineral resource management, the planning section would foster
collaboration, share pertinent information, and pool resources, synergizing efforts to
maximize the project's impact and sustainability.

In summary, the Minerals Development Department Planning Section's contributions to

Project 140791 are instrumental in orchestrating the establishment of effective mines
monitoring and surveillance units in minerals bearing areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. By
providing strategic direction, policy guidance, stakeholder engagement, capacity
building, data management, monitoring, and evaluation, the planning section serves as
the linchpin in advancing the project's objectives and fostering sustainable development
within the mining sector.

10. Conclusion: Advancing Sustainable Mining Practices in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Project 140791 - "Assessment Study and Establishment of Mines Monitoring &

Surveillance Units in Minerals Bearing Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" represents a
significant milestone led by the Minerals Development Department Planning Section in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). This initiative underscores the department's steadfast
commitment to tackling critical challenges within the mining sector and promoting the
sustainable development of mineral resources in the region.

Throughout the project's duration, the planning section has been instrumental in
orchestrating, aligning, and executing a diverse range of activities aimed at evaluating
mining operations, instituting effective monitoring and surveillance mechanisms, and
enhancing regulatory compliance across key minerals bearing areas of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. The following key insights have emerged from the project:

10.1. Comprehensive Assessment of Mining Activities:

The planning section's meticulous assessment studies and data analysis have provided
deep insights into the landscape of mining activities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This
includes understanding the scale, scope, and environmental impacts of mining endeavors,
as well as identifying areas requiring strengthened regulatory oversight and enhanced

10.2. Establishment of Robust Monitoring & Surveillance Units:

Efficiently establishing mines monitoring and surveillance units in crucial minerals

bearing regions, the planning section has ensured these units are well-equipped with
necessary resources, tools, and expertise. These units play a vital role in overseeing
mining operations, enforcing regulations, and rectifying violations, thereby upholding
compliance with environmental standards and safety protocols.

10.3. Augmented Regulatory Adherence:

Through proactive stakeholder engagement, capacity building efforts, and regulatory

refinements, the planning section has contributed significantly to improved regulatory
adherence among mining stakeholders. This has involved raising awareness about
environmental preservation, safety standards, and the importance of community
involvement, fostering a culture of responsible mining practices.

10.4. Facilitation of Stakeholder Collaboration:

Nurturing an environment conducive to collaboration and dialogue among diverse

stakeholders, including governmental bodies, industry entities, civil society groups, and
local communities, has been a hallmark of the planning section's approach. This inclusive
strategy has facilitated consensus-building, addressed concerns, and nurtured
transparency and accountability in mineral resource management.

10.5. Empowerment through Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:

By spearheading training initiatives, workshops, and knowledge dissemination programs,

the planning section has empowered government officials, industry professionals, and
community stakeholders to effectively oversee, regulate, and administer mining activities.
This capacity-building endeavor is crucial for sustaining the project's impact and
ensuring continued success in the mining sector.


In essence, Project 140791 underscores the Minerals Development Department Planning

Section's pivotal role in advancing sustainable practices and strengthening governance
within Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's mining domain. Through strategic planning, stakeholder
engagement, capacity building, and regulatory enhancements, the department has not
only addressed existing challenges but also laid a robust foundation for promoting
responsible mining practices and fostering enduring socio-economic development within
the region. This project serves as a model for effective public administration,
collaborative governance, and sustainable resource management in mineral-rich areas.

Certainly! Here’s a detailed rewrite of the recommendations for enhancing the

effectiveness and efficiency of the Mineral Development Department Planning Section in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) in managing mineral resources:

11.1. Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement:

Effective engagement with stakeholders is crucial for holistic decision-making. This

involves not only government bodies and industry representatives but also civil society,
local communities, and indigenous groups. By fostering meaningful dialogue and
collaboration, the Planning Section can ensure that diverse perspectives and concerns are
considered in decision-making processes. This can lead to more inclusive and sustainable

11.2. Improve Regulatory Framework:

Regular review and updating of mining policies, regulations, and guidelines are
essential to keep pace with evolving challenges and best practices. Clarity, transparency,
and effectiveness in regulatory frameworks are crucial for promoting sustainable and
responsible mining practices. This includes aspects like environmental protection, safety
standards, and fair resource distribution.

11.3. Invest in Capacity Building:

Prioritizing investment in training programs is key to enhancing the skills and

knowledge of all stakeholders involved in mineral resource management. This includes
government officials, industry professionals, and community representatives. Training
should focus on areas such as regulatory compliance, environmental stewardship, safety
protocols, and effective community engagement strategies.

11.4. Strengthen Monitoring and Enforcement:

Enhancing monitoring and enforcement mechanisms ensures adherence to

environmental regulations, safety standards, and community engagement requirements in
mining operations. Leveraging technology such as remote sensing and GIS enhances
monitoring capabilities, enabling data-driven decision-making and timely interventions
when necessary.

11.5. Promote Sustainable Development:

Integrating sustainable development principles into mining practices is essential for

balancing economic growth with environmental preservation and social responsibility.
Encouraging investments in green technologies, promoting site reclamation initiatives,
and supporting diversification of local economies can reduce reliance on extractive
industries and foster long-term sustainability.

11.6. Enhance Data Management:


Improving data collection, management, and sharing mechanisms enhances the

availability and reliability of information on mineral resources and their impacts.
Establishing centralized databases and information portals facilitates data sharing among
stakeholders, supporting informed decision-making and comprehensive planning.

11.7. Foster Research and Innovation:

Supporting research and innovation initiatives addresses key challenges in the mining
sector, such as environmental conservation and socio-economic development.
Collaboration with research institutions and industry partners facilitates knowledge
exchange and technology transfer, driving continuous improvement and sustainable

11.8. Promote Transparency and Accountability:

Ensuring transparency and accountability in mineral resource management processes is

fundamental to building trust and credibility. Open access to information, public
participation, and measures to prevent corruption and illicit trade promote responsible
governance and ethical practices.

11.9. Build Partnerships and Collaboration:

Establishing partnerships with national and international organizations, donor agencies,

private sector entities, and civil society leverages resources and expertise in mineral
resource management. Engaging in multi-stakeholder initiatives fosters collective action
to address common challenges and achieve shared objectives.

11.10. Monitor and Evaluate Impact:

Establishing robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms assesses the impact of

policies and projects on mineral resource management outcomes. Using evaluation
findings to identify lessons learned and areas for improvement ensures continuous
learning and adaptation for better results.

Implementing these recommendations comprehensively will enhance the Mineral

Development Department Planning Section's capacity to manage mineral resources
effectively, promote sustainable development, and safeguard the interests of local
communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.



The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Department of Minerals Development is a government

agency responsible for mineral development in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
Pakistan. The department is headed by the Minister of Minerals Development, who is a
member of the Chief Minister's Cabinet. The current Minister of Minerals Development
is Dr. Amjad Ali.

The department was created on August 14, 1973, and its main purpose is to create
jobs, promote mineral development growth, encourage sustainable development, and
improve standards of living for all citizens of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The department is organized into several sections, including the Planning Section. The
Planning Section is responsible for developing and implementing plans for mineral
development in the province.

Here are some references for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Department of Minerals
Development Planning Section:

1. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Department of Minerals Development Official

2. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minerals Policy 2014:
3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mineral Sector Development
4. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mineral Development
5. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mines and Minerals

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