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1. Which of the Following is not a Feature of Cryptography?

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Authentication

D) Key Security

Ans: D

2. "Sender of the information cannot deny at a later stage their intentions in the creation or
transmission of the information". This statement describes which of the following features in

A) Non-repudiation

B) Integrity

C) Confidentiality

D) Authentication

Ans: A

3. Which of the following is an example for Symmetric key cryptography?




D) Diffie-Hellman

Ans: B

4. Blockchain supports liveness. True

5. Name the Cipher model used to develop many block ciphers such as DES?

A) Caesar cipher

B) Monoalphabetic Cipher
C) Baconian Cipher

D) Feistel cipher

Ans: D

6. Key Size for DES

A) 64

B) 128

C) 56

D) 256

Ans: C

7. If the data is - 10010110 and the key is - 01110101 what is the encoded message using
stream cipher?

A) 11100011

B) 11110111

C) 00010100

D) 00011100

Ans: A

8. Alice has chosen two prime nos. P = 47, Q = 17. Find d given e =5.

Ans: 77

9. Hash Function Currently being used by Ethereum

A) SHA 256

B) Keccak 256

C) MD5-128


Ans: B

10. How many hash operations does a hacker need to compute to find two matching outputs
with probability >0.98 if the hash function produces an output of 16 bits?

A) 16

B) 32
C) 256

D) 65536

Ans: C

11. "If we observe H(x) = H(y), it is safe to assume x=y". Which of the following hash function
properties state this?

A) Collision Resistant

B) Information Hiding

C) Puzzle Friendly

D) Message Digest

Ans: D

12. Which of the following describes 'Integrity' property in Distributed Consensus?

A) If all the individuals propose the same value, then all correct individuals decide on that

B) Every correct individual decides some value at the end of the consensus protocol

C) Every correct individual must agree on the same value

D) Every correct individual decides at most one value, and the decided value must be
proposed by some individuals

Ans: D

15. Which of the following is true with respect to Nakamoto's white paper?

1) Coin mining is done in an open P2P setup

2) Gives more emphasis on “Safety” rather than “Liveness”

3) Nakamoto coined the term "Blockchain" in the paper.

4) Paper uses Proof of Stake (PoW) Consensus algorithm

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