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India's overloaded courts necessitate exploring faster, cheaper dispute resolution.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers a solution. It's cost-effective, flexible,

and promotes cooperation and social order.

Recognizing the immense potential of ADR, I aim to raise awareness among students
about its benefits. I believe a well-informed student body can be a powerful advocate
for implementing ADR mechanisms in various aspects of life.

To achieve this goal, I propose a multi-pronged approach at our institution:

 Seminars: Experts will present on mediation and arbitration.

 Workshops: Interactive sessions will simulate ADR processes.
 Debates/Discussions: We'll explore contemporary ADR issues.
 Publications: A newsletter or social media platform will share ADR updates.

I am confident that this campaign will significantly contribute to promoting a culture

of ADR awareness within our institution. I am dedicated to working collaboratively
with society to make this campaign a success.

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